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Friendly Fire: Why Not An Option (Feedback)?


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I would actually love to see this. Like, FF would only damage players with a fifth or tenth of the overall capabilities of the weapon, so it shouldn't be too much a problem for those trying to be serious in moments of dire need...but when friends set up a lobby they could goof off for a bit and have a laugh.

Alternatively, this could be very useful for tactical play. Despite the damage reduction, some weapons are still devastating to the point where a target player could benefit from it with their Rage mod (for example).


There are quite a few goof-off and tactical uses for such an implementation. I'd be okay with it.

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When you/they are irradiated, they are no longer your friends. They are the biggest threat you will ever deal with, ever. They can kill you just by being near you. Eliminating this threat should be your number one priority. You must destroy them as soon as possible.

Not if you're Oberon or augmented Hydroid.


On topic, I'd actually like this as something I could pick in invite games, and which would be very clearly indicated on the squad screen. I have this tradition with one of my clanmates whereby if one of us gets irradiated, the only thing we do is attempt to seek out and slay the other before the radiation wears off. We have been known to abuse lasers in T1 missions for this purpose.

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What possesses anyone to believe this is a good idea?


There are a lot of things that fall into the category of "Hey, why not just as an option." but that's not some scapegoat reason that can be used willy nilly for any addition to a game.  Some things just don't fit in certain games, and as far as my thoughts go this would be one of the ideas that falls into nope territory.


Sometimes, in some games, a bit of friendly fire or even full ff is interesting, because of the way in which game mechanics work.  The AoE hitscan-fest which Warframe is though... well it's just not exactly something that adds any layer of tactics or meaning to the gameplay.  It just doens't fit in with Warframe when you look at it in a broad way.


"Crap, we're suddenly surrounded and in danger, better hit an AoE"

Allies die.

"... oops."


Or a Vauban version.  "I'm gonna pop a Bastille here and here, to keep enemies all nicely grouped out of our little bubble."

Allies "Why can't I [bLEEP]ing move properly at all?"


The ability issues caused, in tandem with how much of an offensive skew Warframe has just aren't conductive to friendly fire at all.

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There are a lot of things that fall into the category of "Hey, why not just as an option." but that's not some scapegoat reason that can be used willy nilly for any addition to a game.  Some things just don't fit in certain games, and as far as my thoughts go this would be one of the ideas that falls into nope territory.

That is why it only appears in the "Friends Only" option. 


Then, players who like playing together and actually added each other as friends can just do whatever they want in there. I do not see this as an option that does not fit at all, because I know for a fact that some players (with other close players) would do this for fun every now and then. 


After all, given how most players tend towards groaning about grind and such, might as well give a small, interesting tool to play around with friends to freshen up variety a bit. 

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In Pvp friendly-reflected-fire is commonly implemented to punish people who shoots their teammates, i think it should be experimented with just in pvp


It would give players some deeper tactical decisions about positioning with interesting results, like not shooting ember`s 1 while your ally is in melee against a foe



in pve i dont see a good environtment to use it because its actually hard to see your allies between so many units around

Edited by rockscl
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In Pvp friendly-reflected-fire is commonly implemented to punish people who shoots their teammates, i think it should be experimented with just in pvp


It would give players some deeper tactical decisions about positioning with interesting results, like not shooting ember`s 1 while your ally is in melee against a foe



in pve i dont see a good environtment to use it because its actually hard to see your allies between so many units around


This makes sense. 

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I'm struggling to see why someone would want this for any reason other than trolling.



Then let them do that in their own small corner, while the rest of the players just go on with their normal gameplay. 




this would be and OPTIONAL choice, with maybe some perks if you were able to pull off a successful mission in this incredibly challenging mode


it wouldn't hurt anyone, becuz no one would be forced to play it if they didn't want to


+1 OP

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Shred only works if the weapon has travel time.

No...no it doesn't.

Shred and Metal Auger add punch-through to primaries. Punch-through shoves the bullet/arrow/etc through the target and forces it to the next target in line. The only problem is, all projectiles are canceled if they hit an ally. This is where friendly fire comes into play.

Alongside my aforementioned Rage comment, the implementation of an optional FF selection would render that inconvenience (and likely eventual mission screw-up, depending on difficulty of whatever) obsolete when applied. An arrow hits an ally? No biggie, as it'll just go right through with the usual subtraction of trajectory and the hypothetical reduced subtraction of health/shields belonging to the player.

Alternatively, we could just request that projectiles aren't nullified by our allies, but it's whatever.

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it cannot work.


Friendly Fire in Warframe equals two possible outcomes.

- Players need to be circle revived every 5 seconds

- when a Mission starts, everyone has a DPS race to kill their Teammates so that they're the only one alive and therefore don't get TK'd.

this thread is beating a now dead horse.

it cannot work in this game. it will not work in this game. it's even Lore breaking. period.

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this thread is beating a now dead horse.

it cannot work in this game. it will not work in this game. it's even Lore breaking. period.

I would believe that there are more lore breaking things in this game that having friendly fire (for instance, Nightmare Mode's lowered gravity for planets, such as Earth). 


Besides, your normal missions stay as it is. This is only an option for "Friends Only".

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Friendly fire seems to work best with left for dead.

But the zombies are all melee so it seems fine. Not in warframe tho...with mobs hitting you with 90% accuracy, trying to dodge that and have a chance of getting shot by friendly fire will be chaotic.

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Friendly fire seems to work best with left for dead.

even in Left 4 Dead, Friendly Fire Damage is a fairly low Percentage of the actual original Damage.

you need to really wail on each other to actually do a lot of Damage.

Edited by taiiat
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I would believe that there are more lore breaking things in this game that having friendly fire (for instance, Nightmare Mode's lowered gravity for planets, such as Earth). 


Besides, your normal missions stay as it is. This is only an option for "Friends Only".

Make it an option for 'invite only' then. I can and sometimes do join friends mid mission and vise versa.

Or make it an option to accept friendly fire onto your own Frame, instead of an option to inflict it upon others.

Edited by Onisa
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