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Mentorship Program | Need Mentors



I'd like to wish all Mentors good luck in their endeavors to help new players. If any of you become GoTL then you have my full backing. If possible, try advertising a bit to get some new players attention. Remember, we have been doing this before GoTL went live so stay proud of that fact that you've been helping before the actual "help" arrived
I'm back!. now back to business
Note: To all my mentors, if you've been contacted by a new player i want to be informed so i may mark you as Unavailable.
Note: DO NOT come into the thread to self advertise. This is not the place for it. Either you are seeking help, or you are volunteering to help
Note: To my mentors, if you feel you no longer wish to partake in my program, then notify me. It pains me to see you go but your wishes will be respected.
Note: To my mentors, i'd like your timezones to put next to your name so everyone can find someone in their timezone. please use this site. just tell me your timezone that's on here. like mine is PDT UTC-7
To all would be mentors: i will monitor if you are active on the forums since this it's a big factor in this program. IF the last time you've logged on was weeks ago, you will be removed!
If you are expecting to be gone for a long period of time, notify me ahead of time and let me know the estimated time of return so that i do not remove you from my list of mentors


  • Seek out and aid any new tenno who may need it.
  • Set the example for the younger generation
  • Maintain a positive relation with the other mentors and pupils
Requirements to be a mentor:


  • Have been a member for at least a year (minus XB1 players)
  • Active forum user
  • Don't be toxic
  • Be willing to help in any way you can
Below is a list of the exemplary tenno who've set out to help the newer generation:
LordOfScruggingPDT UTC-7 - Available | PM
siralextraffoCET / CEST UTC +1 / +2 - Available | PM
GordoFreeman(PC) - Available | PM
BattleBrows(PC) - Available | PM
Meneliki(PC) - Available | PM
Homer87(PC) - Available | PM
Luther848(PC) - Available | PM
TheGuyverOneEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Available | PM
AigloblamCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
KamijoToumaPDT / PST UTC -8 /-7 - Available | PM
TheStag(PC) - Available | PM
BrahkestMST / MDT UTC -7 / -6 - Available | PM
Mr.Lube(PC) - Available | PM
bluntpufferGMT+1 - Available | PM
Rexian(PC) - Available | PM
TobiahCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
okinolas(PC) - Available | PM
--.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-PHT UTC +8 - Available | PM
hammerheathenPDT / PST UTC -8 /-7- Unavailable | PM
LuxiferEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Available | PM
CET / CEST   UTC +1 / +2 - Away | PM
FabpsiCET / CEST   UTC +1 / +2 - Available | PM
CET / CEST UTC +1 / +2- Available | PM
(PS4)Santar0s(PS4) - Available | PM
(PS4)Arrow_TemperCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Unavailable | PM
(PS4)ELIT3_EXP3RT-01(PS4) - Unavailable | PM
(PS4)IIIDevoidIIIEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Unavailable | PM
[member=] Open  | PM
[member=] Open | PM
(PS4) - Available | PM
(PS4)RyanRFC12345GMT UTC +0 - Available | PM
(PS4)ViggorrahCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
(PS4)dice_thrownCST / CDT UTC -6 / -5 - Available | PM
[member=](PS4) - Open | PM
[member=] Open | PM
(XB1)A Frikn GrizzlyEST / EDT UTC -3 / -4 - Available | PM
(XB1)SwagScapegoat(XB1) - Available | PM
TonedTyphoon(XB1) - Available | PM
(XB1) - Available | PM
(XB1) - Available | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
(XB1)LexaHex488(XB1) - Available | PM
(XB1)Lorewalker1022(XB1) - Available | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
[member=](XB1) - Open | PM
If you are looking for a mentor, simply click on the respective platform and click on the PM link next to the mentor's name to ask for assistance (help in game, advice on builds, etc.)
Those who wish to help out may simply let me know your IGN/PSN/GT so i can update the list. (PSN/XB1 Mentors are GREATLY needed!)
The "I screwed up while editing" Corner:
somehow broke the spoilers so gonna be keeping it in this style. atleast i got rid of the mass of orange text
Other Mentoring Programs:
Edited by LordOfScrugging
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I've also got a bit of time for whenever/if hammer's not available- my mentoring style is more about giving you enough information to play how you wanna, effectively.


My hours are roughly the same for the time being(same timezone as well)- just hit me up via skype or PMing(skype name on my profile page anyways).


(Offer extends to anyone interested, by the way.)

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I have a test coming up tomorrow, so I won't be checking this for today and most of tomorrow. Also, I seem to like 'reading myself speak', so I do have a couple of things to add before getting down to business. I apologize for being so indecisive, but I read through this thread and I came up with a couple of ideas about how this mentoring process could be approached a bit differently (in a way that might be more suited to individuals like myself) - will share when stuff is done.

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So, I'm finished with exams. Yes, it went well. Thanks for asking.

I can tell that everybody is super-excited to hear my idea, judging by the enormous discussion you guys had while I was gone. Ha.

I'll make this brief.

Let me say this first though: I don't think anybody will be totally stoked about this idea, but whatever.


Basically, I don't like the idea of having my mentor coming online and saying:

"You said you wanted that other blueprint right?"

Me: "Yep."

Him:"Ok then, lets go."

He then proceeds to slaughter everything with his modded out, max level gear while I stand watching with my thumb up my arse.

Now, I hear your arguments: "But we could just stand by you and help when it's neccesary.", or "You could just do the easy missions on your own while we provide you with advice and guidance, then later on when you are jacked up you can do raids with us." or whatever.

The thing is, I don't want to play this game alone, but I don't want to just fly through this game on my mentor's back, or skip straight to endgame because he donated me some max level uber mod either. There would be no excitement. No interest. No fun.


So I came up with an Idea.

What if my mentor and I both started over? I mean, we both create fresh accounts...

Think about it. We would be playing through the game together. We would be on the same level, but he would be using his superior knowledge to guide us.

Now, I can guess that this might not sound like much fun to somebody who has progressed through this game already. You wouldnt have any of your shiny high level stuff, esides the fact that it might be tedious to repeat everything again. I also guess that you guys have to take your clans into account, that they might need you to run missions and such. (and other reasons I didnt think of)

So...yeah. Thats my idea. Tell me what you guys think.

PS: I really want this to work out, so if nobody wants to do things this way, tell me why so I can try to find the middle ground where we both are satisfied. Or just tell me no. Or just ignore this post and get on with your life. Or whatever else you might want to do. Yeah. Pop.

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I put my reply in a spoiler since it got a bit long...


For a lot of us there's a lot of platinum, time and effort put into the accounts we currently got. Something that's annoying to "regain" so to speak considering a few things like weapons/mods and what not are also event things.


If you don't like it when a mentor carries you through the game you should just state that through the start of it the session and it is possible with fully equiped gear to not just stomp a mission, simply don't pull the trigger on everything or spam abilities all the time. That a side it is also possible to just undermod yourself. Get a few low ranked redirection/Vitality and a formad Warframe and run through the game with you.


I'd actually be doing what you're asking for if I'd have been able to run 2 instances of Warframe on my PC (which I've not figured out how to do yet and to be honest, I'm not sure if it's allowed). Since helping people in the relay and having a chat is enjoyable, but I'd also want to be able to run missions with people at the same time without actually leaving the relay sometimes.


I don't know how far you're into the game Qwertmeister, but from what you currently are you could get a mentor that'll equip itself with similare gear, get the same weapons as you and what not. In order to have the experiance you seek. I even built the Karak when my friend did in order to play with it at the same time as him.


Personally I see what you request as a lot for just one players, By that I mean that I tend to try and multitask when I help someone, having people PM me and having me as a accessible source of information at anytime I'm online. Stepping away from that for several hours a day (I'd assume that you play Warframe more than 1 hour a day/every other day) to help you through the game and give insight on some tips and trix is, To me at least, unappealing.

I can't really talk for other mentors since I'm not involved in how many people they help in what regards and what not. But if anyone is willing to go through the game as you asked, then great:)

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@Rexian, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I know I'm asking for a lot with this, especially since you guys do this out of the kindness of your hearts. I shouldn't come in here saying: "I know you are currently doing things that other way, but it doesn't satisfy me. THIS is what I want. Well, what is everybody standing around for? DIDN'T I JUST SNAP MY FINGERS?!?"


Its just that I immediately liked the idea when I thought of it, but I knew it was a long shot. I felt that I should throw the idea out there anyways, but Id be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed, though : }

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Hahaha... What a thing to say. You guys are already doing more than enough :P


This isn't something I feel you should worry about improving upon. It's really just me being full of cr*p. You are like somebody giving a piece of bread to a starving beggar and then thinking to himself "I hope I did that right."


That second paragraph looks a bit snarky now that i give it a second glance. Sorry about that. I meant to say that you guys, hell this whole community, has been much lovelier than I am used to and I love you guys for that <3

Edited by Qwertmeister
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Your idea is definitely one that only a few mentors would adhere to, and trying to enforce it on everyone would definitely drive a few mentors away. That said, and this goes for everyone wanting help, if you have any questions, concerns, or preferences let your mentor know--  most of us are here to help, and while I can't speak for everyone, I'm fairly certain most would accomodate you in some way.


For example, while I find making an alt and going through the tutorial all over again would be a bit too much effort than I'm willing to put in(last I checked it's unskippable), I've no issues un(der)modding gear and using the Mk-1 series as they're all cheap and buyable from the market for credits.


Edits for grammar and spelling, I swear my first language is English.

Edited by KamijoTouma
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*wall of text*

The idea of us using non-max rank, un[der]modded weapons and/or Warframes isn't a bad one nor is it out of the question; if a mentee wishes for their mentor to be more on their level and not go around slaughtering everything, that should be no problem. As KamijoTouma said, the MK-1 weapons are easy enough to obtain. After all: our goal is to help people learn the game and hopefully have fun playing it, not show off our "shiny high level stuff".


But completely starting over? That's...more effort than I'm willing to put in, honestly. Not only would that require making a new Warframe account — which, no, isn't difficult — but, being on PS4, it would also force me to make an entirely new PSN account (not to mention make a new email address for both since you can't use the same email for another account). Which also, no, isn't all that terribly difficult either, but it seems a bit much.


Despite that, we are here to help, and any preferences that you (meaning anyone seeking assistance, not just you specifically Qwertmeister) might have are something you definitely should communicate to a [potential] mentor. I wanna say most of us are pretty flexible in that aspect.

Edited by (PS4)Viggorrah
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That's the problem, to get "fully modded" it takes forever to level archwings/weapons.

if you run the sabotage on jupiter i belive? you can easily get mods and level while simultaneously farming for weapon parts. that's how i leveled and got my stuff. i have every single archwing mod in my possession by doing this. do i have them all ranked? no. i think they need to be reworked though because 10 ranks for like 27% efficiency is kind of a ripoff 

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Shouldn't this be pinned ?



I recently talked to the German ComMod about pinning the german counterpart. The problem is that DE has no control over the program, control in the meaning of validation. They just cannot know if someone ever helped a Newb here, but by asking the Trainees themselves... 

We need to bump it from time to time....

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