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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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the reason why your numbers seems like too much to you, is because you've decided that you have to play this or that for this or that.

which is funny, because i don't play that crap, i don't touch Dark Sectors because i respect myself, i don't spend night and day playing TIV Survival or any other popular Fusion Core Missions - yet, who'd've thunk, mostly random Missions ends up doing a pretty good job of supplying me with everything.

so because i am very well capable of earning enough Credits to buy Mods, a Weapon if there is one, and then upgrade them, without running out of anything, sounds like an almost certainty of being [people] forgetting parts of what they're earning in tallies, and a possibility of whatever people consider to be Meta to actually not be so Meta.

if i had to guess, Warframe occupies ~15-25 Hours of my time per week. i'm sure some bits of what i'm remembering includes times when i'm actually AFK (because AFKfarming is for turds :) ), times when it's minimized while i check Forums, do research, Et Cetera.

i'm 99.9% sure that people are omitting some parts of what they're doing that comes along for the ride and such either deliberately or by mistake, but either way, still missing some parts of the calculation that are there, but people would wish to ignore because their idea of Warframe is Recruiting an Interception group, and playing for 20 minutes, then telling people elsewhere on the Internet that they play Warframe.

Nothing is left out - I don't use cred boostes unless i get one from a rare storage crate and i had no idea i spent the time i did to get what i get.  If you take the time to carefully spec out what you really earn and how much time that really takes the truth will be staggering to you as well I'm sure.  It surprised me when I stopped and calculated out the facts.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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So long as the rotations repeat every so often, we can get a break from the oppressive ducat and core grind, and other players who missed out can catch up. Repeat cycles are okay. They give those who have the items a break from farming, and allow players who earn these items if they missed out last time.

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Some players are completionists, some are not. Everybody sets their own goals, their own way of playing so that they can enjoy the game. People who play one way should not be trying to tell people who play another way that their way is wrong. Unhappy players are not going to be made any happier this way. Unhappy players tend to leave which Im sure isnt what DE wants.




No one likes to feel that they are missing out on stuff they care about. Maybe thats what life is like, but this is a game. Everything should be achievable in a game if a player is willing to devote enough time and effort to it. Maybe not all at once, but eventually.




Everybody accepts that this game is a bit grindy. I would argue that the player type who is most willing to put up with the grind is the one who has a specific personal target to achieve from it, ie a completionist. Im not saying every Warframe player is a completionist, just that I suspect that there is a higher percentage of that type of person in the playerbase. Once a completionist starts feeling like they cant "get them all" then they tend to lose heart and stop playing. (One of the reasons the Excalibur Prime is such an issue. Whilst I can see DE's point in this, I wish there was a suitable compromise.)




Putting to one side the question of maxing the stuff from the void trader just for a moment. I play for a few hours most days, and can just about manage to scrape enough ducats together to keep up with buying the mods/weapons. A friend who plays with me most days, but not quite as long, has to pick and choose. We arent hardcore, but we are a long way from casual too. As such, and taking into consideration what some people have suggested in this thread as ways to gain sufficient ducats/credits, I would have to say that just obtaining the stuff from the void trader seems to be at or beyond the limits of any player other than the hardcore players, especially when considering the daily syndicate missions and just generally having a bit of fun doing something else.




Given that each visit from the Void Trader is at the moment putting unique new stuff into the game, and that there is scope for this to continue at the same rate for another year or two without any repetition, I would have to say that I agree with the OP, its too expensive for the 2 week timescale. I certainly wont be able to keep up with it for much longer. Either the Void Traders prices need to drop, or the value of the prime parts needs to go up, the timescale needs to change or we need to be able to obtain ducats from somewhere else, or a combination of several of the above.




As for maxing the mods, what the OP is saying is that DE is adding something that is going to take a long time, that players will probably want to complete at some point, and they are doing this every two weeks, on top of everything else you feel you have to/ought to/want to do in that timeframe.

Sure if you spread that out over time you will get there eventually. But there will be more content added during that timeframe as well, and so on. Its a never ending treadmill kind of problem, add 6 units of grind in the time the player takes to clear 2. Once people realise they cant/dont want to catch up, they tend to stop playing.




With that in mind I would have to say that I consider the prices for Baro's stuff to be very unreasonable and the most obvious target for adjustment. Both from a gameplay perspective (see above) and from a lore perspective.


From the lore perspective, if you guesstimate that Tenno are being paid roughly 20 ducats per part on average, (its probably even less but lets be generous,) then we are talking about 4 complete weapons/warframes (or more) for a single primed mod. Does that seem reasonable? I mean overall, in this world, prime weapons and prime warframes are still supposed to be fantastically rare? Right? And what does he want them for? If he isnt selling them to Tenno, then he is presumably selling them to Corpus, Grineer or... Where is this army of warframes and weapons going and for what purpose?


Would you buy a pistol off someone by giving them a tank? (Not an exact analogy obviously, but its that scale of ludicrous.)

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I will hate to disagree but i, like you, play around 16, sometimes even more, hours a day and i HONESTLY have no issue with catching up whatever DE brings at me.

I have about 1900 R5 Cores in reserve, 800 T4C keys, About 14k Duplicate Mods that'll grant me a chunky amount of credits, 1100 T4I Keys should i need any ducats and more R5 cores. 

Please do not get me wrong;


You are terribly right, In-game economy is terribly broken and its more impossible than impossible to keep up for a hardcore gamer let alone people who can barely play 2-3 hours a day, if lucky.

But i must say, If you play as a no-lifer like me, You obviously are not playing efficent enough.


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DE deployed the rotations in a poor way. It would be better to have a public schedule of rotations and what is coming up so that players can better determine if they wish to farm for / keep savings for the up-coming rotation of Void Trader goods or if they will not need these items and can instead focus on ranking up the previously acquired mods further.


There really is no advantage to keeping things as a random and hidden casino-style game of guess what the trader is bringing next.


This only results in players becoming disgruntled at crushed hopes or wasted time when it could easily be avoided by enabling players to be better informed.


In this modern world, information is a valuable currency so why not bank in on this and share some with your customers/clients/users?

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I will hate to disagree but i, like you, play around 16, sometimes even more, hours a day and i HONESTLY have no issue with catching up whatever DE brings at me.

I have about 1900 R5 Cores in reserve, 800 T4C keys, About 14k Duplicate Mods that'll grant me a chunky amount of credits, 1100 T4I Keys should i need any ducats and more R5 cores. 

Please do not get me wrong;


You are terribly right, In-game economy is terribly broken and its more impossible than impossible to keep up for a hardcore gamer let alone people who can barely play 2-3 hours a day, if lucky.

But i must say, If you play as a no-lifer like me, You obviously are not playing efficent enough.



I enjoy playing the regular content of Warframe and helping friends into Warframe also.


The mods i imagine are obtainable through draco farming for eternity? which is the kind of gameplay i dont want to have to do all day for ever and ever. (but by all means i have nothing against that way of playing for those who do). Even with Draco Farming for mods or even if i am spending all of my time Repeating Alliance owned Defense maps with a double credit booster, that STILL doesnt barely get you enough credits per <2 weeks to pay the 4,200,000 Bill, in addition to the 1100 ducats and 4000+ mods.


You cant do all of this at once.


There's fast ways for credits, but they dont help you catch up.

There's fast ways for mods, but you need to sacrifice most of your time to achieve this and meet the <2 week deadline.

There's not really any fast ways for ducats..and in most peoples cases, is draining more keys than people earn.

There's no way this can be maintained at this rate, even for the rich.


Working harder just slows down how long it takes for your bubble to burst, wether it's ingame financially, or mental breakdown.


In the space of <2 weeks per showing of Baro Ki'Teer, all of these cost deadlines cant be met, you cant break-even.


EDIT: I have done stress tests over the last 6 weeks...and i do not break even :(

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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I am a R19 founder and 'No real life' gamer who spends around 10-16 hours per day on Warframe, farming resources, credits, ducats and just about everything. I not only farm the game heavily for resources for myself, but i help many new players get a good start from the rather depressing and deep bottom.


For me, this has given me an excessive amount of everything because i have been playing like a zombie, at great sacrifice to my life, both in time and financially. I just love Warframe that much. I even took a picture with Chris Barry in my Warframe shirt (thats Rimmer from the british version of Red Dwarf)



Being in this position allows me to see very clearly whenever things are affordable, expensive, or downright impossible...and unfortunately recent additions to the game, are making things impossible, even for a 'No life' gamer and heavy investor like me. Which is why i hope DE will read this, and take my calculations and evidence based advice, very seriously.


So having played way too much Warframe you would think, what could possibly be urking someone like me? Well:




Part 1:  Upgrading Mods - Their costs.



Everytime you release a mod with x10 Rank-Up Levels, it takes the community a huge amount of time and resources to be able to rank up this mod.


This screenshot is 3 Real-Life months worth of Fusion cores, earned through constant regular play to achieve, and i am going to use them to rank up a Primed Mod, of which one of these is being released, in intervals of less than 2 weeks each.



It will cost me approximately 4 months 'No life' work, to rank up this mod.

It will cost me over x700 R5 Fusion Cores or over x3000 mod duplicates of the same polarity, to rank up this mod.

It will cost me over 1.8 million credits with fusion cores, and over 4 million credits with mod duplicates, to rank up this 1 mod.


I have blown all my mods. (after this screenshot of course, and yes the duplicates too are spent)

My gross Credit income since the beginnings of Warframe in constant-play, is 140,000,000 credits, it has already been drained down to 56,000,000 and these mods to buy and upgrade are asking for an approx  3,200,000 Credits, per <2 weeks.

What makes this even more rediculous...is that for most of my time playing Warframe, iv had almost constant Double-Credit booster enabled.


THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE to afford, and to maintain in this game. Even super rich players, cannot afford to keep this up for long. This throws New Players into the trashcan, before they have even started. Any business, in order to generate revenue, needs more customers.


CONCLUSION: You must stop with these outrageous costs, before its too late. Fix your economy to allow people who play the game, to afford what they work hard to achieve, before you intimidate and terrify them away. It is needed, and needed fast. It can be done in many and/or multiple ways, preferably all of them:

-Fusion Core drop rate significantly increased.

-Fusion Core potency significantly increased in Mod Fusion.

-Credit Cost of Fusion Significantly Decreased


Mod Fusion is currently unaffordable and impossible, by a whopping 2/3rds over any possible effort that can be made to keep up. So you must understand why the cost of Fusion, needs a TITANIC sized nerf.




Part 2: Ducat/Credit costs of Ducat purchases.



If you thought farming for Fusion Cores and Mods for Fusion took up so much time and resources, well then how would you feel if the game said, whilst you're doing that you need to spend another huge amount of time and resources, farming for Ducats and even more credits, to keep up with Ducat Purchases.


Rich people are very quickly having their hard-earned pile of Void keys Drained away by the large amount of time needed per <2 weeks, to get enough Ducats to make a Ducat-Purchase. Whilst people who arent that rich, are very swiftly running out of keys, and holding onto the legs of those who are burning their keys WITH them.


It takes a great deal of time to Farm for keys. I recommend Excavations, theyre quite helpful.

It takes a good portion of time to also run those Void missions for potential Ducats.

You have less than 2 weeks to farm approximately 1100 Ducats (the average so far)

You have less than 2 weeks to farm for multiples of 100,000+ Cost Ducat Purchases, whilst trying to have enough credits to put into fusion.


You need approximately 1100 Ducats and 800,000 Credits per <2 weeks.


THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE to afford even by rich players in the long run (were currently being drained of everything we have in reserve and spending countless hours trying to get those resources back) and new/regular players are only barely able to afford 1 Ducat-Purchase per <2 weeks.


CONCLUSION: Once again, you must stop with these outrageous costs, and Fix your economy. Any of these may help to allow people to actually afford any of this:


> Primed Mods from 300 - to - 200 Ducats.

> Primed Mods cost No credits (it already costs a unrealistic fortune in rank-up costs)


> Ducat-Purchase Weapons to cost no more than 300 Ducats

> Ducat-Purchase Weapons to cost no more than 100,000 Credits


> Miscellaneous Sigils cost no more than 20 Ducats, 20,000 Credits

> Miscellaneous Costume Parts cost no more than 50 Ducats, 20,000 Credits




Part 3:  Why such high reductions in Costs and Boosts to the Economy and Drop tables?



Easy math once you see the big picture.


You need to spend a large amount of time every <2 Weeks to earn:

-Approx  1100 Ducats

-Approx  800,000 Credits


This is impossible for new players, and becoming impossible for rich/hardcore players to maintain affording.


And whilst youre playing, are expected on the side within each <2 Weeks to save up to afford:

-Approx 2000+ Mods

-Approx 2,500,000 Credits


You need to farm as much as 4 months nonstop gaming, in less than 2 weeks, constantly.








The economy is close to shattering, because there is no possible way to keep up. If this isn't addressed soon, the bubble will burst with the potential effects being mass desertion from non rich players, and players who ARE rich, will start to hit the barrier of impossibility, and be forced out.


Much business revenue will be lost, including from *Whale players who are forced out to due to things literally being out of reach.


*(Whale: Common gamers term for a player with so much real life money, they just buy everything in-game, as much as they like)


My message to DE, is to see and understand this predicament that we the players are currently in, and reforge Ducat-Purchase Costs to a much lower level, reforge Rank-Up costs to a much lower level. And prevent a large loss of business when the bubble pops.


You are currently working on Expanding Mods 2.0 in the Council channel (a huge influx of new mods). Further worrying your dedicated players, as the 'Bar of Possibility' seems set to go even higher over the 'Impossible bar'.  Please consider ingame costs! Before its too late.


Sorry, yet again for the wall of text, i can only hope that i can continue to bring my friends into Warframe, and keep supporting you whilst i can, but at the current rate, soon i too (even though i have invested much time and money into the game) will hit the mark where i cannot afford the latest released items/mods. Once i hit that mark, i will likely be forced to leave. With the realisation that after all i have done, i am unable to reach what i work for. Please do not continue the current economy, as everything is becoming far too overpriced and out of reach.


I can only do so much in 10-16 hours of Warframe per day.


I am on the verge of just breaking apart. My reserves, are quickly being destroyed by the impossible demand that you ask of us.





EDIT:  What happens if you want to BUY your way into beating the wall of impossibility? This is what happens:



I have done the calculations for you, to show you how much platinum you need to spend, per <2 weeks, in order to remain on top of the current speed of R10 Mod releases. Presuming that only 1 Primed Mod is released per <2 weeks. And this does not include the amount of farming required (still) to earn void keys and spend void keys to obtain the 1100 ducats.

hmmm, something is wrong here. 


I can only assume i do not play as much as you report to, as i do not put that much time per day into this game. I am also a MR19 founder.  My mod rating is 46 million (with just over 1400 hours of in game time) whereas yours is 39 million.  i am interested in how much in game time you have. 


I also help new recruits farm resources, and i do not see the issue you are reporting.  not only is it possible to max out mods, it gives me something to do.  I will not argue that it is a challenge, but it is one i enjoy.  I have had zero issues with ducats at this point.


maybe this should be the next by the numbers, hours played along with resources obtained.


EDIT:  I ignored the rest of this post, as i am at lunch and need to get back to work.

Edited by Malindros
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As for maxing the mods, what the OP is saying is that DE is adding something that is going to take a long time, that players will probably want to complete at some point, and they are doing this every two weeks, on top of everything else you feel you have to/ought to/want to do in that timeframe.

Sure if you spread that out over time you will get there eventually. But there will be more content added during that timeframe as well, and so on. Its a never ending treadmill kind of problem, add 6 units of grind in the time the player takes to clear 2. Once people realise they cant/dont want to catch up, they tend to stop playing.




This is about the point that I am at. I am at MR18 and there isn't much left to do in the game for me. Frankly the most fun I have now if searching for medallions in Syndicate missions. But I have to run all of those solo because everyone else wants to just rush through the mission. For the prime warframes and prime weapons I figure if I don't feel like grinding for it now I can do it later. But the void trader items are time sensitive and ridiculously expensive to obtain and then even more grind-intensive and expensive to rank up. So the question is do I continue grinding to get these mods I can't rank up or do I give up on Warframe and play something else? Unfortunately I am leaning towards the latter.


Given that each visit from the Void Trader is at the moment putting unique new stuff into the game, and that there is scope for this to continue at the same rate for another year or two without any repetition, I would have to say that I agree with the OP, its too expensive for the 2 week timescale. I certainly wont be able to keep up with it for much longer. Either the Void Traders prices need to drop, or the value of the prime parts needs to go up, the timescale needs to change or we need to be able to obtain ducats from somewhere else, or a combination of several of the above.


With that in mind I would have to say that I consider the prices for Baro's stuff to be very unreasonable and the most obvious target for adjustment. Both from a gameplay perspective (see above) and from a lore perspective.


Honestly when the first primed mods came out the first thing I thought was "power creep". Imagining every player with ever primed mod possible maxed and slotted is a little ridiculous. Although the costs to max them are painful I can see some rationale behind those costs to make sure that not everyone is OP. It took me a while before I had my first maxed Serration. But I agree that the prices to obtain the void trader items need to be adjusted. I am just glad this (PC) trader rotation offers me time off from the grind


Perhaps it might also make sense to have a Mastery Rank requirement to use Primed mods. Not to acquire them, but to slot them. In that way they could be bought by anyone, but they would need to progress before they would be useable.


I would also like to see a requirement to complete the star map before a reasonable Mastery Rank could be awarded. :) It would cut down on all the people asking for taxis to alerts. But that is just me.....

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DE deployed the rotations in a poor way. It would be better to have a public schedule of rotations and what is coming up so that players can better determine if they wish to farm for / keep savings for the up-coming rotation of Void Trader goods or if they will not need these items and can instead focus on ranking up the previously acquired mods further.


There really is no advantage to keeping things as a random and hidden casino-style game of guess what the trader is bringing next.


This only results in players becoming disgruntled at crushed hopes or wasted time when it could easily be avoided by enabling players to be better informed.


In this modern world, information is a valuable currency so why not bank in on this and share some with your customers/clients/users?


This is probably a very large part of why people feel such a crunch to get Baro's items. We just don't know when something is going to come back, or if something we will desperately want is going to come next. For me it definitely increases the feeling that I have to grindgrindgrind just in case something shows up that won't come back for a long time.


The prime trader system has almost no transparency. We don't know how the rotation is decided, we don't know how long it will take any given item to reappear, and we don't know how much it will cost us to get an item until the day it shows up. We end up grinding blindly to in order to participate in a system that clearly offers an unsustainable requirement of effort to grind for everything in 2 week periods.


My only hypothesis from this can be that we are not intended to be able to get these items in a 2 week period. However the chosen method for baro's rotation, the two weeks of inaccessibility, and the utter lack of transparency of the system itself lends, nay, encourages players to burn out on grind because of a fear of missing out on unstated rare items. Maybe it's not the costs that need to be adjusted (although I still think they should be reduced or prime parts given greater value again) but the implementation of the system itself that needs to fixed.

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hmmm, something is wrong here. 


I can only assume i do not play as much as you report to, as i do not put that much time per day into this game. I am also a MR19 founder.  My mod rating is 46 million (with just over 1400 hours of in game time) whereas yours is 39 million.  i am interested in how much in game time you have. 


I also help new recruits farm resources, and i do not see the issue you are reporting.  not only is it possible to max out mods, it gives me something to do.  I will not argue that it is a challenge, but it is one i enjoy.  I have had zero issues with ducats at this point.


maybe this should be the next by the numbers, hours played along with resources obtained.


EDIT:  I ignored the rest of this post, as i am at lunch and need to get back to work.


Yeah its a lot to read in a short amount of time.


Iv done around 5000 hours, and yeah Ducats is very much achieveable, the credits however is way out of proportion and the reach of most.

Mods can be done with heavy draco farming or any other farming involving Nekros and mass-enemy-spawn gamemodes, but barely in the nick of time for the heaviest players.


This economy being so hard and tight....is gunna burn out hardcores, shoot the whales out of the waters, and depress new players.

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I enjoy playing the regular content of Warframe and helping friends into Warframe also.


The mods i imagine are obtainable through draco farming for eternity? which is the kind of gameplay i dont want to have to do all day for ever and ever. (but by all means i have nothing against that way of playing for those who do). Even with Draco Farming for mods or even if i am spending all of my time Repeating Alliance owned Defense maps with a double credit booster, that STILL doesnt barely get you enough credits per <2 weeks to pay the 4,200,000 Bill, in addition to the 1100 ducats and 4000+ mods.


You cant do all of this at once.


There's fast ways for credits, but they dont help you catch up.

There's fast ways for mods, but you need to sacrifice most of your time to achieve this and meet the <2 week deadline.

There's not really any fast ways for ducats..

There's no way this can be maintained at this rate, even for the rich.


Working harder just slows down how long it takes for your bubble to burst, wether it's ingame financially, or mental breakdown.


In the space of <2 weeks per showing of Baro Ki'Teer, all of these cost deadlines cant be met, you cant break-even.

Ah there is your problem then, I often stay away from PvP and Conclave to save up time.

The mods i obtain is achieved through thousands but tens of thousands of T4S and T4I. 

I get all my credits from T4 Cap. If i'm not wrong, I have grabbed around 2800 T4 Capture keys from Perrin Sequence (Most of them was before the Rep cap), it also is a GREAT way to get Ducats ( Akbronco link - 50d, Nyx P Sys 50d (Nerfed) And some other 2 parts that worths 20 each.)

I have been into Draco a few weeks ago to Forma some weapons i dont use ( Phage, Boar, Grakata, Karak etc ) And i must say, mods you get here is worth nothing. Half of my duplicates are Rare ones and worth about 2k Credits each i believe.

So yeah, I was prepared for the Prime mod arrival, Had many cores in stock, And since their arrivel i am going fullspeed on grinding to not get left behind.

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Well guys, as dissapointing as it can be, please keep in mind that having more grind is what keeps you going. I, literally have nothing left to do in this game and i so wish i didnt play this hard.

It is somewhat true that the grind is an impassable wall to some but keep in mind that you can get the mods to Rank 8 or 9 without as much problem.

Grind is what keeps you going, trust me.

Look at things from my perspective;

-I have all avaliable weapons
-I have enough plat for everything
-I have enough ducats that can keep me going for a whole year
-I have enough cores for about 4 more Primed Mods
And some other stuff 

I just dont have anything left to do and tbh I cant find many games to play (I hate PvP)

So yeah, once again, be glad that there is somewhat a grind.

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The wonderfully ironic thing is people in the void trader thread are complaining that the rotation has started :)

DE can't win lol

What are you babbling about

If you mean the current stuff he's peddling has started over with a past rotation, you are incorrect


Grind is what keeps you going, trust me.

No it doesn't, grind has never kept me going, and has only ever turned me off from a game, and is literally the reason that when it becomes as outrageous grinding for trying to max out a primed mod, I get majorly burnt out

Edited by NocturneOfSolace
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An extremely limited amount of people were lucky enough to take full advantage of the easy keys as you were.

I could only grab 200 T4 Defense and 200 T4 exterminates, and even those are barely time efficient. You were lucky enough to fully benefit from a game mechanic which was quickly abolished so i cannot consider that everyone is capable of doing what you do...because barely a handful of people in the entire game will have that many keys of a quick type.

Consider yourself extreeeemely lucky.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Devstream over, no mention of the impossible economy :(  sad face.

No mentioning the broken economy, no mentioning the issue of legendary mods being too hard on people, not even an acknowledgement they're aware of the current situation. Bit of a letdown, considering this is a very hot topic within the community that should be addressed ASAP.

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