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Raid Rewards : Cosmetic Enhancements/arcane Creation Discussion


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Im behind getting them to take the arcane affect off of cosmetics, at least to were you can switch them around. I dont wear certain helmets because some are just too ick for me. But i like alot of cosmetics, i got the targis prime set and i like it on all of my frames. And i like the prisma yamako and the imperator

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It was easy to get bonuses from Arcane helmets, plus they restricted you to wearing helmets you may not like because they have a good bonus even though you like that other one with a bad bonus. Cosmetic Enhancers take skill to get good effects out of, plus can be applied to any cosmetic piece you want. There's no contest here - these enhancers sound awesome to me and would make a worthwhile reward.


they can also be overwritten by other enchantments or removed entirely.


That clears up my worries about the matter.

Edited by Blackout751
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With a blueprint, but it sounded like you'll lose the enchantment you had on... I want it to be more like a mod card.

Personally I would rather it be "burned" on instead of being the same thing as a mod card. We already have mods and we're pretty darn powerful, but I believe it will encourage more people to take actual consideration when they enchant their helmets or syandanas. Other wise people will just switch around whatever enchant they want depending on the mission.

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Personally I would rather it be "burned" on instead of being the same thing as a mod card. We already have mods and we're pretty darn powerful, but I believe it will encourage more people to take actual consideration when they enchant their helmets or syandanas. Other wise people will just switch around whatever enchant they want depending on the mission.

I just feel like there will be like 2 good ones and we'll need to keep farming over and over to get one for each of our frames.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Should ornament is only ornament
My Arcana Helm does not suit to Prime.
For the required effect, I can not use another Shandana.
Do not use? It has denied the time of other players.
I want a system that you can use the PROTO-ARMOR skin.
And play a long time, invincible a languid boss, tedious puzzle is wait, and a bored "raid". Its reward feel slap to me


Use of machine translation, sorry

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The bit I don't get: You can put it on a Sayandana or a Helmet.

Helmets can be equipped by 1 (+ prime) Frame.

You can slap any Sayandana on anything.


So owning many sayandanas allows you a certain freedom not afforded to all. I'm fine with this, but I'm not convinced I should be...


I'd prefer it if they were independent of items, or at least more like a badge. Something with its own slot. But I'm pretty sure they said they wanted something that isn't just another (poorly disguised) mod.

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I wish it wasn't bound to cosmetic items.  I don't want to use a single syndana all the time because it has stats bonus.

Even worse for helmets cause helms are frame-specific. DE  please no. 


Alternative idea:  a separate slot for these new mods. 

Edited by Monolake
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Because you'll be able to apply what bonuses you want to the items you want, they'll also have to be earned.

Two big issues with the old arcanes is they were available for platinum much, much more easily than they were earned, also a lot of "bonuses" were applied to items that you wanted the appearance of but couldn't use because it was a bad bonus.

Not to mention if you didn't want to drop plat you had to wait for an alert to pop up.

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every one seems to be ignoring tenno live where they said it was more like modding the helm or syndana not burning it in and i like putting armor and capes on every thing i've found the uru to work with every thing and the eos prime looks great no matter were you put it and as long as you can mod the standard helm and don't have to use a cosmetic helm (i don't like putting non prime cosmetic helms on my primes as they look extremely out of place) 

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Arcane returns with a power creep.


Honestly DE rid the game of arcanes (besides those already owned) because they wanted cosmetics to just be cosmetic. Now however we power creep our way past that and allow for way to create even more powerful cosmetics.

I don't get why people complain about this. Unless there's something they're hiding from us, YOU CAN APPLY AN ARCANE TO ANY COSMETIC HELMET. It doesn't have to be the old arcanes, it could be your default. Or one that came out after arcane helmets were removed. There's NOTHING forcing you to go get these. The only example procs they've described thus far seemed minor at best. Nothing ludicrous. What, small HP restore for 10 headshots? The other one, whatever it was? They don't sound that stellar. Nothing like the old ones "here, have more power strength on top of the 2 mods that already do this [since Arcanes only were a thing back before Transient Fortitude. Kinda still are, but not as accessible to the public]."


There's another difference between these rewards and the old helmets: The old helmets were either plat-locked or alert-locked depending on how you got them. Now? You could be able to put a future raid reward on a default helmet. Or get a syndicate syandana - look! No plat or alert locks! - and slap it on that.

Edited by Samoth95
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The stats added to our arcane helmets weren't that well thought out.

That caused some helms to be rather undesired. This way we choose stat combos so sounds good to me.

I hope they're tradeable and stackable fire raid replayability sake..

Not fire. For. Stoopid phone

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