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Any Reasons Why My Pc Sounds Like An Airplane While Playing Warframe?



Any reasons why my PC sounds like an airplane while playing Warframe?I can play Battlefied3,CoD AW or FarCry4(on high and ultra settings) and my PC works just fine.After 3 minutes of playing warframe it sounds like an airplane ready to take off, even with all video settings to low/deactivated(Win8 64bit) Any idea how to fix this? Thank you.

(This started after the last update)

Edited by Coach-Aprax
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How is your vSync settings?

I saw DE_Steve comment something about having vSync off made a guys graphics card run at full load all the time. If I recall correctly.

If that's the case, I'd imagine your GFX would be liable to run hot pretty quickly.

Well that sucks. With VSync there's a slight input delay.

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I found the post I was talking about.


You can definitely turn off all the new GPU stuff in display options - Ambient Occlusion and Adaptive Exposure
But I would encourage you to turn on VSync if you're concerned about GPU temperature (your screenshot has ~300fps!!!). You're literally running the GPU flat out when VSync is off which means anytime we make CPU improvements your GPU utilization will increase.


Here's the thread:


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Volt hit Speed? I dunno.


Don't use VSync to limit. Use MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision to limit your FPS to 60 and that will work, and not cause input delay (in my experience).

Just tested EVGA Precision. Limiting fps to 60 with it makes warframe just as unplayable as warframe's own vsync.

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It's likely Vsync. 


When VSync is off, your GPU is trying to render as many frames as possible at all times. In most cases this is WAY above what your monitor can display anyway, and it tasks your GPU because your GPU is trying to render as much as it can.


VSync limits the framerate to 60 on your GPU, so your GPU only renders 60 frames a second (instead of, say, 100~200).


Also, just wondering, but what's wrong with VSync, how does it make Warframe unplayable? I don't notice any difference or input "lag" when I have it on compared to when I have it off.

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Also, just wondering, but what's wrong with VSync, how does it make Warframe unplayable? I don't notice any difference or input "lag" when I have it on compared to when I have it off.

There is input lag, I didn't know about this at first when I played with VSync. Then I played some time without and tried it again and I notice the lag so well I get annoyed multiple times each second while in a mission, thus making the game unplayable for me.


Sort of like using a bad computer for a long time doesn't feel so bad, but if you try a high end computer and try to go back, it's not the same anymore.

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There is input lag, I didn't know about this at first when I played with VSync. Then I played some time without and tried it again and I notice the lag so well I get annoyed multiple times each second while in a mission, thus making the game unplayable for me.


Sort of like using a bad computer for a long time doesn't feel so bad, but if you try a high end computer and try to go back, it's not the same anymore.

I don't really see a difference when I turn it off. 


That aside though, I'm wondering if there's a way to force a framerate limit through the GPU control panel rather than through the game.

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I don't really see a difference when I turn it off. 


That aside though, I'm wondering if there's a way to force a framerate limit through the GPU control panel rather than through the game.

As I said in earlier post, I just tried EVGA Precision to limit my fps. It was just as bad as warframe's own vsync.

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It's likely Vsync. 


When VSync is off, your GPU is trying to render as many frames as possible at all times. In most cases this is WAY above what your monitor can display anyway, and it tasks your GPU because your GPU is trying to render as much as it can.


VSync limits the framerate to 60 on your GPU, so your GPU only renders 60 frames a second (instead of, say, 100~200).


Also, just wondering, but what's wrong with VSync, how does it make Warframe unplayable? I don't notice any difference or input "lag" when I have it on compared to when I have it off.


Are you in a high end machine?

My "scavanged from work" laptop that used to be able to run WF on the lowest of settings now have almost playable input lag with vSync off, and amazingly unplayable input lag with vSync on.

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As I said in earlier post, I just tried EVGA Precision to limit my fps. It was just as bad as warframe's own vsync.

I'm referring to the actual driver control panel, i.e. Nvidia Control Panel, or Nvidia Inspector


Are you in a high end machine?

My "scavanged from work" laptop that used to be able to run WF on the lowest of settings now have almost playable input lag with vSync off, and amazingly unplayable input lag with vSync on.

I've tried on both my desktop (high end) and my laptop (towards the low end). In both cases I couldn't notice any difference in input responsiveness with Vsync on or off.

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I've tried on both my desktop (high end) and my laptop (towards the low end). In both cases I couldn't notice any difference in input responsiveness with Vsync on or off.


Inspired by a different thread, I decided to reinstall WF, and now I'm running with a barely noticeable mouse lag with the cursor in menus, and nothing in missions.

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Hmmm My clanmate has this due to running an APU rather than a GPU. Additionally I used to have this on a low end mobile GPU in my laptop. What is your GPU? It seems that recent changes have caused WF to consume more system resources than previously even with the new options turned off.


I have two other clanmates that went from a solid 60 fps to now only getting 30 fps, as I said even with the new options disabled.

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I just cleaned all up 4 days ago.Like I said, it doesn´t happen on other games.


Have you tried manually limiting the framerate using your GPU's settings? I find that my computer basically fries itself playing Warframe if I don't do this.


First things first, open up the game and look at your framerate when your computer's making airplane noises. If the framerate's significantly higher than 60 FPS or whatever your monitor's refresh rate is, then your computer is using a crapton of energy trying to produce extra frames that you don't be seeing anyways. If that's the case, then go into your graphics card's control panel (or use GeForce Experience or something if you're using an NVIDIA card) and manually cap the framerate. If that's not the case, then go into your graphics card's settings and cap the framerate to your monitor's refresh rate anyways, because neither you nor your GPU are gaining anything from trying to squeeze more frames out of that.


This way, you can cap your framerate without having to activate the dreaded delay-causing VSync.



If your computer is still making airplane noises after this, then it might be a CPU issue. Warframe isn't very CPU-intensive even on the highest of settings, so you can simply downclock your CPU a notch so it doesn't heat up as much (although why it gets hot in the first place if the game hardly uses it is beyond me). My computer runs a 2.0GHz quad-core processor, but I need to downclock it to ~80% of that if I want to play Warframe in DX11 without overheating (although, oddly, there's no heat problem in DX9).

The good news is that this didn't hinder performance at all, at least not on my system. From what I'm aware, most of WF's graphics settings make use of the GPU rather than the CPU (even shadow detail, which tends to be CPU-based in many other games), so you should be able to downclock your CPU significantly without harming performance even on the highest of settings.


I might be wrong on this, though, since this is just from anecdotal experience and I really know very little about how WF's engine works. Give these steps a try and see if they work or not.

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