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Alert Timing?


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This is more of a question for DE than anything (though I imagine this has been talked about from DE in the past, so if anyone can point me to such discussion?), but I saw that there was a Vauban Chassis alert today in the middle of the day.


I don't know about anyone else, but I work for a living, and obviously can't log in during those hours.  I was wondering if there was any consideration given to perhaps weighting certain alerts to happen more often during off hours?  Say between 6pm EDT through to midnight? 


Or perhaps having such alerts last longer than an hour or two so that they slip into the evening for us working slobs?  I realize these alerts are supposed to be random and that sometimes they'll fall outside of 'primetime', but it's a little infuriating to see something you've been waiting to pop (with that being the ONLY way to obtain them) for weeks to pop while you're at work.


I do appreciate that the major alerts and tac alerts last for more than an hour or two, but I was hoping that at least some consideration was or would be given to such scenarios like the above. 


Would it be perhaps asking for too much to maybe even add in an alert saving feature in the companion app?  Where say, you can 'save' one alert for 12 hours to complete at a later time?  Obviously this isn't trivial, but it would be a HUGE boon to those of us who can't be on at a moment's notice due to real life demanding our commitment.  Plus, it would actually be a reason for me to install the companion app, as getting a push notification on my phone is kind of pointless, since I can't do anything about it while at work or when I'm sleeping, and in the evenings, I'm probably already logged in and playing, which makes the app irrelevant (even moreso since the info it provides for things like warframes and such is woefully lacking in details).


Just a thought here DE, and hoping you'll consider some of the above for us suckers who have to work for a living ;)


Love the game btw.



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The model of the game is such that if you're too busy making money to play on alerts and whatever, you can use said money to buy the things from the alert.


Vauban is on sale in the market place at all times for a bit of plat.

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I'd hate to accuse you of being selfish, but if alerts were moved so that you had easier access to them, then some other poor sod has missed out. The mentality 'I want everything in this game and i want it as soon as possible' will cause problems later on when farming certain primes. Have patience, you'll get the stuff you want eventually, plenty to do until then.

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I have a note of all the Catalyst alerts I have missed over the last 18 months, please DE, give me BPs, its not fair.


Seriously, nope, Warframe has one of the best monetization setups I have seen in an F2P game.

Pay to avoid delay, I don't see why the delay should be circumvented by being able to "save" alerts.


Disclaimer. First sentence is obviously not serious, in case anyone struggles with that!

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like when a good alert is on and the is between 5 to 8 a.m.


i am a gamer but even i want to have a good night sleep




well putting the said above a side i don't care much because YOU must not get stressed from a game.NEVER or the meaning of the word "game" will change.

Edited by Kostadin
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I don't know about anyone else, but I work for a living, and obviously can't log in during those hours.  I was wondering if there was any consideration given to perhaps weighting certain alerts to happen more often during off hours?  Say between 6pm EDT through to midnight?


Bear in mind that a large number of warframe players don't live in your timezone or work the same shift hours you do.

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Could not agree more.


There are many other games that do these type of things (alerts, dailies, weeklies) and allow you to have TIME to do them.  I understand have short alerts for resources or credits, but parts, reactors and catalysts? It makes no sense.


I haven't looked into it much but it definitely seems like a system that could do with some love or a complete overhaul.


And I get it that you can "get" any of these things from the cash shop, but there is something to be said for good will towards your player base. I feel much better about spending money when I feel like the developer shows understanding to time and schedules of the players.

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You can always get vauban parts from clan research.


(I think, it's been awhile since I checked.)

Vauban is an alert only frame. He is not clan tech.


potato alerts are always in the wee hours of the morning. there was a slipstream nova helm alert monday at 5am. Apparently they are randomized.

All alerts are randomized except for "Gift of the Lotus" alerts.


Bear in mind that a large number of warframe players don't live in your timezone or work the same shift hours you do.


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they should be random (if they already aren't). the game can't adapt to everyone's schedules, and there are several timezones across the world. if missing alerts bugs you that much then you need to find another game...one that probably isn't online

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I feel much better about spending money when I feel like the developer shows understanding to time and schedules of the players.


What, like when they make it completely randomised so that you have an even chance of getting stuff even if you're not in one specific timezone, working a 9-5 job?

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It's always "off time" in some part of the world.


I'd hate to accuse you of being selfish, but if alerts were moved so that you had easier access to them, then some other poor sod has missed out. The mentality 'I want everything in this game and i want it as soon as possible' will cause problems later on when farming certain primes. Have patience, you'll get the stuff you want eventually, plenty to do until then.


Alerts are random, and not everyone lives in the same timezone and has the same work/school/life schedule.




These sums it up; it's left to chance and generated automatically, except for post dev stream catalysts. It's like asking someone to load your dice : you only benefit yourself and take out the 'fair and equal chance of each side having the same probability of being landed upon' from the equation.


Sorry, you've just been unlucky with RNG.

Edited by Wiegraf
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they should be random (if they already aren't). the game can't adapt to everyone's schedules, and there are several timezones across the world. if missing alerts bugs you that much then you need to find another game...one that probably isn't online

Why can't they make it a 12 or 24 hour alert?

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I remember somewhere saying the the Vauban Chassis(?) alert was issued because people were experiencing connection issues immediately prior to that. It was just compensation for those who couldn't or had trouble playing at that time.

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Why can't they make it a 12 or 24 hour alert?

that would defy the purpose of the alert...it's not an event, its a quick little exclusive thing that you either catch or you miss. nobody catches every single alert, and there will be more that offer the same prizes 


the important ones (like gift of the lotus) last 24 hours i believe

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that would defy the purpose of the alert...it's not an event, its a quick little exclusive thing that you either catch or you miss. nobody catches every single alert, and there will be more that offer the same prizes 


the important ones (like gift of the lotus) last 24 hours i believe

A frame part, potato, weapon, or forma alert should last much longer. Not that I think it will happen; alerts exist mainly to keep people playing who otherwise would be doing something else. But that only asks them to burn out, because they play when they don't want to so as not to miss anything.

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A frame part, potato, weapon, or forma alert should last much longer. Not that I think it will happen; alerts exist mainly to keep people playing who otherwise would be doing something else. But that only asks them to burn out, because they play when they don't want to so as not to miss anything.

like i said, the gift of the lotus alerts last 12-24 hours, which offer things that you mentioned like potatoes


as far as frame/weapon blueprints go, there are several other weapons to use in the game. if you get bummed about not using 1 or 2 alert exclusive frames/weapons i truly pity you. if you wan't forma do some void missions. 


if you feel that way about alerts you need to look into playing a different kind of game or change your outlook on them. alerts aren't there to keep you playing the game whenever you have a minute to spare. just to offer some extra material for when you manage to get some time in. in case you didn't notice most of the rewards are simply credits

Edited by J1ffyLub3
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like i said, the gift of the lotus alerts last 12-24 hours, which offer things that you mentioned like potatoes


as far as frame/weapon blueprints go, there are several other weapons to use in the game. if you get bummed about not using 1 or 2 alert exclusive frames/weapons i truly pity you. if you wan't forma do some void missions. 


if you feel that way about alerts you need to look into playing a different kind of game or change your outlook on them. alerts aren't there to keep you playing the game whenever you have a minute to spare. just to offer some extra material for when you manage to get some time in. in case you didn't notice most of the rewards are simply credits

Not all potato alerts are the gift ones. The gift ones are different because they're regular, unlike the others which can appear randomly.

I have all the alert frames/weapon blueprints, builds and an obnoxious amount of forma blueprints. But I've also been playing the game for quite some time. The point is these are all valuable items, but because of their short timespan players can go weeks or months without seeing a single alert for them.

Alerts are absolutely there to try to retain players. What else do they bring to the game? All they do is attempt to keep players playing or on the app so they can get the stuff they want, often when they otherwise wouldn't be playing.

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Not all potato alerts are the gift ones. The gift ones are different because they're regular, unlike the others which can appear randomly.

I have all the alert frames/weapon blueprints, builds and an obnoxious amount of forma blueprints. But I've also been playing the game for quite some time. The point is these are all valuable items, but because of their short timespan players can go weeks or months without seeing a single alert for them.

Alerts are absolutely there to try to retain players. What else do they bring to the game? All they do is attempt to keep players playing or on the app so they can get the stuff they want, often when they otherwise wouldn't be playing.

you really think alerts is what keeps players playing the game? that's honestly hilarious. you disproved this yourself. you have all the alert blueprints, and an obscene amount of forma, and i think its safe to assume you're good on potatoes. this is going to be the case with most players who have played the game for some time. they simply already have the rewards for these alerts or just don't need them. alerts aren't to retain players, they are to provide resource revenue if you happen to be online at the given time. 


what keeps players playing are changes and new content, or the fact that they simply like playing the game? new frames/weapons are introduced at a good rate, and with changes like 2.0 things are staying fresh as far as gameplay mechanics go

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