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Archwing Dislikers, What Is Your Problem With The Game Mode?


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As for me, I find it really painful to start out fresh without any arbitrary mods. The first few days was a pain but sooner I find it fun as I blaze through Caelus.


I still don't understand how come half of the playerbase hated archwing, please share your thoughts here.

Edited by Twilight053
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lack of mods


lack of places to level properly (only 2 interception missions thats is only somewhat viable exp)


weapon gathering system is kind of stupid  i mean why do we have to collect parts for weapons instead of making them out of resources like for normal ones   atleast it could be like boss like run to get parts instead of from rando mexterminations and interceptions


ressurecting so horrible


drops are close to non existant (which makes it quite useless to do)

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the problem with archwing imo is the lack of Archwing things we can do


current theres only

-Exterma (Grinner/ Corpus)

-interception (Grineer)

-Sabtarge (Corpus)


i think the problem was that players had the general idea that they would be able to go outside of Ordis and fly around the ship as free time, or able to fly in tiles when really, it was another large traped bird cage as a play ground.


right now, Archwing needs its own thing to make it sepcial (Or somthing that could be unique or Void like)

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Huge map with slow movement (except Itzal user)

You need to farm weapon parts with poor RNG

Navigator system not fit in archwing mode (everytimes i have no idea that enemy stand above of me or under my foot)

Mod drop have poor drop rate

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My main issue is being locked on the Y-axis. Because of this Archwing just feels like a floaty duller version Warframe.

Most of the fun that comes from space games is the disorientation you get from having full 6-dof. Without it its just like regular Warframe but against duller enemies in what might as well be a big empty room.

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Drat...its those "dislikers" again...coming in here with more buckets of tears and poo poo...why can't they go be dislikers somewhere else!


PEW PEW....Stand Back..."I'm firing muh LAZER" PEW PEW PEW....


Archwing is just warframe without floors or walls...


darn dislikers always trying to poo poo on my special interests...

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As for me, I find it really painful to start out fresh without any arbitrary mods. The first few days was a pain but sooner I find it fun as I blaze through Caelus.


I still don't understand how come half of the playerbase hated archwing, please share your thoughts here.

Because i can't feel space! flying with a fixed axis makes me feel like i am just flying a plane that doesn't stall. Also the UI isn't very intuitive.


Drat...its those "dislikers" again...coming in here with more buckets of tears and poo poo...why can't they go be dislikers somewhere else!


PEW PEW....Stand Back..."I'm firing muh LAZER" PEW PEW PEW....


Archwing is just warframe without floors or walls...


darn dislikers always trying to poo poo on my special interests...

I second this!

Edited by Niryco
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Lack of rewards for doing it other than mastery.  Archwing might as well be a minigame right now because of how disconnected it is from the rest of the game.  You couldn't even get resources to use outside of Archwing for months until they actually made enemies in the missions drop resources, and there's much better places to farm resources anyhow.


If Archwing actually gets connected to the rest of the game in a better fashion and has more things to do, it might feel better.  Hopefully things like mixed missions (proper transitions between Archwing mode and the normal game) will make Archwing feel more at home and less like a separate minigame.

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I personally think it was released too early to be considered it to be in its alpha state

In general that's the reason.


2) The lack of the game modes. Also, gameplay:

2.1) It's so boring. Fighting 10-15 enemies is boring, fighting 10-15 Hellions's annoying. If only there was a Defense with the swarms of thousands  enemies (how it was during Balor Fomorian sabotage);

2.2) The lack of any [lock-on] warning in case of Hellions' missiles;

2.3) Annoying loot searching;

2.4) Waypoint system in AW makes no sense (found a Tellurium for someone? No way, you can't mark it, in additional, your AW sucked it from somewhere else and your Loot Aura doesn't show collected resources, so you couldn't find its coordinates again);

2.5) Navigaton is bad: enemies and loot -- in both cases. IMO, our minimap should be repalced with a radar.

Like this one (Elite: Dangerous):


2.6) Oh yes! Someone mentioned Reviving in AW. Yes, it needs some polish or rework.


3) The Grindwheel of Fortune. Oh, hi, we met again!


Looks familiar, isn't it?

2 Grineer Exterminate missions doesn't have any AW stuff drop. Instead of this, Corpus Sabotage has a chance to drop 4 parts for different AW stuff. Same for Interceptions -- 3 parts for different stuff and 3 for Corvas & Elytron.

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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I've played enough of it to know what I'm talking about.


As it stands right now, Archwing is 90% cut off from the rest of the game. None of what you accomplish outside of Archwing matters in Archwing except which aura you have equipped on your Warframe.


Also, experience gain is incredibly small and extends the time required to rank up your Archwing and weapons. On Caelus, enemies provide about the same experience as enemies on the ground, yet they spawn at considerably lower rates on maps in excess of 3000 in-game meters. This makes travel slow, combat slow, and diminishes any urgency until they are in your face pelting you with missiles. The gameplay of Archwing is way too slow, which makes it incredibly boring to play.

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It kills my computer. A lot.


Aside from that major technical issue, I feel like it's out of place in Warframe. I feel it's an unnecesary addition, and that they should have used their resources to improve several aspects of the base game. Like, say, making each planet unique. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto still don't have unique world looks. Playing the same outposts and ships all the time gets old.

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Take archwings and put them in a seprate game. And it would still work, it's not warframe, and the only ties it has is fusion cores and limbo! it sucks! and the arbitrarily long time i spent killing a freakin' carrier drone to get a reubedo lined barrel was 3 hours!

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Just a little tip, seeing how one of the major gripes is drops/finding the dropped loot:

Build an Itzal, or otherwise group with somebody with an Itzal and have them drop WP's everytime they Cosmic Crush.

It's basically Archwing Greedy Pull.

-ollies out of thread-

Edited by Hyenasaurus
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Just a little tip, seeing how one of the major gripes is drops/finding the dropped loot:

Build an Itzal, or otherwise group with somebody with an Itzal and have them drop WP's everytime they Cosmic Crush.

It's basically Archwing Greedy Pull.

-ollies out of thread-

Cosmic Crush does not move pickups into a single location for your allies. Either that, or there is a host/client discrepancy with its use.

Edited by Moasiac
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Cosmic Crush does not move pickups into a single location for your allies. Either that, or there is a host/client discrepancy with its use.

I could've sworn it does, I've had my drops stolen more than once by a cosmic crushing itzal as I was going to grab them.

Hm... further testing required.

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My biggest problem with A is that is not connected to main game. Other than that I enjoy the missions and events, but rarely play it due to having so much more worth while things to do in WF.

I don't think the devs should treat AW like a separate game. AW should be treated as another mission, just like interception, defense, survival, etc. Rewards in AW missions should be for entire game. It should be just as necessary to play add any other. There should be just as many AW alerts add any other offering the same rewards.

DE shouldn't be catering to whiners who claim to "never touch" AW. AW needs some non-AW benefits.

Hybrid missions could help this greatly. I hope we see more integration in u16.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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No full three dimensional control and boring weapons.


I hate how slow the melee is


I want an actual functioning lock-on missiles on the odanata


I want the archwings to move faster 


no plasma/tachyon blasters mannn D:

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because it isn't supported. there are only a handful of missions (1 on each planet), so you are basically grinding the same mission over and over until you're a high enough level for the next one.


it uses a whole other set of mods (for no reason really), meaning you have to recollect all the mods you already worked for (now just the archwing version). not to mention if you want t use anything other than the odonata you need to farm tellurium which seems impossible to find. 


the gameplay is different and refreshing, but they are really going to have to expand upon this concept for me to actually enjoy it. as is its more trouble than its worth in my opinion. it's like a game within a game, archwing is so detached from the main content of warframe i'm not sure why its even in there. it needs to be a separate game so it can actually get the attention and support it deserves, as it has a LOT of potential

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Ok, let's first separate two groups here:

We have the Dislikers: They don't like archwing because they feel it isn't at a current state where it can be liked in WF.


These guys have perfectly valid reasons (aside from the "it doesn't fit in WF". They don't count).


And then we have the haters: These guys just dislike it for really stupid reasons and will outright blam it down whenever they get the chance. These primarily have people hope that AW will be completely removed because they don't like it.


Just wanted to throw that out there, so far, everyone here has perfectly valid reasons as to why they don't enjoy the AW missions. I personally enjoy them, but they do need a lot of improvement. More mission types, more movement variety (Space sim but locked in 2 dimensional movement...lame), more bosses etc.

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