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Why Do So Many People Want To Completely Change Wf Mechanics?


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Seriously, i'm tired of reading threads about how WF needs to change abilities drastically.

like adding cooldowns

change HP to be 100times what it is so we have more precision.


i see people who want to get rid of parkor entirely.

(the arguments for and against coptering i understand)


but seriously. people calling for complete ability reworks are kidding themselves. and those asking for cooldowns are playing the wrong game. those people normally argue against ability spam, but abilities are meant to be used, and if it makes the game easier, abused.


people ask to alter other mechanics but frame abilities are the first to come to mind.

what mechanic changes do you see people ask for that seem dumb to you because it's a core element of the game?



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I simply want mods relating to shields, armor, health and damage for weapons gone, or reworked.

That's not how modding is suppose to work.


Necessities are not modding. They are requirements, or else you won't even be able to handle enemies past level 5-10.

It's not fun at all.

Edited by Tymerc
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Because some mechanics do not reflect the games way of playing.


Melee 2.0 combos and animation attacks seem to be made for a fighting system were you only fight against 1 or 2 enemies at the time, when its clear that in warframe you are constantly being attack by allot of enemies at once.


etc etc etc, there are many more examples out there.

Edited by 7grims
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I simply want mods relating to shields, armor, health and damage for weapons gone, or reworked.

That's not how modding is suppose to work.


Necessities are not modding. They are requirements, or else you won't even be able to handle enemies past level 5-10.

It's not fun at all.

This is true. Other than that, I love Warframe as it is.

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*Hops on bandwagon*


Yeah man, I'm tired of those as well. I also love how a lot of these act as though their answer to the perceived problem is THE answer, even though there are like a hundred different ones on the forum. And if we really want the game's mechanics to change so much, why do people just keep giving a hundred different answers on how to do it, instead of choosing the one people like the most and backing that up?

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In my opinion what really needs to be looked at is enemy spawn and how they work in certain game modes.

For example, the current E Gate farm that everyone is freaking out about. If people were to do nothing but kill enemies for more than 5 or 10 minutes without actually playing the game type at all (in this instance it's extraction) just stop spawning enemies. The only option left is to abort and you won't get anything. Of course if you continue to play the objective that's fine but it's a lot harder to do the farm anywhere on that tile set. It's very dependent on one room and the way enemies spawn in that room.

Interception is a little trickier however but I feel like it's fine compared to the E Gate farm

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Ya know this is a beta under development right? Most of this site is given over to our feedback and input - so that may be why? Because DE encourages it.


Many people are very single-minded and don't realise there are multiple ways to play - even with the same frame. They want tweaks to suit their playstyle - without thinking how others might use the same frame. So their suggestions may well be misguided - but understandable.


And adding cooldowns to the ultimates with the current state of PUG play wouldn't be a bad thing if you ask me.


To answer your topic tho - the constant cries for a Nullifier nerf crack me up - so overblown. Oh, and the elemental resistance passive ability greed ... that one makes me laugh too!

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I simply want mods relating to shields, armor, health and damage for weapons gone, or reworked.

That's not how modding is suppose to work.


Necessities are not modding. They are requirements, or else you won't even be able to handle enemies past level 5-10.

It's not fun at all

what would you have mods do? make us reload faster?

Bcause some mechanics do not reflext the games way of playing.

what? which? mechanics shape game play. play to the advantage of mechanics, not ask for mechanics to change to fit how you want to play.


I just want moarrrrrrr mods slots, giant space and water squids, jet butt sliding from vanquish, and a Space Lydia to carry my burdens. It's not much.

i'd like a slot or two moar, and squids would be great.

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In my opinion what really needs to be looked at is enemy spawn and how they work in certain game modes.

For example, the current E Gate farm that everyone is freaking out about. If people were to do nothing but kill enemies for more than 5 or 10 minutes without actually playing the game type at all (in this instance it's extraction) just stop spawning enemies. The only option left is to abort and you won't get anything. Of course if you continue to play the objective that's fine but it's a lot harder to do the farm anywhere on that tile set. It's very dependent on one room and the way enemies spawn in that room.

Interception is a little trickier however but I feel like it's fine compared to the E Gate farm



Ya know this is a beta under development right? Most of this site is given over to our feedback and input - so that may be why? Because DE encourages it.


Many people are very single-minded and don't realise there are multiple ways to play - even with the same frame. They want tweaks to suit their playstyle - without thinking how others might use the same frame. So their suggestions may well be misguided - but understandable.


And adding cooldowns to the ultimates with the current state of PUG play wouldn't be a bad thing if you ask me.


To answer your topic tho - the constant cries for a Nullifier nerf crack me up - so overblown. Oh, and the elemental resistance passive ability greed ... that one makes me laugh too!

feedback is fine, but core elements that make the game and shouldn't change.

passive resistances make sense, but meh, IDGAF.

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The more slot idea always drop because they feel it's too op and power creep. Instead of removing slots and freedom in builds they should rework some mods which already op and merge some into 1-2 mod which bad. Easier buff for an example a magazine cap mod up to 60% that makes more viable and considerable to use or reloading mods and implement the resistance mods into warframe stat which can be increase.


Pure damage mods and multi shot mods needs for the game because they cannot scaling their mobs and on harder levels again the players will be weak and they ask again nerf or buffs.


Other hand they should give us many compensation if they remove completely the pure damage mods because many of us have money from trading with and time and energy spent on rank up.


They can turn down a little those mods and buff to the same level the poor mods and give more option to be used.


This thing always will be a crucial point because with every new mod " no matter corrupted or nor" always will ruin the actual balance because they haven't long term conception how mods should work and they release mods which ruining everything in general.


I can imagine the legendary core fiasco again if they remove the pure dam mods.

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I simply want mods relating to shields, armor, health and damage for weapons gone, or reworked.

That's not how modding is suppose to work.


Necessities are not modding. They are requirements, or else you won't even be able to handle enemies past level 5-10.

It's not fun at all.


I have to agree.

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I recall a thread about removing all the neon color options because a few set of people didn't like pink excals running around ruining their immersion when the freedom of customization is one of the best things about warframe and I feel is a core feature.


Aside from that, I see a lot of people who generally want the game catered to their every whim, even if it would mean warframe would turn into every other generic MMO, shooter, etc.


Same thing goes for the modding system where there have been people who want weapons and such to level up and get more powerful rather than gain mod space. However, this has been something fairly unique to warframe and taking that out would be essentially taking out the modding system. True, some things could be reworked such as a utility mods, but eliminating modding all together seems like an easy way to become just like any other leveling system and having differing builds is more fun, I think, than having a gun that works like everyone else.

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you have to admit that Parkour needs some work. That, and ppl seriously need to practice more. tired of seeing this during events




There's parkour in this game?  I just thought we were scraping against a wall with enough force just to move in the general direction we wanted to.




You understand cooldowns used to be a thing right? Its not as far-fetched of an idea as you make it seem.


They were removed.  Let's keep it that way.

Edited by Sibarian
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I simply want mods relating to shields, armor, health and damage for weapons gone, or reworked.

That's not how modding is suppose to work.


Necessities are not modding. They are requirements, or else you won't even be able to handle enemies past level 5-10.

It's not fun at all.

If you're an advanced player, redirection and vitality aren't required mods. I've discovered that some frames are still viable without those mods. There are other defensive mods you can use instead, or even a huras kubrow.

Thec problem is that to many players are afraid to give up big numbers for practicality.

I play Mag in t4 with BOTH of her augments.

Of they removed shield/hp mods, then certain utility mods will become mandatory. You'll say "handspring should not be a mod, its too mandatory! "

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While I don't agree with things like cooldowns or removing parkour, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

This is a feedback forum, and if that's what they think would improve the game (regardless of whether it actually would) then they're well within their rights to post it.

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If you're an advanced player, redirection and vitality aren't required mods. I've discovered that some frames are still viable without those mods. There are other defensive mods you can use instead, or even a huras kubrow.

You'll say "handspring should not be a mod, its too mandatory! "


"Some" is not justification to keep them how they are. The fact stands that they are necessities for most Frames.

I find it interesting that you completely avoided the weapon damage mods.


I disagree. Things like Handspring is how modding should work.

Increasing your shields, armor, health and weapon damage mods are necessities, and breaks how the modding system should work.

Edited by Tymerc
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what? which? mechanics shape game play. play to the advantage of mechanics, not ask for mechanics to change to fit how you want to play.


I already gave you 1 example, and I did not state these are needed by personal likes and deslikes, cause if that whats troubling you, ignore those treads, just like I ignore any noob rhino lover who states iron skin needs a buff.


So here is 1 more example, and this one is a jaw dropper.

The dev's, themselves change the game,  O_O   , abilities, features, systems and mechanics all over the game, from time to time, even the dev's do perform and think that certain and many things need a change, hence, why wouldn't the community think the same way, and see many reasons and features that do need change.

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Seriously, i'm tired of reading threads about how WF needs to change abilities drastically.

like adding cooldowns

change HP to be 100times what it is so we have more precision.


i see people who want to get rid of parkor entirely.

(the arguments for and against coptering i understand)


but seriously. people calling for complete ability reworks are kidding themselves. and those asking for cooldowns are playing the wrong game. those people normally argue against ability spam, but abilities are meant to be used, and if it makes the game easier, abused.


people ask to alter other mechanics but frame abilities are the first to come to mind.

what mechanic changes do you see people ask for that seem dumb to you because it's a core element of the game?

I don't know either. People have agendas and they try to justify it using reasons like "x outperforms y" or "x can't do this" while never really trying to think outside the box. It's a self-entitlement thing. Most of the changes people want, that I have read, simply make the game easier for THEIR play style. I think the game is fine the way they have been doing things. Not once so far have I thought to myself "this needs to be different". But then again, I'm an unorthodox kind of person. I do things for myself instead of believing other people's claims.


Shoot, I remember back when WoW first came out I made a shaman and I would win most of my 1v1s. People whined, complained, and *@##$ed that shamans were overpowered. They complained about all the shocks, windfury, nature's swiftness, anything the class had. So I got tired of the bullS#&$ and quit my shaman. Hell, when the honor system first came out and there were no battlegrounds I was leading the ranks, solo, on my server. Then I got tired of all the bullS#&$ and made a demonology warlock. At the time, they were considered one of the worst class/specs for anything. Turns out, they were actually overpowered when I tried it. Turns out, all these people complaining that demonology was weak in pvp were just stupid.


I put on whatever gear had the most stamina and used voidwalker for pvp. The only time, in my WoW history, were I could 1v4 rogues and consistently win. I remember being in strait up greens and winning against "the best raiding warlock" in a 1v1 after he beat our guild's best warrior. My playstyle took 100% focus and time to master, but once I was there I just couldn't lose in a 1v1. Heh. One time I won a fight and the guy got on his alt to whine to me that I was a hacker because he execute crit me for 2.5k. But the fact of the matter was that I sacrificed voidwalker and ate a health stone the second I realized I was under 20%. This warrior was the hardest hitting dude I ever faced. I think I reacted faster than he could hit execute, but because of lag magic, he still manage to get it off. I'd bait with wrong spells so that I could drain life/fear when needed. And if my opponent was utter garbage I'd just cast my three DoTs and autoattack with a wand. I even did that in 1v2s. That's broken. After various changes to my spec/class, my old play style was impossible. I actually had to be moving around and using more than 3 buttons if I wanted to continue winning 1v2, 1v3, etc. Now I don't know because I eventually quit WoW because I didn't like the direction they were heading to.


This game seems balanced to me and I main Rhino. The frame that's "weak". In another thread someone claimed that they can complete high level content with Rhino while telling me his iron skin is still weak. Seems contradictory to me, but I realized people simply just want to breeze through things or to change the game the way they see it, when it's not.


Shoot I have seen threads where people post screenshots and people STILL find some reason to completely disregard their evidence while making claims and not providing evidence. I have always known you can't convince someone to change their mind on the internet about anything, but sometimes I take a the bait. Alas, I don't care enough to continue "debating" with people who see things in only their way and want to force what they see into a reality. It's a lot like religion. Ironclad in their beliefs even in the face of contradicting evidence

Edited by Muinocriz
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I don't know either. People have agendas and they try to justify it using reasons like "x outperforms y" or "x can't do this" while never really trying to think outside the box. It's a self-entitlement thing. Most of the changes people want, that I have read, simply make the game easier for THEIR play style. I think the game is fine the way they have been doing things. Not once so far have I thought to myself "this needs to be different". But then again, I'm an unorthodox kind of person. I do things for myself instead of believing other people's claims.


Shoot, I remember back when WoW first came out I made a shaman and I would win most of my 1v1s. People whined, complained, and *@##$ed that shamans were overpowered. They complained about all the shocks, windfury, nature's swiftness, anything the class had. So I got tired of the bullS#&$ and quit my shaman. Hell, when the honor system first came out and there were no battlegrounds I was leading the ranks, solo, on my server. Then I got tired of all the bullS#&$ and made a demonology warlock. At the time, they were considered one of the worst class/specs for anything. Turns out, they were actually overpowered when I tried it. Turns out, all these people complaining that demonology was weak in pvp were just stupid.


I put on whatever gear had the most stamina and used voidwalker for pvp. The only time, in my WoW history, were I could 1v4 rogues and consistently win. I remember being in strait up greens and winning against "the best raiding warlock" in a 1v1 after he beat our guild's best warrior. My playstyle took 100% focus and time to master, but once I was there I just couldn't lose in a 1v1. Heh. One time I won a fight and the guy got on his alt to whine to me that I was a hacker because he execute crit me for 2.5k. But the fact of the matter was that I sacrificed voidwalker and ate a health stone the second I realized I was under 20%. This warrior was the hardest hitting dude I ever faced. I think I reacted faster than he could hit execute, but because of lag magic, he still manage to get it off. I'd bait with wrong spells so that I could drain life/fear when needed. And if my opponent was utter garbage I'd just cast my three DoTs and autoattack with a wand. I even did that in 1v2s. That's broken. After various changes to my spec/class, my old play style was impossible. I actually had to be moving around and using more than 3 buttons if I wanted to continue winning 1v2, 1v3, etc. Now I don't know because I eventually quit WoW because I didn't like the direction they were heading to.


This game seems balanced to me and I main Rhino. The frame that's "weak". In another thread someone claimed that they can complete high level content with Rhino while telling me his iron skin is still weak. Seems contradictory to me, but I realized people simply just want to breeze through things or to change the game the way they see it, when it's not.


Shoot I have seen threads where people post screenshots and people STILL find some reason to completely disregard their evidence while making claims and not providing evidence. I have always known you can't convince someone to change their mind on the internet about anything, but sometimes I take a the bait. Alas, I don't care enough to continue "debating" with people who see things in only their way and want to force what they see into a reality. It's a lot like religion. Ironclad in their beliefs even in the face of contradicting evidence



best answer to my question. GG


even if you're a "rhinoob" player.

he isnt weak, he's safe.

good for when you don't want to try hard. generally. he does have good utility when people use all of his abilities. most don't and that's where the stigma comes from.

Edited by VioDuskar
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