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Devstream #48 (Tennolive) Overview


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Dont forget Parkour 2.0


Yeah Charge Attacks returns!!!





Yes! Thanks for posting this, editing it into first post. Btw, that crouching pose of Excal's in the thumbnail... am I the only one that immediately thought of Mesa Noble? Or have I just been spending too much time on the cowgirl o.o

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Chroma is actually starting to grow on me a bit. 


I thought that snout was it's head... His head is under it.


The big questions I was left with:


What was what the secondary Excal carried in the trailer was.

It kinda looks like Dex Afuris, but it it can't be based on the angle of the magazine.


Why does DE keep mentioning Excal Prime in streams?

It doesn't do anything but rile the players who don't have him up.

Could they be thinking about releasing a new Excal Prime?

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The most significant development for parkour 2.0 was the extensive wallrunning Excal did in the Tomb of the Sentient trailer.




it's interesting, it seems we will be able to change direction while wall-running. 

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Chroma is actually starting to grow on me a bit. 


I thought that snout was it's head... His head is under it.


The big questions I was left with:


What was what the secondary Excal carried in the trailer was.

It kinda looks like Dex Afuris, but it it can't be based on the angle of the magazine.


Or maybe DE just mistakenly design it like that, remember the Soma from The Profit ? 

Also, just notice, seems like they're in a title set ... in the middle of the ocean (Watch the trailer from 0:40) ? 

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The big questions I was left with:


What was what the secondary Excal carried in the trailer was.

It kinda looks like Dex Afuris, but it it can't be based on the angle of the magazine.

Looks to me like it is a Dex Furis with the rotating part and magazine removed.

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Volt prime: "a brilliant tactician shines" DE, that sounds more like Vauban, learn your S#&$ ._.


Void is disappearing? : ...wat


Chroma: Ancient Infested frame confirmed


Sentients: straight out of Final fantasy


Sadly, I fell asleep before the stream started <w<


volt is briliant tactician. can vauban become really good at handling both melee and guns? no, vauban can only throw pokeball

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Is there anywhere I can see the stream? It was2 am here when it went live...

You can watch it here.


Nice Job, but why you call it "Devstream#48" its "TennoLive ´15 @ PAX"?

Well, technically it is Devstream 48, but you're right I should put Tennolive in the title, people will probably miss it otherwise XD

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Chroma looks pretty ugly, and the name is a little silly. The original artwork by the dude on the forums who came up with the idea for it was badass though, should have used that. Chroma kind of looks like the new infested enemy units/Lephantis.

funny thing is Chroma isnt based off that cocnept, DE never said he was. Hes just based of the overall theme of a dragon. and the Name is based off the Chromatic Dragons of D&D, the Chromatic Dragons breath attack is based off whichever color the Dragon was: Red Dragon was Fire, Blue was Lightning, White was ice, Green was poison, Black was Acid, ect.

Edited by Senketsu_
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The trailer for U16 looks epic, and the new parkour options seems great.
I'm very happy about the new Croma warframe, as it ended up not resembling the Dragon frame fan art. That fan art is very nice, but let's be honest, it is merely a pimped up version of the Rhino, kinda lame in my books.
Pity a large part of this game community is so young that any "badazz wannabe" themed warframe would be praised and infinitely hyped.
Still talking about Croma i think the name/appearance reference might be about the Leafy Seadragon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leafy_seadragon)


It also makes sense since the next tileset is going to be water themed.


I'm very exited about the return of charged attacks, and i also hope the melee system will turn into a 2 button style (weak hit + strong hit or whatever like weapon + kick/unarmed) so it would be easier to dial the combos instead only relying on the timing, since the rhythm required to dial the combos now vary very much when e.g. we slot our weapons with the very popular Berseker mod or any speed mod for what it matters.


Glad to hear that void rewards are going into the star chart, because this is the biggest part of the game and yet the least played if not for key/affinity farming.


The work on PVP seems also very nice, it needs to be separated from the normal power progession and it seems the direction will bring something nice on the table.


I can't wait to try out the raids ...


All the other additions (Dex Dakra/Mios/Volt Prime) are sweet updates, yet they don't shake me as the other things above i mentioned.


Edited by perfectStranger
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Chroma is actually starting to grow on me a bit. 


I thought that snout was it's head... His head is under it.


The big questions I was left with:


What was what the secondary Excal carried in the trailer was.

It kinda looks like Dex Afuris, but it it can't be based on the angle of the magazine.


Why does DE keep mentioning Excal Prime in streams?

It doesn't do anything but rile the players who don't have him up.

Could they be thinking about releasing a new Excal Prime?

well...  i want to know it too... sounds like the return of exca prime maybe?

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