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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Same thing happened with new Tekken character, anime girl. Western based playerbase raged about it.



Problem with Antmuncher frame is that he isnt giving any dragon vibe. Not easter or western dragon, he is reminding people of something else in most of situations. Just show him to someone who isnt known of Warframe and see what they will say.

This. I'll even take it a step further. Take the "Chroma" sig off and lose the redeemer and then look at it objectively as if you were asked to describe what it is within the Tenno-verse and didn't know it was a dragon or a frame...you'd probably say infested boss. The problem is compounded by obscure design choices in the face. Is it a horn like Excaliber and Volt have? Is it his actual mouth/nose/snout (enter anteater reference)? Is it a helm-cannon?

What is his skin overlay? Marinara sauce? Raw steak/bacon? twizzlers?

If you have to defend ambiguity and confusion , there are flaws.

I didn't want an overtly Western Dragon-man with Warframe tweaks. Some frames heavily reflect the Warframe aesthetic with minor archetype influences (Loki) while others rely more heavily on archetype influences with warframe accents (Mesa/Nekros), but the successful designs have a clear-cut successful combination of both.

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I'm not hating...

Just ... 0 interested in it.

Nothing they said was of interest to me.


And the trailer just dissapointed me... again.

Just another action trailer with 0 lore/ dialogue.

Just nothing to reach the lvl of awesomeness of the "The profit" trailer.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Same thing happened with new Tekken character, anime girl. Western based playerbase raged about it.



Problem with Antmuncher frame is that he isnt giving any dragon vibe. Not easter or western dragon, he is reminding people of something else in most of situations. Just show him to someone who isnt known of Warframe and see what they will say.


he has a helmet/face that breathes fire. hes a heavy frame so hes imposing. looks to be heavily armored/covered in something.


sounds like some kind of Dragon to me

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The helmet maybe but look at the body. Nothing relating to sea dragons (GODDDAMN SEAHORSES AGAIN!?) or eastern style dragons there. I can't help that you see something that doesn't exist.


A leafy sea dragon being named after a dragon doesn't make it a dragon. Same with a dragon-fish. The traits of the frame doesn't stem from dragons, more from octopi (the color changing and what it means for the frame).


                     -  Sea/serpentine dragons

Sea horse =                                     Makes Chroma based on a seahorse, not a dragon, even though go from the same source, as far as I see it.

                     -  Chroma        


It makes Chroma more based on a sea-horse than a dragon. It may have a few dragon-like traits, but as a whole, the aesthetics, especially the helmet, and what it does, is way more immediately characteristic about what it does.


There is validity when people say "when I see this, I don't think of a dragon, more a seahorse" versus "it took me a while, but now I can see the dragon-y things". The best impression is when you can discern the gist of what a character/thing is about at first glance, unless it's themed around trickery, which Chroma isn't. Chroma is specifically based around the visual, I mean, it changes its element type depending on the color it has...


Had they advertised this as a sea-horse frame, 'cus that'd be a bad-! seahorse, I'd have been way more for it, because that's what it looks like when you see it; the head-shape is that characteristic to seahorses. I've never seen that kind of shape in any kind of dragon. Not to say it can't look good, a shape alone doesn't make it X. Well that and I have no idea what the silly little handlebar...'whiskers' are doing there...and the one on top of the helmet is sortof distracting as well, but less so...


I feel like Chroma is trying too much to be a middle ground. Slender head, bulky body. It doesn't jive. There's a disconnect. Had the body been a fair bit slimmer, it could've worked, as then you could say it looks more reptilian (dragons are mostly reptilian...or flying tampons) -> crocodile look. It keeps with the marine tile-set theme, if that was what they wanted, and would, in my opinion, work a bit better. But with that bulky body, a bulkier head would in turn fit better. The earlier example in the thread was a good example of it, while still being close to the original.


It'd be nice to hear a reasoning from DE why they made it like it is, instead of just making fun of it or hating on it outright, which, I have done, but I took time to sit down and think about why that was.


So yeah...


TL;DR: I think the source for this warframe may be too obscure/too distant to form a proper relation to a dragon theme, and the warframe itself, regardless of what it's supposed to be, seems to have a disconnect bulky body vs slender head.

Edited by Geraion
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Please. Ash is nowehere near that level of clutter. His helm is smooth, his chest is smooth. He is sleek.


Also, please: there is a point between "doing the same thing forever and ever" and "ditch the old style completely and only do bizarre, garish designs". Mesa is a good example of how they can make unique, new Warframes that fit the original elegance this game used to have. Also, Limbo is pretty sleek, the only thing wrong with him is how the theme was implemented.

The problem with bringing limbo into this conversation to talk about how sleek he is in comparison to the new frame is that the EXACT same negative sentiment you're tossing at chroma right now was repeatedly tossed at limbo when his design was released ie: "that's not how warframes USED to be designed" When the next frame after chroma comes along and people don't like it, we'll undoubtedly get to see this ridiculous lack of an argument trotted out again, thus ensuring that people continue to ignore the fact that the design ethos behind warframes has neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever been uniform and never will be. I can understand not being happy with the design (I think it looks just a little bit too much like it's melting, personally) but this argument about the "old style" of warframe design is nostalgic nonsense that needs to die a quick death and the longer you latch onto it the longer you make yourself look desperate to just turn anything you don't like in the game into a joke.

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Because it was rubbish. We had to wait 2.5 months to see an ANTEATER frame, Borderlands Guardians making their way to Warframe, and not even a proper demonstration of the new weapons.

And NO, we WON'T be getting the new Freerunning mechanics in U16. Geoff himself said it wouldn't be ready.

Not to mention, that destroying the void, means they are destroying one of the most hyped tilesets they ever created. Unless they plan to integrate the void tiles into standard ones to get prime parts, we'll be LOSING an awesome looking and fun tileset just because they refuse to add a token system.

Not to mention, doing that, is actually AGAINST the lore. The Tenno are supposed to be in stasis in Orokin-type ships, IN THE VOID. If there is no Void, no more new Tenno. Same goes for the primes, and their parts. They are all in the void, so if there is no void, no more primes.

They said they would, as an optional objective.


Void keys will be used on normal mission tiles to modify the mission and earn prime rewards.  If you find the void, you can enter it for additional (?) rewards.


Nobody knows exactly how it will work, but the void tiles will still exist, and the wish of more rewards per key on non-endless will be realized.

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Why are people bashing TennoLive?


Probably because almost everything they talked about was old news that had already been talked about in devstreams.  The sentients was already pretty much announced(vaguely) by the last quest that was added, the only part of that that was new was showing how they look.  We already knew the dragon frame was coming, and the look of it is a whole additional problem to a lot of us.  The spreading of void drops around the star chart is something steve mentioned back in december during a devstream.  They already showed us the new pvp in devstreams as well as the new librarian cephalon.  In other words we were looking forward to some big reveals and there was little to nothing that we already didn't know about.  They did it right last year with the reveal of archwing, but failed bad this time around.  And for me personally, they didn't show/announce anything that justifies how long its taking for U16 to come out.  They used to put out a new update every ~2 months, U16 will be 5 months roughly.


Edit: forgot to mention the worst offense of them all.....  no pink shorts!!!

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Why are people bashing TennoLive?


Probably because almost everything they talked about was old news that had already been talked about in devstreams.  The sentients was already pretty much announced(vaguely) by the last quest that was added, the only part of that that was new was showing how they look.  We already knew the dragon frame was coming, and the look of it is a whole additional problem to a lot of us.  The spreading of void drops around the star chart is something steve mentioned back in december during a devstream.  They already showed us the new pvp in devstreams as well as the new librarian cephalon.  In other words we were looking forward to some big reveals and there was little to nothing that we already didn't know about.  They did it right last year with the reveal of archwing, but failed bad this time around.  And for me personally, they didn't show/announce anything that justifies how long its taking for U16 to come out.  They used to put out a new update every ~2 months, U16 will be 5 months roughly.


Edit: forgot to mention the worst offense of them all.....  no pink shorts!!!



the lack of Pink Shorts was traitorous, sacrilegious, offensive, disturbing, disappointing, and heretical

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I disagree, Wyrm prime is obviously a Nudibranch, DE clearly has a fondness for marine creatures so a sea horse make perfect sense. :)


Lol, but you're wrong. Wyrm Prime's design is based on an eastern dragon. Funny thing is, the name Wyrm doesn't refer to an eastern dragon...



Edited by AntoineFlemming
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obvious Western playerbase bias towards their own designs when the game has heavy Eastern influences... DE just gave us the Wild West shooter, time for another part of the world to get their due eh?


fear not, I have come to offer a solution. For an alt helmet, DE can give it a blue headband so that it can appear like one of the icons of the West




Chroma isn't based on an eastern dragon, so this has nothing to do with Western bias. Now you're just trolling.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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-snip about dragons-

Komodo Dragons (for real world dragons):


Ancient Greek Cetus (sea dragon):


Pakhganba (Manipur hyrbid-dragon):


Classic Red Dragon (from D&D, a fantasy staple):


Saint George vs Dragon:


There's a lot of dragons out there, to say it's nothing like any dragon is a bit overblown - just like saying it's identical to any existing dragon. There's some rather reminiscent features of a dragon, it's just not what everyone expected and in turn some of those people feel it doesn't live to up to their hype (I don't know your particular feel on the situation).

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Sentients arrived....


Excal: OMG!....s..s.Sentients!

Mirage: OMG! ...Sentients!!..

Loki:OH f***! I`m out of here....[goes invinsible]


Valkyr: ....dafuq is that?


edit: This comment on youtube was funny... but I changed a bit

Edited by Calibree
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Chroma isn't based on an eastern dragon, so this has nothing to do with Western bias. Now you're just trolling.


because you know what an Eastern (or Western, or ANY) Dragon looks like? Have you seen one yourself, or are you looking at pictures that someone else drew?

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because you know what an Eastern (or Western, or ANY) Dragon looks like? Have you seen one yourself, or are you looking at pictures that someone else drew?

Indeed dragons because of being fictional and mythological are open for interpretations other then some common traits the real life animals exhibit.

I.E:scales,horns,dermal plates,fire breath,talons,Parietal eyes ect ect.

also just for fun>1Pig_zpsruqzpgyt.jpg


DRAGON PIG bwahahah >:3

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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because you know what an Eastern (or Western, or ANY) Dragon looks like? Have you seen one yourself, or are you looking at pictures that someone else drew?


Yes, I do know how eastern and western dragons have been depicted, and so do you, just like I know how a Pegasus has been depicted, and how a unicorn has been depicted, and how a griffin has been depicted, and how a centaur has been depicted, and so on and so on. Just because these creatures aren't real, it doesn't mean that their designs are open to any and every kind of interpretation or that anything and everything can be labeled as them.


I'm not going to call a shark a dragon just because it happens to have a fin, a tail, and teeth. I'm not going to call a hummingbird a dragon just because it flies. I'm not going to call a dog a dragon just because it has legs. I'm not going to call a sea dragon a dragon just because it has dragon in it's name and has a long body with many fins compared to other fish. I'm not going to call a sea horse a horse just because it has a head that resembles that of a horse. I'm not going to call a sea lion a lion just because it has lion in its name and its mouth resembles that of a lion.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Yes, I do know how eastern and western dragons have been depicted, and so do you, just like I know how a Pegasus has been depicted, and how a unicorn has been depicted, and how a griffin has been depicted, and how a centaur has been depicted, and so on and so on. Just because these creatures aren't real, it doesn't mean that their designs are open to any and every kind of interpretation or that anything and everything can be labeled as them.


I'm not going to call a shark a dragon just because it happens to have a fin, a tail, and teeth. I'm not going to call a hummingbird a dragon just because it flies. I'm not going to call a dog a dragon just because it has legs. I'm not going to call a sea dragon a dragon just because it has dragon in it's name and has a long body with many fins compared to other fish. I'm not going to call a sea horse a horse just because it has a head that resembles that of a horse. I'm not going to call a sea lion a lion just because it has lion in its name and its mouth resembles that of a lion.

see the above picture I posted "it doesn't mean that their designs are open to any and every kind of interpretation"

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Western, Eastern, Southern, Northern dragons, whatevssss... Just freaking give him an ability(ability 4 preferably) that transforms its body to a bahamut-like creature for a duration, giving him extra stats. End of discussion. 

So basically LoL Shyvana.

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