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If You Had One Wish...


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I would ask them to focus more on something abstract. That is 1 subject but not 1 hard change to I'm kinda cheating on this.


I would ask the developments to add more small differences to the game using rng. Not things that influence gameplay, but things that influence the atmosphere. Think things like music, lights or voice lines. 


A few example's:

- After completing the spy 2.0 quest, there could be a small chance that a regular spy 2.0 mission will be coordinated by maroo because she needs something from that vault. Right now there are a ton of enjoyable voice lines hidden behind quest walls while some of them could easily be used in normal missions.

- Lights might turn off in the middle of a mission.

- Factions could have different kinds/variations of music and which one you'd get could be determined by RNG,

- etc


If I really had to push for 1 hard change then I would like to have the first of the above examples to become reality.

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One wish? I really don't know. I have so many, for varied reasons.


But if I could get any one change put into the game, no questions asked, it would be to put Excalibur Prime into the game. Founders can get some compensation, but I will never accept the idea that the most iconic Warframe of the lot will never get a Prime.

You'll have to. I don't even think the power of a granted wish would fix that. The wish would fizzle out as if it divided by 0.


And this is coming from a Founder who absolutely wants Ex Prime to be available again, for all consoles.

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If I had one wish, we would be best friends
Love would never end, it would just begin
If I had one wish, you would be my boo
Promise to love you, trust me I'll trust you
If I had one wish, we would run away
Making love all day, have us a baby
If I had one wish, I’d make you my whole life
And you’d be my wife, make it right this time


now if i actually had a wish i'd wish for a date with the lotus

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I figured I'd get some personal responses and then I'd be able to consolidate them into a poll. But clearly that was misguided and optimistic of me.


In any case, I'll reattempt this eventually with a better strategy in mind and avoid the word "wish".


Its not like you didn't get any non-joke answers.

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Its not like you didn't get any non-joke answers.

This is true, and appreciated. I was just expecting more of the answers to fall under a 10 point poll. Like I said, this is a test run, the poll will come after I have a successful attempt at this. The "remove Chroma and give us a real dragon frame" comment kinda got under my skin and I somewhat unwittingly fixated on that and comments like it. I didn't make the thread for people to make meta complaints about things that haven't even been released yet, and which are completely subjective. I was hoping for things such as:






drop tables 

passive abilities

etc. (plenty of other things to fill the spaces between)


To those who are staying true to the point, I applaud you.

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My wish:

Rework maps so we can have a more diverse enviroment, make new different stuff into the planets and not just the same Grineer asteroid or Corpus ship with different room placement. I hope this will be somehow achieved with what Steve said about making sense with the map design and the real reference and with Parkour 2.0

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An NPC Tenno character or two we interact with, to settle:


Can Tenno speak or not?

What are "Tenno" names?

I can give you some examples of Tenno names:









And yes they do talk and communicate in a way that the enemies can't hear them. 


It's telepathic almost and to someone whose not a Tenno it would sound like the Stalker.

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I can give you some examples of Tenno names:









And yes they do talk and communicate in a way that the enemies can't hear them. 


It's telepathic almost and to someone whose not a Tenno it would sound like the Stalker.

Clever adaptation of forumspeak into game-canon. Bravo.


But, that would make our desires to change the universe with the power of incessant whining canon as well... Slippery slope.

Edited by Kestral9999
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My wish would be for warframe to finally release a caster male frame that actually does damage.. like compared to nova or Mirage.


All male frames being released are supports with no damage and low utility that's useless late game :\, except nekro.. nerko is pretty amazing.

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I can give you some examples of Tenno names:









And yes they do talk and communicate in a way that the enemies can't hear them. 


It's telepathic almost and to someone whose not a Tenno it would sound like the Stalker.


Imo, saying those are actual Tenno names is the same as saying "ÏñsæñÍtÿ" or "ninjaroguepwn" or "needmorecowbell" or any other a quick "worst WoW character name" Google search would pull up are canon Warcraft-universe names.


That's a theory I've heard, and one I could get behind, but the presence of Mirage's "laugh" during Hidden Messages vs. Alad V's "mute peasant" quote throw things up in the air.

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My wish:

Rework maps so we can have a more diverse enviroment, make new different stuff into the planets and not just the same Grineer asteroid or Corpus ship with different room placement. I hope this will be somehow achieved with what Steve said about making sense with the map design and the real reference and with Parkour 2.0

You realize that's their goal with the whole "give every planet a unique tileset" objective, right?

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Implement a long, immersive, cutscene-driven story mode. I'm aiming high...


I would like too see that on the game too, since this so called "lore" some ppl feed off, doesn't even motivate me the least.

Only yesterday I realized these new sentients aren't the orokin ppl, thats how much I ignore all those lore texts.


But, I also think WF isnt a kinda of game to have a story mode, since the games that do do that are limited to only some gameplay hours, and dont have a continuity this game haves.

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More transparency.



Sure, in a beta test it makes sense to ban players who discover exploits. Yep. That would definitely encourage players to look for more bugs and exploits. /sarcasm

Exploiters really need to be punished with temp/perma bans.


This game hasn't really been in beta for a while now, even though technically its still said to be. But there won't be any account wipes to set everyone to square one with all the new people that would buy the game, chances are they won't be starting the offering of all mods/weapons/events from day 1 retail and anniversary gifts make no sense in a beta.


I am not as concerned about the leaderboard dojo speedruns as much as I am with exploiters. That word has a slightly different meaning for many, but I mean people like say, play pvp maps where they can aoe enemy spawn zone from behind the wall and kill everyone through the walls. That's an exploit, and it's one thing to find it and report it, and another to go to town using it which should be a warning with temp ban.

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You realize that's their goal with the whole "give every planet a unique tileset" objective, right?

Yes, but, as a wish, I want it NAOOWWW.


On the other hand, I think that they could go even further, like making some nodes have their own unique features, like having Mount Hek and freezing temperatures on Olympus Mars, a huge beautiful tree on Gaia Earth, or a huge cave with lava on Hades Pluto.

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