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Do You Really Want This! (For All Who Want To Be A Lotus-Guide)


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Do you think it's easy? Do you think it's a reward!?





THIS IS NOT A REWARD PEOPLE! This a voluntary responsibility! It's like getting selected for Community Moderator! Do they have high privelages? No. Do they get to know secrets? No. They got a job that they do, cleaning up forums, moving posts and helping players! It's not easy, ask them! 

The Sigil isn't a reward for good work. It's a huge "ASK ME ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!" Sign, right above your head. You get put in a group where you have a responsibility in the community. Go ingame, help newbies and REPORT info back to DE.


Please don't think you are getting rewarded. You are getting a chance to have a ingame, non-payed, voluntary Helping Newbies Responsibility because you LIKE helping newcomers.


Now, rethink. Do you REALLY want this? Some do, like me. But it isn't a reward, it's a responsibility. It means, GET IN THERE AND HELP NEWBIES! We'll give you a sign above your head while you relay data to us!

Edited by NightshadeRB
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I just want something that a newer player can see that indicates they can ask me any questions. TBH this guides of the lotus thing seems kinda off. Spending a lot of time in the really hoping that newer players actually know to go there as apposed to just doing missions and bumping into them naturally. Also

.off topic I recognise you nightshade. Not sure where from

Edited by Noobsdie4eva
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I just want something that a newer player can see that indicates they can ask me any questions. TBH this guides of the lotus thing seems kinda off. Spending a lot of time in the really hoping that newer players actually know to go there as apposed to just doing missions and bumping into them naturally

Yeah, imo relays are a wreck. I spend more time on earth and mercury helping newbies because im normally the only one in relays...

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I though DE said it was VOLUNTARY, not a job.

Yeah, if they pick you, you can choose to join. But if you join that means that its a type-of-responsibility. You can't just skim past and ignore all newbies when you volunteer. Youd have to go to Larunda...
















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id like to be a guide just so that i could i spread what ive learned in my time awake. things have changed and the newly awoken need a little jump start.


For reals though i would like to be a guide i dont even care about the sigil i just wanna help out. the sigil is just an identifier that says 'hey im willing to help' without you having to say so every 5 minutes. And all you gotta do to get seen is stand at a point that you cant possibly be missed and people will know youre there...even if its just cause they wanna ask 'whered you get that sweet(or dumb) logo on your chest'. to put it how the one guide i ran into did, 'spread the knowledge spread the fun' 

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I though DE said it was VOLUNTARY, not a job.


Yep, that's correct, it is voluntary. You can go into the relay's when you have the chance to, it's not like "do it, do it NAOW!"


But in all honesty, arguments of being a "completion" in this situation, should be tossed out the window. The "Guide's of the Lotus" sigil isn't something that was available for everyone for a weekend or for some sort of event. The sigil is something that you get to let new players know that you are there to help.

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Exactly agree with you


Do you think it's easy? Do you think it's a reward!?





THIS IS NOT A REWARD PEOPLE! This a job! It's like getting selected for Community Moderator! Do they have high privelages? No. Do they get to know secrets? No. They got a job that they do, cleaning up forums, moving posts and helping players! It's not easy, ask them! 

The Sigil isn't a reward for good work. It's a huge "ASK ME ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!" Sign, right above your head. You get put in a group where you have a JOB in the community. Go ingame, help newbies and REPORT info back to DE.


Please don't think you are getting rewarded. You are getting a chance to have a ingame, non-payed, voulintary JOB because you LIKE helping newcomers.


Now, rethink. Do you REALLY want this? Some do, like me. But it isn't a reward, it's a responsibility.

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