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Is It Me Or Are Augments Abit Of A Joke? And Is It Possible To Change To The Way Mods Are Used?


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Is it me and i am seriously asking this because i cannot afford to have them in my build most of the time. But i went through the list and started to wonder why are these mods here in the first place?. I mean the added benefits from these mods seem like they are fixes to abilities that are in need of fixing so why not just have them added to the abilities?. There are already more mods than ever and alot of them are useless and some are a must have on so your forced to use them to stay alive. So why are these mods here because there just adding to the problem of the mod space.

I would recommend DE using

One line of mods per each type

1 line defensive only mods

1 line offensive only mods

1 line support and misc mods

Something needs to be done because augments are not the solution.

(Not talking about weapon augments although if your going to have them then each weapon should have its own so there is no go to weapon because of it.)

Edit: the worse has to be ice wave augment very upset as its a good augment but not worth the spot. But it feels like it should already be on frosts ability from the get go. I really hope DE slows down on the new releases of content to work on bugs and a major balancing overhaul.

*fingers crossed*

Edit: An idea has been put forth saying mods like serration and redirection should be removed and added to overall stats. But making augments the mods what this means is removing stat mods for modified abilities as the main use of the mod spots. Its like a different way of adding in a talent tree of diablo style. Personally this idea is growing on me but what do you think?, is this the way the mod slots should be used?.

Edited by (PS4)Mofojokers
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Forma all things. Also. Hek +200% multi shot... Then spectra gets more range. They are good. And give those weps explosive abilities. Its awesome. If you don't like em don't use em.

They are like weapon specific enhancement mods.

Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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Forma all things. Also. Hek +200% multi shot... Then spectra gets more range. They are good. And give those weps explosive abilities. Its awesome. If you don't like em don't use em.

They are like weapon specific enhancement mods.


This thread is about the Warframe Augments, not the weapon Augments...

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Because DE logic


Honestly i feel kinda the same about how the augments are, some are just bad but some are great. Originally they were supposed to be part of the Focus system, instead they made separate for syndicates. Some i like running, some i dont. Plus ive played before these augments came out, and abilities were mod cards. When they were turned into its own system, i was happy, not so much about the less mod space and polarity changes, seeing as a good few of my frames had to be forma'd 1-3 times more to fix them. But then the augments, and more of them are coming out, are taking more mod space. I find it difficult in alot of builds fitting some in.

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I do have to question what builds you use if you cannot fit atleast 1 augment in there, because if you don't use augments, you're flat out missing out on alot of potential for your frame.


Augments favor different playstyles so you shouldn't be expecting to fit everyone for every build but you can definitely fit 1 or 2.

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Some are better than others. Stuff like Resonance, Regenerative Molt, Antimatter Absorb, both of Nekro's augments, etc. are actually pretty great and sometimes change the way you play as them completely. On the other hand, stuff like Fire Fright, Surging Dash, Ice wave Impedance, etc. really should've just been default features of their respective skills.


So it's a mixed bag, I commemorate the Devs for some of them but think others could afford to get a second pass.

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I agree some of them need work. The Limbo ones being a prime example. However a lot of the ones I've tried have offered interesting variations in play-style for their corresponding 'frame, the most fun for me being a supportive-type Hydroid.





Some are better than others. Stuff like Resonance, Regenerative Molt, Antimatter Absorb, both of Nekro's augments, etc. are actually pretty great and sometimes change the way you play as them completely. On the other hand, stuff like Fire Fright, Surging Dash, Ice wave Impedance, etc. really should've just been default features of their respective skills.


So it's a mixed bag, I commemorate the Devs for some of them but think others could afford to get a second pass.



Agreed - both of Nekros' are really cool.

Edited by Dualice
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It's not only this... some offer pretty cool options. But the frames usually miss synergy with them.

Lets make a few examples to this:

Shocking speed: adds amazing CC to volts speed ability, while Volt is missing the sprint speed and the defense to use it properly.

Ice Wave Impedance: Brilliant CC ability on frost. Combine it with snow globe for the best use--and become a pain in the &#! for the whole group.

Most of them are in conflict with theyr best possible playstyles and consume a slot.

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Some augments are a complete joke while others are extremely good.


Hallowed ground augment, for example, is really terrible.  I certainly can't think of a time where you want to blow up your hallowed ground, removing your cc immunity.


Irradiating disarm is really insane that it lets you proc an element for 9 seconds that scales with duration.


The list goes on, but there are a lot of awful augments.

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Hall of Malevolence and Irraditating Disarm are not a joke. There are others stated here that are good as well. I agree that some of these "augments" need to just be flat out added to the ability, but some that add effects or damage overall, like the two i have listed, don't need to be integrated into the ability as they add to it as a whole, while without them the ability is still perfectly fine. 

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Hall of Malevolence and Irraditating Disarm are not a joke. There are others stated here that are good as well. I agree that some of these "augments" need to just be flat out added to the ability, but some that add effects or damage overall, like the two i have listed, don't need to be integrated into the ability as they add to it as a whole, while without them the ability is still perfectly fine. 


No-one is saying that they are a joke.


We're saying that it is highly debatable if it is worth giving up a "proper" Warframe mod to use them. And when talking about the "bad" Augments it is not even debatable; they flat-out aren't worth it.

Edited by Brimir
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Some of these augments are definitely fixes, but some are also benefits. I do understando what you say though. Seems like most of the ability augments are fixes for what abilities should actually be.

Indeed some are great while others are fixes to abilities that need a good look at lol. Maybe soon we will see a major balancing across warframe instead of pumping content.
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Hall of Malevolence and Irraditating Disarm are not a joke. There are others stated here that are good as well. I agree that some of these "augments" need to just be flat out added to the ability, but some that add effects or damage overall, like the two i have listed, don't need to be integrated into the ability as they add to it as a whole, while without them the ability is still perfectly fine. 

Sorry if I was unclear, I meant that irradiating disarm is insanely good, not a joke.

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This is also how I feel about the mods...they have very very little use sometimes. Some of them are clearly a fix for the skill. and the worst part. one cannot afford to put them in most builds so there is no way you can enjoy them...

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honestly I use quite a few augments on my warframes, ahem:


Ash-Seeking Shuriken, Banshee-Resonance, Frost- Icewave Impedance, Hydroid- Pilfering swarm, Loki- Irradiating disarm, Mag- Sheild Transference

Mirage- Total Eclipse, Nekros-Despoil and Soul Survivor, Rhino- Piercing Roar, Zephyr- Jet stream


Are there augments i don't use? yup, but i think it's a gross generalization to just say that all augments are useless or underwhelming.


lastly, icewave impedance is fine on my frost build, not sure what you can't afford to take off but i've had no problems running those 50+ wave t4 defense. And the augment makes for fantastic CC.

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I never used any, and i do own several, but just like you, I aint taking out any essential mod to fit these.


But these mods represent what warframe modding should be about, instead of stuffing our slots with vitalities, redirections, continuaties, intensifies, etc, that are all the basic problematic mods just like serration.

These are actually modifiers, that do change our playing style/actions whiteout being fundamentally essential.

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... it's a gross generalization to just say that all augments are useless or underwhelming.



They arent useless, but arent essential either, the game existed and played well without these for more then 2 years.

And taking a look at our limited slots, there are mods that are way more important for survivability, damage and utility.

Sadly even if DE introduces 2 more slots, or even 4 or 6 more, I would still not use them, since there are always mods that do increase our base stats, which is more important then just these extra effects.

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