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Warframe: Sanctuary


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Fantastic update.

 All excellent implementations(with the exception of the pvp expansion)

    - someone had said it earlier in a thread and I agree: It's going to bring in some horribly bad attitude, can't control themselves in a behaved demeanor, type of players.  We will eventually see worse filthy Region chat language, as well as our beloved in-game voip.  

There's going to be a tremendous amount of ignoring and muting, presenting a notable burden on the majority of our coop gamers.

I've experienced this happen in every game I came across where pvp was expanded in a game created for coop play.  

      We can hope this won't happen to Warframe, but I think it would be false hope.

      Rant concluded, trollbait initialized. 


Every thing else, great stuff.  Looking forward to it.

Edited by HawKish
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You made the deadline! A hearty 'well done' to all involved :D

Let's have a looksee....

Elemental Ward:

So, Chroma is officially the Tenno Eximus?

Oh, nice. New frames rePvPed already.

[*]Synthesis Scanners can be equipped like regular Gear, and are used in the same fashion a Codex scanner is.

Does this mean that Helios can use them?

[*]While playing in Missions Rare Spawn enemies with unique abilities may appear.  These enemies will be more difficult to scan, and Synthesis can have dangerous side-effects on targets scanned.

Intriguing... >:)

[*]Loki:  Invisibility:  Hushed Invisibility - Weapon noise is reduced by 100% while invisible. [*]Mag: Crush:  Fracturing Crush - Survivors have their armor decreased by 50% and become unable to move for 7 seconds. [*]Frost: Snow Globe:  Chilling Globe - Enemies that enter have a 50% chance to become frozen solid for 8 seconds. [*]Chroma: Spectral Scream:  Afterburn - On deactivating this ability Chroma will launch an elemental projectile dealing 100 damage for each second the ability was active, to a maximum of 500 damage.

Hushed Invisibility: Alright, a slot on Loki might be worth 1 on each Primary and secondary.
Fracturing Crush: Hm. Not sure that I have a slot for that, regardless of its efficiency. Maybe vs. Grineer, where I don't need to focus as much on maxing Shield Polarize.
Chilling Globe: ... Why? I mean, they already get 50%-or-greater slow on entering the globe, and given the increase of globe-ignoring enemies (Explosive, 'enviromental', Null and 1+3 for Grineer, Infested, Corpus and Corrupted, respectively) you want your globe to be as large as possible already in almost any situation. (i.e. anything that isn't Corpus Excavation/MD.)
Spectral Scream: Not seeing the point. Either stuff dies from the breath, or I'm going to keep breathing. And being per-second, I don't see it being worth toggling on and off just for the trigger. Only possible use I can see is like Iron Shrapnel: In case you run out of energy, or meet a Nullifier.

Interesting PvP augments.
We getting the 'reload' ones for PvE?
Also, given that ammo - like energy - has an invisible decimal, how would they work with, for instance, the Vectis? Round up may be too powerful, round down too weak.

[*]Helios:  Detect Vulnerability - Upon completing research on an enemy subsequent scans will reveal their weak points.  This ability works similar to Banshee`s sonar.


[*]Players can now see a Warframe’s Power Strength, Range, Duration and Efficiency stats in the Arsenal. [*]Added audio details to Arsenal -- weapons should now display their loudness to help better distinguish between Silent or Alarming weapons fire.

Ooh, nice!

[*]Mag`s Crush now ticks three times during its casting animation.  New enemies that enter within the range will be caught within Crush during each tick. [*]Enemies that survive Mag`s Crush will be ragdolled at the end of the animation.


[*]Fixed enemies still firing their weapons while ragdolled.


Mission Changes:
  • [*]Life Support Modules now have a chance to spawn from lockers and breakable containers in Survival.

Just for clarification:
They already could from "Survival <tileset> Containers".

[*]After completing a Mission a ‘Repeat Mission’ button will be available on the Last Mission Results screen.  This will take you directly to the Star Chart node selection.


[*]8 Syndicate Medallions are now guaranteed to appear in any Syndicate Mission.


Also, I assume that that means "appropriate Syndicate mission", i.e. not Defense...?

[*]Syndicates no longer require multiple sacrifices if players drop from a higher tier to a lower one.  Players will only need to make one sacrifice ever when moving between tiers.

The Sigils!@ They shall ALL BE MINE!
They said I was crazy. MAD they called me!
But we'll see who has the last laugh.
Muhu. Muhuhaha.

[*]Fixed an issue that would occur when uninstalling a Mod that would exceed energy capacity while fusing.


[*]Fixed issue caused by Zanuka being launched out of the Alad V fight arena, making it impossible to finish the boss fight.

That sounds hilarious.
Frustrating as all hell, but hilarious.

This comes to mind.



[*]Fixed Corpus Nullifiers being affected by Limbo’s Cataclysm.


Not sure if I'm happier or sadder to see this.  xD


[*]Fixed enemy Eximus Toxic auras proccing on players when the enemy is under the effect of mind control as per: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/395695-ability-exception-nyx-mind-control-on-ancient-corrupt-eximus/


[*]Fixed the dialogue between Lotus and Maroo at the final mission of Stolen Dreams being out of order.

Ooh, I was wondering whether this would happen. :)

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Stealth nerf to synoid Gammacor...


Base damage change


210 -> 28....


Patch notes for it all wrong


Base magazine increased to 150 from 75, not decreased. Ammo consumed IS 7.5x times higher. You burn through 150 ammo in 1.2 seconds of holding down fire button.


But that nerf to the damage was massive. It now does less damage than the regular gammacor. No point to even using the weapon anymore at all.


Chief Nerf Officer says hi.

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Synoid's changes seem... simply loathsome. I'm sure it was... too strong or something, but honestly speaking it may only seem that way since 70% of weapons are forgotten and never got properly balanced. Using a level dps system (1 for normal weapons, a slightly higher for rare and slightly higher for special weapons) would be quite fine. After all it's practically child's play to calculate dps.

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Why would you guys nerf Synoid SO hard ;-;

It's the only weapon noteworthy past wave 30-35 on T4's

At least buff up primaries or something so we have something else to survive


Why? Probably to justify that otherwise useless primed pistol ammo mutation mod.

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I am all fine with nerfing Synoid Gammacore, it did need a rebalance due to being terribly overpowered and didnt use much of any ammo. However, it is now not even better than the regular gammacore. Its not even worth the 100,000 Standing it takes to claim it. I understand a balance is needed, but dont make it completely worthless.


Otherwise I do like the new update.

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