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Rhino Vs Chroma


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Chroma support frame?? My 5000 armor are laughing at you, bzzzzzt!


5k armor isnt even possible with chroma xP 4.2-4.3k is his max idk where people get this 5k from. Even still his max potential mitigation is only around 95% and going past 2.5-3k armor yields substantially lower benefits and youre wasting mod points for 1-2% less dmg

Edited by Echoa
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rhino has always been just a support buffer, anyone who uses him as a tank is a moron,

When you say "always" I imagine you're not counting the time before rhino even had Roar.

When you say "moron" I imagine you're not counting the time when iron skin was literally invincible, when it was super high DR or when it pulled aggro.

heck do I point out how armor tanking wasn't even really viable for tanking until melee 2.0 hit and we got lifestrike? 


Don't say "always" and have the nerve to call people morons....if you don't even know the real history.

Edited by Ronyn
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When you say "always" I imagine you're not counting the time before rhino even had Roar.

When you say "moron" I imagine you're not counting the time when iron skin was literally invincible, when it was super high DR or when it pulled aggro.

heck do I point out how armor tanking wasn't even really viable for tanking until melee 2.0 hit and we got lifestrike? 


Don't say "always" and have the nerve to call people morons....if you don't even know the real history.



Granted he/she is on PS4, he/she may not know the "history" of rhino, and how stomp was basically split into the 3 and 4 skill back in the day.



well valkyr does decent damage with maxed blindrage, chroma either needs alot of maxed mods to grow insane armor we are talking about. it scales ok with mods not maxed, but also does hysteria... i mean they both dont loose much with mods at 8 intead of 10.

valkyr can ress teammates in the worst situations and a skilled valkyr player will go around taking aggro from most enemies possible. warcry buff is S#&$ty, also are chroma's buffs. nobody in team is gonna rely on one or the other.

Also considering narrowmind is required if you want a decent duration (on both)

the difference i see is that chroma has a damage boost on itself, but is gonna suffer damage soon or later.and cant find the spot for recasting vex armor when stuck in large groups of enemies.

Valkyr has a totally different damage output (far inferior) and will melee only. But its 100% immortal with al benefits. longer duration and you just need to find a 1 second spot to cast hysteria and keep running around.

I mean, they are both S#&$ty for teamwork, and probably S#&$ty all around.  and my thought is: if i dont bring valkyr, thats actually immortal, why should i bring chroma that is gonna have an hard time late on the mission?

cause it will kill something more? 

and seriously you wont have troubles killing till lvl 80+ (with auras 180+) where chroma's higher damage output will become more valuable but his survival will become harder and harder....

Just for clearance, i have both. potatoed and formas, and like chroma much more. but still cant how he's supposed to be a better tank than valkyr or more useful than rhino.


Actually, vex can be cast without stopping (i.e. you could run into crowd and cast vex without stopping). What I usually attempt to do is use vex mid-coptor since you can't really do much otherwise anyway.

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Rhino has higher base Shields

Also his Charge scale more than Kroma's breaths since stray pullets will melt you while breathing.

Rhino's still honestly better.

Armor isn't that big a deal for warframes. Valk's only intimidating because of her ult. her Armor's meh.

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well valkyr does decent damage with maxed blindrage, chroma either needs alot of maxed mods to grow insane armor we are talking about. it scales ok with mods not maxed, but also does hysteria... i mean they both dont loose much with mods at 8 intead of 10.

valkyr can ress teammates in the worst situations and a skilled valkyr player will go around taking aggro from most enemies possible. warcry buff is S#&$ty, also are chroma's buffs. nobody in team is gonna rely on one or the other.

Also considering narrowmind is required if you want a decent duration (on both)

the difference i see is that chroma has a damage boost on itself, but is gonna suffer damage soon or later.and cant find the spot for recasting vex armor when stuck in large groups of enemies.

Valkyr has a totally different damage output (far inferior) and will melee only. But its 100% immortal with al benefits. longer duration and you just need to find a 1 second spot to cast hysteria and keep running around.

I mean, they are both S#&$ty for teamwork, and probably S#&$ty all around.  and my thought is: if i dont bring valkyr, thats actually immortal, why should i bring chroma that is gonna have an hard time late on the mission?

cause it will kill something more? 

and seriously you wont have troubles killing till lvl 80+ (with auras 180+) where chroma's higher damage output will become more valuable but his survival will become harder and harder....

Just for clearance, i have both. potatoed and formas, and like chroma much more. but still cant how he's supposed to be a better tank than valkyr or more useful than rhino.

Actually Valkyrs best build centers around using Warcry + Rage +Lifestrike with whatever melee you want to use. Warcry is a great skill and has CC.

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Rhino has higher base Shields

Also his Charge scale more than Kroma's breaths since stray pullets will melt you while breathing.

Rhino's still honestly better.

Armor isn't that big a deal for warframes. Valk's only intimidating because of her ult. her Armor's meh.

Armor is meaningless until a certain point and Chroma reaches that point. Vex armor only solidifies that point and makes him extremely tanky.

Vex armor imo is by itself more effective than both rhinos 2 and 3. Elemental Ward is extremely versatile and effigy is just a cherry on the cake.

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Rhino has higher base Shields

Also his Charge scale more than Kroma's breaths since stray pullets will melt you while breathing.

Rhino's still honestly better.

Armor isn't that big a deal for warframes. Valk's only intimidating because of her ult. her Armor's meh.


Not better, just different

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or actually knows how to use Rhino, been playing Rhino almost 2 years largely exclusively (i have 3-4x+ the hours on him vs any other frame)

Both are tanky as all hell but work differently

Rhino is all about regenerative health pools and swapping your pools actively

I.E Using Iron Skin as a Shield 1 that you can when built right keep up near constantly, when IS goes down you have a 1k buffer with Shields/Shield 2, then when that goes down you have 700-800hp and when combine with Rage/Rejuv a single hit can then get you enough energy to pop IS again which then Allows you to regenerate your health and shield and start the process again. Stomp is also awesome for a temporary pause to combat allowing you to revive a ally, and roar allowing for a good temp dmg boost to you and allys.

Chroma on the other hand is a tank relying on his armor +dmg vs 3 large regen pools

I.E Fire chroma with steel+85% power str vex can have around 3-3.5k armor (idk exact # atm) which gives him a good 90-95% reduction in dmg, now combine that with the fact that he can have a good amount of shields he essentially got good bits from both Rhino and valkyr. Using fire ward with rejuv you can keep yours health up consistently, then vex with the high mitigation allows you to not just survive but gain substantial dmg boost. Using effigy right will allow for some CC when you need to revive a downed ally.

Chroma and Rhino are both tanky and when used properly fantastic, problem is people dont know how.


They work differently

Rhino tanks based on Regen health pools

Chroma Tanks based on mitigation + dmg output

Rhino has better CC resistance and chroma has higher DMG.

Effigy cc is too inconsistent and only really work on a tightly pack group of enemy. While Rhino can stomp and instantly disable everything in a very large area for around 7 second with a mere cost of 25 energy. Rhino cc is much better. I would not even call Effigy a cc power, its just a distraction as best.

The biggest problem for Chroma is the lack of knockdown resistance which is easily solved by adding Handspring

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With maximized range + efficiency...

Rhino can flex his muscly biceps to explode Iron Skin faster than a male stripper via Iron Shrapnel, ragdolling everyone within 15 meters or even launching them to kingdom come when rushing towards them.

Rhino can stomp the yard with his buff, manly legs to make everything within a 59 meter radius a shooting gallery for 8 seconds.

Rhino is love.

Rhino is life.

Edited by Sonitorum
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rhino cant compare to a well build chroma on higher levels sorry :)

max armor build with arcane guardian and duration just gives insane survivability on higher survival/defence/interception + a HUGE dmg buff.

Edited by CanIbiteU
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Because all Rhino users play because he's easy, not because they like his aesthetics, right.


I play a Rhino Prime with Rubedo skin cause he's badassitude! Not cause he's easy. I never spam button 4. I rarely use Iron Skin. Only used as a health gate for high end enemies. Ya know like them lvl 80 Corrupted gunner's that take forever to kill with a OP Boltor Prime.


I play with weapons and frames that have awesome looks. And Chroma is a huge let down for it being a "Dragon" frame.

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he presses his 4 and his armor is gone

play Rhino if you want a tank.

And you gain speed to trade with that armor. I mean your not forced to use effigy,but it has enough applications to warrant an armor drop(not to mention vex armor makes up for what you might've lost).

Effigy cc is too inconsistent and only really work on a tightly pack group of enemy. While Rhino can stomp and instantly disable everything in a very large area for around 7 second with a mere cost of 25 energy. Rhino cc is much better. I would not even call Effigy a cc power, its just a distraction as best.

Effigy is a guaranteed scream every time you cast the ability and does a aoe knock back ragdoll move everytime you walk close to it while enemies are near. Pretty consistent to me. Edited by Darkmoone1
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Vauban is Booben


Chroma is Snout 


+1 to you good sir

Snout is not really catchy like Booben.....



Rhino has higher base Shields

Also his Charge scale more than Kroma's breaths since stray pullets will melt you while breathing.

Rhino's still honestly better.

Armor isn't that big a deal for warframes. Valk's only intimidating because of her ult. her Armor's meh.

Then Rhino's Armor is Meher.

Valkyr has the highest Armor in the game, use Warcry and it increses Armor as well, Armor damage mitigation is calculated like this:


Damage Received = Attack damage ÷ (1 + Armor Value/300)


Note: Not using Vigor.

Valkyr with 600 Base Armor is able to mitigate 66,7% of incomming damage, with maxed Steel Fiber she has 1260 Armor which means a 80,8% damage mitigation, while giving her an effective health of 3848 (4218 if you count the 370 Shields), thats a lot for a passive mitigation.


Iron Skin just gives a 3rd health to Rhino which has 1200HP at max rank, with Intensify it has 1560HP and with the Shields of 1110 and Health of 740 it gives him 3410HP before he goes down (it goes to 3654 if you add Steel Fiber, which gives him effective health of 984HP), and Iron Skin is a power that has to be activated, so an active mitigation. (Steel Fiber has no effect in Iron Skin)


Valkyr is better than Rhino in Tankness, Rhino just seems better because players dont like to receive health damage.


And Chroma is a bit more complicated to use, for Vex Armor to be effective he HAS to be hit and it increases Armor by 350% at max rank, and you need 400 Shields to be destroyed for it to get to the cap, and with Intesify, it goes to 455% Armor increase. With Steel Fiber, he has 735 Armor, with Vex Armor he gets 735 + 350*4.55 = 2327,5 Armor for the Duration of the power.


Insane armor rating right there.... he gets 88,5% damage mitigation, and an effective health of.... 740SH + 6481HP = 7221..... forgive the language, but that's F*bleep*CKING INSANE!!


And if you have Life Strike you can keep getting health back pretty well, and the Fury part when you get damage increases base damage by 2.75x and you need to lose 100HP to ge to the max, and with Intensify that goes to 3,575x and makes his first power (With Intesify it does 260 dmg, but Fury effects base damage) deal 715 damage plus the 60 of Intensify, it gives 775 damage per second and THEN the elemental weakness kicks in.


Chroma is a beast Dragon.....

Edited by Kao-Snake
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rhino isn't a tank first of all, sure he has a high armor amount, but that's about it when it comes to defensive capabilities. his iron skin is like aluminum foil skin late game, the only thing good about it is that it blocks all cc. rhino is a support frame. he has roar which buffs the team's damage and a ult that ragdolls or applies a heavy slow. rhino needs to stop being advertised as a tank. yes his iron skin is really effective at earlier levels of the game, however it scales quite horribly


chroma is a tank. he is able to boost his armor levels to absurd levels with vex armor. he can be in 2 places at once with his effigy, allowing him to draw twice the aggro of enemies 


rhino is a cc/supporter frame, while chroma is a tank. don't get their roles confused

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