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Toxic Players In The Raid


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Will probably just take some time to get used to.


When Draco was first becoming a thing, it was hard to find a party that knew what they were doing, lots of mistakes, lots of toxic attitudes towards players that didn't understand the method or wish to learn. Over time, it became pretty much second nature to most players, and you could go through a Draco run regularly without communicating anything other than "r". 


Once people acclimate to the Raid and understand its mechanics, this sort of behaviour will die out.

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Yup, saw this coming a mile away.


Funny thing is, everyone was like "PvP is gonna bring toxic players," when in reality raids did that. :P

Ironically, in PvP, I've encountered some of the most chillax people I've ever met in warframe. I get a lucky kill, the guy I kill compliments me. I copter off the map, I get reassured that it's not uncommon. Sure you have the sarcastic guy jeering you on, bt more often then not it's just people being super chill. Surprisingly pleasant.....omg, watch me become a PvP guy........I need a shower.

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Ironically, in PvP, I've encountered some of the most chillax people I've ever met in warframe. I get a lucky kill, the guy I kill compliments me. I copter off the map, I get reassured that it's not uncommon. Sure you have the sarcastic guy jeering you on, bt more often then not it's just people being super chill. Surprisingly pleasant.....omg, watch me become a PvP guy........I need a shower.

I was having fun until I ran into this one guy using a Volt with Fang Primes, just spamming the slide attack and he ran over a player and then ran over me and he was like.




Then the other guy got upset and start raging and then I started doing the same thing with my Fang Prime just spamming slide attacks back and forth capturing the Cephalon~


We lost in the end btw~

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Ironically, in PvP, I've encountered some of the most chillax people I've ever met in warframe. I get a lucky kill, the guy I kill compliments me. I copter off the map, I get reassured that it's not uncommon. Sure you have the sarcastic guy jeering you on, bt more often then not it's just people being super chill. Surprisingly pleasant.....omg, watch me become a PvP guy........I need a shower.


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I was having fun until I ran into this one guy using a Volt with Fang Primes, just spamming the slide attack and he ran over a player and then ran over me and he was like.




Then the other guy got upset and start raging and then I started doing the same thing with my Fang Prime just spamming slide attacks back and forth capturing the Cephalon~


We lost in the end btw~

Those kinda players that are kinda #$&(%-y are pretty few and far between (even in PvE).


I hate those copter spammers though, I had to ALT + F4 after running into that and raging inside (channeled that rage into a thread about how the TTK is too high to support fast paced game play).

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First off. Sorry if this is in the completely wrong section.


Earlier I was playing the Raid and we were figuring out what it was we needed to do. During this a player decided to insult the whole group because the battery kept de-stabalising (Manics killing us while getting it there etc) and then proceeded to blame the whole group when he goes down, despite him being the only one at the complete other side of the map.


Screenshot below (Names censored) so you can see what it was exactly he said.




Anyone else encountered toxic players while playing this raid, Anyone else noticed a rise of Toxic players now the raid has been introduced? this is the second time in a single day I have, I also have the uncensored version, is it worth sending it to support/ the helpdesk?

He said worse but I haven't managed to get that in a screenshot.


This is how it always is in raids in any game with them sorry to say. You have to find a clan or people who are willing to work together and listen because PUG raids are always a nightmare and full trolls and hostility.

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I was having fun until I ran into this one guy using a Volt with Fang Primes, just spamming the slide attack and he ran over a player and then ran over me and he was like.




Then the other guy got upset and start raging and then I started doing the same thing with my Fang Prime just spamming slide attacks back and forth capturing the Cephalon~


We lost in the end btw~

Yeah, sadly inevitable. But thus far, I've only seen a few of these.



Oh no, I can....I can feel it. I'm dialing up my mouse sensitivity as we speak.

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Yup, saw this coming a mile away.


Funny thing is, everyone was like "PvP is gonna bring toxic players," when in reality raids did that. :P


PVP does to, just at least we cant PK in world or anything because itd be worse.


really theyre always there its just a matter of if/when you run into them

Edited by Echoa
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They should have put in a kick function into the game by now. Toxic players have always been in online gaming since dial up days. Without a kick function we are stuck with them. Hell if they wont put a kick function,  block button like in smite so you dont have to play with that person again.


what we need is the ability to kick in a case like this and then requeue for a new member/invite someone else

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This is why I uninstalled wow the other day....been raiding since 6 months after that launch up until recently; raiding is stressful and even in a clan you will get toxic players. And it's 100x worse in pugs. So dislike raids; elitism, stress, and never all that much fun unless it's on farm. Even then people get so mad at the slightest mistake. Won't be doin this raid unless it's mandatory which I am fairly certain it will eventually.

Edited by fizbit
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PVP does to, just at least we cant PK in world or anything because itd be worse.


really theyre always there its just a matter of if/when you run into them

There are toxic player every where, not just PvP. I'm saying I see toxic players less in PvP.


what we need is the ability to kick in a case like this and then requeue for a new member/invite someone else

You could just use the ignore feature if a player is being hostile.

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Funny thing is, I find that players in PvP games are much less toxic than players in raids in PvE games.


Ive had the opposite experience, its why i wish i wasnt on MT in Tera because its full of A******s. The PvE servers have em too yea, but PvP servers have always been awful when i play on them.

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This is why I uninstalled wow the other day....been raiding since 6 months after that launch up until recently; raiding is stressful and even in a clan you will get toxic players. And it's 100x worse in pugs. So dislike raids; elitism, stress, and never all that much fun unless it's on farm. Even then people get so mad at the slightest mistake. Won't be doin this raid unless it's mandatory which I am fairly certain it will eventually.


Usually clans solve the problem for me, but in WoW I like to farm/mine copper,etc. mostly lol I do alot of running around areas for hours just mining.

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PvP in warframe provides alot of laughs. Havent tried Conclave 2.0 yet but before that got one of the worst headaches of my life from laughing so hard.  And that was from glitching off the map and Excalibur shenanigans xD. Good times.....good times...

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I've had two very different experiences with raid today.


First one was a PUG absolutely toxic. There was this guy on the mic screaming at us calling us headless chickens, retards, and children, guys sabotaging the mission out of spite for the aforementioned mic screamer, and then eventually everyone just leaving in anger.


Second PUG was infinitely better. There were a few others who had no idea what to do and the others gave them advice, and if the person didn't get it they'd just keep trying to explain it. In the game we discussed tactics, whose role was what, etc. Sadly, we lost the match on the second round but we just tried again with more or less the same group with one or two changes, but unlike before we went into the mission with a pretty positive expectation. We just thought that since we went through it once, we would get it this time.  We ran it while discussing what to do, looking at the wiki for some tips of what to do next, and then we finally won. 


In conclusion, raid is really a mixed bag of different people. You've got some who get really angry over failure and those who say we can do it next time, so it really all just depends


TL;DR: Some good people in raid, some bad people

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As someone who has only partially completed one raid so far, before I had to abort and go to work, I got home and wanted to finish what I started. I decided to turn global chat on and perhaps find a squad to join. People that were hosting raids were just saying the same stuff, like "hosting raid, don't come if you suck" and "need people for raid. we don't want n00bs or inexperienced players."


I didn't feel comfortable joining any of these people, and to be honest, I didn't feel like they'd want me there, either. I have yet to complete a raid. I was really lost the first time around and had little to no idea of what I was supposed to be doing. This doesn't make me a bad player. This doesn't make me a noob. This basically states that I am an MR 15 player who wants to learn how to do this thing and do it right.


I ended up PM'ing a player who seemed nice enough, and when I asked who I should bring, he told me that I sounded like a clueless noob and stopped talking to me after that.


In my opinion, people need to realize that this update is incredibly new, and not everyone is going to be a seasoned raid veteran in just a day or two. I know I'm sure as heck not.


It's not just the "useless" players who are toxic; it's also the players who refuse to let anyone join them. This is a game that is meant to be played with others; if you never let anyone join your squad, how is anyone supposed to learn how to do things? It's basically the ODD squad all over again; you can join ONLY if you have slow Nova, Vauban, Nekros, etc.


Please don't be jerk prime; I know you want to have successful raids, but remember that you can't have experienced players until they get to experience it first. Plain and simple.

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With a kick function added it would probably be abused.

And I think the ignore button does what you said, I think.


Regardless, there needs to be SOMETHING in place to cull this problem. Had a troll killing the syth target and then complaining someone killed it. cant do anything about, cant report it, just had to watch him do it twice. Until DE does something, this will be the norm.

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I was worried this would happen. I've bounced back and forth between this game and Destiny and noticed a HUGE difference in both communities. While WARFRAME has its share of rantings, the amount of it is nothing compared to what I encounter in Destiny. Now that a Raid is introduced I'm worried this awesome game may share the same fate.

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Well, to be honest they were here before raids were implemented, they just didn't appear as often. Now raids are like a hub for toxic players. :/


its pretty simple really, more ppl together in a squad, = a higher % of toxic ppl... They have always been there, just easyer to spot amongst a bigger group.

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Certainly is a shame to know that toxic players do infact exist within our community

They do in every game, hell, even I might be one of them, but due to the nature of Warframe till raids arrived, there was no real reason to be toxic.

And I'm one of those extreme case toxic players, as in, you really need to piss me off in order to make me become toxic, like there was this Vauban in my first PUG raid that I did, It took me around 5-10 minutes to figure out how the batteries work, and another 5 to figure out that you need to hack consoles in order to lower shields and place battery on unshielded injectors. And after I constantly kept explaining, most people got it, besides that Vauban who knew english, did read, he was talking, yet was bad as hell. I kept taking the battery and charging it, since most of the other guys didn't really understand that if you sprint after it's charged you destroy it, and once the shields were lowered I dropped the bomb near the injector (before I knew that it is possible to shoot the bomb to detonate it early) that Vauban swiftly ran in, picked it up, and started sprinting...boom goes the bomb, had to repeat the whole thing again...that's when I start becoming Toxic.

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I've been in Destiny Raids plenty enough to know how toxic people can get. Hell, I try to get a squad together to do vault runs, VAULT RUNS, and many people are too impatient to wait just one minute so we can get the group ready. Its like, really? And in Raids, I don't think I could ever pull myself to yell at a useless or just inexperienced player (this does not include trolls), because I was in their shoes once. I was once the guy in Destiny who asked at every turn what my instructions were next so I could make sure I wasn't letting my team down. I wasn't exactly the most seasoned player and I wasn't hardcore enough to know every little technique. I was a few times, what brought our team down, other times it was the other group members. You just have to learn to understand each other and work around our differences in experience. Unfortunately I am a console player so I don't have the Raid yet, but when I recruit, I'll be doing it a little before the update. To get to know people and find the perfect group. To be kind and find others with the same ambitions. This is what I really enjoy about games like these. Finding a kicka** team and conquering a difficult situation through cooperation and teamwork.

TL;DR- Be understanding toward others because you were once in their position but don't tolerate toxic players.

Edited by (XB1)TsK x BraVo
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