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The Manic, Is A Stage Towards Anti Progression


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OP, I think you're greatly exaggerating the Manic. I could go into the simulacrum and kill several Manics that are leveled consecutively. No way your claim of a lv1 Manic killing your fully geared Valkyr is legit. No offense but you're either really really bad, paralyzed in fear from it's creepy laugh, or you encountered a bug.

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It's not challenging, its just cheap.   A lazy excuse to force people to play how YOU want them to play. Lookin at you DE |:<


STOP HAVING FUN.  I thought i was playing Warframe, now im just playing a reskinned Payday 2.


You don't know what cheap is. Manic spawns in specific conditions, telegraphs his presence like mad (because he is mad, apparently), completely dodgable and fairly easy to kill.

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I killed at least 5 playing solo without knowing what I did to kill them -_-


Also Cloakers in Payday2 is literally BS, not because they are anti progression or hard, but because they are buggy as hell. Teleporting flying kicks through the wall and get stuck in it but still somehow hit you 5 meters away.  THAT'S BS. 


I haven't see that with the Maniacs so far, so can't say I agree with OP. 


As to the whole anti progression thing.  You have a point, except I do think Warframe needs more skill based challenged, rather than stacking more bolto primes, Novas, Mirage FTW. 

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The only times he was difficult is either in the raid where he always messed whith the bomb carrier, or when i was scanning in ceres and he found me in the smallest room where i started to chase him whith meele since i was lazy to put away the scanner and 2 bombard came to say hi, its quite difficult dodgin homing rocket in a small room.

Edited by WhiteDagger
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Eh, the only thing I'd like is if they'd disable the guy on solo missions where it is mandatory to go loud (only so many times you can group up with PUGs before they wear on you).  Otherwise, I find it hilarious insanity in the chaos of a teamfight, or when desperately trying to shut the alarms off before the thing nails you in solo.

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They only come if alarms get activated i'm pretty sure


Not sure if it's true but they seem like they come if you trigger alarms and kill a certain amount of Grineer. It seemed that way when i was doing a ton of stalking for codex scans on loki and messed up.

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So if its hard, its anti progression... Whatever deal with it. And as other people have said he has no insta kill mechanics. Your just mad that you have to actually think while in combat. The manic is one of the best enemy types in the game. Imo

Edited by Senketsu_
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Figures. Another one of these threads.


Tell me about it. It's like anything that involves us having to try or alter our strategy results in complaints.

After the OP's comment on page 2, I'm beginning to think he's just trolling.


And we all know what not to ever do, ever.  --> Don't Feed the Trolls!

And at the first sign of a troll we...


Edited by GhostSwordsman
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This is what happens when a player's are spawned on powercreep and expect everything to fall to their knees.


You have a dangerous enemy that has telegraphed attacks, has a specific spawn requirement yet can easily be dealt with.


The only reason i see the maniac being a danger is in a group fight, and even then you should be more aware and be watching your back. Part of me even wants him buffed.

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The only thing i don't like about Manics is that DE coudn't think of some more elegant solution to their ability nullification system, because it seems that they just forced manics to be unaffected by this one and that one, and this other one, and oh wait we forgot blade storm one. Apart from that they are pretty fun to fight, especially with melee (not very effective, but still). Aaand yes they are not very newbie friendly and can be a pain in the &amp;#&#33; if you are trying to lvlup some garbage weapon or frame. But hey it's like funnier budgetary version of stalker, everyone likes stalker)

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I've taken on a few Manics in solo & 2 or 3 player games and noever been killed by them.  They were pretty easy to spot and hit.  My only issue with them is that they seem to sometimes not take damage.  Do they have invulnerable locations?  They come at me, I shoot them, they jump away and disappear, they come at me, I shoot at them, their health doesn't look like it's going down but I keep at this until eventually they die.  I've not taken one on in a Survival yet, I guess the time spent with them doing hit'n'run attacks could be dangerous then.

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Manics are powerful yes, but you know they're coming, you can even see them coming.


They're no all that difficult to avoid either.

The only time that they're a real problem is if they spawn next to a boss, and even then, a weapon with huge burst damage can down it one shot.


My Rakta Ballistica can do it with a well placed charged shot; honestly not as bad as you make it sound.

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The grineer Manic has a sort of armor ignore on his slap-attack.


Yesterday a lvl 33 manic  jumped on my Valkyr with 1.260 armor and took 4 slaps to kill me. With 740 HP. This is ridicolous.


He teleports from the ceiling too... Sometimes you can't avoid that attack.


If that's balanced...well then

Edited by CookingFood
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The grineer Manic has a sort of armor ignore on his slap-attack.

Yesterday a lvl 33 manic jumped on my Valkyr with 1.260 armor and took 4 slaps to kill me. With 740 HP. This is ridicolous.

He teleports from the ceiling too... Sometimes you can't avoid that attack.

If that's balanced...well then

I think that's just bleed procs, which basically ignore armor
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This is the first I've heard of it having an instant kill mechanic. 


It has an instant kill mechanic. I've had it once.



when you get knocked down while in his attack phase, he will pin you to the floor and claw you till you die.

Edited by SHIR0B0N
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