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Give Us Dedicated Servers!


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Ok, another surv, another host disconnected.

49 minutes of T1S > host goes down > ton of loot goes to hell.

Not the first time, not the last for sure, but I'm tired of wasting my time like this. I'm forced to repeat this concept another time: minutes and minutes to find a match in chat and then playing without knowing if the host will be able to sustain the run.

Just before this, me and other two clan friends tried for half an hour to invite another clan member in a match. We were able to do it after A LOT of attempts. Half an hour of invites, relog, player disconnected, mission failure, whatever.

Tried the raid... No, really, tried to try. Seems like moving water with a strainer, it's useless.

Why, why, why this game has no dedicated server and a decent matchmaking UI?

Right now I'm so mad I cannot write more. Dunno what in the hell prevented me to crash another keyboard on the wall.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Tell me what you think about this.




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With the new raid, the need of dedicated servers is increased.


Hell the need was inevitible when they decided to make a fast paced 3rd person shooting game


I knew we need them from the start, i have played many fast paced online games that used peer to peer system.


All of them ended badly

Edited by Absens
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Instead of dedicated servers, we got servers for relays.

We do really need those for that relay walking around.

No, honestly I cannot play the game when U16 launched in squad. So Imagine me trying to play all void stuff solo farming for new content. Not only that it is boring but just doesn't cut it. I know it costs a lot to maintain servers, but priority should have been on other stuff than to use servers for Relays.

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I think you have never sufered something like me, me and my team completed the mission which contain a Odonata Prime Wings on the day 1 of prime access and when we returned to the to the liset 3/4 players suffered mission failed.
We should have a better sever.


P/s: R.I.P my Odonata Prime Wings.

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I hope you know there are manly free to play games that use dedicated server system.


Yes because they are open world and the huge expense is needed, up until this point DE have not needed that overhead hell they might not need it yet. 

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We need servers, the constantly hosting migration is getting ridiculous, or bad hosts is awful as heck too, so many times I just stand in front of doors waiting for them to open and the next door and the next door and the next door. Sheeeshhh

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if you want dedicated servers... you're going to have to pay for them...


Servers are not cheap, and I'd imagine a lot of the funding from players making in-game purchases goes mostly towards the dev's paycheck and DE

Quoted for truth.


I hope you know there are manly free to play games that use dedicated server system.


And almost all of them have paywalls (World of Warcraft). Or have an initial purchase and no subscription (Guild Wars). Or have a major publisher backing them up (Planetside 2).


Warframe isn't an open world game. Servers are expensive. Especially when it comes to managing overseas server clusters.


I think with the addition of good PvP and Raids perhaps it is time to consider dedicated servers. 

I would argue for possible private/player funded servers. For example, players could rent server space for them and their friends; add a sort of "whitelist" function such that whenever a player who's been added to that server's "whitelist' is going into the game, it checks to see if there's enough resources free on the private server to pull the player and the other squad members in to the game.




The biggest potential issue with private servers, however, is queues. There would need to be a hard cap as to how many dedicated games could be active at the same time. Though this could be solvable by having dedicated/local hosting options as being optional; i.e. players hit "Play Now", it polls dedicated servers for free space and/or puts the player(s) on a queue. While on queue, players would have the option to instead start a Peer-to-Peer game instead.


Also, an option to specify who in the party should be the host for the match would be good.

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If I were rich guy I could pay for dedicated servers. Other way we can crowdfund the dedicated server again another way who want lagless game then pay for a small subfee. I am not against to paying if I given chance to play one day normal this game without laggs. My pc is very good for this game and my net connection also and everything portforwarded which needs to play any online game but this pearl always want ruining my progression.


TlDr: Less talking, more raiding!

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Dedicated Servers is appropriate for some things, and are being filtered in for those appropriate ones.

Dojos for one, are going to all be Server Based eventually.

in addition, i'd want PvP to be Server Hosted.

far more importantly though, is how important the option for Server Hosting is.

P2P Hosting has the lowest possible latency for a Multiplayer Game when the Host and all Clients perform well.

i refuse to sacrifice that. i don't want the moderate Latency that comes along with Server Hosting.

i'll take some small percentage of my P2P matches being laggy and having most of them being great, over having them all be slightly laggy.

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I hope you know there are manly free to play games that use dedicated server system.



of which warframe isn't one, in exchange almost all fast paced shooter games use instanced servers because of the massive cost of maintaining low ping dedicated servers.


not to mention you would need to remake the whole game architecture, so a few unlucky players don't lose their rewards

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Well, since DE and PWE are kinda together I don't see why they couldn't try to get servers, even blacklight still has servers and there's like 800 people playing it.

Oh wait, the game wasn't built for dedicated servers and taking into account how DE codes, I don't see a 'fix' for this anywhere in this century.

I guess I'll just have to keep soloing stuff.

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Ok, let put it this way.

We cannot have server because the businnes model on which the game is based cannot allow it.

AT LEAST give us a way to save some time with a matchmaking UI?


Need to host? Select key > select which Warframes/MR are needed or if "open to all" > select if keyshare (same/different key, every player must put his key before the match) or not > match appears on a dedicated interface


Serching a game? I CHOOSE THE DAMN MATCH FROM A LIST WITHOUT USING A DAMN CHAT! (Eventually filtered by ping).


Also: saving the loot after 20/30 minutes of play?


Also: adding a kick-player options?


Grinding is a time-consuming work and not all the players have an optical fiber connection. So it would be great to make our gamers life a little easier on some aspects, don't you think?

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Perfect World Entertainment still had and has zero connection to that Stock Exchange deal.

i recommend you read that Stock Exchange Report.

I was being sarcastic, but even if I wasn't, I never implied that they did.

And even if they don't, nothing holds them from working a new deal, so what's your point?

Edited by Eisen
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I can see a plat/subscription model for dedicated servers being used.

Some people just have bad connections through no fault of their own and can afford to pay for hosting.  Everyone has bad internet days where there's some congestion in the backbone.  Sometimes, there are important events where some players will pay for quality hosting.

As long as there's sufficient and profitable demand for DE to do this, it would be worth programming it in and maintaining the code.

This would help keep the Pay2Win gremlins at bay.

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I think if nothing else DE needs dedicated servers for Raids and Assassinations.


Two of the most important gamemodes (or at least Raid is trying to be) and yet they can glitch out and fail due to one player's S#&$ty connection and DE's poor Host Choice (I refuse to believe that it is working as intended with how terrible connections still are in a fair majority of matches.)

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