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Whats With Camping Becoming The 'default' Way To Play Survival?


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You aren't forced to do anything in life. Why would you do something you don't enjoy in the 1st place? Leave the game and find another one, that's it. I wouldn't accept any kind of that bullS#&$, I don't see why any Warframe player would.


Alpha.  If we want to participate in SURVIVAL MISSIONS in the void.  We have to do what is most accepted.  Or we might not get invited as much in the future OR we will get ignored OR insulted OR all three and more.  You are forced to do things in life, like work.  You don't work... you don't eat, you don't have electricity and you cannot play computer games.  That's just ONE example.  In warframe, you either go with the flow on general conduct or go solo [which I already do]


The MAIN issue is that a month or two before, nobody wanted to camp in T3-4 survivals.  Now it's 40% of the matches out there that I participate in.  Right in the start.  "Let's go to the sewers! :D."  Then we end up running out of LS.  Alot of good that farming does when I can last 40 minutes alone, yet a GROUP efficiently farming cannot last more 20.  Fun.





Well if you change to the camping playstyle (legitimate strategy) you can spend that 40 mins to and hour diverting more attention to watching shows while playing instead of primarily playing to maximize your entertainment experience per minute.



But... I don't play warframe to watch movies/shows/youtube, listen to music.. yes, but that doesn't require me to sit in a corner.

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instead of useless discussions about campers which i really dont care about, people have to learn teamplay


not running like a overhectic bunny to the end and starting the counter when nobody is there, and rushers have to come down too or should be - if they run more then 200 meters off the team - thrown off the game by a simple programming ...


being young is one thing, not able to use the br*in another ))

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Alpha.  If we want to participate in SURVIVAL MISSIONS in the void.  We have to do what is most accepted.  Or we might not get invited as much in the future OR we will get ignored OR insulted OR all three and more.  You are forced to do things in life, like work.  You don't work... you don't eat, you don't have electricity and you cannot play computer games.  That's just ONE example.  In warframe, you either go with the flow on general conduct or go solo [which I already do]


The MAIN issue is that a month or two before, nobody wanted to camp in T3-4 survivals.  Now it's 40% of the matches out there that I participate in.  Right in the start.  "Let's go to the sewers! :D."  Then we end up running out of LS.  Alot of good that farming does when I can last 40 minutes alone, yet a GROUP efficiently farming cannot last more 20.  Fun.

Let's stay in the setting of Warframe would you? It's a video game,another player can't force you to do anything. No idea why camping is becoming a trend, perhaps it's because being efficient in getting materials is pretty much the point of the game? I couldn't tell you why it's like that now. How about you ask people if they are planning to camp before starting the game?(Crazy concept right?) If they want to leave without saying a word. I feel like you guys are making a mountain out of nothing right now.


Get a clan, get a couple of friend,host your own keys,don't join pugs. There is plenty of solution there. People who are camping aren't the problem, did you ever ask yourself why they camp? Why would they rather stay there than move around?

Edited by Alphafox
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Take a look at the word survival and what it means.

If camping is the most efficient way of SURVIVING, then what's the problem?


Because sometimes it's not. The problem is when people can't do anything else.

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Let's stay in the setting of Warframe would you? It's a video game,another player can't force you to do anything. No idea why camping is becoming a trend, perhaps it's because being efficient in getting materials is pretty much the point of the game? I couldn't tell you why it's like that now. How about you ask people if they are planning to camp before starting the game?(Crazy concept right?) If they want to leave without saying a word. I feel like you guys are making a mountain out of nothing right now.


Get a clan, get a couple of friend,host your own keys,don't join pugs. There is plenty of solution there. People who are camping aren't the problem, did you ever ask yourself why they camp? Why would they rather stay there than move around?


They CAN.  If it's their key, it's THEIR rules.  Why should I ASK people if they are going to camp each and every time before I try to join a pug group lol?  Why can they not say it in recruiting? (even crazier concept)  It should be the HOSTS job, to clarify if he wants to Camp, when he wants to camp, just as much as it is to say "LFM 40m T4 Survival"  Bam, I know it's going to be a 40 minute T4 survival, or at least it's planned to be.  Why is it so hard to say...  "LFM  40m T4 Survival Camp"?


We aren't making moutains out of nothing.  We are talking, and people are crying "But MAH EFFICIENT STRATS!" in response and trying to discuss how noble and proper their way of doing it and how foolish we are for trying anything other then camping right out the gate. 


Get a clan?  I didn't have to a month before.

Get a Couple of friends?  All of my friends quit this game.

Host my own Keys?  I do, and I've had a couple of people RAGE-QUIT because I wouldn't Camp with my OWN keys, and effectively I had two options. 1.)  Reset and waste 17 minutes.  2.) Finish and only get up to the 20 minute reward instead of 40 or more.

Don't Join Pugs?  I've BEEN joining pugs since Embers Prime Access, and camping in a corner and thinking your a pro hasn't been a prominent part of Tower Survival until a month ago.

Why would they rather camp?  Because why play the game when you can have homers drinking bird play it for you.

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They CAN.  If it's their key, it's THEIR rules.  Why should I ASK people if they are going to camp each and every time before I try to join a pug group lol?  Why can they not say it in recruiting? (even crazier concept)  It should be the HOSTS job, to clarify if he wants to Camp, when he wants to camp, just as much as it is to say "LFM 40m T4 Survival"  Bam, I know it's going to be a 40 minute T4 survival, or at least it's planned to be.  Why is it so hard to say...  "LFM  40m T4 Survival Camp"?


We aren't making moutains out of nothing.  We are talking, and people are crying "But MAH EFFICIENT STRATS!" in response and trying to discuss how noble and proper their way of doing it and how foolish we are for trying anything other then camping right out the gate. 


Get a clan?  I didn't have to a month before.

Get a Couple of friends?  All of my friends quit this game.

Host my own Keys?  I do, and I've had a couple of people RAGE-QUIT because I wouldn't Camp with my OWN keys, and effectively I had two options. 1.)  Reset and waste 17 minutes.  2.) Finish and only get up to the 20 minute reward instead of 40.

Don't Join Pugs?  I've BEEN joining pugs since Embers Prime Access, and camping in a corner and thinking your a pro hasn't been apart of Tower Survival until a month ago.

Why would they rather camp?  Because why play the game when you can have homers drinking bird play it for you.

Just,freaking leave the mission. It's that simple

Asking how the want to deal with the mission won't kill you. There is a solution right in front of you yet you refuse to use it... Why is so hard to ask and move on?

You don't want to get a clan, then don't complain about PUG groups.

Advertise you key and simply say that you aren't camping, is it that complicated? Personally i have none of those issue because I make sure that those things aren't issue that could happen. Just make sure that everyone understand what you want to do when you advertise your key.

They camp because repeating the same mission over and over is extremely dull and the drops are crap for what they want. It's that simple. There is many solution and you refuse to even consider them. Didn't you say that about 40%(A number that you pulled out of nowhere) wanted to camp. Why don't you join the other 60% who is the majority, I feel like you don't want to make a effort to fix your problem.

Edited by Alphafox
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I am just reading and smiling. People starting to rage about 'meta-behaviors'. True, that it can be somehow unpleasant, and sometimes really inefficient, but you always have a choice:


Quit the Mission.


DE stealth nerfed the amount of Pipe room tilesets already, you cannot script AFK repeat one action, since you give up your Loot. What else do you want? Why is there so much hate and towards whom?


Are you enjoying the struggle with your low end gear in highlevel missions? No problem, play alone or find a special group for it.


Do you enjoy reaching the highest levels possible? No problem, get a group together, communicate, be smart or just read strategic guides.

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You aren't forced to do anything in life. Why would you do something you don't enjoy in the 1st place? Leave the game and find another one, that's it. I wouldn't accept any kind of that bullS#&$, I don't see why any Warframe player would.

Easier said than done. It's not everyday, one can find another person to host said key in an instant. It's why I say, just suck it up. I personally would not try to talk back, but sometimes I will speak my thoughts, but if they have something to say, I ignore it, if they keep on at it, then I leave. I don't spend too much time in recruiting or run void too much, so they're my opinions. There are those who can and who can't. I never said I didn't or do enjoy it, I have no thoughts on whether camping or running around is fun or not, they're basically both fun and boring. The only time I actually enjoy a void survival run is when the team actually knows how to stick together, which is rare these days.

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It's due to evolution.  In nature, if condition A is prevalent and favors creature A, then creature A will produce more offspring that make it too maturity thereby experiencing population growth.  Meanwhile, creature B, who is disadvantaged by condition A, will produce fewer offspring that make it to maturity, thereby experiencing population decline, even extinction.


DE has promoted Space Camping conditions, and attacked Space Ninja conditions, therefore Space Campers thrive and Space Ninjas die:

1)  Pods to Baby Sit, camp or die.

2)  Small maps, no where to go but camp.

3)  Greedy Pull, who needs to run to the food when the food runs to you?


All these conditions and more favor Homers Drinking Bird, which DE said they wanted to eradicate.  Instead, DE gave the bird an all expenses paid bar tab.


Devstream #49, DE took a dim view of coptoring and was promoting Significant Stamina again (despite the massive rejection we gave it).  Speed, distance, and large stamina reserves, three things not necessary in camping, three things that DE takes a swipe at every chance it gets, despite us rejecting Space Camper, and DE advertising the opposite, i.e. Space Ninja.

Edited by ThePresident777
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There's some players who makes this a regular norm, I got invited to a Survival and the Host want it to camp and I was just running around shooting baddies and stuff and he yelled and said come to the way point we're going to camp and I was like wuuud! I'm that kind of player who likes to run around and shoot stuff not sit and wait and looking at the players doing the solstice narta.

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It's due to evolution.  In nature, if condition A is prevalent and favors creature A, then creature A will produce more offspring that make it too maturity thereby experiencing population growth.  Meanwhile, creature B, who is disadvantaged by condition A, will produce fewer offspring that make it to maturity, thereby experiencing population decline, even extinction.


DE has promoted Space Camping conditions, and attacked Space Ninja conditions, therefore Space Campers thrive and Space Ninjas die:

1)  Pods to Baby Sit, camp or die.

2)  Small maps, no where to go but camp.

3)  Greedy Pull, who needs to run to the food when the food runs to you?


All these conditions and more favor Homers Drinking Bird, which DE said they wanted to eradicate.  Instead, DE gave the bird an all expenses paid bar tab.


Devstream #49, DE took a dim view of coptoring and was promoting Significant Stamina again (despite the massive rejection we gave it).  Speed, distance, and large stamina reserves, three things not necessary in camping, three things that DE takes a swipe at every chance it gets, despite us rejecting Space Camper, and DE advertising the opposite, i.e. Space Ninja.


DE takes the more realistic approach to space ninjas. The one where blackflips and sprinting in the open get you killed and you don't bring a knife to a gun fight.


Though there is a certain group of ninjas that mostly reside in pipes. Maybe Tenno will evolve an apetite for pizza under the guidance of their new rat master.

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while it's fun and nice to run around like headless chickens all over the place, you get tired of doing it. especially after doing survival for so long only to not get the reward you want. i know it's rng, though you can only run around so much after you just get tired of it. i still find it fun from time to time though enemies barely drop those life capsules. it's even worse when you're solo'ing it (even as nekros) so yes, if i want to camp in a place where it gets the majority of the enemy to come to you instead of running around with barely any sustainable life left. i rather do that. i don't care if the majority hate it, i don't care if the majority likes it ~ it's survival.

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Common sense logic:

Ease grind so that people wouldn't be forced to resort to 'afk grinding'


DE logic:

Nerf everything that will help you ease the grind WHILE increasing the grind.



Can't wait till void is removed and argon crystals are added to map C rotations right where the prime parts will be dropping.

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Lock a rat in a Skinner box and it will keep pressing the button.


Lock a person in a Skinner box and they will find a way to avoid having to press the button themselves.


Both are still in the box, but the rat is at least less bored.

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Just as boring as it was before, only now you get to experience what the Nekros does. I swear I fell asleep during a 40 min run yesterday.

While you were pressing '3' only i was dealing 49% of the damage AND press '3'. Here's my proof, my desecrate Nekros on T3S.

You can be lazy, but you always can be efficient.


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They CAN.  If it's their key, it's THEIR rules.  Why should I ASK people if they are going to camp each and every time before I try to join a pug group lol?  Why can they not say it in recruiting? (even crazier concept)  It should be the HOSTS job, to clarify if he wants to Camp, when he wants to camp, just as much as it is to say "LFM 40m T4 Survival"  Bam, I know it's going to be a 40 minute T4 survival, or at least it's planned to be.  Why is it so hard to say...  "LFM  40m T4 Survival Camp"?


We aren't making moutains out of nothing.  We are talking, and people are crying "But MAH EFFICIENT STRATS!" in response and trying to discuss how noble and proper their way of doing it and how foolish we are for trying anything other then camping right out the gate. 


Get a clan?  I didn't have to a month before.

Get a Couple of friends?  All of my friends quit this game.

Host my own Keys?  I do, and I've had a couple of people RAGE-QUIT because I wouldn't Camp with my OWN keys, and effectively I had two options. 1.)  Reset and waste 17 minutes.  2.) Finish and only get up to the 20 minute reward instead of 40 or more.

Don't Join Pugs?  I've BEEN joining pugs since Embers Prime Access, and camping in a corner and thinking your a pro hasn't been a prominent part of Tower Survival until a month ago.

Why would they rather camp?  Because why play the game when you can have homers drinking bird play it for you.

Well why should they tell you what they're doing then? Since it is you who wants to join them and you believe that since it's the host's key, therefore you are forced to follow the host's instructions, then following your logic, should you not just join them in camping with no complaints?


Then of course, you're contradicting yourself. You said that it is the host's duty to tell the members whether to camp or not. Then why are you not telling the members that you are not going to camp? You may retort by saying that the default position is that players ought not to camp, but what is the basis of this? It is clear that double standards are applied.

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Well why should they tell you what they're doing then? Since it is you who wants to join them and you believe that since it's the host's key, therefore you are forced to follow the host's instructions, then following your logic, should you not just join them in camping with no complaints?


Then of course, you're contradicting yourself. You said that it is the host's duty to tell the members whether to camp or not. Then why are you not telling the members that you are not going to camp? You may retort by saying that the default position is that players ought not to camp, but what is the basis of this? It is clear that double standards are applied.


Look, you are reading alot of things that I have left pretty tangled.  Let me elaborate.



The host obviously has all the right to say 'go X and do X' with his key.  I've done this camping, and nine times out of 10 they don't last five minutes after they start because of the Air running out so smh.



It is the hosts duty to TELL the members BEFORE the mission whether to camp or not and or at what point in time to camp if at all.


The default position is NOT to camp, because for the last year and a freaking half, guess what... There was. no. camping. in Tower Survivals like this. [at least not to the point where every time I join a T4Survival I don't get to move my character more then it takes to get to the sewers and to avoid AFKing myself] 


Granted once things got to 40 minutes+ the host, or someone with a brain would say.  "Let's meet up in this room"  or "Group up in X spot to see if we cannot go to 60 minutes?" 


Instead, now hosts are saying "Stand here for 40+ minutes and just spam your abilitys, make sure to twitch every so often so you don't get AFK'd and shoot if you need to."

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The host obviously has all the right to say 'go X and do X' with his key.  I've done this camping, and nine times out of 10 they don't last five minutes after they start because of the Air running out so smh.

What? You've obviously done it wrong, I've gone to an hour + with just camping. Camping is very efficient, sure you can run around and play as well which I do occasionally but there are times where I'm just lazy and want to do things the easy way which I can do too but from doing both, camping is a lot more efficient.

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Whenever I recruit for a survival and say "stay in the same room, preferably the one with life support capsules, just kill stuff all in the same room", most players seem to automatically assume I want to play a camping game: Nekros, Mag w/Greedy Pull, probably Nova spamming 4, the works. When it transpires that's not the plan, people seem to have a hard time coping. I've actually had people leave the game because of it.


The way I see it, the host, i.e. the person who is supplying the key, dictates the tactics for the mission. If you don't like it, don't join the game and start trying to bend it to how you think it should be done.


Survivals run fine without this camping method. LS drops are better than they were. They can be solo'd 40+ mins without the "Homer's drinking bird" method and a Desecrate spammer.

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I think it's about efficiency. Last time I did T4 survival we went 60 minutes easy (well, it got a little risky at the end there and hence we had to leave), but overall it was very efficient to be in the sewer part of the Void mission and to set-up with Vauban. It's like anything in life really, most people go for efficiency. With this method, you die less (from my experience at least), you can stay longer (because you die less), and it's really, really efficient. Everybody knows where to go, and everybody knows what to do because it's super straight forward.

I realize it's boring as F***, but for example at work I do a lot of boring as F*** things, but it's the efficient way of doing it.  So I totally agree with PeterKha above, camping in this case is very efficient.

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Camping from my experiance, has been the end-game player meta for ages now. Also with more and more speculation on the spawn mechanics coming to light. The findings have continued to show that spawns pick up when all four players are in the same area. 

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