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Whats With Camping Becoming The 'default' Way To Play Survival?


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Yes, Viver changed the community.

It was way more fun to grind in the old days, now a lot people just want to farm and not to play.

Viver didn't change anything. If the game mode promoted moving around people would move around, but right now just staying in a spot and pressing on 4 is more profitable.

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Look, playing normaly is fun. But it gets a bit dull when you get 8th forma/sicarus prime/mag prime blueprint in row instead of what you actualy want. Also when i use lazy methods, im less disapointed with bad rng results for some reason.

Edited by IlluminatedOne
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Viver didn't change anything. If the game mode promoted moving around people would move around, but right now just staying in a spot and pressing on 4 is more profitable.

Viver was the first time when people learned how powerfull all their dmg abilities were.

They realized that they were perfect farming tools, that pressing one button without to move is more rewarding than running around and play normally. For the first time the majority of the people had succes to the advantage of camping and it changed the mind of the community entirely.


The 'Viver Accident' only stands as the example how the community changed and when it changed.



Even if I love some new advantages of this new era (I just don't want to put the 6th forma in my weapon ... ), this is getting way to far. The OP mentioned that the people already expect camping in nearly every endless mission and this shouldn't be the case. A game loses his fun when playing becomes to farming.

Edited by Feyangol
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I think people do this (T4 Survival Camp) because with T4's difficulty buff (It's buffed to the point of being broken), it's less frustrating to camp than to run and gun. I find it more fun to camp T4 Survival MYSELF now as a result of the super increased difficulty. It's also probably why it's been MONTHS since I've been in a T4 Survival.


I was one-shot with a FULL HEALTH AND SHIELDS Loki in T4 Capture recently. Not fun AT ALL.


Edit: I use Vigor and Rapid Resilience on my Loki. No other Defense mods, but still. Thats 555/555 Shield/Health, and I was ONE-SHOT on a non-endless mission!

Edited by (PS4)CaulusOuranos
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A game loses his fun when playing becomes to farming.

Wasn't that always the case with Warframe? Are you trying to tell me that farming isn't the main ''content'' of the game? The game has always been about farming and will probably always be about farming, why cripple the players? 


If your game can be played by pressing 1 button, by setting a macro or a bot, then you really need to see what YOU  are doing wrong. The most rewarding way to play the game shouldn't to camp a corner, but right now it is, and it shows the game design flaws.

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I think people do this (T4 Survival Camp) because with T4's difficulty buff (It's buffed to the point of being broken), it's less frustrating to camp than to run and gun. I find it more fun to camp T4 Survival MYSELF now as a result of the super increased difficulty. It's also probably why it's been MONTHS since I've been in a T4 Survival.


I was one-shot with a FULL HEALTH AND SHIELDS Loki in T4 Capture recently. Not fun AT ALL.


Edit: I use Vigor and Rapid Resilience on my Loki. No other Defense mods, but still. Thats 555/555 Shield/Health, and I was ONE-SHOT on a non-endless mission!

Lol Loki may be the frailest frame in the game. 

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Wasn't that always the case with Warframe? Are you trying to tell me that farming isn't the main ''content'' of the game? The game has always been about farming and will probably always be about farming, why cripple the players? 


If your game can be played by pressing 1 button, by setting a macro or a bot, then you really need to see what YOU  are doing wrong. The most rewarding way to play the game shouldn't to camp a corner, but right now it is, and it shows the game design flaws.

What changes would you propose? Wandering groups of enemies?

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but seriously.......40 min survival is plain boring, I'd rather just sit and wait until I get my part rather than actually play hard, run everywhere and reach the 60min mark and all that effort gone for nothing when I don't get my part 



I wasn't into camping and whatnot, but after having to play the very same survival mission for over an hour and over a dozen times expecting whatever Prime part I needed to drop, well... I just can't be arsed to run around chasing mobs. But, whatever. Play the way you want and let other people do the same?



Its a strategy like any other,  at high levels its takes teamwork to kill the heavies.  And that seems to be DE's answer to making the game more difficult/interesting/raids/whatever, lets jack up the level to 2.5 x a potatoed tenno where the damage resist values are uncapped(yet damage is capped) and make them kill maps of bombards with butter knifes. Difficulty solved.


And its not like the game doesn't support some forms of camping. Defense mission type anyone?


^^^^^^^^^^ these guys 'get it'

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I think tactical camping like that is reasonable when the enemies actually start to become a challenge. But when the campers want everyone to stack and stop moving 12 minutes in I just feel like "no, I don't want to bore myself for a half and hour." The funnest part for me in warframe is specifically the mobility. If I wanted to play tower defense I'd play Sanctum or something. Then I feel guilty like I can't run around because I don't want to mess up the spawns for the plan. I just think it's pointless before half an hour. If you want to do a specifically limited strategy say so at the start.

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Wasn't that always the case with Warframe? Are you trying to tell me that farming isn't the main ''content'' of the game? The game has always been about farming and will probably always be about farming, why cripple the players? 


There is a difference between playing and farming.

You can search for certain rewards without to farm. It isn't farming, if you do a mission to get a special reward, it is normal playing. If you try to progress, you do not automatically farm.

Farming is more than that. You try to earn a reward in the fastest and easiest way, if you farm. The playing experience becomes less important than the reward. Often you farm to avoid boring gameplay, but farming himself starts to get boring with the time and destroys the fun, if you start to farm everything. It is not bad by himself, but it is the biggest reason why people burn out.



If your game can be played by pressing 1 button, by setting a macro or a bot, then you really need to see what YOU  are doing wrong. The most rewarding way to play the game shouldn't to camp a corner, but right now it is, and it shows the game design flaws.

Wtf are you talking about? Where did I say that I love to sit in a corner and pressing one button all the time?

Also I did not protect the game design, I just stated my opinion that the community has changed since Viver and that I do not like this change. Could you stop to quote me, if you continue to interpret something into my text?

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Camping?? That never happened to me as i never have a chance to find one sewer after this update even tho everyone in the squad want camping. Plus all other camping spots choice are horrible and squad die really fast when forced to quit camping. 


Btw i got all the new prime parts now so im pacified.

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Ive done 13 hours of t1s and still havent gotten volt systems. I can barely stand to play the gamemode anymore so its easier to tunnel camp and macro.


and macro.



Welp, is been nice while it lasted....
RIP Water Tunnel Camp
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i think it comes from 2 tendencies:


first the search for "optimal", some players (and its a trend i see more often in newer players)  try to gravitate towards whatever gives get the same result with as little effort as possible, this they think will give them more chances of reaching high numbers on our completely broken infinite enemy escalation, i admit it can work but losing a great deal of the fun (and allows people to go AFK in a otherwise pressing mission).


second is people trying to take weapons to level up into hardcore missions, i particularly find this like  disrespect since you were invited to the team so you can join your strength but relying on powers while stuck in a sewer allows them to get exp without doing much, at the risk of going down if for any reason they cant stay in the sewer anymore

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For casual runs, yeah, no need to camp. If you plan to stay longer, you may want to consider this strategy. Although I wouldn't say it's needed.

the problem with that is your missing the chance to learn how to play, since if you cant hold 40 minutes of t3 survival without near cheating gimmicks you're doing something wrong, and chances are you wont discover what.

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Survival is one of my favorite modes to play but i've been avoiding it with randoms because I hate the whole camping thing. Who the hell wants to stay in some corner for 40 ~ 60 minutes? I think it's players with a bad completionist mindset and ones that don't play for fun coming up with these stupid farm efficiency methods.

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Survival is one of my favorite modes to play but i've been avoiding it with randoms because I hate the whole camping thing. Who the hell wants to stay in some corner for 40 ~ 60 minutes? I think it's players with a bad completionist mindset and ones that don't play for fun coming up with these stupid farm efficiency methods.


So much hate and butthurt


If u don't like to camp u welcome to say so and move on


But ffs stop trying to force your opinions on others

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So much hate and butthurt


If u don't like to camp u welcome to say so and move on


But ffs stop trying to force your opinions on others


Campers should also stop trying to make normal games a camp.


It goes both ways sadly.

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the problem with that is your missing the chance to learn how to play, since if you cant hold 40 minutes of t3 survival without near cheating gimmicks you're doing something wrong, and chances are you wont discover what.

I can hold my own without camping (also depends on how reliable the team is), but camping is objectively speaking the better strategy.

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I actually feel asleep one time when my team camped which was pretty bad because I was trinity and everyone was getting upcutted by bombards. I personally don't enjoy camping but I won't object to it if that's what the team wants to do. Just the other day I did a survival where one guy wanted to camp while the rest of us didn't and he was quite adamant about it so he shut himself in a room while the rest of us ran in circles. He apparently also had no idea about the afk changes and didn't gain anything from the mission.


Overall, don't mind camping though I would prefer not to. If the host wants and it and everyone's cool with it, then I don't see any problem with switching strategies. I just don't like it when people want to force it on you.

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The thread was not about camping bad vs moving good but the way that when you go into recruiting most groups are aiming for a camping game. 


It's just that there are still plenty of us don't enjoy that kind of gameplay.  


I enjoy flitting around and I can happily play melee only, up to 40 minutes if I'm looking to level stuff.   

Edited by Sabreracer
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It's easy really why this is trending. Prime access has just released, basically all the parts are in survival, rng is a #$&(%, people would rather just sit in a tunnel camping while they do other things than devotes hours of their day trying to get a single item. Once this prime access dies down so will all the survival camp spam, not entirely but it will die down. 


or simple, games gets tedious people find solutions to ease the tedium, thus camping is born! don't fret though, i'm sure de will "fix" this soon and people will move on to another method. 

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