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Speed Running: Why?


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Or more specifically, why do it in a public match when it's excessively clear you could solo the mission handily?


In pursuit of neural sensors, I went to Jupiter to fight Alad V (as per the wiki recommendations). First time through I soloed it, but died once in the process. I decided it would probably be best to go with a team on subsequent runs.


First attempt with public matching: teammate clearly over-geared and over-leveled was halfway to the boss before even my loading animation finished. Third teammate spawns (apparently next to him), helps open a door, and the two wipe the boss long before I catch up. The map updates and I have no idea how to get to the loot drops.


Second attempt: spawn a mission in progress next to someone miles away from the objective. Other teammates defeat the boss, once again, long before I catch up. Another loot drop missed.


Third attempt: ask politely for 2nd teammate (there's only two of us) not to rush. Teammate either ignores or doesn't notice my request. Teammate proceeds to zoom ahead, tripping every alarm along the way, resulting in the doors getting locked. I pause to unlock the door, during which time a 3rd teammates joins (again, presumably next to the guy who rushed ahead) and the two proceed to kill Alad V without me. Yet another loot drop missed.


Tried again two or three more times. Same results. 


I'll give credit where credit is due. Obviously these tenno know the tilesets like the back of their hand and can navigate them far more efficiently then I. They're also far better experienced and capable at defeating Alad V. Props to them. And I get it: no one likes a slow-poke.


But seriously, I'm not talking about stopping at every locker, attempting to fight every enemy or investigating every possible turn. I'm playing Mirage with maxed out Rush, and doing my best to "Zoren Copter" at every opportunity. I'm not stopping to smell the roses, but still getting left behind. Short of creating a pre-made with people I *know* aren't going to behave in this manner, what else can I do? Furthermore, why does someone who can clearly solo content without so much as breaking a sweat even bother with public match-making in the first place?

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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...

Edited by WingedCrusade
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To answer your thread title: Because it's efficient.



How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...

You'd be surprised. My Mesa can mop up in seconds.


On topic: I usually rush up to the boss room then wait, in case I F*** up and get downed.

Edited by Shifted
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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.

I can kill Salad V in 15 or so seconds. 


On-topic: If you join a Pub game you essentially sign an invisible contract that says "I will deal with what I get", so you can't complain about it

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Usually when I boss grind for parts. I leave a map marker at the boss body if for some reason a person was behind. Just tough luck.


I could always keep up with just about any groups even with a old rhino and slide jumping, never copter. Once you're used to the map, it gets easier.

Edited by Firetempest
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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...


Give me a Volt, Latron Prime, 25 energy, and three seconds, and I'll give you a dead Salad V and Zanuka.

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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...


That's kinda my point: I'm NOT *that* slow. While I'll freely admit I don't have the tileset memorized and have taken a wrong turn here and there, I'm NOT a total newb. Granted, I'm only a Mastery of 8 (which I didn't think was so bad), but most of these teammates were 17+. I was literally getting the in-game announcement that Alad V had been encountered followed by congratulations on his defeat no more than thirty seconds apart (if that long).
Is that normal? I know when I soloed him it had to have taken at *least* a minute, if not more like two (I think I was blinded about half the battle). I'm just coming back to Warframe after not having played for a few months, so again, I admit I may be a bit rusty... but this just seems ridiculous.
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I do feel they (the rushers) should stick to solo, its better for both parties since we the "slower" people (i try to only go as fast as the slowest person) don't have to deal with that moderate annoyance and the rushers won't need to waste their precious time waiting on us to get to extraction after they've done everything, both sides win.

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I can defeat Alad V perfectly on my own. The reason I play public is to help others defeat him. Though I like to rush (because doing it a 100 times is boring) I do wait for my teammates to catch up eventually.

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Things to say:

1. Have dropped Alad in a literal 2 seconds. Average about 4.

2. Survival is a MUCH better place to farm materials than hoping for a boss drop.

3. Some people don't think to mark kills or check on team mates. It's kind of an issue. Bring a friend, clan mate, alliance member, or even someone from recruiting channel if you need reliable players.

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Ahh, I can see where you're coming from. I joined Warframe with some friends/family so we always ran missions like that on "friends only". If you'd like, since I'm online now with nothing better to do, I could help you take on Salad at more your pace.


I really appreciate the offer, and would gladly take you up on it. But I expect my clan mates to be joining shortly, and I'll just farm with them.
Sorry if this topic is beating a dead horse (I know I've seen similar complaints since closed beta), but typically I only join public matches for alerts, survival or defense mission types. It's been a long, long time since I've run an assassination with PUGs. I had no idea this sort of thing was still an issue.
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How in gods name are you that slow? No offense, but I haven't seen any Tenno, no matter how geared, kill Alad V in a matter of seconds. ._.


I mean, I'll help you if you'd like, but I just need to know how you possibly miss the drop, unless Alad is killed right when you spawn...

Low conclave, and a powerful weapon. (e.g. Opticor, Latron Wraith)

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Low conclave, and a powerful weapon. (e.g. Opticor, Latron Wraith)


Yeah you only need 1 weapon to 1 shot them. Taking more weapons makes them stronger to. This is the reason I put matchmaking to solo when farming alad v also other players slow you down.

Edited by GRlMGOR
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