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Void Trader Will Bring Something New


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What do you mean!?!? You'll have that sweet new Prisma Badge to go with it, or maybe if we're lucky we'll get a new Primed Profile Icon!

Im fine with tethra doom badge or without badge at all , for me this would be another uselss trader

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-liset interior cosmetic


YOU SIR GET A COOKIE!, seriously though all I've ever wanted was a book shelf is that to much to ask. just some where to place my books held on a futuristic tablet that i only need one of (that's a rather small shelf when you think about it)

Edited by Swiftfingers
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its been 4 months without something interesting, or cycling back the best prime mod (prime point blank). That is not reasonable waiting time...


All this time the only thing I got that I might use is primed cont, but even that does not fit with the main frames I like to play (frost probably being the most likely, but duration is not the issue, frost bubble is too weak against high level d4).

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 We were outright told that he wouldn't always have something new and ridiculous. It is common sense that once in a while we'd have a slow Trader cycle.

We were told he'd always have 1 new item. That's it. 

Stop adding in extra words for your own narrative.

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We were told he'd always have 1 new item. That's it.

Stop adding in extra words for your own narrative.

Regardless of exact wording we were never promised big spectacular things, just something "new". Slow weeks are bound to happen, be patient young operator.
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We were told he'd always have 1 new item. That's it. 

Stop adding in extra words for your own narrative.


  Don't be a blockhead.


 Of course there were sillier items like Kubrow skins and Noggles in his possible inventory. If we are getting 1 new item a cycle inevitably the new items would be something silly. The rest being a repeat of something we've already seen - not all of which were beyond stellar.


 Common sense, Grey. Not all cycles are going to be sunbeams and heavenly choirs. We're going to see stuff we have already seen. Not all of it we'll want - plenty of it we'll already have. And we're going to see new stuff we're not crazy about sometimes too. Sometimes both will happen at once.

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What do you think that the next brand new item or items will be?


Do you dare to speculate?


Considering what has been already in. I think that a prisma colour pallete or  prismatic liset interior might happen.


prisma sentinel wouldn't hurt either. ;)

Prisma Brakk
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  Don't be a blockhead.


 Of course there were sillier items like Kubrow skins and Noggles in his possible inventory. If we are getting 1 new item a cycle inevitably the new items would be something silly. The rest being a repeat of something we've already seen - not all of which were beyond stellar.


 Common sense, Grey. Not all cycles are going to be sunbeams and heavenly choirs. We're going to see stuff we have already seen. Not all of it we'll wont. And we're going to see new stuff we're not crazy about sometimes too.

Then explain why there are only 3 items now instead of 4. You can't keep putting in "silly" items when he arrives every 2 weeks.

You'll just piss off players, as can be seen by all the threads you've deleted for just disagreeing with you.

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  Don't be a blockhead.


 Of course there were sillier items like Kubrow skins and Noggles in his possible inventory. If we are getting 1 new item a cycle inevitably the new items would be something silly. The rest being a repeat of something we've already seen - not all of which were beyond stellar.


 Common sense, Grey. Not all cycles are going to be sunbeams and heavenly choirs. We're going to see stuff we have already seen. Not all of it we'll wont. And we're going to see new stuff we're not crazy about sometimes too.

Than why bother with a trader? Just throw this stuff on market for people to buy... I am thoroughly unimpressed with how DE runs the trader it shows how clueless they were with the trader idea. DE isn't some little company anymore so when they make these half hearted attempts it only shows you should be playing some other game because they have gotten lazy with large player base they have acquired.

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