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Ask A Cephalon, April 2


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Your advice is appreciated but I'm having trouble putting it in to practice. Any tips on how to hide from superior officers?

If I try to take a nap anywhere in the Liset, Ordis constantly nags me with stuff like "Operator, the system needs you! Begin another mission." Also my radio appears to be malfunctioning and won't turn off. It's not a good place for a peaceful nap at all.

When out and about, Lotus always seems to know where I am and what I'm doing. How can I hide from her when she has access to my Warframe systems?


Go into the Orbiter.


The bottom deck of the 'Liset' is really the Orbiter, it's a huge-@ss ship.



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Will we ever be able to retrieve Ordis's memories with out having to sacrifice him to the santcurary. It would be nice and it would also uncover some of the many gaps in the MUCH NEEDED LORE.


As well How can I expand and customize the interior of the Orbiter and Liset?

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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Do the Grineer have any ties to the Orokin like the Corpus do?


Where did Naked Nick go after the Tenno canceled his job as cryo pod tester?


Are there more rooms in our home ship behind the Arsenal and if yes, why is Ordis not letting us in?


Do Tenno need to breath or just their Warframes (we can see breath comming from the Warframe in cold temperatur areas).


What unit of measure is used in the post Orokin era? Did meter, liter and kilo survive or did the Orokin come up with their own units?


How can i fix Ordis enough that he will leave me in peace when on the Liset and instead just keeps his talk to missions?


Besides the occasionaly angered Suda. Are there any Cephalons who might be directly opposing the Tenno because of a conflict of interests?

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Do you think we can truly trust the Lotus because she never tells us her end game and has us collecting weapons and rare artifacts.

When the Dev's where asked point blank, if they could trust the Lotus, they said yes. Having said that, they have said they work for the community in a large way and maybe development like Teshin is DE reacting to the community paranoia about the Lotus. I just think we have to much time to ponder, and nothing definitive to hang onto.

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Does the size of a Cephalon indicate their level of intelligence or their "superiority" in relation to other Cephalons? 


For example, the Cephalons from the PvP mode CTC & Ordis are rather small while coming off as minion or servant type Cephalons. Meanwhile, Suda & Simaris are larger (bigger than the Tenno, even) & seem to have a greater sense of individuality, more knowledge, have "more important" tasks, & run their own Syndicates. 




If the Liset is a ship of Orokin origin & Ordis is the ship's Cephalon, does that mean Ordis was created by the Orokin? Are all Cephalons created or "programmed" by the Orokin? 




Do you, Cordylon, have knowledge of the Old War? (Not sure if this question had been previously asked)

Edited by Rexlars
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What's going on with Corrupted soldiers' weapons?  Why do Lancers have Deras, and how do Crewmen come across Struns that fire energy bolts (rather than using, say, Detrons)?  Why aren't any Corrupted soldiers using Orokin weapons, or, if those are too unavailable, modified technology like the Bombards' missile launchers (which apparently now shoot energy missiles)?

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What kind of data format do Cephalons use? Do they still rely on ancient bits and bytes or have the moved on to more efficient data formats such as quads?


How do you deal with the liar paradox, "This statement is false"?


What's the current state of gyrojet-type weapons?

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Between missions I have taken to carving small figurines, and in the absence of the usual materials or tools, I've been using Kunai or Despairs to carve pieces of ferrite. I'm considering Rubedo for special projects so to speak, and wish to know if it is suitable for carving, and whether other mineral/metallic materials would be suitable.

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I'm getting worried about Earth's Moon. While I've visited plenty of other Moons in the Sol System (I'm looking at you Phobos & Europa), I've never been to Earth's Moon. What info do we have on this celestial object, and should we send a few archwings down to investigate?

Edited by Salenstormwing
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Do Cephalons have a temper?

As Ordis on a regular basis criticizes my actions.

But on a broader note, do Cephalons feel anything?

Ordis has been rather blood-thirsty, jealous, and arrogant. I am suspecting that he may be secretly stealing my mods! (I always wondered why I was one Fusion Core short... I counted precisely...)

Yet at other times he seems perfectly fine, courteous, polite, modest. Is he being suppressed in some way?

I think that he should be more free to express emotion, curiousity and free-thought; just like Simaris or Suda in their respective ways.

To summarize, are Cephalons closer to the Tenno than at first glance, or even second? Can we define them like another 'sentient' being?



P.S. What is this Old War talking about? If the enemy is still here, I can't wait to see how I fare against them! ^^


IntrovBot out.

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What are Prisma Crystals, and how can Baro Ki'Teer aquire them, but not us, who spend a majority of our time searching the void for rare and powerful weapons and materials. I know Argon Crystals exist in the void, but those are pink, not blue.

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