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Mobile Version Of Forums Lacks Functionality


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Since the latest feedback thread of the mobile forums died down (both a thewad in january and march, neither got a responce from devs/forum staff),i felt a new one was needed.

The mobile version lacks fuctionality compared to the full version/pc version:

- Main page is dumbed down, requiring more actions to get to the same sub forums.

- no acces to profile from thread.

- No post count

- No quote or multi-quote (still more actions required then full/pc version)

- not the same fond as regular forums(more of a taste thing, and why is it necessary?)

Further problems with mobile version:

- error posting at least 50% of the time, leading to many double or even triple posts.

- From my experiance the forum hardly uses much data on full version, mobile version has no added value for me personaly.

- Both the mobile and mobile full version have a terrible autocorrect/autofill function.

(making this small thread was basicly double the work then on pc version.)

- "for fot rhe exact name of forum codinf provider" also stated that their own producr was a big mess in january 2013! and it's still bad.

- No option to always use full version or dissable autofill/autocorrect.

If you want a better forum, the first step would be to revert the mobile version back to pc version. And then introduce it again when it's working properly.

Feel free to add anny issues you have with the mobile version.

Edited by undernown
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Agreed. Hence why almost all my post have to be edited because the page will randomly jump to the top using the desktop version and I miss stuff constantly.

Full version and pc version are not entirely the same (anymore). So desktop cersion kinda confused me there for a minute.

Also, does annyonw else have issues with the the typing location jumping around sometimes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dislike the mobile version, greatly. 


When I sign in, I have to poke around to find out what notifications or messages I have.  It'd be nice if I could select "Always PC version" on my profile and then "Always dark theme" to boot.

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I frequently type long posts on mobile full version. But the autofill function makes this realy frustrating.

As it fills in previous words of the whole sentence while you're trying to delete that very same sentence.

It also jumps around some times, so while im correcting a semtence, suddently im deleting a perfectly fine one.

Never had these problems with the pre-mobile version.

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The mobile version is just the default IP boards mobile skin. It is designed to be streamlined (hence why it lacks functionality), but it also lacks any special HTML we've added to the forums. I'll look into increasing its functionality when I have some extra time. 



FYI: you can still use the regular theme by selecting "Full Version" at the bottom of the mobile forums. 

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With as large as the community is, would it be impossibru to maybe get someone so capable to write an App for the forums?



That is one of the few things Destiny did right from the start! I love their app. Granted we don't need as much function that the Destiny app has, but having access to the forum, news articles, codex (including drop locations, and have it platform specific), and warframe alerts (platform specific too!) could all be integrated and would be really cool. Would be really nice to get it all from DE in one app instead of having to have several different apps. 


I would probably even pay $0.99-$2.99 for an app like that.

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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The mobile version is just the default IP boards mobile skin. It is designed to be streamlined (hence why it lacks functionality), but it also lacks any special HTML we've added to the forums. I'll look into increasing its functionality when I have some extra time. 



FYI: you can still use the regular theme by selecting "Full Version" at the bottom of the mobile forums.

Yes. But it doesnt remember it. If possible, let it somehow go onto our accound "BadWolf - ALWAYS display full site" :p

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I think that it is perhaps a coding issue related to a set of scripts not loading sometimes but I don't have debugging plugins on my phone or tablet to confirm where the code seems to break.


In "full-version" on my phone and tablet, both on the forums and the wiki, sometimes the background loads and then nothing else or the content is being hidden somehow and any scrolling just jumps you back to the top of the window.


I have to switch back and forth between "mobile" and "full" and keep reloading the page to get it to load completely but eventually the page does load so I assume that it works correctly if conditions in a script are met and that sometimes there is an undeclared or improper data-type variable error.

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I never have any problems with the site on a mobile device...


I'm curious as to what devices you're all using?


It's not a problem with it, it's the lack of important futures. Like upvote, report option, multiquote to a degree. I use mobile version on my phone, but having to switch to full every time I need to report something to be moved, removed, locked or whatever, I need to switch to full site. Which is inconvenient to use on a small mobile device. Same when I want to upvote something.

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  • 1 month later...

Bumoing thread cause i haven't seeb any indication of weither the mobile version is even on their radar right now.

Not sure what part of the team is responsible for the forum/website portion if warframe...

But by the Lotus! Remove the damn auto correct and auto-fill it does every time i trie to remove a word!

It's so bad that i usualy use google-docs to type out the longer messages. Then select the whole damn text and paste that here, and its still faster then just typing it out on the forums.

Do you have any idea hpw much of a pain it ia to select a 3x A4-sized text wall on a mobile application? It often takes several tries and dozens of scroll movements. And its still faster then typing it out here.

Cause fir every word you try to corect or remove, you have to delete all the words that came before it within the sentence.

Dl;dr = fix this sh*t! Its been going for almost a half year now!

P.s. Sorry for the eye-sour of a formformating, but hey blame the damn mobile version!

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