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Mastery Rank: How To Improve It


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A lot of you guys know that mastery rank becomes useless after 8. So I was wondering, whats the point after it? Extractors? Come on... Loadout slots? Pffff..... DE needs to improve the way MR works, so I had this idea. What if you get a "mastery point" whenever you rank up, you could use this points to "upgrade" your shields, health, energy and basicly all your stats.


For example, a MR18 would have 18 points, maybe he could spend them all to get 180 extra shields in all his warframes.

Obviously if this is implemented DE would have to balance the bonus stats you get for every point.


What do you guys think about it? 

Is there any other way to improve how MR works right now? 



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It keeps popping up every so often, but it sounds like they haven't yet decided what should be the rewards for mastery rank. We finally have a sigil at least!


I think there needs to be something limited, like weapons or skins related to it. Most of what mastery rank is about is partially restricting what you can make/use, so something equally visual relating to your rank feels like it falls within similar guidelines of other games where you master weapons or have levels.

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With mastery level could come some plus extra slot by rank +1/+2 and also weapon slots but mostly would be nice if the weapons what they released actualy categorized and the prime weapons nor be rank 0 to wear. That's why prime a prime stuff that need more practice and more effort to obtain and use it. Sometimes the weapon rankings made me smile because it seems they clearly not know what they doing just do something.

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The problem I see with Mastery Rank is the fact that its literally the same thing as any other type of "Level Up" game like WoW, Dc Universe etc. And yet at the same time is vastly different in how its achieved and whatnot. The reason its so difficult to figure out what to do with it properly is because it LOOKS like other games' leveling mechanics but really its something enyirely different.

Its almost like they split the traditional leveling system into MR, Weapon rank, and warframe(character) rank. We dont know what to do because its never been done so theres no "proper" to do it yet

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Doesnt being high mastery rank actually have negative effects re being a lone operator in a clan /


Thats why I wont go higher than rank 10, as I heard that it affects clan weapon building etc.


Is that right ? 


Never heard of this , for clan is your clan rank (moon , shadow etc)

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A lot of you guys know that mastery rank becomes useless after 8. So I was wondering, whats the point after it? Extractors? Come on... Loadout slots? Pffff..... DE needs to improve the way MR works, so I had this idea. What if you get a "mastery point" whenever you rank up, you could use this points to "upgrade" your shields, health, energy and basicly all your stats.


For example, a MR18 would have 18 points, maybe he could spend them all to get 180 extra shields in all his warframes.

Obviously if this is implemented DE would have to balance the bonus stats you get for every point.


What do you guys think about it? 

Is there any other way to improve how MR works right now? 


This is an unfair advantage. It hs to be something that doesnt directly impact the game. Otherwise all you will see in recruit is


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This is an unfair advantage. It hs to be something that doesnt directly impact the game. Otherwise all you will see in recruit is



Why not? even if I'm not fan of this , why not more stupid little bonus dunno stuff like

MR1 + 2% sprint speed , MR 2 +1% damage and 1% damage resist etc

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Dont give high rank players extra damage etc.


Give them exclusive armour skins and an exclusive sigil.


So we can see who the highest ranked players are on a team, just by looking at their armour and insignia. 


Armor skins that correspond with rank (Silver hunter has some hunter pattern kind of things?). Thinking in this kind of direction is pretty damn good. We do already have an insignia/sigil and it's optional. But a cool skin would be nice. And the skin should be applicable to all warframes as well. And it's a good replacement next to immortal skins or event skins or whatever else kind of skin (market skins that cost platinum). I think this is going to become a thing.

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Doesnt being high mastery rank actually have negative effects re being a lone operator in a clan /


Thats why I wont go higher than rank 10, as I heard that it affects clan weapon building etc.


Is that right ? 

Your clan rank affects build requirements, your weapons and Warframes have no baring.


As far as making Mastery Rank better, I think a lot more stuff needs to be MR locked.  Weapons for sure, one or two Primes, maybe, but NOT locations.  Planets and the Void should not be MR locked.  


The reason for that is that some of the MR tests get bugged, and through no fault of the player, they can't complete it. It's less traumatic if it's a weapon or Warframe they can't get.

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Armor skins that correspond with rank (Silver hunter has some hunter pattern kind of things?). Thinking in this kind of direction is pretty damn good. We do already have an insignia/sigil and it's optional. But a cool skin would be nice. And the skin should be applicable to all warframes as well. And it's a good replacement next to immortal skins or event skins or whatever else kind of skin (market skins that cost platinum). I think this is going to become a thing.




Each rank unlocks an exclusive rank sigil and an exclusive armour rank skin.


You then get the option of equipping them when you attain that rank.

Your clan rank affects build requirements, your weapons and Warframes have no baring.


As far as making Mastery Rank better, I think a lot more stuff needs to be MR locked.  Weapons for sure, one or two Primes, maybe, but NOT locations.  Planets and the Void should not be MR locked.  


The reason for that is that some of the MR tests get bugged, and through no fault of the player, they can't complete it. It's less traumatic if it's a weapon or Warframe they can't get.



Ok. Cool.




Time to crack on with MR tests then. 

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Some options:

Load out Slots (every 3 levels)

Extractors (at 0, 5, 10, 20, 30)

Number of Sigils (0, 8 16, 24,)

- chest, back, face / head, ....butt?

Weapon Slots / Warframe slots (2 weapons then 1 warframe, i.e 4+7are weapon, 13 warframe, maybe throw in kubrow slot)

MR lock some (newer) alternate helmets.

Blueprints to vault weapons, machete and boar as examples. Maybe a potato or forma.

Junk, fireworks, codex scanners, restore items / blueprints. More items that appearance changes based on mastery

Edited by Lightsmith
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