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Psychic Bolts Has To Go De


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Hey guys


So Excal is finally getting rebooted. Super jump having become really obsolete is leaving Excal's arsenal of abilities.


Not many frames have undergone such a thougrough rework that requires the complete removal of 1 ability.


I  remember only 3 Excal , Rhino and Ember.


Well for rhino and Ember we can see it turned out pretty well .



I hereby propose that after Excal , Nyx gets a full reboot.  1 ability is still pretty usless compared to her other 3:   psychic bolts.  Even with the augment , (which I don't intend to farm  right now btw , syndicates are mind numbming x) ) 


It's one of these augments that screams ( X ability should be useful even without the augment , or X augment should have been in the ability in the first place) 


Nyx is close to being prefectly balanced but I can't stand seing 1 ability slot kinda wasted on Psychic bolts.  



Please DE if you're reading this at least let us know in the future if you have any plans to either buff the ability considerably , replace it or leave it as it is.



Thank you for reading :)

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the ability is good though, it only needs buffing, and it's augment has to go, it needs to be within the ability already, I always spam it and it's very useful for the 'trash' enemies, plus almost no Nyx player builds for strength, so it's very weak in dmg point of view because of that 

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Psychic bolts can work, in my opinion, but it just needs something else. Pacifying bolts could be part of the base ability, for example. Or it could stealthily expose enemies on the minimap or cause them to be bad at certain actions (scrambled mind).


Super Jump needed to go because there was nothing of value left for it that wasn't completely redundant. Psychic bolts can work still with an additional boost in some way.

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How about a skillshot-like ability simply renamed "Psychic Bolt"


Psychic Bolt: All enemies hit in the line of the cast are damaged and stunned for a 1/1.5/2 seconds.


This allows Pacifying Bolts to stay the same (bar a numbering fix to Pacifying Bolt).

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Potential idea to make Psychic Bolts actually kind of awesome without changing it drastically or removing it:


Make the base hit do finisher damage, with 100% chance for a bleed proc. That's basically 4140 guaranteed, unmitigated damage over 7 seconds to 6 enemies provided all of the bolts hit different targets. A little more if some of the bolts hit as headshots. I think that's pretty reasonable for 50 energy, and gives her something sort of special without being overkill (not many abilities cause unmitigated damage).


I guess that makes it a bit like Bladestorm without locking yourself into a long animation, but I'm alright with that.

Edited by Centias
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Potential idea to make Psychic Bolts actually kind of awesome without changing it drastically or removing it:


Make the base hit do finisher damage, with 100% chance for a bleed proc. That's basically 4140 guaranteed, unmitigated damage over 7 seconds to 6 enemies provided all of the bolts hit different targets. A little more if some of the bolts hit as headshots. I think that's pretty reasonable for 50 energy, and gives her something sort of special without being overkill (not many abilities cause unmitigated damage).


I guess that makes it a bit like Bladestorm without locking yourself into a long animation, but I'm alright with that.

I'll be the first to say that's OP as strapping five Boltor Primes to a Loki Prime and shooting him with adrenaline. 

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I do find it a problem when it's a power that only deals damage, on an utility frame who has 3 skills that doesn't use power strength.

The augment mod makes it a lot better, but what bothers me is the target acquisition that it has. Some times it doesn't home into the enemies at all and they are on the screen, some times it homes at enemies miles away and they aren't even visible, so many times it ends up stunning enemies that I don't need to be stunned, and not stunning those that are in my face, shooting at me. Another problem is that how it's the augment mod that makes it good. Right now it's not that bad, but when the Chaos augment comes out, bye bye Pacifying bolts.

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How about a skillshot-like ability simply renamed "Psychic Bolt"


Psychic Bolt: All enemies hit in the line of the cast are damaged and stunned for a 1/1.5/2 seconds.


This allows Pacifying Bolts to stay the same (bar a numbering fix to Pacifying Bolt).

You mean a special beam cannon attack?



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I'll be the first to say that's OP as strapping five Boltor Primes to a Loki Prime and shooting him with adrenaline.

That was 4140 total damage to 6 targets, not damage done to each. That's barely more than Shuriken at about 3450 total damage to two targets which only costs 25 energy. If anything that's still not even strong enough for 50 energy and would need to do more damage, but it's better than what we have now. Edited by Centias
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hmm. some things to consider.

  • 100% Status Chance
  • 2m Radius 50% Radiation Status centered on hit targets (i.e. 50% Chance for Radiation Status for nearby Enemies)
  • hit targets recast original Projectile count -50%, seeking out new targets to hit(secondary cast will fly around and home in on Enemies autonomously) until projectile count expires
  • 100% Status Chance for completely random Status Effect and 25% Chance for additional Slash
Edited by taiiat
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The ability should follow nyx theme, with is about mind. Make it so that enemy hit by it get very depress and the kill theiself...just kidding.

I suggest improve the ability by adding addition effect of lowering enemy moral, which reduce their accuracy and/or damage. Thus giving more survivability to Nyx and a new elements to the game (don't think any frame have the ability to lowering enemy damage without augment.)

Edited by Tenderdm
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hmm. some things to consider.


  • 100% Status Chance
  • 2m Radius 50% Radiation Status centered on hit targets (i.e. 50% Chance for Radiation Status for nearby Enemies)
  • hit targets recast original Projectile count -50%, seeking out new targets to hit(secondary cast will fly around and home in on Enemies autonomously) until projectile count expires
  • 100% Status Chance for completely random Status Effect and 25% Chance for additional Slash


procing radian would make mind control seem useless and still have nyx just competing with loki instead of providing other uniqueness. i think the psycich bolts can still do damage (maybe a buff to damage would be nice) but more importantly i feel the move seems like it would induce a headache (why radiation would fit) but maybe less extreme we can just have a weapon jam effect temporarily like mesa's ability.

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the ability is good though, it only needs buffing, and it's augment has to go, it needs to be within the ability already, I always spam it and it's very useful for the 'trash' enemies, plus almost no Nyx player builds for strength, so it's very weak in dmg point of view because of that 

I think the ability augment should disarm targets it hits. This way Loki can chaos and Nyx can disarm, but neither are effective at it as the frame with it built in.

Edited by xRufus7x
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This way Loki can chaos and Nyx can disarm, but neither are effective at it as the frame with it built in.

that doesn't equally go both ways though.

CC all of the Enemies you're Disarming anyways


CC them, and then Disarm a few of them at a time as long as you have LoS.

i'd rather it kept the theme idea of having something offensive to bring to the table, but still find some unique feature(s) for Nyx to make it worth using.

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>"close to perfectly balanced"

lol not really. Instant invulnerability reflect ult, long duration strong CC on 3. If not for the S#&$ty state of balance of the rest of the game, she'd be OP. But there's other more glaring issues in this game's balance.


You want close to perfectly balanced, try Banshee.




Anyways, I would definitely agree the augment should be part of the ability. I'd feel less bad about liking it if it was.


The rest are really just kinda lame. 4 is fairly OP due to its stupidly low cost, 1 is amusing but kinda meh unless you can grab an Eximus or Infested Healer or Napalm/Bombard/HGunner or Osprey, and 3 is rather OP because its duration is nearly half a minute with no mods.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Well, with regards to a "complete rework" I'd rather see "Absorb" removed from her skill set and some more telepathic attacks/abilities added in.  It never felt like something that belonged in a mind controller's abilities.  Maybe generically psionic or telekinetic style.  But Nyx seemed to be more focused on mental powers and mind control and psychic attacks.  Not physical blocking.


I mean, not that THAT would ever happen

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I say it could certainly use a damage buff, but I feel if it was just damage it still wouldn't see much use considering her theme. Maybe PB could have special effects when it hits targets under chaos or mind control(of course, make it able to hit mind control victims). Like, a mind control target will go berserk and gain massive attack speed boosts and chaos'd targets receive bonus finisher damage each hit.


While Nyx is primarily CC, 2 out of her 4 abilities do deal damage. I wouldn't say that PB needs to go, but it certainly needs changing in some way.

Edited by Racercowboy
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