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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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Have you guys ever thought of making a quest dedicated to Ordis? I've thought it would be fun if the quest was with Simaris. Simaris explains that the corpus have gotten their hands on blueprints that explain how to build and repair Cephalons, so technically spy missions to extract data? Then when you finish the quest Simaris will inform you that its still impossible to duplicate the same results for a perfect Cephalon but he does confirm he was able to make 'upgrades' for Cephalons, upgrades as in small personalities for Ordis to install? so instead of having a formal/angry Ordis you can have a curious Ordis that would say simple curious things, or a cheerful Ordis, ect.


Also will we be able to get notification icons in the future saying we received a friend request or we have a pending friend request?

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Some Question regarding Nef Anyo :


1/ Will Nef anyo get some new weapon like a corpus jet pack ? or the Serro ? (I heard he get train by the legendary prodman : J.P himself)


2/ Regarding his location will he get a new platforms tile set ? or just the regular flat ground that disadvantage him the most (like all sniper) ?


3/ Will Nef anyo be able to call some help or be a race against time boss ? (Like calling J.P himself if you don't kill him within 5 minutes)


The Ultimate question : If we defeat Nef Anyo, will "Stalker who ?" target you or will we be targeted by John Prodman, the Legendary Corpus.

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Q1: Some time ago a sword and shield weapon was shown during a devstream but has yet to be seen in game. Is it possible that Tyl Regor will be dropping a sword and shield weapon along with the elusive stance for that weapon type?


Q2: Not sure if what I heard is correct or not but I thought the stalker was supposed to be receiving a rework to some degree.  If so, I believe the hate and despair (primarily the hate) could greatly benefit from buff.  It makes little sense to me that the dread is the stalkers most viable weapon even though is the most common weapon to drop.  A quick forum search revealed multiple posts proposing to buff scythe weapons in general and considering that heavy weapons have been buffed I believe a buff is in order for at least the hate.

Edited by Shadow4Rogue
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Q: It's well known in the Warframe community that Captain Vor and Alad V have had quest lines for both characters and while these quests have added more content to the bosses in question, I am curious to know if some of the other bosses will receive extensive quests other than Tyl Regor with the underwater expansion?

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I've really enjoyed the last few scores the music team has introduced into the game! I know it's been brought up before, but for this Boss Devstream, I was wondering if there was any update on adding Boss Battle tracks?


Hoping for an answer somewhat more specific than "yeah that's a cool idea, we'd like to do it at some point".



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I can't wait to see what happens in this dev stream

Q1: will lich krill ever get a rework or is he in a good spot now?

Q:2sorry of this seems out of context but will syndicates give exclusive warframes as a reward in the near future ?


Q:3 will there be any corpus raids after a revamp of Raptor or Sgt Nef Anyo

Edited by EpM5
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Is stealth broken?


Recently, being "undetected" seems to spawn far more enemies than an entire mission being on alert.


For example, on a recent capture mission, as fast as possible, I gathered 8 syndicate medallions, 2 capture targets, and then ran for my life to extraction. During the mission, I killed any enemy that spotted me, and never allowed an alarm to run more than 4 seconds. At the end of the mission, despite having snuck around and made sure virtually no one knew of my presence(around one third of my kills were stealth kills), I had 171 kills.


I then ran a syndicate mobile defense mission, gathered 8 medallions, protected 2 consoles, and then extracted, killing absolutely everything I saw, and allowing alarms to stay triggered. (I did shut it off twice, but that was it). Despite having alarms for almost the entire mission, and defense objectives to protect, I only had 160 kills.


It seems strange that every single room while you're theoretically undetected will spawn between 5 and 8 opponents. It makes stealth extremely hard(anyone spawning behind you pretty much guarantees you're spotted), and virtually pointless(why stealth if you have to fight 1/2 a dozen people anyway?)


This makes it seem like stealth is currently very broken(why are there seas of enemies if nobody knows I'm here???). Is this in fact the case, or is it "working as intended", and we're merely meant to cope with dozens of enemies in every single room?

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Dear DE (especially Rebecca).


I want to ask a question about bosses difficulty.

So we are know that most of bosses are not real worthy to challenge them. So you want to remake their mechanics and capabilities in proper way to achieve maximum of joy to face them.

So for now we have an 'invulnerability' phases (like Lech Krill), rage phases (Lech and Ruk) etc. We have much moments that bosses are almost instantly dying after leaving invulnerability phase.


The question is:

Are there would be implemented  speed upgrade or limited time invisibility for some bosses? Or maybe there will be some elemental resistances, or even resistances to certain Tenno powers?

Pacing! I wonder how it would feel killing a boss who, rather than being invulnerable for a period of time, could only take damage at a certain constant rate!

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Dear Dang Diddly DE Developers


So far you've reworked 7/13 bosses, and revealed reworks for 3 bosses and 1 re-added. (Hope I'm not wrong here)

Which means the only unrevealed boss reworks are Ambulas, Raptor and Phorid.


Could you shed some lights on how these boss reworks are coming along in terms of looks and mechanics? Assuming you've come that far in their reworks.


And here's a potato, just for the Hek of it.




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With the Vay Hek boss fight on Earth and in The Law of Retribution, you deviated from the typical boss fight where we pretty much followed  a linear path to a room where we fought a boss by unloading ammo on them until they die.


- For Earth Vay Hek, you would reach three points along the way where Vay Hek would personally harass you until you deal enough damage and he flies away to the next area. Also he would enter his Terra Frame during the last part when he has lost a majority of his health.

- For Raid Vay Hek, you had to carry and charge up batteries to blow up the furnace/reactors in order to make Vay Hek vulnerable.


So my question is, do you have plans on revamping other bosses fights for a more complex and engaging experience where success and failure depends on how well players coordinate? (ofc being able to solo planetary bosses should still be do-able)

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Greetings DE, i have several questions to ask


1. The next one gonna be boss rework, hows Derf Anyo and Nef Anyo going?

2. Can you guys make Lech Krill got another strong weapons such as Jat Kittag or Buzlok?, atleast make him stronger and have unique gears


3. Is there any Lore for Doctor Tengus?

4. it seems Rare Arcanes are not in the drop table at Raid mission, are you gonna release it in Nightmare Raid mode?


5. Excalibur will be rework next, how his 4th skill will be? after super jump will be implemented into all warframe, and radial javelin move to skill 3rd


6. How the Focus system progress ?


7. we need more lore, and lore, about the sentients maybe U17 we can see em right?

8. When primary syndicate weapons gonna be release?


9. How are Juggernaut, and Riot Moa doing? we need more new enemies so far Manic are badass XD

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I have seen so many people come back to Warframe simply because ARCHWING! So my question is, even though it's one of the major new selling points of WF, why are you not expanding it more? Will Sharkwing bring new game modes? Ones that we can do normally and not need an event to play like the Balor missions?

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Following the announcement of simple commands for syndicate allies I would like to raise a couple of questions regarding companions:


1. Are there any plans to change sentinel and kubrow abilities to work the same way as Warframe and Archwing abilities?


2. Are there any plans to add simple commands for managing companions? For example the three options the Ranger class had in Guild Wars 1 (Attack, Guard and Follow)

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I and other veterans have fought our way through a number of Events, and most of these required the construction of some object or other from components.  I seem to recall Rebecca relaying Steve's thought at one point that players might consider holding on to these components, as you never know when they might be used again.  I've hung on to them mostly because I've been too lazy to go through my fairly large inventory, but I have yet to see any used again.


In this year of less pizzazz and more polish, does DE ever consider re-using these beacons/frequency modulators/keys, etc.?  Is hanging on to them still (or was it ever) a good idea?  Since inventory space for them is currently unlimited, is there a reason to keep them, or conversely, get rid of them?

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My question is more weapon/upgrade mechanic based than boss related :: since we use formas to change the weapons polaritys so out mods will fit and stuff , why not go a step upwards and use a new item , lets say its called ::Gradovon    and what this will do is reset the weapon just like forma , BUT  then u can upgrade 1 weapon stat insted of polarity for lets say a % of its original , and u will be able to use that item on the same weapon depending on ur Mastery Rank , just like trades . /////////// And what about the recruitment system ill have to ask , are you guys think any ways on improving that ? i mean its not that "good" to stare at a chat box that blinks all over from the recruit spam and HOPE  to get a spot on the mission u need . I mean why not creating a section at trading post so you can find ppl that need specific warframes/ setups for theyr missions so u can comunicate with them or something / or use that for trading void items ? so you can see who needs what / set prices ..... maybe im asking to much idk , i just felt asking theese things to you for quite a wile , but Never the less Thumbs up for all ur Hard work so far , u guys realy make Warframe Breathe fresh air . !! -sry for my Wonky,fail grammar xP , its not that easy as a Dislexian-


gmmm now that i think about it its more like a suggestion than a question sooo i think ill put some questions as it is ::


1)Are u planing on creating Void Archwing missions ?


2)What about that Limbo bug in wich if a Nullifyer enters cataclims , u can NOT  dmg theyr shield no mater what 


3)How about making the Tutorial mission redoable ? i mean for real its a prety intresting mission /funn mission wich moste players did not had the chance to try out , now the only way to know what vor did to ur ship / ur self and ur equipment if by using you tube


4)What about a Mod for Energy Drain resistance ? i mean for real there are just soooo many ways for u to loose ur energy from mobs after some time , so would not make sence for the tenno to create a modification to allow them to resist those energy drains ?


5)are u planing on adding More Conclaive pvp Maps ? difrent modes than capture i mean 

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Game related questions:


- Q1: Are you ever planning to add bosses that can be defeated by using stealth and puzzels (think Mister freeze in Batman: Arkham City)?


- Q2: Are there any other boss reworks coming?


Non-game related questions:


- Q3: With the release of the recent Rhino collectors statue and the older Excalibur statue (I have them both) I'm wondering if you are committed to producing a statue of all the warframes and/or release them on a more (faster) regular basis?

As it is, it would take quite to get to all the warframes, especially because you keep adding more of them!

And are the prime versions considered as well?

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