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What Are You Tired Of?


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RNGesus. Time to crucify it. And no resurrection BS plox. It's being used so much better is other games, so why is it still so horrendously bad in WarGUNS? What the Hek?


An utterly broken scaling, being used as the ultimate crutch all the goddamn time by the devs to make people believe piling up numbers is actually "challenge". They can do so much better and yet they still choose the cheap, easy way out. Damage needs to be toned down across the board, both for the AI and our own weapons (really DESteve, "spiky" is a gigantic understatement here...). Frames and abilities have to be brought back to the forefront of WarFRAME, WarGUNS has to go.


Speaking about the AI, the whole omnipotency (AKA one enemy sees you and the entire enemy base knows where you are even when you kill any who sees you and hide) and godlike reflexes (AKA you get a facefull of bullets/lasers/whatever the nano-second you leave cover) are getting really old.


Unfair treatment and dev favoritism with some frames. Clearly some frames are their favs, they get all the cool toys, stats and augments, while others are left out, or worse, get trash all the time. The Primes are a "prime" example (huehue bad puns) of inequity, with Volt and Nova Prime getting more and much better bonus stats than the others, while some get "bonuses" that don't even fit their kits/playstyles. There's a difference between "pigeonholing" frames and playing on their innate strength to make them shine even more.

I get the whole marketing scheme, to make them sell more you make them more appealing, can't run a company without money after all, but at some point DE has to make it even with the other Primes, or it will come back to bite them in the @ss.


The gigantic hole in the lore. Seriously DE, time to give us something, we've been begging for years now. Litteraly years. What gives?^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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Fearing that enough stupid people repeating the same demands will get their demands implemented, much to the detriment of everyone, merely because DE tries to listen to us, even if what is said is completely counter-productive and empty-headed.

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RNG.. It's been months and I still haven't gotten that damn Loki Prime systems... 


Nullifying abilities. Need I say more?


Unwarranted nerfs to Warframes, just because people decide to exploit a bug.


Typhus fanboys. Stop trying to make Tyhpus happen. It's not going to happen.



Energy-being theory.

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Fearing that enough stupid people repeating the same demands will get their demands implemented, much to the detriment of everyone, merely because DE tries to listen to us, even if what is said is completely counter-productive and empty-headed.

Quoted for truth.

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