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What Warframes Did You Choose?


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And I don't mean your first warframe.  I'm curious how people's interest brought them to different Warframes over time.


For example:

-I first started with Volt, tolerated it, but never really felt that it was my favorite warframe.

-Built and loved Rhino before realizing he's quite basic.

-Built Nyx because her Chaos was insanely strong back on Xini days, loved her.

-Nyx nerf.

-Got Frost Prime and loved it, really felt like a Warframe that matched my playstyle.

-Built Nekros, another warframe that I really liked and matched my playstyle.

-When Oberon was released, I hesitated because one of my friends claimed it to be his Warframe (and I have a huge hipster complex)

-Friend quit Warframe,

-Quickly & sneakily build Oberon




-Comfortably rotate between 3 forma Frost Prime, 3 forma Nekros, and 6 forma Oberon


Life is good.

Other people's stories?

My favorite is Ash, as indicated by my profile. I have him built for max Smokescreen (inb4 Loki users say his Invisibility is betur) and Rush. I feel like a goddamn ninja, with Dread, Despair and Ether Daggers.

Nyx, Excalibur and Saryn are usually my next go-to's, purely because looks (Nemesis Skin, Proto-Excalibur ftw, and Saryn looks awesome). For Nyx and Excalibur, I usually reminisce the olden "Dark Sector" days; I carry around Lex and Proto-Glaive for Excalibur, Lex and Kronen for Nyx.

IF I get bored of those 4, I usually go Valkry for maximum armors (1000 goddamn base armor) or Chroma.

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Started with Volt, was instantly my favorite. Then I farmed for Ember, she became my #1 favorite (while Volt became my 2nd favorite).


I now have Volt (Prime) and Ember (Prime) forma'd plenty of times and comfortably use them during missions.

Edited by Trowicia
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Got Excalibur all the way to Pluto~


Rhino finished building so I just stuck with him and fought my way to Pluto again with him to rank him~


Then the Fusion MOA event started and I got the Frost Prime BP as a reward~


Then the Void came out and I farmed all his parts and built him~


Trashed Excalibur for Frost Prime~


Stuck all the way with Rhino but then got Nekros from Lephantis when he first came out~


Discovered the overpowered Ash build with BladeStorm when Vault runs came to be with the Corrupt Mods~


Dusted off Rhino again and did a new build with Corrupt Mods on him~


Got Zephyr~


Got Oberon then tossed Oberon~


Got bored and decided to farm Excalibur on Pluto and rebuild him again~


Rhino Prime came out and I farmed the crap out of the Void for it~


Farmed Vauban~


Farmed Hydroid~


Got Chroma~


But for some reason Rhino Prime just sorta stuck. =/

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First was volt. Have so much fun with him.

I change to other frame when im at mr 5.

built valkry not fond of her but I like how she can survive anything.

Built rhino. Dont like him ditch him when lvl 30

built trinity. Love her so much. Forma her 3 time

mesa meh

nyx meh

excalibro love him forma him 3 time

booben meh

banshee love her but no forma

Hydroid. Worst frame ever

chroma my main tank now love him. Best frame ever

Volt prime hyp intensified.

Loki. Meh

nova meh

Next ember or zhyper

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started off with volt, because at the time i really liked caster archetypes. However as soon as i got another frame i don't think i ever touched volt again...personally i really like the cc/support frames and kinda wish i started of with mag. Mag prime is currently one of my favorites, simply because the cc on her pull is awemazing


my first three phorid runs gave me what i needed for nyx, so she became my second warframe. i still love her. limbo is probably my current favorite, simply because i like his mechanics and all the possible ways you can build him. He's also one of the only frames i've put forma into

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First was Mag, still main Mag.

I think mag strikes a good balance between powers and player skill. I don't think I could ever get too much into easy mode nuke frames. I prefer frames that need creativity to be effective instead of just simply pressing a button to go invisible or disable a room full of enemies.

This is also why I feel the community needs to leave Ember alone. Many here would just turn her into simple nuke the world frame. She's fine as she is as a high skill frame.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Started with volt then I got nyx cause I love being support and then after playing for a month I've noticed people who used Nova ALWAYS DIED CONSTANTLY during endgame so I got Nova regular and now I do an hour plus dying only past 50 mins and have been told I'm not a useless Nova since I actually use drop and tele not just mprime lol and I havnt stuck with anything besides her I'm hoping chroma will be better but we'll see lol.

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1- Excalibur 

2- ash i wanted a ninja ninja frame 

3- rhino rhino was easy to play 

4- wanted excalibur prime 

5- excalibur was under rated

6- saw excalibur in viver

7- started to play excalibur more

8- wanted excalibur prime ( still know it was not possible )

9- wanted excalibur proto skin 

10- got the proto skin 

11- NOW still want excalibur prime 

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Massive melee user here so keep that in mind.


My first frame was excal.

Great starter frame for me! Using slash dash in a tight corridor was so fun, super jump and slamming grinner with my gram. fun times.

I still can't believe it was 2+ years ago, feels like yesterday.


Anyway, my next frame was ash, he was kinda boring to use compared to how fun and effective excal was.

I was about to throw him into the dust bin, but then I found out his smokescreen increased melee damage by 50%, and being the huge melee fan I was, I stuck with him for awhile.


Fast forward a couple months, too the rhino rework.

How could I say no? rhino had a similar ability to slash dash (my then all time favorite ability)

OP iron skin.

damage buff that was effected by strength mods and affected not just my melee but ALL my attacks, also buffed my team mates but whateves :P AND his ultimate was WAY better then ash OR excal's.

I converted, for a looong time.


Then the dual ichor came out, and I was trying to min max my melee damage.

So I swapped to saryn. with her 75% (effect by strength mods) melee buff.


It was fun for a bit.. But she did not last long as my main, why you may ask?  because right around that time, stealth damage got a [size=2]tiny[/size] change.


Melee attacks from stealth now dealt 400% more damage....

Swapped back to my ash faster then a volt with max strength build.


And I stuck with him since then.

you can imagine my joy when they gave ash a rework.

I've built and played all the warframes. but non of them give me the same joy as ash does when I teleport into a group of enemies.


Of course that excal rework might just have me pulling out good old excal prime from that old dusty prime cabinet in the back.


But for now

I've swapped to volt, reason?

For those that don't know!

There is a bug currently with beam based weapons.

beam weapons shot through a single volt shield gain a MASSIVE damage boost.

How massive? try going from 300 damage ticks to 70k+ damage ticks...

Sorry ash! but wiping out a platoon of level 95 heavy gunners or bombards in less time then an opticor has to charge up is too good to pass up.

Edited by RIOTx
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First was Excalibur: Tried to work with him but just was to "boaring" in my mind as a Warframe, so I wanted something new.


Then Nova: After alot of very hard attempts against the Raptor I finally get Nova and have played her as my favorite frame every since for everything, well that was until Nova Prime came along and now I use her more then basic Nova. But I still use Nova allot!


Then Ash: He was awsome and works great for stealth missions, always did want him for that and that at the time he was concidred to be the worst Warframe around because he was just your basic Ninja. Exactly why I got him.


Next was Volt: Speed speed speed was awsome the first few times and even after not being able to use him properly and not knowing about his overlapping shield glitch I enjoy using him ever since for all my Corpus killing needs. Now I just need Volt Prime....


Rhino: Got him and pretty much loved every aspect but got boring pretty fast until after a year of searching for Rhino Prime I finally built the dam frame and again.....I'm still finding he can be fun at times and very dull in others.


Oberon: Loved his style and apperance but just wasn't the frame for me, leveled him up to 30 and said fairwell, still questioning if I should rebuild him after his new update but I'm happy as is.


Nekros: Loved right off the bat his ability to throw people using their own soul half way across the feild but over time realized my PC couldent handle his 4th ability so I tossed him after level 30. Now after getting a new computer he's back and I have found a nitch for him in my home of Warframes, sometimes I question if he should stay but he's just to badass to say no.


Banshee: Built Banshee as soon as another freind said she was super boring and found her super awsome, now I just need a Banshee Prime and I wont be playing anyone else for a while.


Mesa/Limbo: Built these guys pretty much at the same time and sadly almost hated them simply because people had said so many bad things about them I was sure they were ganna be bad for me. Turns out however I feel in love with both of them! Limbo right off the bat for his abilites to stay in and out of battle in a pintch and Mesa I learned to love over time realizing I had to build her my way and not how other people had deemed she was meant to be built as. Now I play her almost every chance I get!



But overall Nova is my favorite frame and has always been since I got her way back to the Raptor when Warframe was in a simple day and age, cant beat your number 1!

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Loki-started off with him and I hated him because I thought he sucked and I didn't know how to mod.

Rhino-heard he had a power that kept him alive...got bored fast.

Volt-became my favorite frame but I stopped using him because players wouldn't let me in a t4 mission.

Ash-2nd favorite...too many stories.i started maining him then no one would let me join a t4 mission again so I moved on.

Nova-first frame I forma'd and I used her up until MR10....that's when it happened..........

I saw a guy dripped in gold with a Paris prime raising his energy sword in the air, blinding all the enemies, and killing them like it was nothing.

Farmed Excalibur and been maining him ever since that day.

I have all frames but I just leveled the rest for mastery after Excalibur...except frost prime that's bro-san

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I orignaly wanted to use trinity and valkyr, but found that Nyx is actually more my thing. i switch between her and rhino for diffrent stuff.

necros is for farming, and sometimes i go on one of the other frames for fun. don't like croma as much as i thought and I find hydriod far ore fun then i thought.


valkyr for cat reasons sometimes.

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>First frame Excalibur. I was such a newb. Didn't have plat, trading wasn't here and I didn't know how catalysts or reactor worked. So I played a unpotatoed Excal for about 10 hours. Harsh times


>THe game seemed imposible. Then I got Rhino. First potatoed him. Powered through the starchart like a madman on steroids.



>Sold my Excal for an Ash. (stil  no plat) . Maxed it , Wasn't fun enought at the time, sold himfor Nyx.


> I played Nyx for so long. She's like at least 25% of my playtime. Got me into high level missions which got me intro trading stuff and getting plat to buy more slots.


> Then I started by getting frames left and right. can't remember in which order though. I do remeber my first prime being mag prime. never built the original


> got Vauban pretty fast

> Got valkyr. I don't play her a lot though. Too much invincibility. 


> Rebuilt My excalibur and pimped him up 



> Rebought ash because rework. 

>Loki because master race


> Got volt becaus Speed is need:2014-11-16_00001_zps79bd3b7e.jpg


> Ember : to try out her rework


>Farmed for Nova. I tried to stay away from her because of her being considered OP, but she does require  a decent amount of skill without MP centric builds. I like her.2014-11-26_00001_zpseb724570.jpg


And My second prime warframe; Nyx prime : Pride and joy





Thats basically my warframe story.

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This is from someone who has only played solo, except for three times, twice to help a newbie who hasn't played since and once in a T2D with my clan Warlord.


-Picked Excalibro to start, assuming(dangerous to assume) I would get the chance to try Volt and Mag, I didn't. I had a rough time adjusting to the game until I FINALLY got and fused Vitality and Redirection. Think Volt would have been a better starting choice.

    -Farmed and built Ember, Rhino, Mag and Valkyr at basically the same time.

      -Really only used Rhino to do early defense and mobile defense nodes, bounced between the other three.

        -Didn't touch Excalibro again for acouple hundred hours.

-Finally got the last part of Oberon I needed. Used him alot at first then really haven't touched him since, dunno why.

-Farmed up Nyx and used her alot at first but like Oberon but just eventually stopped using her.

-At somepoint in here I farmed and traded for the parts to Rhino, Ember and Mag Prime.

-Bought Vauban with platinum, kept missing the alerts or they were too deep into the Solar System (never used a taxi), also bought Loki with platinum.

  -Really liked Loki.

  -Alternated between Vauban, Valkyr, Ember and Rhino Prime for Orokin Derelict.

    -Pushed my way to Pluto and Ceres. used Loki to farm Saryn

-Fell inlove with Saryn.

-Traded for and farmed the parts for Frost Prime, he comes out (rarely) for Defense and Mobile Defense.

-Built Volt and Zephyr.

  -Used Volt alittle, not my thing at that point but he would have made starting out easier I think.

  -Fell in love with Zephyr, Saryn was mad. She burnt me. Don't use Zephyr as much anymore.

-Finally traded for a Nyx Prime Blueprint, she went the way of the original Nyx.

-Farmed and built Ash, used him alot at first but again just kinda quit using him.

-Built Nekros, only use him for Orokin Cell or Neural Sensor farming sadly..

-Did the quests for Mirage and Limbo.

  -Mirage gets used every once and awhile.

  -Limbo not so much. Don't dislike him just haven't put the time into learning him yet.

-Farmed Mesa with three keys, like her but I need to forma her.

-Farmed the parts for Trinity, still haven't built her. <_<

-Built Banshee, she is lvl 5 still... >_>

-Farmed Hydroid, got him to lvl 30, set his energy color to pink, really haven't used him much, needs forma.

-Built up my corrupted mod collection, started using Excalibro again. Radial Blind + Tipedo.

-Farmed Nova Prime, fell in love again, Saryn wasn't mad, she is in love too.

-Did the quests for Chroma, RAWR I"MA DRAGON! His helmet without his pelt reminds me of the Knight armor from Dark Souls.

-Couldn't stand it anymore and bought Loki Prime Systems.


So to sum this all up.


I really only use Chroma, Nova Prime, Saryn and Loki Prime.

Occasionally Excalibro.

Mesa and Hydroid need forma, I like them though.

Gotta level Banshee.

Gotta build Trinity.

Still have to farm Nova and Frost if only just for the mastery.

Haven't even seen a Volt Prime part drop.

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-Got Loki as starter frame

-Hated Loki and built Saryn

-Saryn too slow; Built Nyx. She stays as my favourite for some time.

-Built Vauban. Run ODDs for days

-Gave a chance to Loki. Fell in love with him.

-Mirage comes out. Loved the frame and quest line.

-Build Trinity so people would invite me to squads(Hey, a man gotta forma stuff)

-Built Volt. Think he's still gathering dust somewhere in my arsenal.

-Got Chroma. Second favourite

Currently main Loki.

Edited by Jucesar
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Volt, he was my 1st frame.


Oberon, got rid of him will problably get him again, when i can get his parts to drop.


Limbo, got rid of him too, he was more of a support frame than direct damage caster.


Chroma, like him too much to get rid of.


I tend to prefer caster frames, probably due to the fact i always play the mage/adept class in rpgs.

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- I played Zephyr (Current Main) because of her Turbulence build. She's almost immortal to ranged attacks and spincoptering melee around, + DIVEBOMB VORTEX :D

- Vauban, well for farming and def purposes.

- Nekros, same with vauban, but with more loots. 

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Starter frame was Loki as I wanted something different and I disliked Excalibur's helmet and style, also figured 'everyone' would be him. Wasn't particularly taken by Loki at first though. Planned to have Volt was my first built frame so I immediately worked on getting him built. Decided to purchase Nyx (was still very new) in the meantime as Chaos was awesome back then and I didn't feel like waiting for her. Played Excalibur Prime/Nyx to change things up but always found myself going back to Loki. By the time Volt was built and I played around with him a bit, I suddenly realized Loki was my favourite despite not being an initial fan and expecting Volt to be my favourite. Found myself always wanting to play Loki when I was using another frame.


After that... Not sure. Think I still decided to purchase a one or two Warframe/weapon packs o_O, but limited it to ones I was actually interested in i.e. Frost. Ash/Rhino/Banshee/Trinity/Mag/Excal etc... I believe I built as I had little-to-no interest. Since then the only notable frames I've enjoyed have been Zephyr/Oberon and slightly Valkyr, due to her appearance. All the others have been reasonably 'meh', especially Limbo. Wanted to rip my eyes out. I tend to play the 'new' frames, despite building them early on, when all the craze has died down.


Anyways to this day Frost Prime and Loki are my favourites.



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>Joined when loki replaced volt for the starter frame selection

>Was interested in Frost, but picked excalibur because he was the middle guy, but didn't like excalibur too much due to having no guidance on how to use him (i used to slash dash back and forth for the lower areas). Also didn't know much on how to play until I had picked up galatine after finally reaching the mastery rank requirement to useit.

>Feeling it would take to long to go through the starchart to get frost due to inexperience and knowing i had a tough time with vor, I decided to straight up buy Frost with plat, and this would start my carreer of playing frost/frost prime heavily, to the point I learned how to slingshot myself from walls and to find other ways to get places instead of just the stairs, so i would never be too far behind. Had a hate towards the hall heroes to the point I'd Avalanche and Ice Wave the rooms they went to on Kappa so they'd have nothing to kill and go back.

>Farmed all of Frost Prime's parts once I felt my gear worked properly

>cried finding out the 6 second freeze on avalanche was a bug but still played Frost Prime to the point he's still my most played frame (of course, I tried out other frames as well at least to lvl them

>Limbo and Mesa arrived but then Ice Wave Impedance came around to keep me with Frost Prime, with Chilling Globe sealing the deal until

>Chroma arrived

Now I've been using Chroma more often with Frost Prime coming out every now and then when necessary but both are definitely my favorites.

Edited by VengefulFenrir
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Nyx was my first love, chaos and oldschool absorb gave her everything I needed.


Then I realized I wanted to use guns more and she's too squishy for proper run and gunning.


Forma'd Valkyr as a guns platform, max tankiness and min Hysteria. Gave her a 6 forma Amprex and 6 forma Detron (now Mara) and took her on an hour twenty solo drive through T4S to meet my mom.


She goes everywhere with me now, except defense, where I've been getting back into Nyx.


Everything else is just for when I really have to.

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So I started off with mag. Bought the first founder tier, and decided to try out excal. Farming him on Pluto wasn't gonna happen, so I bought base excal with plat. Loved him, upgraded founder to hunter to get excal prime. Played a lot with excal prime. Bought banshee with founder plat.... Went back to excal. Think I have 3 frame left to play, but always come back to excal. Just limbo, ash, and hydroid left, and rhino p (really didn't like rhino... So I have been putting off the prime).

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