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People Complaining About False Profit And My Opinion On The Event


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I was wondering whether I'm the only one who had the impression that most complains about the event here on the forums were pointless.


The event surely had faults (first of all the bursa's missiles attack), but as far as I've read there are a lot more people whining apparently for the sake of it than people giving constructive suggestions.
Someone even made a thread just because he/she joined an alert and his party killed the bursa in that mission.
First of all it was a free event in a free to play game, so it's just added value to what we already got in the game. If one disliked it that much, he/she could simply not play it.

Some people whined about the spawn rate and difficulty for solo and new players; 50% doesn't seem that bad to me, those players must hate how seldom they obtain the best items from Void missions; as for the difficulty, newbies could play it easily by having an expert one do most of the work and supporting him/her, I could do it with lvl 100 bursa and two new players in the team. Had it been an easy mission for a team of new players, we would have had a joke event and people would complain about it, reasonably.

Others argued about how grindy this event was. You could do this with 10 runs. I'm sure they have played some RPG-like game in the past and know what real grinding is.

Moreover, as a general statement, having new enemies that work in different ways added to the game can help resolve the one big flaw of Warframe which is, in my opinion, the "cheap" difficulty (e.g. difficulty progression is mostly normal enemies getting more and more HP and firepower). Maybe having to keep the bursa still for 5 minutes was excessive, but the concept of an enemy that needs to be hacked and/or kept at bay without being destroyed could be a nice addition to gameplay.
Of course a new moa isn't resolving the problem, nor the nullifiers, manics, spy 2.0 missions etc. But 1) it's still better than not having them and 2) bit by bit I believe they're actually adding variety to the game and that they're doing a nice work considering that they are giving all the stuff for free.

Sorry for my English and let me know your opinions.

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If you think most of the complaints are pointless, you are simply wrong. 


False Profit is a half-baked event that relies on cheap enemies to add difficulty, on top of being too drawn out. 


If the Bursas were more balanced and you only had to run it a maximum of 3 times, it would have been fine. But bad exceution ruined it. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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About the new players comment : you just missed the point, as soon as you talked about "being carried by a veteran"...

When you say new players, it's new players, with mk1-stuff & skana,end of the line...


I agree that I mostly found not constructive complaints, but outright saying that it's useless...Nuh huh...

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Guys, seriously?


Here is my unpopular opinion then: I liked the event.


Sure, it had bugs on release and needed immediate tweaking and fine tuning but once those were ironed out and you got the hang of how this plays it was fairly easy. (Not with MK1 gear, yet I pulled a player through it who had MK1 gear...)


You want complicated events like the Vay Hek trial and every week? (Again, not suited for MK1 gear) Would be nice of course but imagine the work hours needed for that.


So to put this into perspective: Would you have rather not had an event this weekend instead of this simple one?


(Also, none of the rewards are a specific must have... Sure Pogostick Vandal is a very good weapon just like the regular one and yet I still see nobody playing it and the Impact 120% mods are more of a collectors Item than a must have mod. Anyone remember how upset Red Veil tenno were when they realized the first version of Rakta Ballistica was identical to the not so shiny regular one, only this time it was Impact damage?)

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First of all it was a free event in a free to play game, so it's just added value to what we already got in the game. If one disliked it that much, he/she could simply not play it.



Tbh thats a rather stupid shallow way of thinking and it would be nice if people stop reverting to that way of thinking the moment people criticize something about the game

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Guys, seriously?


Here is my unpopular opinion then: I liked the event.


Sure, it had bugs on release and needed immediate tweaking and fine tuning but once those were ironed out and you got the hang of how this plays it was fairly easy. (Not with MK1 gear, yet I pulled a player through it who had MK1 gear...)


You want complicated events like the Vay Hek trial and every week? (Again, not suited for MK1 gear) Would be nice of course but imagine the work hours needed for that.


So to put this into perspective: Would you have rather not had an event this weekend instead of this simple one?


(Also, none of the rewards are a specific must have... Sure Pogostick Vandal is a very good weapon just like the regular one and yet I still see nobody playing it and the Impact 120% mods are more of a collectors Item than a must have mod. Anyone remember how upset Red Veil tenno were when they realized the first version of Rakta Ballistica was identical to the not so shiny regular one, only this time it was Impact damage?)

I would rather have a well tested, thought out event rather than a buggy, frustrating event. So yes, I do say that I'd rather have no event than a buggy one.

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I did like the event alot, especially because of the mod pack. Finally the impact mods are here! Also Quanta Vandal, haven't tried it yet cause i wanna use the regular Quanta first (I don't wanna ruin the fun of going from an awesome gun to a great gun :P)


The only thing that bugged me about the event was that it took so long for the thing to transfer the funds and get barely 100 points for it IF you do it right. Even wasted like 5 runs because some players killed it too fast, me included.

"W8 for the red text to appear" Saw red text, killed the hell of out of it... "uhh dude... the second red text"... "Sorry mate" >.<


So I was really happy when we started getting more points per run. I did not post a complaint about it, because pffffff... But I was very happy they changed that. Other than that, I liked it, but it got a little boring after 10 runs :)

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I tried it yesterday, it was not enjoyable as I thought it would be. Way too many sapping ospreys in an already tight area with nukes/missiles constantly being blasted out.


Problem with this event. Limited range, hella buggy(did it 4 times yesterday, once it actually worked other three MOA was not hackable). Verification is super fast compared to how long you have to wait. Oh and on release there was too many bugs with the mission{reason I backed off from it}, it got fixed the day after. Why aren't we getting that day extra?

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I was wondering whether I'm the only one who had the impression that most complains about the event here on the forums were pointless.

Right off the bat; ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


The idea is to get DE to realize there are better ways of doing it than the mind-numbing business bash we got.


First of all it was a free event in a free to play game, so it's just added value to what we already got in the game. If one disliked it that much, he/she could simply not play it.

No, this is not how it works. If people went with this idea and just didn't play it, the devs would keep making arguably bad content. You know the content is for the players, right? Should they just drive all the players away by making them not like it?

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I dont know what to complain about this event. We made like 8-9 runs, collected all rewards it started to be a bit boring somewhere at the middle, but we know why we doing this and i was pretty satisfied with the stuff we got. Also a positive moment for me that prices on Tempo Royale dropped significantly and much more people can enjoy this stance. So imo overall this event was good.

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Others argued about how grindy this event was. You could do this with 10 runs. 


So you evidently played it after the hotfix which buffed the scoring system.


Beforehand you got a maximum of 100 points per run, meaning you had to run a MINIMUM of 15 runs to complete it. This isn't accounting for getting less than 100 points per run or the amount of time it glitched out when the event started.


It took me around 25-30 runs due to how often it bugged out, either the transaction would hang at 100% and wouldn't go into the verify stage or it would verify but you wouldn't get points and that's providing someone didn't kill it to early.


and this isn't even counting the people who had credits stolen when it would eat ALL your offerings in one go, or how they were mispriced at the very start.


On top of all this, the event just wasn't fun. Sitting around waiting for it to complete the transaction spamming snowglobe/paralysis/mprime? If people used the top offering it could take 6 minutes of spamming, maybe even more.


The event was terrible full stop until the hotfixes changed it. It took what, 4 hotfixes to make this event work.

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I would rather have a well tested, thought out event rather than a buggy, frustrating event. So yes, I do say that I'd rather have no event than a buggy one.



I can sympathize with the sentiment there. I'd rather have tested things too. However, sometimes things need to be tested on the playerbase anyway so there is no other way than to release the content.

Bugs happen, things can get rushed. But these get hotfixed by DE rather fast so by the weekend you can expect it will be absolutely fine. No need to complete everything first day. 

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Tbh thats a rather stupid shallow way of thinking and it would be nice if people stop reverting to that way of thinking the moment people criticize something about the game

Criticize is a constructive thing and should be done, if problems aren't posed they can't be resolved.

Another thing is whining about every aspect that doesn't make the event a joke: boo it's too grindy (I didn't know at the first day it only gave 100 points per run, I usually avoid completing stuff on day 1 since DEs have this bad habit of releasing bugged content and then fix it), boo it's too hard for people with MK-1 gear, boo only 50% spawn rate if you play solo.


No, this is not how it works. If people went with this idea and just didn't play it, the devs would keep making arguably bad content. You know the content is for the players, right? Should they just drive all the players away by making them not like it?


You're right, they should make better content to avoid the players leaving the game. But I don't see the role of pointless whining by people that after all play the event and stay in the game.

Complains can be a good way to letting the DE know what the community is unsatisfied with. What I was stressing out was the quality of many of those complains.

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First of all "don't like, don't play" is the only pointless complaint in a feedback forum.


Second, 50% spawn rate is terrible because it relies on RNG and implies the time of solo players is worth less than that of group players. I played 8 solo maps before I ended up looking for a team, only 2 of those spawned bursas.

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The only issues I saw with this event were those of the PEBKAC variety, it being beyond the understanding of a huge portion of the playerbase, who are not inclined to find out for themselves how to do anything.  Instead chat is filled with an endless stream of identical questions, of the form 'how do I do the event', like the people in chat have the time to answer every single request with the kind of detail needed, over and over and over and over.


The same questions asked over and over are still spam, even if it's different people asking them.


It's no wonder so many were complaining they weren't getting any rewards.  I'm betting a lot of them didn't even know they needed an offering, and just tried killing everyone else's bursas, which of course resulted in many of the people in recruiting saying 'No noobs' and 'Must have done the event already', as well as a lot of complaints about bugs that really weren't bugs at all.


What I'd like to see is a more focused effort to get all those thousands of players asking the same, short, already answered questions to look at the answers, instead of asking for them.


Have the chat bot PM players who ask things along the lines of 'how do I do the event?', telling them where that information is to be found (ideally with links that open in the Steam browser).  Include multiple resources in the answer such as youtube/wiki/forums, as they are updated for the event (because those who might not read, may watch a video).


Don't post-filter messages, after they are already in the channel. Instead intercept them before they reach public chat.  Really this should be done for all WTS or H/LF messages in the wrong channel too, because if the bot can recognise the text to ban, it can do the same to relocate.  A lot of people end up writing to the wrong channel by mistake because of UI issues, and don't deserve a ban.


Whenever an event is on make a link to information on the event the most obvious thing in the interface, especially when it operates in a completely different way to what has come before.  Patch 16.4.x should not have been the thing at the top of the News display, because that line does not convey that it has anything to do with the event.  It should have been 'False Profit Event', in blinking bright orange text, and that should have been kept updated with the links to the forum post/wiki page/youtube videos/hotfixes.  The Nav console listing and Event drop-down from the star map were worse than useless for this event, because in their lack of information, where it was usually to be found, they left huge numbers of players with questions, that they then turned to chat to get answered.


There were guides on how to do the event on the forums, the wiki, reddit and youtube within a few hours of it going live, but without anything pointing to them from within the game a huge number of players were completely ignorant of their existence, and a lot of the effort put into producing them (no doubt in order to avoid repeatedly answering the same questions) was completely wasted.


DE, please, encourage your players to help themselves, instead of letting them keep on playing, expecting to be babysat through the game.  This is not the kind of game that can easily be picked up as you play it, and we should not be the ones telling people where to go to find the information they need, about your game.

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Because the operation thread was just locked..here's the feedback i was going to give.


I'll give some completely honest feedback. 


I did this event to get the quanta vandal because it's exclusive and may not come back and i didn't want to miss out on it's mastery points. The event was not fun because if you didn't cheese it with hysteria (which is boring in of itself), you were constantly getting hammered, stunned, blinded, nullified. 


It was like work, i did it at the last minute like a essay. Having to repeatedly do it did not add to the experience, it simply made it worse because the gameplay wasn't fun, it was frankly rather annoying. I didn't even realise how frustrating the hacking mini-game is, i had to go and by ciphers to save myself from the agony.


I appreciate you want to make a cool game that people enjoy but you are not hitting the mark, some events have been good but most have been fairly unenjoyable, you may seen plenty of people playing it, but sadly they're more likely than not playing through gritted teeth.


You need an events 2.0, a whole new philosophy about events, and if events are going to be about highly experimental gameplay, please don't put in exclusive rewards that arguably force people to play them. Forcing people to endure blind spam bursa's which frankly hurt my eyes is not going to make them stick with the game.

Edited by Zeromanicus
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