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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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McDonald's head office, the boardroom.

Chairma : gentlemen, ladies, I have called this emergency meeting because I have noticed something seriously wrong with our menu.

Puzzled looks and muttering all round.

Vice chairman: in what way sir? It seems fairly diverse, with most bases covered, something for everyone?

Chairman: that's the problem, it's too diverse.

More puzzled looks

Vice chairman: too diverse sir?

Chairman: yes I'm worried that when a new first time customer walks into a store they wlll be overwhelmed.

Vice chairman: well research shows that people like choice and our wide selection is generly regarded as an advantage over our competitors. I suppose we could get the art guys to tweak the menus a bit and train the staff to point newcomers in the right direction.

Chairman: you are not thinking drasticly enough.

Vice chairman: I'm not?

Chairman: not by a longshot, I propose reducing the menu somewhat, to avoid clutter.

Vice chairman: well I suppose we could prune a little, what do you suggest?

Chairman: well currently we have around 50 sandwiches, I want that reduced to 5.

All: 5!?!?!?

Chairman: yes 5. Research shows that sales mostly consist of the top 5 sandwiches anyway.

Vice chairman: but what about choice? Sure it's understandable that our long term customers know what they want and go straight to their favourites but even so, to reduce the menu to just these top 5....

Chairman: whoa whoa whoa, who said the top 5?

Vice chairman: but you said...

Chairman: I said 5, not top 5. No my plan is to rotate the selection.

All: rotate?!?!?!

Chairman: yes, our sandwich designers have come up with too many great ideas, I'm not going to discard them just becomes no one actually buys them.

Stunned silence.

Vice chairman: so what happens if I fancy say a Big Mac one day and it's not on rotation?

Chairman: tough, you have a veggie burger instead.

Vice chairman: and if I don't like veggie burgers?

Chairman: again, tough, you should like them, they're good for you.

Vice chairman. I not sure that's the attitude we should take to our customers?

Chairman. How about we throw them a bone, for people who are fussy and won't just eat what we tell them, we have some sort of create a sandwich system so for ten quid we make what you want if you are prepared to wait an extra 20 minutes?

Vice chairman: but that's much more inconvenient and expensive them our current system! People are not going to like this.

Chairman: oh I am fully aware that the customers won't like it, I'm still going to do it. Right, shall we vote?

Vice chairman: can I please just propose another quick vote first?

Chairnan: of course.

Vice chairman: all those who have lost faith in the chair please raise your hands.

All raise hands


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maybe the next time your fellow member's could act more disciplined and not easily distracted by Twitch users?

This. So much this. There isn't a single devstream when they discuss an important topic, that I don't want to shout "STOP MONKEYING AROUND" at my screen. Seriously, there are kindergartners that have more self-restraint than you guys. It's okay that you want to have some fun, but when it comes to topics and changes that important - please, take a look at Geoff. He seems to be the most mature (besides Rebecca).


Anyway, back to the main topic: Payday's crime.net really sets the mark for me here, as it's (almost) everything Steve's list describes. But no matter what it's going to be in the end, I really hope the UI team doesn't screw up. For something like that, FUNCTION is way more important than FORM. Alas, Pablo doesn't always seem to agree.

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So reducing the number of star chart nodes is a bad thing? They just want to get rid of those deserted missions no one joins because there are better options elsewhere.


Making those almost-forgotten missions somewhat rewarding wouldn't be enough, because people would play on other nodes, and that would make the same scattering of people around. Reducing the number of nodes would increase the chances of finding a squad to play with, instead o waiting for quite a while until a random soul decides to join in.


Especially now that you get a better distribution of Exp for the gear you are leveling, I bet everyone likes to play with other people to get that sweet Exp. I know I do, and I played solo for almost 1000 hours before they made this change.


And that's it. No one likes to play a multiplayer game and wait in a room for 5~15 minutes until someone else decides to join. DE is trying to get rid of that waiting, and I don't see anything wrong with that. 

Reducing the number of duplicate nodes that have no use in essence is not a bad thing. Destroying more than 80% of the nodes of the whole star chart that has good resource, cores and xp rates for players is another thing as well as the other spy and rescue missions there. See the key to this is MODERATION not DRASTIC changes DE could have just trimmed down the nodes improved a better reward systems and PROVIDE INCENTIVES for players that for example are stuck on a dead node and need HELP there could be an ask for reinforcement in the NODE SYSTEM HECK there can be so many other better solutions than ABOLISHING 234 nodes and reducing it to 20.


Here let me ask you if DE did reduce the nodes to 20 and choose the 20 random missions for you and none of them are to your liking for that day will you play the missions they shoved in your face? NO right cause you would rather CREATE your own mission in which case you still won't be playing with the people that are playing those RANDOM missions DE has chosen for that day because people will still choose to PLAY missions they like so in essence there will still be deserted nodes or game types even in that REDUCED 20 node system. ALL that WHILE effectively ADDING MORE RNG walls to missions and TIME and GRIND walls to access missions you would actually want to play. Does that seem like a good justification to you? DE says this is for the new players so that they can find more squads to help them after these players finish these nodes when they reach a certain mastery rank and realize later on the existence of star chart 2.0 where back then we had a CHOICE of playing missions we want and farming specific thing WHEN WE WANT they will eventually realize how much RNG and TIME WALLS they have to go through to get a single thing they want and would probably blame DE for even changing the whole system. We vets will have no problems the new players they said this is for? that's another story it will take them LIGHT YEARS to even begin to get what they want with the new system add that plus the RNG for drops+ the increasing credit costs of everything in game they will be playing the game forever and still not get everything they want.


Here I will keep repeating what could be the better solution they could have devised.


Well we'll be waiting then for that dev workshop post we do hope it comes before U17 so that at least we can input our ideas on what we dislike about the proposed removal of 230 nodes on our star chart with the replacement of RNG lore based missions with time sensitivity and mission crafting process. Cause I will definitely suggest what I have been repeatedly saying as the better solution which is a separate " CAMPAIGN MODE" where they can implement this more player immersive mission selection systems that they are talking about and our "OPEN EXPLORATION MODE" for the farming players that way it will "PLEASE" both sides win-win situation everybody happy no one will say that their mission selection experience sucks or is better than the other cause the way I see it is the community is split into two right now.


One side is the farm efficiently people and the other side is the "I want more immersive lore based people".

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I swear they were redistributing rewards to planetary nodes. I agree the new UI is very clunky and confusing next to the old one, but reducing nodes AND killing the Void AND rewards being moved seems really dumb.

Stop breaking more what you already broke once. Want to get veterans on nodes just move the rewards and make the circular nonsense that is the current system actually have a clear path for new players.


They are creating an even bigger problem than the minor issue that they are trying to resolve if this doesn't go as they planned at initial release it will blow up in their faces and reverting things might be too late once the damage is done.

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Choice doesnt exist now. Most nodes are deserted. After the inner core, i've soloed my way almost to full star chart completion.


What players currently do:-


Void Missions

Specfic nodes that are pre-determined to give the best results.


As it stands, DE could remove all the non played nodes, and the result would be zero change on the high end farmers. Seriously, ask yourself, out of the 234 nodes, how many do you ACTUALLY play?


The star chart NEEDS work. In the idea phase, in the devleopment phase, we should encourage wild ideas here. I think its very sad that the OP went from 0-60, spat on everyone, and paniced. But thats teh culture of keyboard warriors these days. Fire first, ask questions later.

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I will reserve my judgement till release but what concerns me most here is the limited time I have available to play warframe and how limited choice will effect me.

Right now if I have the usual on hour to play warframe I know that I can play sechura to farm credits and where to farm resources to fund my future builds.

Now let's say that in my usual hour no mission pops up where I cannot find what I want. The day playing warframe is gone without progress. Now let's say that that hour a day results in a week we're know mission of my needs comes out. A week of warframe is done. Even if durning the week one one or two missions pops up that will sure will not be enough for a veteran player to progress in his warframe builds seeing how much thing cost to build now.

Well if this shall be the way forward warframe is done for me. Actually I play warframe because it is one of the few games that allows me to progress and keep up with the veterans even if I have very limited time to play. If this limited time becomes useless in regards progress in the game as a veteran player then bye warframe for me.

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It has to be done right. If people can't login and do what they like to do they won't play. ...



If we are thrown into random missions, how will we prepare? Certain mission types are better with certain frames and gear.


(Sorry if this has been addressed, I've been outta the loop for a few weeks now)


even that 2 points are the main "life" of warframe for the future

devs, think about carefully, do you wanna have lots of players in a short amount of time which give lots of money according to your changes you plan or do you wanna have a bit less income but a more then good furute - lets say about the next 5 years - with warframe where everybody is save and where you can develop into with a bright hope and even better results for the future of warframe worldwide


just my intuition, dont leave the main lore, players save the universe before the evil which wanna destroy it


new races (the sentients) etc. can come in and more ... and now im off until the next update come, so, DE check what will happen and then lets dig into u17 inbetween and maybe we all together can create a change in the starchart which dont force a collapse into the "warframe-universe" in general, not shortrange neither longrange but a growth in all directions :-)

ps: as a sidenote, the meaning of a tenno is based in japan, your new country where you move into is china ... be careful, dont let others rule the main lore of warframe =))))))))))))


a tenno is a tenno in warframe, and a tenno is able to do what no other race can do in the warframe-universe, tennos doesnt belong to culture or whatever, tennos are efficient protectors of the needed values to develop the whole entire universe ,-)

Edited by varais
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Tenno, let's wait until we have more information on what they're doing and then let's discuss about that.

For several months, the community reacts to any change with exaggerated panic.


It's already so far that Steve is insulted on Twitter.

And that shocked me.


If there were no changes, we still had the old Warframe of 2013.

The insults will only cause that the devs lose their fun in developing Warframe.

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McDonald's head office, the boardroom.

Chairma : gentlemen, ladies, I have called this emergency meeting because I have noticed something seriously wrong with our menu.

Puzzled looks and muttering all round.

Vice chairman: in what way sir? It seems fairly diverse, with most bases covered, something for everyone?

Chairman: that's the problem, it's too diverse.

More puzzled looks

Vice chairman: too diverse sir?

Chairman: yes I'm worried that when a new first time customer walks into a store they wlll be overwhelmed.

Vice chairman: well research shows that people like choice and our wide selection is generly regarded as an advantage over our competitors. I suppose we could get the art guys to tweak the menus a bit and train the staff to point newcomers in the right direction.

Chairman: you are not thinking drasticly enough.

Vice chairman: I'm not?

Chairman: not by a longshot, I propose reducing the menu somewhat, to avoid clutter.

Vice chairman: well I suppose we could prune a little, what do you suggest?

Chairman: well currently we have around 50 sandwiches, I want that reduced to 5.

All: 5!?!?!?

Chairman: yes 5. Research shows that sales mostly consist of the top 5 sandwiches anyway.

Vice chairman: but what about choice? Sure it's understandable that our long term customers know what they want and go straight to their favourites but even so, to reduce the menu to just these top 5....

Chairman: whoa whoa whoa, who said the top 5?

Vice chairman: but you said...

Chairman: I said 5, not top 5. No my plan is to rotate the selection.

All: rotate?!?!?!

Chairman: yes, our sandwich designers have come up with too many great ideas, I'm not going to discard them just becomes no one actually buys them.

Stunned silence.

Vice chairman: so what happens if I fancy say a Big Mac one day and it's not on rotation?

Chairman: tough, you have a veggie burger instead.

Vice chairman: and if I don't like veggie burgers?

Chairman: again, tough, you should like them, they're good for you.

Vice chairman. I not sure that's the attitude we should take to our customers?

Chairman. How about we throw them a bone, for people who are fussy and won't just eat what we tell them, we have some sort of create a sandwich system so for ten quid we make what you want if you are prepared to wait an extra 20 minutes?

Vice chairman: but that's much more inconvenient and expensive them our current system! People are not going to like this.

Chairman: oh I am fully aware that the customers won't like it, I'm still going to do it. Right, shall we vote?

Vice chairman: can I please just propose another quick vote first?

Chairnan: of course.

Vice chairman: all those who have lost faith in the chair please raise your hands.

All raise hands



That was witty and cutting.





Edited by (PS4)thehoocodfather
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This is more than additional tax and more like two payment for a desire items if an access is not available. 


Now we can access many nodes in any planet only with a single click, we can play any mission we want, no effort needed, this is free and choice of freedom


The Key for desired mission which is unavailable at the time you are online, you will have to pay with resources to make a key, you may not pay platinum, but as soon as it require something, time or whatever material (easy to get or hard to get), it is NOT FREE, 


Sound like the new update is taking what is free for you now, and make you MAY have to pay for it. 


As an example:


Logical or not? Practical or not? See how you judge this.




in warframe,

1. we log in to the game

2. we go to the mission

3. pick a planet

4. pick a node

5. play the node

6. get reward.


in shopping mall

1. we go to the shopping mall

2. we go to the hypermarket

3. we go to a specific department of goods

4. take what we want

5. pay for the items

6. own the item.


new update:



1. we log in to the game

2. we go to the mission

3. we see what mission is available

4. choose what is given, or make a key to access it

5. play the node

6. get reward.


in shopping mall

1. we go to the shopping mall

2. we go to the hypermarket

3. we go to see which department is open for customers

4. choose corridors that is not blocked, or pay money, coffee or chocolate to access a blocked area, or pay/make a ticket to shop.

5. pick items.

6. pay for the items

7. own the item.

Now we have Alert, invasion, syndicate tab. sometime additional event tab. 
why not introduce a new interface with organized tabs rather than do changes to the planets?
why not make it like your phone, but creative design for users: a call, message, calendar and six dot/square for other apps. (you don't make key to access menu of apps)
Make a nice hologram with 5 big choice before the small ones, make the Recommended icon Big, and map icon smaller.
1. Alert
2. Recommended (Random node daily '24 hour' with better reward, and repeatable)
3. invasion
4. Syndicate 
5. Map (the current planet interface)
we have 234 nodes, who will play it all or all the time, many deserted. it doesn't mean it didn't serve players from time to time. many start playing Warframe at different time, many online at different time and many doesn't have time to online for a long period. this is where deserted nodes serve players as long as they can access it anytime without cost. 
Everyone had achievements to complete it at least once, and newbie will start at 1 to 234. this is where new player learn how to play from easy mission to hard mission by slowly unlocking new mission, which is better than the basic tutorial. 
it is your choice whether you want to do it or not. you do it, you got achievement and convenience to access future alerts, if you don't ,you need will need more help in the future. 
What about the orokin void, orokin derelict or any map that still in a key form in your inventory, that no one has access to it unless you let them. Warframe is not Open world, every map is hosted by player for a game. the nodes is nothing but a free key, not a deserted map. 
Recommended map with better resource, and repeatable.
1. the first to be advertised, more chance of people playing it
2. many will play it for the resource or credits.
3. people who doesn't know what to play can go for it
4. don't want to play alone, go for it
5. what about alert with resource? make the timer shorter but give more! its Alert! do it fast or miss it.
Maybe the recommended map can be like Relay or so-called open field, make every planet have one, but the enemy level stays low, drop rate stay low and enemy randomly spawn in it every minute, everyone get the loot everyone kills, where repeating of game hosting is not needed, which everyone can have as much fun and lag as possible like how relay fill up with people during void trader times, but some people like crowd map, some not, let them host a game for them self or their friends, clan and alliance.
Want old player to help new player or fill the empty spot in squad? make a quick play button on the new wallpaper too, anyone click it fills any squad available on 234 nodes except relay type of map, let people choose between normal, arch wing or even underwater mission, make player/host with lower mastery rank have more priority. 
Well, it cannot be blamed as people do things according to what they see. lets put the planet menu into a map tab, where you don't directly see it and you won't feel any of these 234 maps/nodes are deserted. Change mission interface to a better wallpaper with good function of choice and friendly for any type of player.
Recommend this wild idea of development to DE. 
Edited by -Serenata-Ma-Cherie-
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well the only thing that is close to this is the syndicate missions without the crafting and as you can see that isn't a success since the change that should be an indication. I cant speak for anyone  else but I am just sticking around to see the water tileset and if there will be actual power to weapons when you get above level 100 or will it remain the same with guns being bullet hoses and enemies being sponges and weapons feels like a total waste of time. 


Limiting players from choice is never a good thing in any video game,  if only you truly put a story mode for players to follow with a few cut scenes here and there  for the plots and twists and keep it interesting while adding  more for each frame in the future with what we already have in game warframe would be 10000% better but instead you chose to go down a doomed path. we are patiently waiting for the inevitable outcome.

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McDonald's head office, the boardroom.

Chairma : gentlemen, ladies, I have called this emergency meeting because I have noticed something seriously wrong with our menu.

Puzzled looks and muttering all round.

Vice chairman: in what way sir? It seems fairly diverse, with most bases covered, something for everyone?

Chairman: that's the problem, it's too diverse.

More puzzled looks

Vice chairman: too diverse sir?

Chairman: yes I'm worried that when a new first time customer walks into a store they wlll be overwhelmed.

Vice chairman: well research shows that people like choice and our wide selection is generly regarded as an advantage over our competitors. I suppose we could get the art guys to tweak the menus a bit and train the staff to point newcomers in the right direction.

Chairman: you are not thinking drasticly enough.

Vice chairman: I'm not?

Chairman: not by a longshot, I propose reducing the menu somewhat, to avoid clutter.

Vice chairman: well I suppose we could prune a little, what do you suggest?

Chairman: well currently we have around 50 sandwiches, I want that reduced to 5.

All: 5!?!?!?

Chairman: yes 5. Research shows that sales mostly consist of the top 5 sandwiches anyway.

Vice chairman: but what about choice? Sure it's understandable that our long term customers know what they want and go straight to their favourites but even so, to reduce the menu to just these top 5....

Chairman: whoa whoa whoa, who said the top 5?

Vice chairman: but you said...

Chairman: I said 5, not top 5. No my plan is to rotate the selection.

All: rotate?!?!?!

Chairman: yes, our sandwich designers have come up with too many great ideas, I'm not going to discard them just becomes no one actually buys them.

Stunned silence.

Vice chairman: so what happens if I fancy say a Big Mac one day and it's not on rotation?

Chairman: tough, you have a veggie burger instead.

Vice chairman: and if I don't like veggie burgers?

Chairman: again, tough, you should like them, they're good for you.

Vice chairman. I not sure that's the attitude we should take to our customers?

Chairman. How about we throw them a bone, for people who are fussy and won't just eat what we tell them, we have some sort of create a sandwich system so for ten quid we make what you want if you are prepared to wait an extra 20 minutes?

Vice chairman: but that's much more inconvenient and expensive them our current system! People are not going to like this.

Chairman: oh I am fully aware that the customers won't like it, I'm still going to do it. Right, shall we vote?

Vice chairman: can I please just propose another quick vote first?

Chairnan: of course.

Vice chairman: all those who have lost faith in the chair please raise your hands.

All raise hands




This is beautiful.

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i feel that it would be an awesome idea and really improve the game if we already didn't have such a grind for weapons or materials for other things. i believe that it would cause the grind to skyrocket and have it go from some what reasonable to over the top and frustrating to get anything done in the  game.

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I just want to reiterate this and add a supplemental remark afterwards: 



This is a whiteboard - this is everyone talking, thinking, communicating, writing, erasing, repeat -  and this what makes working together at DE so rewarding. In this Devstream we had this conversation openly with each other and with you all, not because we wanted to show you the stone chiseled tablet of what is coming, but because we wanted to discuss openly what we've been discussing off-camera. Sharing what we've been struggling with, what we've wanted to achieve. Could it have been more polished? Probably - but we're not ready to polish what we're still actively figuring out.  

What's been invaluable about the surrounding discussion is where your reactions focus on what you'd like to see and what you'd hate to lose - this mirrors our conversations. These discussions are strongest when the ad-hominem is left out, though. So please keep that in mind. 

Next Devstream will pick up where we left off, and we're working on figuring out a Dev Workshop-style post on what we want to do with the Star Chart. Warframe has always changed and evolved, and as this chapter starts off with bang as the goals are candidly discussed. The ignition of dramatic energy surely reflects on how much everyone cares about this, but this chapter is just beginning. Onward to Dev Workshops, discussions, and more. 


Thanks for the clarification.

The reason I was upset is, that you were talking about update 17, and me being a new player here I have no idea when this will go online. So looking at your high frequent updates (which are much appreciated!), my first thought was: "This could be live in a month or two." And being a software developer myself, my next conclusion was: "If it's going to be live in a month, It's already done, internal testing is finished, they'll probably put it out there for some beta players and some minor bug fixing, but that's about it." So you can probably see, why I and perhaps some of the others were a bit concerned. And Steve talking about "not pay to sleep, but perhaps a little bit" didn't really help, either. 


As a new player, who more than once tried to find a public group to play some defense mission in the outback, I can understand, why you want to change the existing system. And I really am looking forward to a change. But, as a new player, who doesn't have all the frames and weapons out there, adding more RNG to RNG, plus the "pay to sleep", .... Well, I guess you got the only possible reaction by the community.


I hope that you can find a solution, that most of us will be okay with. We'll see. First of all thank you for sharing your discussions with us, I know that's not always easy and more often than not, your "work in progress" and "subject to change"-disclaimers are ignored. So don't let this discourage you from sharing things like that discussion with us. 

For now I'm looking forward to more information about the topic from you. 




PS: I think your fellow colleagues could have shown a bit more respect towards you. Perhaps it was all, as you said, an inside joke, but as someone looking at it from the outside, it wasn't that much fun to watch. And while I'm at it (ranting that is): As you've probably guessed by now, I'm not a native English speaker, so following your conversation, while two others are making jokes on the side, isn't easy for me. So I can second the earlier call for more discipline during your devstreams. At least a little bit. I think there's time for fun, and there's time for serious discussions. 

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the core of this problem is node design or the tiles design which ever one you want to call it. you play a corpus, grineer, infested defense, survival, capture, spy, excavation, interception extermination, mobile defense and saboutage from low to high its the same for each faction on different planets with earth phobos and the ice planet kinda differs from the rest.


the one size fits all just isn't working and the same can be said for just about everything in warframe from enemies, core mechanics, weapons, abilities etc the list goes on.


 farming, as bad as it sounds was actually good for the game for the fact that an estimated 70% slightly higher/lower was doing it, node were more populated as players wanted to go elsewhere than the regular nodes.


 the track record of all of this is where ever DE decides to make the change in RNG and players can actually get what they essentially wants they will go there.


 now with the proposed changes on the table how long will it take any sane gamer to just leave and  or don't be bothered with this mess and look for their entertainment elsewhere?? not all changes produce a positive outcome and we have been seeing a decline since Viver with many clans  falling apart or dissolved, solar rails on standby, more and more ppl in region chat less and less ppl playing  and only a handful of tryhards wanting all this change.


 be carefull what you wish for its happening and its very costly.

Edited by ranks21
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i hope i misunderstand this information about star chart.

but if they truly are going hide all the bosses in alert type, time-limited, mission and drop mission node number to 20 total, i'll be displeased a lot.

i can agree that the star chart is by now, containing too much mission nodes, but dropping to 20 is madness.

i also question the fact that i will not be able to choose the mission type i want from a planet, because this feature is what made me play till now,should it be true, i'll be sorry but i will most probably drop the game.

it took time to build a warframe for each tipe, maximizing the, putting the righ mod for the right situation. to be honest, the chance to build and polish a tactit choose the node and go owning the place, is pretty much everything this game has to offer. should i be stucked with a limited farming place to gain more equipemnt, resources and affinity, i see no point in wasting any more money and time.

i sincerly hope DE proves my wrong, and that when the u17 come to file, my fears will be put to rest. for now i wait in anxiety

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I just want to reiterate this and add a supplemental remark afterwards: 



This is a whiteboard - this is everyone talking, thinking, communicating, writing, erasing, repeat -  and this what makes working together at DE so rewarding. In this Devstream we had this conversation openly with each other and with you all, not because we wanted to show you the stone chiseled tablet of what is coming, but because we wanted to discuss openly what we've been discussing off-camera. Sharing what we've been struggling with, what we've wanted to achieve. Could it have been more polished? Probably - but we're not ready to polish what we're still actively figuring out.  

What's been invaluable about the surrounding discussion is where your reactions focus on what you'd like to see and what you'd hate to lose - this mirrors our conversations. These discussions are strongest when the ad-hominem is left out, though. So please keep that in mind. 

Next Devstream will pick up where we left off, and we're working on figuring out a Dev Workshop-style post on what we want to do with the Star Chart. Warframe has always changed and evolved, and as this chapter starts off with bang as the goals are candidly discussed. The ignition of dramatic energy surely reflects on how much everyone cares about this, but this chapter is just beginning. Onward to Dev Workshops, discussions, and more. 

No, so far this is the PLAYERS talking, thinking, communicating, writing, erasing etc.


From the devstream, all we got was a bunch of immature guys goofing around, avoiding questions left and right. The guys really need to become more mature and act professional already... I can't believe that these are the guys that are actually in CHARGE! Oo




That said:

I absolutely hate the excessive trimming. If each planet had, say, one of each missiontype, fine, that I would totally understand. But just a couple of handful of missions IN TOTAL, and even worse, on random rotation?! Yeah, that's a change that's gonna make a LOT of people quit, no doubt.

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Tenno, let's wait until we have more information on what they're doing and then let's discuss about that.

For several months, the community reacts to any change with exaggerated panic.


It's already so far that Steve is insulted on Twitter.

And that shocked me.


If there were no changes, we still had the old Warframe of 2013.

The insults will only cause that the devs lose their fun in developing Warframe.

It's the most useful tactic though, it is far more practical to call out an issue and try to snuff it out at the start than trying to get rid of it after it's reached mid or full development. Nobody is fond of the idea of scrapping something they've put time and money into, that won't get their investments back. But something they are still simply in the planning/consideration period of and haven't actually put much into? People are far more open to change then. Waiting idly until an undesirable direction grows wings doesn't help in the slightest, you don't see a fire in your front yard and wait until it starts to consume the house to put it out. 


And the community is not against change or development, everyone wants this game to grow, but when the change seems to be for the worse naturally we aren't going to want it. Sure some of the community can be a little critical at times, but that's simply them trying to emphasize their point, as sometimes de doesn't really make us seem the most heard. 



McDonald's head office, the boardroom.

Chairma : gentlemen, ladies, I have called this emergency meeting because I have noticed something seriously wrong with our menu.

Puzzled looks and muttering all round.

Vice chairman: in what way sir? It seems fairly diverse, with most bases covered, something for everyone?

Chairman: that's the problem, it's too diverse.

More puzzled looks

Vice chairman: too diverse sir?

Chairman: yes I'm worried that when a new first time customer walks into a store they wlll be overwhelmed.

Vice chairman: well research shows that people like choice and our wide selection is generly regarded as an advantage over our competitors. I suppose we could get the art guys to tweak the menus a bit and train the staff to point newcomers in the right direction.

Chairman: you are not thinking drasticly enough.

Vice chairman: I'm not?

Chairman: not by a longshot, I propose reducing the menu somewhat, to avoid clutter.

Vice chairman: well I suppose we could prune a little, what do you suggest?

Chairman: well currently we have around 50 sandwiches, I want that reduced to 5.

All: 5!?!?!?

Chairman: yes 5. Research shows that sales mostly consist of the top 5 sandwiches anyway.

Vice chairman: but what about choice? Sure it's understandable that our long term customers know what they want and go straight to their favourites but even so, to reduce the menu to just these top 5....

Chairman: whoa whoa whoa, who said the top 5?

Vice chairman: but you said...

Chairman: I said 5, not top 5. No my plan is to rotate the selection.

All: rotate?!?!?!

Chairman: yes, our sandwich designers have come up with too many great ideas, I'm not going to discard them just becomes no one actually buys them.

Stunned silence.

Vice chairman: so what happens if I fancy say a Big Mac one day and it's not on rotation?

Chairman: tough, you have a veggie burger instead.

Vice chairman: and if I don't like veggie burgers?

Chairman: again, tough, you should like them, they're good for you.

Vice chairman. I not sure that's the attitude we should take to our customers?

Chairman. How about we throw them a bone, for people who are fussy and won't just eat what we tell them, we have some sort of create a sandwich system so for ten quid we make what you want if you are prepared to wait an extra 20 minutes?

Vice chairman: but that's much more inconvenient and expensive them our current system! People are not going to like this.

Chairman: oh I am fully aware that the customers won't like it, I'm still going to do it. Right, shall we vote?

Vice chairman: can I please just propose another quick vote first?

Chairnan: of course.

Vice chairman: all those who have lost faith in the chair please raise your hands.

All raise hands



Edited by Cubewano
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