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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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Let's say, remember in the intro guide tutorial thing on warframe? We have this mission where we were going to visit some colonists on earth so they could share one of the modules with us for our ship to help us in our task of removing the ascaris.


What if, lets say exterminate missions were reworked on? For example you would have a certain ammount of colonists trying to hold out somewhere in the map, fighting lets say Grineer on Earth. IF you succeed those colonists would repay you in some way and then you get to choose, for example, 3000 credits, or 1500 ferrite, or 750 rubedo, 1 neurode? Wich are you gonna pick, the twist you can only do this 10 times A DAY for all planets.

Gives you some sort of reward for all kind of players, credits problems, material problems and you will get some exp out of it anyway.


Pretty sure something could be worked on on other mission types.

Just an idea anyway.

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I'm just guessing. They said this is white board brain storming.

1. You'll probably have to build a Boss Key to get at that boss.

2. Alerts, alerts, and alerts. Those nodes might be gone visually, but you'll probably get lots of mission options on the ones that are accessible. Sorta like the syndicate, nightmare and normal missions falling on one node. Right now it's a ghost town across the maps. So tiny might mean more players condensed and accessible to help with that Hijack mission.

3. I can't see it not still happening with how many Alerts you participate in. Say there are three mission and one locked one demanding you complete the first three. The forth is a chance to gain towards a mastery level.

4. I believe you'll have low level maps on Mercury to level on. Personally they need to have two fixed mission no matter what. Lares and Apollodorus. Those two are basically the new frame work horse nodes for getting your ranks higher to equip mods. That would be a bad mistake De to cancel them out.

Remeber kids, this all hypothetical nonsense and conjecture. But there it is.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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First of all, the current starchart system is already good. Why would you change it? Second, why would you remove a player's choice to choose what type of mission he/she wants? For example, today's mission type is Capture. Players who don't usually do Capture missions will probably be forced to not play Warframe and wait for some time until a mission type that they like shows up. And for those who do, they will have a hard time finding squadmates (if the player doesn't prefer playing solo) and other players to interact with. How would THAT become better for the game? And it makes grinding difficult for most, if not all players. The new players will be hit the hardest here, because this will make grinding extremely difficult for them. I think lots of players will be quitting Warframe if ever this will be implemented.

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It's gonna be terrible. People are gonna say it's terrible.

DE might even admit it's terrible, and then will keep it that way for months before anything happens.

Then, DE is gonna announce the next "big thing", and will forget about the starchart.


Just like they did with Kubrows, Archwing and basically everything that is 2.0.

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I sure it was said many time over, but me I think the ability to pick the enemy level scaling on the mission node, along with being able to pick nightmare mode for it or not would be nice. Like I would love it if I can go to earth and pick extrem. and scale the lvls higher then 3-5 on it, but still be able to scale it to 1-3 for when I got new gear that needs a few easy kills to get the flow going. I for one would love it if there was a way to pick the faction, mission type, enemy lvl, nightmare mode on/off and tile set. Like I would love  to go slapping around a team of corpus on earth one mission, then hunt down a grineer capture target on an ice planet the next mission, and then end the day with a mission of making infested steaks on phobos.


Here a bit of a clearly understanding of what I am thinking about with this. You pick a planet to start at, which in turn picks the tile set for ya. Then you got a choice of the three factions to pick from before the mission types are shown. Once a faction picked, you then decide what mission type you wanna do. After that you got a choice of enemy lvls from 1-3 up to 36-39, then you get to choice nightmare mode on or off. Once those choices are made the mission runs.


But that just my opinion on this all. I'm sure some won't like this idea, but I think it'll be neat, although I do know that will need more fine tuning then just a rng thing. But same time, no one wants to wait for rng to pick a mission to show that they want to play.

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I sure it was said many time over, but me I think the ability to pick the enemy level scaling on the mission node, along with being able to pick nightmare mode for it or not would be nice. Like I would love it if I can go to earth and pick extrem. and scale the lvls higher then 3-5 on it, but still be able to scale it to 1-3 for when I got new gear that needs a few easy kills to get the flow going. I for one would love it if there was a way to pick the faction, mission type, enemy lvl, nightmare mode on/off and tile set. Like I would love  to go slapping around a team of corpus on earth one mission, then hunt down a grineer capture target on an ice planet the next mission, and then end the day with a mission of making infested steaks on phobos.


Here a bit of a clearly understanding of what I am thinking about with this. You pick a planet to start at, which in turn picks the tile set for ya. Then you got a choice of the three factions to pick from before the mission types are shown. Once a faction picked, you then decide what mission type you wanna do. After that you got a choice of enemy lvls from 1-3 up to 36-39, then you get to choice nightmare mode on or off. Once those choices are made the mission runs.


But that just my opinion on this all. I'm sure some won't like this idea, but I think it'll be neat, although I do know that will need more fine tuning then just a rng thing. But same time, no one wants to wait for rng to pick a mission to show that they want to play.

I think it is better this way

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It's gonna be terrible. People are gonna say it's terrible.

DE might even admit it's terrible, and then will keep it that way for months before anything happens.

Then, DE is gonna announce the next "big thing", and will forget about the starchart.


Just like they did with Kubrows, Archwing and basically everything that is 2.0.

If you ask me, Kubrow and Archwing additions were completely unnecessary and waste of resources. Long term, how many players do really use them? We have Kubrows for a year now, and they are still broken as they were on release. And i dont even want to start about Archwing.




As usual, biggest issue with this game is release of new content and ignoring issues with other major content. I do understand that devs want to offer us something new, but old content should be fixed first before adding more.

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I would personally enjoy the missions-popping-up-over-time concept. As a player who wants to experience various enemy levels, mission types, and faction types at random, this new star chart design would cater to players who like to quickly play missions with other players without a restricted goal (eg. getting a certain resource). In addition to revitalizing the abandoned star chart nodes with players, it would give the Warframe universe an "alive" feeling where missions would happen as an event rather than there always being a person to save or a target to defend.


- Quick, random missions

- Portrayal of an "alive" star chart

- No more wasteland nodes

- Caters to players who just want to play a random mission with other players


That being said, I can see this RNG based star chart not being friendly towards players who have not experienced all the mission type/level/faction combinations yet and farmers who are seeking specific resources or exp nodes. With the outrage over RNG continuing to plague the playerbase, adding more RNG in the form of mission selection could cut off certain player types. Additionally, it would be difficult to rework resources, mission restrictions (on new players), and who boss nodes should function alongside the pop-up missions.


- RNG may alienate a fair amount of players (farmers, mid-experience players, already salty players)

- Even more difficulty crafting weapons

- Hard to experience all mission type/level/faction combinations

- Difficult reworking various old features like resources, mission restrictions (star chart progression), and boss nodes




Overall I would like to see a the pop-up-missions type star chart but I believe input from the community is need to tweak the idea in order to satisfy more of the player base.

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McDonald's head office, the boardroom.

Chairma : gentlemen, ladies, I have called this emergency meeting because I have noticed something seriously wrong with our menu.

Puzzled looks and muttering all round.

Vice chairman: in what way sir? It seems fairly diverse, with most bases covered, something for everyone?

Chairman: that's the problem, it's too diverse.

More puzzled looks

Vice chairman: too diverse sir?

Chairman: yes I'm worried that when a new first time customer walks into a store they wlll be overwhelmed.

Vice chairman: well research shows that people like choice and our wide selection is generly regarded as an advantage over our competitors. I suppose we could get the art guys to tweak the menus a bit and train the staff to point newcomers in the right direction.

Chairman: you are not thinking drasticly enough.

Vice chairman: I'm not?

Chairman: not by a longshot, I propose reducing the menu somewhat, to avoid clutter.

Vice chairman: well I suppose we could prune a little, what do you suggest?

Chairman: well currently we have around 50 sandwiches, I want that reduced to 5.

All: 5!?!?!?

Chairman: yes 5. Research shows that sales mostly consist of the top 5 sandwiches anyway.

Vice chairman: but what about choice? Sure it's understandable that our long term customers know what they want and go straight to their favourites but even so, to reduce the menu to just these top 5....

Chairman: whoa whoa whoa, who said the top 5?

Vice chairman: but you said...

Chairman: I said 5, not top 5. No my plan is to rotate the selection.

All: rotate?!?!?!

Chairman: yes, our sandwich designers have come up with too many great ideas, I'm not going to discard them just becomes no one actually buys them.

Stunned silence.

Vice chairman: so what happens if I fancy say a Big Mac one day and it's not on rotation?

Chairman: tough, you have a veggie burger instead.

Vice chairman: and if I don't like veggie burgers?

Chairman: again, tough, you should like them, they're good for you.

Vice chairman. I not sure that's the attitude we should take to our customers?

Chairman. How about we throw them a bone, for people who are fussy and won't just eat what we tell them, we have some sort of create a sandwich system so for ten quid we make what you want if you are prepared to wait an extra 20 minutes?

Vice chairman: but that's much more inconvenient and expensive them our current system! People are not going to like this.

Chairman: oh I am fully aware that the customers won't like it, I'm still going to do it. Right, shall we vote?

Vice chairman: can I please just propose another quick vote first?

Chairnan: of course.

Vice chairman: all those who have lost faith in the chair please raise your hands.

All raise hands


I'm not even going to -snip- this, even though it exceeds the amount of words it takes before I snip just so people have a higher chance of coming across it.


This analogy fits the situation we're in perfectly.

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Big deal if your not getting easy mode grinding and you have to play properly without exploits,look how many people are doing ok without any exploits or easy mode grinding.

Ya, because queuing up for Sechura with 40+ level infested is neither an intended functionality nor sufficiently difficult. :O

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Whoever made that McDonald's example is spot on.

Essentially what DE is offering is the following 2

1) Limiting the overall number of content

2) Limiting choice of content.

In most situations, and maybe this one will turn out better, when you limit the quantity and also limit choice it's a combination for disappointment to you customer base.

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I'm sorry if this has already been said but I'm pretty sure they are just changing the mission selection into "pay to pick". So let's say I want to play excavate against the Corpus. I will have to spend resources to craft a key which takes 2 hours to build, and rush it with 10 platinum or wait on it. The random mission nodes will probably be bad on purpose to make you craft mission keys and rush them with platinum. Not trying to be negative this is just what it seems like based on what I've seen. I could be wrong.

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1) Limiting the overall number of content

2) Limiting choice of content.


For the McDonald's comparison, our starchart right now is like a menu with a dozen different identical variations of every item on it. Customers come in and see this massive menu and assume there's a lot of stuff, but after looking around a bit they realize there's only a few things that have just been duplicated over and over again to make the menu look bigger.


For obvious reasons, that is a problem. Something does need to be done about it.

Edited by vaugahn
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It's gonna be terrible. People are gonna say it's terrible.

DE might even admit it's terrible, and then will keep it that way for months before anything happens.

Then, DE is gonna announce the next "big thing", and will forget about the starchart.


Just like they did with Kubrows, Archwing and basically everything that is 2.0.


Right on the spot, the community as seen this over and over, and thats why all the rage before hand, and all this prematurely talk, because we fear the worst ahead.

And lets not forget, that when they do fix, or revisit anything they do little-small-things with no meaning, just like archwing getting a vacuum effect, it was an insignificant change.



So many people whining about this change, yet almost noone is playing the starchart, only when there is an alert.


And how about you all keep calm and just wait til this change arrives?


"no one is playing the starchart"


yet another good reason for this to append, but not in the way described by the devs.

if you see bad things headed your way, is common sense to avoid them, or to prevent, instead of having to deal with fixes and broken stuff.

Edited by 7grims
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at last i played a lot of syndicate missions, because im in 3 of them, started enjoying spy on all levels and mostly solo because lots of teamgame failed to play really together on spy and also on the other offered kind of missions


then i go to the void for solo or with a team on different sabotage keys, then i picked the harder archwing missions


or i pick hard or higher level missions in general, never did but found out that i started to like working hard on draco for levelling a weapon if a new one comes out


and fall back to my infested missions, and fall back to do a lot of missions because i was running out of ingame-cash by using lots of the "syndicate-team-loaders" which makes playing a bit easier, and i started using the key on spy-missions and harder missions for opening doors etc.


then i made a brake because i levelled everything, and because of too many spammers and other strange players


after the lill break i come back and kicked some spammer-! and other totally useless and teamdestroying players, then i offensively get reported for harassment and got banned for a week


now im thinking about that DE helps psychological unclean players more then the paying cashcow


hey, this game is about killing stuff for getting stuff, and i have to do it with a friendly face when there are emotionally instable people which move their troubles from real life into warframe


and then i see that DE starts having the idea of limiting my possibillities as a fullpaying warframe-player which dont wanna see the game go down by useless players which dont pay a dime into warframe


one of the players i meet by spamming the hell out of him was a founder ... first i was nice, then i go sharper, and then i slapped even more hard, then i get reported and get banned


before this happened i started pi$$ing off spammers by playing better and faster then they are able to spam, i killed them the enemies off before they successfully hitted 4 (which is easy when you have MR19) and use your brain a bit)


i would say the darkside of warframe started beside of im shure that this posting could be ignored by DE or possible hided/removed by a mod ...

now im in the run to gather with good players from the huge alliance im in, i removed a lot of members of my clan because of no clear communication and socializing in general


im on the run to get new members into my clan and i was thinking about giving warframe a new chance by simply ignoring the psychos (spammers, campers, rushers, etc.) and staying away from them

and then midst in the break i readed about the change on the nodes which creates only one thing for me, too tight space to choose what i want

the last thing what i did now is opening this account for checking how it is to play for free and i found out its more balanced then ever before, but slow without plat, terribly slow as well as i see only less planets and could not even know what this thread is about because i see only 4 planets


and then we are back to that what lots of old players fear, the most useless change in warframe, i can tell you


i would not be able to play without plat longer then 2 weeks because:

the trading chat is pure horror for me about less values, the trading chat is only there for to get everything very cheap in warframe which is senseless if i think about the investment on time and material before im able to get prime-parts, mods etc. to sell


i would be eaten by the selfdynamic of the  fp2-system and so frustrated that i would leave warframe


so i changed my mind inbetween my bann as fully paying player and im creating boarders where all this psychos will not be able to climb over


but the price for it is investing real money, which is ok for me


i stop here, because i changed and wanna see if the offered updates will really that fullfillment longrange as offered


BUT, DE, dont change the starchart, because if i play with friends, i need it to have fun in warframe, pvp is a sidenote for me, the main fun is the void and the starchart as offered if i imagine to play with mostly friends only


just saying ...


ps: aboout harrasment:

tenno-scum is a harrasment and a insult as for example ... no, yes ?

telling a spamming noob that he is an idiot is a "harrasment" ? waiting minutes before using the f-word which is located in english-speaking culture is a harrasment ? telling people they better go to play pokemon instead of spamming, rushing, camping or showing other teamless and senseless behaving is a insult ?

wow, i dont wanna know what this people get in real life for their general behaving ... and i work hard for my money, im not 17 or younger or a bit older and hanging on moms or dads wallet, i pay with hardearned money


and now we are back to the theme ... i will take my final choice for or against warframe in 2015

but before anything real bad happens for and in warframe i will share my thoughts at the forum about :-)))))


as all others do here ...

all the best for all our future in warframe ,-)

Edited by varais
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