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100 Plat For A Rare Resource Blueprint


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Don't see the need to buy any of the BP so far, if by chance they make them harder to get maybe.



Going in a survival with 2 hydroids 1 mag and 1 nekros (all maxt ofc) is still the best farming method atm, in 30 min you  can get 20-30+ with no boosters.

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Personally, I won't (and don't need to) buy it, but before people get too fired up, let us just remember that it is just another option (to get the rare materials). For those who don't need or won't buy it, it makes no difference. For those who do, and finds it expensive, it may be a good persuasion to get them to try to get the mods the way it was meant to be (yey, grind).


This "extra" option is mostly meant for those who are ALREADY BUYING rare mats with plats: it gives them an alternative to save plats in long run by using other more consistently (not necessarily easier, due to amount) farm-able resources.


So until DE intentionally reduce the current drop rates of the rare materials, (in which case I will find myself leaning towards a conspiracy theory), I think we should just take this new option more casually. The button is there, but we still get to choose whether to push it or not.


Personally, I would rather pay 100p for a Are-Gone refrigerator that will stop (or even just SLOW) the decay...

Edited by smithf
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I was so excited when saw that in the patch notes. Then I got into the market. 100 plat? Almost 1/3 the cost of the most expensive warframes, and well over that for many others? 50,000 nano spores and alloy plates? 25,000 salvage? I've been saving plates and spores for a long time, cause I had nothing to do with them... and I still only have enough for 20 or so rare resources. Salvage is more of a problem because it's actually used for other things. 15,000 credits for each is ridiculous, too--that's almost on the level of clantech and forma, without being nearly as useful as either. How is that worth it?


Then, of course, there's the universal problem with the foundry--only building one at a time. Over an hour. And minus all those resources.


"Convenience?" Hah! It's more convenient to just run bosses and the like than use these things! They're not that bad to farm. I'm really not sure what they were thinking with those prices. Greedy milk, I guess.



The platinum price isn't the problem, although it might be a bit on the high side, too. The problem is that platinum is supposedly the "currency of convenience," not pay-to-win. This? This isn't convenient. In the time it takes to build ONE Neural Sensor, I could easily farm 10+ from Alad or Raptor. More-over, the resources costs are just too high. I've been saving Spores and Plates for months... and I could only make about 20 of these things. Salvage is actually used for other things, so I don't even have enough for that many. The credit cost isn't all that much less than Forma, Clantech Resources, and many weapons...


All of those costs need to be cut to at most 1/5 of what they are now to be viable. Realistically more like 1/10.

It's a fair point there. I guess the resource costs aren't really a problem for me, given that I've been playing since September 2013 and have ridiculous amounts of Alloy and Salvage, a little over a million each. (Nanospores though... running low again, haha :p)


I guess it really depends on the person, and how they define convenience. Like I said, I've dropped a few hundred plat on Neural Sensors, so I would have jumped at this a couple of months ago when I still had a lot of plat. I still would go for it today (well, not today, money's a little tight, maybe when I get another 75% discount).


Sure, DS farming on Jupiter is now viable for Neural Sensors. I think what everyone is forgetting is that for a long time, farming Ceres and Jupiter wasn't viable because of the resource taxes the alliances were running.



hopefully there is some mistake.

the time and cost to build these are way over the top, and  if you can play unnecessary.   its only justified as a 300 platinum nano spore's garbage if your charging 100p each there's no reason to discourage there use  should be 10 times less resources. if they changed them to credits instead it would be way more time efficient to farm them. 

You do realise that once someone builds more than 10 Neural Sensors with the Neural Sensors BP, DE has suffered a loss.


I've bought 20 Neural Sensors from the market, so that's 200 plat I've spent. I now buy the BP and pay 100 plat. I build 20 Neural Sensors. DE is now making a loss, because I'm getting 10 more neural sensors for the cost of 10.


You get your money's worth with these BPs - it's just that it's a long term investment and you're going to need time for that investment to pay off.


*shrug* Like I said, I've been playing since September 2013, almost nonstop every day. My perspective's a little different.

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You do realise that once someone builds more than 10 Neural Sensors with the Neural Sensors BP, DE has suffered a loss.


I've bought 20 Neural Sensors from the market, so that's 200 plat I've spent. I now buy the BP and pay 100 plat. I build 20 Neural Sensors. DE is now making a loss, because I'm getting 10 more neural sensors for the cost of 10.


You get your money's worth with these BPs - it's just that it's a long term investment and you're going to need time for that investment to pay off.


*shrug* Like I said, I've been playing since September 2013, almost nonstop every day. My perspective's a little different.


You do realize, just doing one invasion battle pay, you get almost 90 plat in credits. Its just digital goods. They have outrageous resource and credit prices. They will likely get far more money from people thinking this blueprint is a viable alternative.

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You do realize, just doing one invasion battle pay, you get almost 90 plat in credits. Its just digital goods. They have outrageous resource and credit prices. They will likely get far more money from people thinking this blueprint is a viable alternative.


First off, if anyone is buying credits with plat, I feel very sorry for them. Also, by doing a single T4C on a double resource weekend with a booster, I can get at least 106k credits in mission rewards, not counting pickups. :p I'm not really hurting for credits atm, I still have about 4 million or so.


I've made a spreadsheet to illustrate my point: 



For Neural Sensors at least, this is a good investment over the long term. At least for the people who buy Neural Sensors because they don't want to deal with Jupiter farming.


On the other hand I don't think it's worth it for Neurodes or Orokin Cells, since you can get those in decent quantities on T3/T4/ODS/ODD runs.

Edited by WhiskeyGolf
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Having bought them without realizing it was utilizing platinum, I feel kind of stupid there. I'm a Prime Access buyer, so I routinely have tons of plat. Not too fussed about that - after thinking about it I'm really quite fine with the high-ish plat cost. I find the actual time to build to be relatively fine too. Check in on the game every sometime, and set up another resource to craft, blah blah. Would better go hand in hand if we had a way to automate that from a smartphone or something but that's another issue entirely.


My sole problem with the implementation is the sheer cost. I haven't been playing as long as everyone else (was around ages ago during the first events, but only became active during Cryotic Front, really), but once I got 2x boosters for affinity and credits, I began racking everything up. I played ridiculous amounts and now have literally almost everything in the game short of Hate, Brakk, two syndicate weps, and a handful of missed exclusives. The sad part? I have over 2.4 million alloy plates. 600k+ nano spores, and so forth. But to utilize so many resources is absolutely nuts. I ran 2x resource boosters for a while with some of my PA plat, because, well, why not, right? So I can afford it, but even I can't afford that many. The practicality of these blueprints, even over time? There isn't as much as there should be.


I'd say halve the resource cost, and it would be significantly more reasonable as an alternative to grinding, assuming drop rates stay the same.

Edited by Vaikyuko
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...am I the only one who has a ridiculous amount of Alloy Plates and Salvage with no idea what to use them for? :p


Having said that, on further thought, I'd say drop the Nanospore cost to 25k, or even 20k. It is possible to run out of Nanospores (I've done it 3 times before).

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It's a nice idea but I think the the nano spores ruin it? Yes it's great to finally have something to spend the alloys and salvage on, we all accumulate tonnes of that but the nano spores? I haven't tested this, so uncertain of the maths but it seems to me in the time it would take you to acquire enough 'spores to build one rare resource you could probably have farmed several of the resources themselves?

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Think of it like this:


Rare resources like Neurodes are needed at basically every level of the game. Even entry level weapons need them. If DE wanted all levels of players to get these blueprints (and spend that sweet, sweet cash) they would have made the resource cost much lower so that entry and mid level players would look at them and say "hmm, maybe I should spend money on that". What you're saying is that these changes (starchart 3.0, resource BPs) exist to make money, essentially to coerce players into dropping plat on these blueprints. Star chart changes affect all players equally, so the unspoken assumption there is that this moneymaking tactic targets all players equally. However, these build costs are quite obviously not targeted at new players.


Honestly though, they should have held off on this release for the time being. They couldn't have picked a worse time to ship something like this.


The problem is new players might not know how hard these basic resources are to farm, so it's a trap if you will for new players that can't farm that level of resources and it's an obvious sign of intent to make getting rare resources harder for vets.


I mean why would they make these so expensive (plat and resources) unless the new rngjesus (dev term) starchart is going to cripple farming right?


Last part is a big yes, after the complaints I would of thought they would of removed it because is shows a lot more than I think they intended.



I don't have a problem with the 100 plat price; I've spent a lot more than 100 plat on Neural Sensors and Forma. Look at it this way: You're paying upfront right now for 10 Neural Sensors. By the time you build 10 Neural Sensors, you've recovered your plat and broken even. This is, over the long term, a very good investment for people who can afford the initial capital expenditure and don't want to deal with Jupiter Farming and how inconsistent it can be.


Am I the only person who sees this?


As for the BP costing plat, DE has to make money. If DE doesn't make money, there is no Warframe for us to play.


I think you need to look at financial reports my friend, DE and Warframe in particular are making huge amounts of money. 


You don't need to worry about that at all.

Edited by Spindle99
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And don't forget 50k nanospores


This is all for the upcoming starchart changes when neural sensors, orokin cells and neurodes get SUPER RARE because everything is basically map RNG.


And people say PWE doesn't have a say here, can't wait till the game starts dying and they try to bait people to come back with "level up gifts"

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I think you need to look at financial reports my friend, DE and Warframe in particular are making huge amounts of money. 


You don't need to worry about that at all.


If they are, that's good. I'm kinda sensitive to earnings because my company didn't do so well, and so my bonus was non-existent this year. >_<

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Well gonna ask who already buy that BP and try to build resource yet ?

just want to know you need to pay 15k cr and a tons of other common resource every times you need to craft for only 1(or 10 idk) rare resource each time?

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The only time I can see one of these being useful is if you are one or two short of a resource and you just annoyed rngeesus, so you'd build one or two more Orokin cells to get that prime building. I can understand that, but that use does not warrant the 100 plat price. You'll probably never get enough use out of the BP to make it worthwhile... I'd much prefer it if DE just made rare resources trade-able. It would be nice to be able to swap a neurode for an Orokin cell sometimes.

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This is all for the upcoming starchart changes when neural sensors, orokin cells and neurodes get SUPER RARE because everything is basically map RNG.


I don't know if this is true, but if rare resources are going to become more rare I don't know what I'll do.

The back of my mind did worry that there would be a reduction in drops with the introduction of these blueprints to boost sales but could they really be that diabolical?

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Even if we have huge amount of common resource, don't forget how long does it take for us to stack up and it only enough to craft 10-100 rare resource, when you ran out of common resource, you need to farm those again to craft another 10-100 rare resource for another few months?

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And don't forget 50k nanospores


This is all for the upcoming starchart changes when neural sensors, orokin cells and neurodes get SUPER RARE because everything is basically map RNG.


And people say PWE doesn't have a say here, can't wait till the game starts dying and they try to bait people to come back with "level up gifts"


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I don't know if this is true, but if rare resources are going to become more rare I don't know what I'll do.

The back of my mind did worry that there would be a reduction in drops with the introduction of these blueprints to boost sales but could they really be that diabolical?

As long as people say something against it on this forum, I think we should be safe but we can't really count on that.

Its very important to voice our opinions now before its too late

Edited by Uluxlan
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I think it shouldnt cost 25000 salvage and 50000 nano spores. Nano spores are already used a lot in team restore blueprints.


The most abundant resource is alloy plates since it drops in void and pretty much everyone farmed/still farms that for a very long time.


Id say a fair cost would be:

30000 alloy, 20000 nano spores and 10000 salvage.


The blueprint should also be available for credits. Make it so that the platinum blueprint is permanent and a 1 time use blueprint is 50k-100k credits.

Edited by Qynchou
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The problem is new players might not know how hard these basic resources are to farm, so it's a trap if you will for new players that can't farm that level of resources and it's an obvious sign of intent to make getting rare resources harder for vets.


I mean why would they make these so expensive (plat and resources) unless the new rngjesus (dev term) starchart is going to cripple farming right?


Last part is a big yes, after the complaints I would of thought they would of removed it because is shows a lot more than I think they intended.


Any new player who looked at the market (which they'd have to do to find these) would know the resource cost was way high. You could build low tier weapons by the dozens for the cost of one of these.


As I said, they just picked a truly terrible time to release this. If I were them, I would have waited until after all the star chart panic died down.

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Actually it seems to be a lot more valuable to go and get a resource booster and farm the hek (pun intended) out of Sargas Ruk and Alad V for 3 days to stock up on resources. Sure it will be one hell of a grind but I feel like it will be much more beneficial.

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