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What Do You Want Warframe To Be?


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Which is......you know what...this is bait


Edit: I want WF to be less buggy.  There.

True, We all want warframe to be less buggy, but you know what I meant. Maybe for some people DE have made quite a few disappointing moves, but DE hasn't been a complete let down, on the majority of us. At least that's how I feel. otherwise I wouldn't be here anymore. 

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I'd like melee to feel more intuitive and satisfying. I'd like the stamina system to stop being a giant pain in the butt. I'd like an invisible set of 'armor' so that I don't have to wear things to benefit from the enhancement system. I'd really like a simple ninja scarf (like that one on page 1). I'd also really like it if Hysteria accepted every melee mod, rather than a very select number of them that demands weird builds that aren't effective outside of Hysteria. 

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I'd like the game to be about a small group of heavilly outnumbered Elite Operatives (I dont feel the 'ninja' tag needs to be pushed) trying to keep their opponents from destroying them and corrupting the universe (or whatever other plans for complete domenation they have). 

The operatives using skills and powers that show they are what they are meant to be; warriors enemies fear due to their skill and tennacity of being able to defeat a ship of opponents with that skill. (IE. DE had that concept around the end of closed beta eairly open beta, and havent really pushed the line of why tenno do what they do).


A lot of that however would come more from story(and lore) within coherant plot arcs (some purpose for doing what a Tenno is doing), as opposed to chassing the next bag of loot.


- Less reliance on numbers over player skill (abet we do have a certain level of control on that as players ourselves), so that while numbers can help skill can make up the differences as needed.

- the grind effectivly dissapearing; gathering of loot effectivly falling to the background as something that happens as you play (as opposed to playing just for the loot).  Sure you could still choose to farm if thats what you like as a player, but it is simply not needed or expected to progress (farming for "extras" would be ok though).

- entertaining and interesting gameplay (sure after 1000+ hours that really cant hold up much, but that is to be expected, variety and reasons for doing similare stuff can help there).

- easier ways to find or play with other players; things like certain mission types (reguardless of planets) or certain planets (reguardless of missions) where there are others to play with.  Or even being able to join friends and clan mates without haivng to wait around for them to finish their missions (they have open spots in) because they happened to have hit some arbitary goal (I dont mind not getting the loot for for the current mission/stage completion, I'd just like to play with my friends/clan).


These are key points, plenty of other aspects I'd like to see, but these feel like the essentials.

Edited by Loswaith
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More lore and ultimately more MMO-like (I'd like to see it as a type of MMO that's casual but social, like City of Heroes was, as opposed to casual but solo, like most MMOs nowadays are, or hardcore and guild-centric, as a few MMOs like EVE are).

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I think the community is overreacting. DE has made lots of changes in the past that I didn't agree with at first but once it was implemented it turned out to be nice. Ever since then I've stopped doubting them and waited for the content to come out. There are some things I don't like though..

• I really wish they'd stop trying to have logic in a sci-fi game. Not all logic but some. LoS being one of them. They give us mods with the capability to expand our range but then make it LoS which ends up making the mod useless because the rooms aren't big enough to need whatever the max range is. With the exception of Trails. Bigger tile sets would be nice......might even make snipers useful.

•I don't understand why the lore of this game is a mystery. I never cared about the lore of most games I play online because I always role play but if their gonna continue to do it this way make an on going quest of it that comes out every update or something.

As for what I want to see warframe become.......whatever they have in mind. The darker the better though. I do feel like this is the year of quality. For the first time I actually farmed things and felt like I was making progression. So thx for that de. Aaaaaaaah too much to talk about idk

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About 2 years ago when I started playing Warframe, some people thought that is Warframe gonna be anything good (there wasn´t that much content back then).


Now look what we got now, new tilesets, tons of weapons and warframes, new UI etc.


In my opinion DE is doing good job, just look at other games, you might leave them for few months and come back, barely anything has changed.


Do that with Warframe and you are completely lost.

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I can't say for the entire game itself, but for Archwing in particular, I want it to be a lot more like Z.O.E




Also I feel like there's nothing to overreact about.


I feel that there is no issue that DE can't figure out and solve.


Just keep throwing solutions at them and eventually they will get it and solve everything. Though they really need something to keep us veteran players in the game. =/

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More lore without diminishing or spoiling who the Tenno really are. To have Warframe as Tenno and Tenno as Warframe. Not 1 Tenno wearing from kid Nova, Teenage Mag, busty Saryn to lanky Nekros and bulky big Rhino. So technically EVERYONE'S a Nova cuz Nova can fit into Rhino but Rhino can't fit into Nova.


I seriously thought Ordis was gonna fanboy at Limbo after I brought him home. But nope. Apparently I'll be "wearing it" much to my disappointment. Can't their most precious/important/recent/last saved memories be stored in their systems for imagination's sake when they die and break apart or something? Like Tony Stark in the comics. Come on. Seriously 1 size fits all Warframe thing turns me off. WARFRAMES need to be INDIVIDUALS. PLEASE DE. SO ORDIS VA CAN HAVE A JOB AGAIN BY WELCOMING ANY WARFRAME THAT BEAMS IN INTO LISET WITH NEW AND UNIQUE DIALOGUES like:


"Oh, Frost, welcome to Liset! Are you going to be my Operator? I hope you can 'chill' in here! Ha-ha.".

"OML LIMBO I AM YOUR GREATEST FANCEPHALON EVER--*glitch* -- how will the magician of logic cast balance on the battlefield today?"

"Ember, Ember?? Ohhh I can feel you before you even beamed in!! You're 'hot'!! *glitch* --Ordis is happy the Operator has visited today."

"Say, Hydroid, was it? Are you sure you are not a child of Frost and Ember's? *GLITCH* I SWEAR EMBER'S FORCING THE ISSUE-- *end glitch*."

"Ordis thinks Ordis will get along with the Operator *very well*. Ordis and Zephyr both thrive in the skies."

"Oh dear, the new Operator is Mag? Please, don't get angry, and stay calm in Liset no matter what? It's already as inside out as it can get."

"Now who is this? Loki? Is this a trick?"

"......", "...Oh?! I swear I couldn't sense you on Liset for a while. So light....and invisible....as a male Warframe...."

"Mirage? Ordis sure hope he could see you dazzle the battlefield today, Operator!"

"Ordis sure is glad he is not a third-dimensional being. Ordis heard souls and spirits are TERRIFYING- how can you play with that??"

"You can speak up, Operator. Banshee is so quiet. Well......ALL Tenno Operators don't speak. Ha-ha."

"I hope you can relax. Shall Ordis arrange a nap-time for Nova?"

"Oh, Saryn! Welcome, welco-*major glitch* PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING, I'LL MELT- PLEASE DON'T- *glitch back* Please inspect every inch of this ship with love. Ordis is happy to oblige."

"Welcome back, Operator. I believe you've returned victorious with skills as sharp as your namesake?"

"Nyx! Welcome back!! I've always missed you. You're so unique--*glitch* EXCALIBUR COPYCAT EXCALIBUR COPYCAT---........Oh, oh, *embarrassed stutter* was that your doing?"

"Oberon. The Operator of the legends has boarded back on Liset."

"Trinity is here? Oh, oh. Ordis wants to speed. Can I? Y-you'll fix me up, right??"

"Wow. Ordis never thought you were REAL, Chroma!--*bzzt* EMBER,FROST,SAYRN,VOLT,MIDDLE FINGER, *endbzzt* You really ARE a legend made alive!!"

"Please sit tight *--AND DON'T MOVE* while Ordis tries to fly with you as cargo."


Not necessarily referring to their names always, even just "Operator" will do. Just some lousy quotes I've come up with on the top of my tired head.


Yes since I propose/wish/hope/omgit'simpossibruanyway that all Tenno are Warframes and all Warframes are individuals, when you choose/equip a warframe he/she beams into the ship or something since Liset's not a armor rack/ Warframe garage. JUST DO EET OMG impossibru dream though.



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I'm more of the side that says that the community is overreacting .

For example:

The starchart changed.... we don't even know what exactly is going to come and everyone freaks out about it already.


Personally I want WF to be a game with a storyline.

A campaign mode... that's pretty much all I want.

That idea of 20 node is damn wrong just think it 3xx to 20 you are removing more than half of mission this mean each planet have 1/2 mission...


What I would like is DE tell us what they have really on mind and eventually make this more like mass effect for "social" stuff , you know 


better relay. Also I'm quite bored of visiting and destroying the same ships maybe time to meet civilian or eventually inground corpus base...

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A Game that can make you Equip (Simple Red Ninja Scarf) (Cloth) that currently doesn't exist ingame.

What it looks like? : -Hotsuma.jpg-

Seeing that picture, I think it'd be pretty interesting if they had a melee weapon that functioned like Akujiki.


I doubt there'd be something like Tate in this game, but having a melee weapon (only when equipped I suppose) that would have a huge combo counter bonus that would be available on enemies slain instead of number of hits done. Then equipping the melee weapon and not slaying enemies  (or doing damage considering how easy it is for allies to kill enemies before you) would drain health from you until you refill your weapon's "thirst."


I can't say for the entire game itself, but for Archwing in particular, I want it to be a lot more like Z.O.E


-dope gameplay inbound-

Z.O.E. archwing would be great.


As for what I want from the game, I'd kind of like to see it gravitate more towards the pacing of being a character-action game, something like Bayonetta or DMC or something. I'd love to see various kinds of gun/sword combos and cancels present in the game, but I think that's the fevered dream of  a madman. But I can understand that this idea is what this game isn't.


This game is geared to be more like a Musou/Dynasty Warriors game but, in my opinion, combat lacks variety due to how sluggish some systems are, namely: Jumping, Weapon Switching, Side-rolls/Backflips, Knockdowns with no tech/ukemi option without mods, Wall-runs (without catapulting), and that sort of thing.


Making these animations or systems faster or even instantaneous will truly promote creativity (at least in stylishness) if one chooses to utilize them all.


My dream is that one day, you can swiftly and deftly transition from parkour to melee mode, then disengage to use guns, and roll back into melee range to finish an enemy with a slide attack.


Or maybe moving toward a Heavy Gunner while firing with your primary until your clip is empty, throw your weapon on your back, switch to your secondary to unload a few more shots, switch to melee mode to block the Heavy Gunner's slam and finish the Gunner with a melee combo.


We've got plenty of mobility but encounters devolve into "stay at range and shoot" or "hack at an enemy once to kill it or spam quick melee." The transition between close-range and long-range combat (melee and guns) is quite slow and isn't rewarding. It slows down momentum and game pacing.


I've no doubt said this in a million other threads, but I sincerely think that having faster weapon switch speeds will create an interplay between melee mode and guns, resulting in a seamless switch between close and long range combat (like cinematic ninja style or something).


Whereas people either stay in melee mode or stick to guns now because every time you switch weapons, you lose 2 seconds of attack actions. The variety of switching weapons is not worth the frustration and efficiency loss in this game which has the potential to be fast paced.


tl;dr A faster game that isn't bogged down by slow animation speed (apologies to Geoff for wanting to speed up already sped up animations). I dream of a game that lets us use every option we have available to us, with the speed of gameplay only being slowed down by how fast you can execute actions rather than waiting for a lengthy animation to finish.


I want a game that allows us to actually have the adroitness of the characters we choose to play.

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A short summation:

- Better stealth system, with less omniscient enemies.

- Focus on mechanicly more challenging enemies. Less bullet aponges and cheap tricks. A.k.a. Less bombard, nullifier, grapling hook. More Manic, shield lancer and to a certain extend Bursa's.

- More actual impact to our actions, not the illusion of choice.

- Interactions with the civilians/collonists/non-combatants.

- More lore, but its slowly comming along already.

- Less "Boltor P/Soma P or go home" style weapon ballance.

- Modding less focused on "max damage" and more on personal playstyle or prefferance. Only a few items in game alow for some true flexibility. Also the way elementals work pretty much forces specific builds against specific factions. It also ties in with the bullet sponge enemies we see in the late game.

- A better designed drop-table with less rediculous rng chances. Seriously, anything with a drop chance under 1% is simply criminal.

- More QoL changes: working alt-fire button, build-in radar for archwing, controle over kubrow/companion actions during missions, etc.

I'd also like to point out what they're doing well:

- The characters in this game are wonderfully done. The personalities of all the characters are unique and easily grasped. The latest Toobmen of Regor event just showed how well the comunity gravitates towards these characters. Not talking aboit the event scoring, but the banter going around through the forums forums, youtube and pretty much the whole comunity. No other mmo has made me feel so intrigued by the character as warframe has.

- The new water tileset looks great! My first few runes i was running around like some frantic paparazi camera man who gained entry to a celeb's house.

- As mentioned numerous times before, DE's comunity interaction is great. Rebecca, Megan, Drew and the rest of the warframe team are doing a good job there.

P.s. Please remove the anoying auto-fill that the mobile forums suffer from since december. It makes typing these kinda comments unnecessarily frustrating.

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I want it just to be fun-time slasher-shooter with killing enemies around you in cool and badass ways. Something like Killing Floor or Left 4 Dead. Need more enemies, need more action, need more fluid gamrplay. And, ofc, MORE AWESOME WEAPONS!

Edit: and more gore ofc.

Edited by Artek94
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Everyone wants different things. some of these objectives are game mechanic fixes, or lore fixes, another example are fixes and ideas that will never come to fruition because a lack of interest or resources. It comes down to three categories;

First off, the game mechanic of the grind is unbalanced and is not what was original intent but game developers want to extend their game as long as possible. Not only because it is more profitable but they created it, they had help from people and at the end game they are just as much of fans as you or I of it. The issue with the game mechanics fills up more threads than DE knows what to do with, and right now the frustration with the community comes down to simple things such as the game mechanic of hosting, the game mechanic of going into a missions and finishing an objective without crashing, finally the game mechanic of each frame being able to move and fight. If you remove everything from the game it is this in my eyes. You have a character who can run and fire a weapon, they need to kill massive amounts of enemies in order to complete the end mission goal. Your reward and why you invest is an RNG thing that make you feel like a God and it never really penalizes you if you don't have it. Everyone has different reasons but again.

Character > Enemies > End Game Loot.
Character Stronger than Enemies > Enemies Super Creep > End Game Loot is plentiful. Mechanic Broken...

Well, this creates the grind and either people love it or hate it and they quit by burn-out or simple hate grindy games that force them to play hours for one taste of a delicious piece of cake. Which is a lie...


Stop with the super creep, and it's fine to feel like a God, but balance is key in all things, we wouldn't need super creep if mechanics actually worked as intended.

Second, Hosting is an issue for me, for being a co-op game most peoples computers are toasters, along with their fisher price modems. Having a dedicated network host and having this game flow that way instead of what we are doing player to player. It is like trying to herd cats to individual boxes but you know they are cats so it won't work along and will cost more money than it's worth. It's still frustrating but some how the current mechanic works most of the time. Even games that have dedicated servers they still have their issues also. but the major issue is that one computer who is hosting the group is not equal in specs and internet as another player and this is an issue that needs to be addressed some day.

I don't know because I have very little experience in networking and hosting. But if someone could find a solution or a fix for this you have my thanks.

Finally, movement and what we are given as a product, yes the way Warframe is set up can make the game last longer than if they originally went with their idea at the beginning, I like this constant flow and change of how when an update comes out it when ti is ready. but it still has movement problems such as because of the game modes and the given mechanics humans find the most efficient possible way to do a task as quickly and as easily as possible because they are human. It is intelligent and there is nothing wrong with this. It is not cheating but again stationary camping vs. Running around in a chaotic fashion is a play style choice. I just see now that with the current mechanics and Meta (I hate this term). It turns out to be a huge frustrating mess that can only be fixed by developers themselves and yet DE has an issue with they are fans of their own game. Most parents can not hate their own child (Some do I get it). De loves their own game like a parent loves a child but DE has a problem with enjoy the ideas created on the forums and then some how it doesn't come out any where close to the original idea. Then they move onto another thing.

Finish content that you have ideas for and then improve upon these mechanics instead of (We're on to the next best thing DE!)

tl;dr: Here is a pokemon tax..



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I want DE to stop abandoning content.



When was the last time Archwing got a look at? Or Kubrows? Or Darksectors? Oh....right they got abandoned same as Relays and Syndicates and Simaris and Conclave will be in time



Wish we were looking at 2.0s every update rather than tepid, half-baked "foundations" of content that doesn't get touched for another year (Melee 2.5?)


I don't care about the Tyl Regor's rework; he's only going to be 99% invulnerable because the haven't fixed damage scaling, it'll same case with Kela or J3 or Neffy. DE's complacency with "press-4-to-win" leads me to the conclusion they want WF to be the purist Skinner Box experience ever.


DE aren't the only ones to blame though, this community is at fault too. Overhyping every update and slinging S#&$ fits at proposed changes

Edited by Dawnstrider
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a less harsh and punishing RNG. Drop chances that are less than 10% is too much.


more multi-goal-oriented missions.


sequential missions that aren't raids.


a better and more interactive melee system. something other than "button spam E to flail wildly and hope everything keels over"

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Two items:


1. Stop the release/nerf cycle. Either balance it before it's released or leave it in the wild as-is.  It's a PVE game. The AI doesn't care if it's "unbalanced".

2. Once upon a time DE had committed to keeping all content soloable (not talking about endless mission types). They have since broken that commitment with raids. Add solo raids and uphold and re-affirm their commitment to the solo player.

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I want it to be exactly like it is now, with only these changes:


- possibility to replay nearly all the past events/quests


- more plot during missions


- better archwing implementation


- don't forget the solo player (I like to play solo)



Everything else, in my opinion, is already fine as it is now...

Edited by (PS4)Lun-Sei
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2. Once upon a time DE had committed to keeping all content soloable (not talking about endless mission types). They have since broken that commitment with raids. Add solo raids and uphold and re-affirm their commitment to the solo player.


This was already asked on a Dev Stream in the past and Scott's answer was "No".




- possibility to replay nearly all the past events/quests



DE have stated that they want to do this in 2015.

Edited by NovusNova
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I feel like their staff is too far spread out.


I mean they have PC, XBOX1, PS4, and even a IOS or Android App that they are working on, with a whole bunch of content and ideas that they still need to get to~


I feel like it would be best if they did one thing at a time and concentrate all their man power they can get things done better and faster. o -o

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I want a game that is actually challenging with enemies that don't down bow down to just one clip of your Soma or Boltor P and I want enemies that don't have to employ enemies that use ridiculous and cheesy attributes and gameplay elements to beat us. 


Honestly unless it's an invasion from Gustrag Three or if I'm fighting something like the Manic this is how I feel when I play this game.




Get's pretty boring after awhile.

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I want a game that is actually challenging with enemies that don't down bow down to just one clip of your Soma or Boltor P and I want enemies that don't have to employ enemies that use ridiculous and cheesy attributes and gameplay elements to beat us. 


Honestly unless it's an invasion from Gustrag Three or if I'm fighting something like the Manic this is how I feel when I play this game.




Get's pretty boring after awhile.

Then maybe you should actually pick up a sword and fight man to man instead of relying on your bag of endless tricks~


Right Archer? :P

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