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Coming Soon: Devstream #53


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Q: Prior to mission start, I'd like to see Warframe do a little math behind to scenes to calculate, based on a combination of connection quality and system performance, who in the party would likely be the best host of a mission. This test would be performed prior to the start of each mission. Any chance we might see such a mechanic?

Q: How about a 'no host' checkbox for players who know their connection or system is not up to the task of adequately hosting? For example, while my PC is greatly overpowered for most games and very capable as acting as host in games using P2P communications, I live in a rural area and only have line-of-sight wireless (microwave) as gaming-capable broadband connectivity. While this connection is fine for me to use when connecting to other hosts, my connection quickly becomes saturated when my system acts as host - not a good experience for the other players.


Q: Dedicated hosts - providing sufficient connectivity, I'd love the ability to provide a dedicated Warframe host. I envision the dedicated server running on a system with low overhead (preferably Linux), and each dedicated Warframe host would be able to host multiple simultaneous sessions. On top of that, I would envision being able to create a priority list of players, such as a clan, which would be able to connect their party to the dedicated host. I expect such a setup would improve the gaming experience for all playing on such a dedicated host.


Q: Speaking of Linux, with SteamOS on the horizon, any chance we might be able to get a Linux native Warframe client?


Q: For those of us who stream, might we be able to have access to some sort of SOAP or REST API to retrieve loadouts currently in use by specific players? This would allow for streamers to dynamically display current or last-used loadout configurations of their Warframe, as well as the loadout of their party members. It would also facilitate people being able to have forum signatures which display their loadout.


Thanks for the awesome game. My boys and I are proud to have been able to support your efforts...our only regret is we didn't take advantage of the 'founders' opportunity when we had it.

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Not sure if I can ask this here...


But is there any details/info regarding the phone app? eta - features/functions and things that would make the app benefit the main game character etc.



And if there is/will be any changes the standard login reward system.

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Q. any news of the a mastery rank rework.


Q. any new things happening to extremus units?


Q. is there a possiblity of a new type of syndana possition? like on elbows or knees? that would look sick :D.


Q. are there any plans for our current standard enemies?


Q. any news of news of a shotgun/sniper rework/buff?


Q. am i doing this right?


Q. (not in-game related) will we ever get a filter for the actual warframe web site? so players dont see topics they dont really want to see in recient topics/dev_replies? refer


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If Excalibur changes what will happen to Rhino? They share a common ability!

Recently you guys showed in a community hot topic what would you like to see in the Baron Ki'Teer void trader, so what future upgrades or downgrades will be implemented to his stock?

Where those DE Sheldon Buy his clothe?

Any news or updates on my PS4 theme? Will it cost money? Will there be a free one and an exclusive Prime one that cost money? Also can you make a theme for Share Factory? (It's an app for PS4 that let's you edit saved videos)

Any intresting new factors that will be implemented to raids?

New star chart? When? Why? How?

New relay rooms what can we expect?

Will events carry on a story? I have heard that people want to know what happens next and how will it affect Warframe. The story itself like how Alad got cured so what will happen now will Nef will go on a crazy rampage? Did Alad cures himself or did he just cloned himself?


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Q. What are the chances of removing the duration from Ember's Ult and making it a toggle ability like Peacemaker or Absorb? It seems really strange to have it have both a channel cost and duration.

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question =

1.)when we will see a new archwing games mode as archwing does have its potential but it was released somewhat early with alot of flaws in it

2.) can we any progress of the ying yang frame ans this theme can really be amazing if it is pulled off right that is why the community should help in making it

3.)any new plans for further customization of warframes such as adjustment of the armors and also adding multiple regalias to multiple parts of the warframe body 

4.)any plans for any new weapon types that might be released

5.) will there be any other special packages such as the founders package available in the near future


i hope i get some of this questions answered

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1) Heya, guys, any news or plans about releasing weapon augments?

It's been a long time since we heard about idea with sticky 'nades for Penta, but isn't Penta already good enough to use? There are so many weapons that deserved some love.

Though it's not only about variety (right now there're 70 WF augments and only 18 weapon ones), but also about 2nd chance for underrated and problematic weapons: e.g., Hind, Buzlok, Dera, Flux Rifle, Tigris, Ignis, Kraken, Sicarus P, Twin Gremlins, Akstiletto, Ak-/Bronco etc. -- these are good guns (including melee as well), but heavily underrated and have some problems with their stats (i.e. efforts & craft requirements =/= reward) which ones can be simply solved with augments.


2) About Trial missions: you did awesome work with its optimization (and thank you so much!), but there are still issues with it. Not only rewards, but also connectivity issues -- the main problem is, if someone got DC'd then he can't join back and then you have only 2 options: abort the mission or continue w/o mate and it's really fun-breaking, in additional there's a CD for these missions.


I think it's really unfair if someone did 1/3 or 2/3 of the Raid and then suddenly got DC'd w/o rights to re-join and continue the fight. My first Trial run ended up with... DC from the Hijack ending; can't say it was a good first experience & impression.


So, the questions is, will Trial-team members be able to re-join the mission after sudden disconnections and crashes w/o getting «Session Unavailable» notifications and keeping their mission progress? Of course i know about Alt+F4 trick, but sometimes it doesn't work...


3) While I'd like to hear about Shotguns/SRs buffs, i'd prefer to hear any information about Archwing, its changes and updates. We know that you're making AW Trial, Sharkwing and «crossover» modes, but this mode was released on 24 October 2014 and basically it's still WIP and there were so many interesting feedbacks and ideas (from HUD changes to AW modes) from WF Community, and, unfortunately, what's the most important about it is that we haven't heard anything about its changes in general -- mission types, loot system, rewards, navigation, fun, replay value etc.


In other words, something that will make you enjoy it and play it over and over again w/o feelings that you're playing it only for getting AW stuff through the grind and forget about this gamemode in the end.



DC -- disconnection

CD -- cooldown

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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Will we see more of the enemies gore? Slash Moa to pieces and No Slash damage restricted gore? or specific damage types gore? Just like old update where puncture damage headshot would put a big hole in their head(still did but not frequent as old update)?

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Q Will we get an Prime lab in dojo for making outdated primes such as frost prime, latron prime, Reaper prime? 


Q Would Warframe consider taking extra looks in community concepts and make a vote if you got enough details for the art to be accepted as a vote? Petition to have possibility only once a year. ?


Q Will the void trader get expanded stores with more choices ?


Q I notice the kubrow doesnt have as much personality as they go under no controll under his commander. Will we get actions for aggressive mode, Passive mode, Defensive mod like what you have with companions or the syndicate support?


Q Will we get Boss Syndicates such as Alad V, Vey hek, preacher? 


Q Earlier by long time ago you showed us rooms such as a aquarium dojo room and Grineer jungle tile set. Will the designs like this be created to the dojo?


Q Earlier you shower a stream with the eagle for the warframe environment. Will this be possible to get in the future to have as a pet or in the jungle tiles?



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Warframe Augment mods are a big topic, but what about weapon Augments?  I really enjoy how the weapon augments make "less useful" weapons more appealing.  On that will we be seeing any new weapon augment mods coming out in the near future?


With the rise of Syndicates, appearances of hunter style enemy groups (Stalker, Grustrag Three, Zanuka) with rare drops seems to have been diluted; are there any plans to address this?  I have had plenty of syndicate attacks since they were released, but only two of the Zanuka, one Stalker, and one Grustrag Three appearances.


What is the progress on the login reward revamp? When the system does get revamped; will we have a log in reward track similar to Guild Wars 2, or will it continue to be random like it is now?


Movement being the next 2.0, will we be able to shoot while performing dodge rolls, especially while "aiming down sights?"

Edited by Konnivar
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1. Wheres my sharkwing, my sonic shotgun, and my yin yang frame?

2. My shotty and vectis is collecting dust, any news on buffs?

3. No new prime info?

4. De pls, info on Golem and Sentients?

5. Daikyu is very fun. I would love more "reverse" weapons like this.

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1) Will we ever see X1/PS4 updates released on par with PC?

    - If not, will we see any console exclusive bonuses for the longer wait times?


2) Is there any chance of the female Excalibur helmet being released as Nyx/Nyx Prime alternate helmet?

    - Big fan of Nyx, but really would prefer a more normal helmet choice.


3) Any chance of a Infested pet, maybe one that's symbiotic w/ a player's warframe enhancing some attributes while diminishing others?
   - Basically a pet version of corrupted mods. Maybe if it's killed it could just regenerate using a portion of the player's health.

Hope you guys like. Number 2 is for you Rebecca and I think Steve would like 3, lol

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Q: any chance we will get rid of the hitscan mechanic and simply give hitscan weapons high speed projectiles? This would simplify many things because you guys won't have to code for two weapon systems (projectile and hitscan). This would allow for better behavior of abilities like zephyr's turbulence and mag's bullet attractor.

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