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Can Rhino Be After Limbo For Reworks?


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We got the Excalibur rework, which is more than welcome and honestly should have been done a long time ago.

Next up is Frost, who got booted back by Excalibur. He deserves a good rework as well.

Hopefully after that is Limbo, who is rather unjustly hated, but admittedly spends more than half his time casting one thing or the other, and is probably the only Frame almost forced to use Natural Talent. Also, infinite trolling.

After those three, can we get a Rhino rework please? Rhino's been needing some changes for a long time now. Iron Skin in particular needs it, but Roar and Rhino Charge isn't exactly at the pinnacle of usefulness. There's also the complete lack of scaling for anything but Roar, and how OP Iron Skin is in the starchart. His stigma is "noob frame" doesn't help either, and the lowered speed honestly has no place in Warframe anymore.


Here's my rework suggestion, if anyone cares:



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I'd say so far most reworks have left some... room to grow. There should definitely be some buffs or reworks to these frames:

Ember (Prime)

Volt (Prime)

Rhino (Prime)

Excalibur (Prime)



Frost (Prime)



Nyx (Prime)




AND please, for the love of Warframe, don't replace Focus with augments... Please. And make augments upgrades in the ABILITY screen. Mod slots are precious things. This would make all warframes a tad bit more flexible and or agile, making use of those "mods that never get used because they're situational and pointless".

Edited by APBladeX
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I would agree that Rhino needs a full rework to actually specialize in something instead being a jack-of-all-trades frame. With all these other frames that can provide more reliable tanking, damage, support, and CC, Rhino is not just in an awkward position as the brute he was meant to be; he's completely lost his indentity.

It should also be noted that just because he seems fine now doesn't mean he's not largely outclassed. Also, this "noob frame" stigma can easily be solved by swapping Excalibur and Rhino part places in star chart progression.

Edited by Sonitorum
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....didnt rhino already get one?

He had his old 3 rolled into his 4.

Then got a new 3 we know as roar.

Sadly, when DE switched to damage 2.0 they never really went back and tweaked his defensive stats or the numbers on iron skin.

So he is actually tuned for back when enemies did way less damage than they do now.


Of course, with all the noobs running around with a level 30 rhino in low level content it makes him seem super strong.

OInce he gets into end game trails its like..oh right...he hasnt been tuned up since the old damage model. 



Rhino doesn't need a rework just buffs


I would agree that Rhino needs a full rework to actually specialize in something 

I'd say he needs a certain amount of both buff and rework.

Nothing drastic on either.

Edited by Ronyn
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limbo is hated because most people playing limbo are either trolls or retards who think they're invincible, ended up getting killed and down the whole team


sorry but it's just my experience, very rarely i see a decent limbo


Usually he's better for Solo missions, which is why you don't see a decent Limbo really often.


His abilities work perfectly and he shouldn't get a rework only because people can't "press 4 to genocide".

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Idk why frost is on the table yet again.

Limbo is a frame that needs to be a frame so yah, major rework for him, almost scrap it and restart from the ground up.

Saryn needs a rework, since she only haves a good ultimate, wile her other abilities are trash or too much situanional.

Mirage could also need a tweek, since she is ability #1 dependent, and it almost makes all her other abilities not so needed.


As for rhino I just hope this isnt one of those "please buff iron skin, because I'm a huge noob" tread.

Rhino as the biggest stats for:



and armor

and a very energy cheap ability (iron skin) to make him even more invulnerable.

To top it all, a great ultimate that deals good damage, but also stuns the enemies for a long wile.

Edited by 7grims
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Idk why frost is on the table yet again.

Limbo is a frame that needs to be a frame so yah, major rework for him, almost scrap it and restart from the ground up.


As for rhino I just hope this isnt one of those "please buff iron skin, because I'm a huge noob" treads.<-or a buff iron skin cause rhino cant fullfill tank role at trial level.

Rhino as the biggest stats for:

health<-Oberon has more.

shields<-Tied with a few others.

and armor<-not even close. Chroma hs 350. valkyr has 600.

and a very energy cheap ability (iron skin) to make him even more invulnerable.<-Its just ok compared to some of the powers on other frames these days.

To top it all, a great ultimate that deals good damage, but also stuns the enemies for a long wile.<-his ult is indeed strong.

Some of your information is outdated.

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Only rework Limbo needs is the ability to pick up items in Cataclysm. Other than that there is literally no issue with Limbo that Frost or Nyx don't have as well (and nobody complaines about them any more).


As far as changes to Rhino there were some changes to him I suggested a while ago.



  • Iron Skin

    Grants a fixed duration of 100% invulnerability at beginning of skill. All other stats unchanged.


No longer grants a damage amp. Now causes Rhino's threat level to raise dramatically. Enemies must be 'aware' of Rhino in order to be affected (same targeting as Radial Blind).

Intended to make Rhino better fit a 'pure tank' roll. Iron Skin's invulnerability is meant to allow rhino to Iron Skin>Roar in high-leveled missions and be able to survive. Also grants an element of skill and thought put into one's play pattern for Rhino in making the time in which you cast Iron Skin matter more than just maintaining a 100% up-time.



Every frame has some issues but it feels that people are nit-picking one issue from frames and saying they need full blown reworks. Sure making older frames more unique as newer ones have been is fine but revamping entire abilities or their entire kit is not the way to go about it. It'll only end up in causing splits in the community between players who hate certan frames and the ones who are able to use them effectively as is.

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Only rework Limbo needs is the ability to pick up items in Cataclysm. Other than that there is literally no issue with Limbo that Frost or Nyx don't have as well (and nobody complaines about them any more).


As far as changes to Rhino there were some changes to him I suggested a while ago.





Every frame has some issues but it feels that people are nit-picking one issue from frames and saying they need full blown reworks. Sure making older frames more unique as newer ones have been is fine but revamping entire abilities or their entire kit is not the way to go about it. It'll only end up in causing splits in the community between players who hate certan frames and the ones who are able to use them effectively as is.


ARGH. THIS. SO MUCH OF THIS. If only we could pick up items in the void, then everything would be fine! The datamass falling when you enter the void and not being able to hack while in the void are tolerable if we could just pick up items in the void.

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ARGH. THIS. SO MUCH OF THIS. If only we could pick up items in the void, then everything would be fine! The datamass falling when you enter the void and not being able to hack while in the void are tolerable if we could just pick up items in the void.

At the least the issue with datamasses and hacking are understandable, no reason to allow Limbo to be able to remain fully invulnerable while doing key mission objectives. Now being able to carry them and hack in Cataclysm? That is something that would make more sense.

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