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Ps4: Tubemen Of Regor (16.5.9 - 16.7.2 +Hotfixes)


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I was just being sarcastic about the ´´years`` , but I just said that because while DE could just release an exclusive updatefor excalibur like they did on pc , DE decided to bundle It with U17 with will take months to arrive on consoles.


Sorry for my bad english.


Of course I mean't it in a sarcastic dialect. We know that it's not going to take two freaking years for the excal's rework to hit consoles.

The guy asked how many years is it going to take, and I gave an answer. He asked a sarcastic question and I gave a sarcastic answer....

So please take a chill pill...

@blackshot: I'm sorry if I came across as an &#!. Don't worry about your English, I can understand it just fine. I understand your concern, but from what I can tell, DE hasn't decided whether to bundle it with U17 or not. My understanding is that Drew said "maybe". I'd explain my reasoning again, but you can just scroll up to read it. Unfortunately, I think my give a damn is well and truly busted.

@ madkiller. I've already admitted my sarcasm detector isn't working right. In the post you quoted, in fact. I'll even apologize for coming across as an &#!: I apologize, I should have moderated my tone. No need to pour fuel on the fire.

I'm gonna start ignoring this thread. Updates happen when they happen. At least this way I'll be pleasantly surprised to see my ps4 downloading an update.

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From what I'm hearing from you guys(or girls) its that the development staff of Warframe don't prioritize Consoles the same way they do on PC, either that or they're just doing this on  purpose for reasons of profit some how.The staff know, DE knows they can juice out this cash cow to much farther then they should. From people who are devoted players (*cough* *cough* Kosis181) who will defend their positions and the developers,to impatient gamers (*cough* *cough* couldn't find an excample) who are finding this game difficult to difficult to like, both ways they get players hooked willing to buy platinum or early access.





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The best thing we can all do as of now is just wait....


Just let it take it's course and we all should just be patient, this wouldn't be the first time we had to wait as so...


So until then go into the relay, and find Cephalon Suda's room and repent, ask for forgiveness and become a Cephalon....

Edited by (PS4)Madkiller2580
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I'm gonna start ignoring this thread. Updates happen when they happen. At least this way I'll be pleasantly surprised to see my ps4 downloading an update.

No need to ignore the  thread :(...You just made a mistake that's all..Ask Suda for forgiveness and you'll be O_k... 

Edited by (PS4)Madkiller2580
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Why people are going ape mad is that they brought Ash Prime which you can pay for , unlike exc rework, this is proof that DE feel that they should put more work into the Money side and it's how it works but the rework is important to players that's what de are missing. I'm happy to spent money on this game but a player base wants something give them it because it means more sales, Dark Souls 3 is taking this path, players like myself were like we was berserk type weapons and armour, there giving us it, DE are not doing this and will backfire when it does come out because players will be like why spent money on warframe then there's all theses other games.   

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Sarcasm if not made apparent when writing it in text, can be mistaken for literacy without any means of conveying facial expression or voice.

If the excal rework is getting bundled with U17..... I feel that we will be waiting even longer than antcipated :(

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I think they should bring that targis armor back because I feel that was the most liked attachment set and come on those shin guards were perfect and the chest piece to and it looked Gd with practically every warframe

yes plz, the only pack I didn't get because of destiny, O how wrong was I! I would love for that to be available again. Instant purchase for me.
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Aaaaaand once again, people don't bother to friken read. So, we have to wait for pc to get it and take a bunch of time to work out bugs. And it HAS to come with U17. And it will takes MONTHS. And we've done this before. Let's take the points in no particular order.No, we haven't done this before. Every other time, pc has been weeks to months ahead of us in terms of content. Right now, as I have said many times before in this thread, they don't have that much more than we do. Excal rework and skins, ormolo skins and a syandana, a single weapon and a tactical alert are all that separate us from the pc master race. Compare to the the last update, which closed the gap by two(2) events, several tactical alerts and... A metric boatload of other stuff? We're closer to the pc version than we have ever been. In terms of "stuff to do", we're maybe a couple of hours of gameplay behind them. This is uncharted territory. I can see a couple of different ways it could affect DE's strategy for console updates. Point is though, they've never been in quite this position, having to release something NEW to the consoles. How exactly are they gonna deal with it.Aaand all that's beside my original point. Your first point, we have to wait months for it after the pc gets it. Well, I was talking about the excel rework, not U17 specifically, and they've had it since 16.9, which was released a month ago, yesterday. They already had time to bugfix. Soooo....Point three and four. It has to come with u17 (implied) and it'll take months (explicit). The first is refuted by several posters between you comment and my response. [DE]Drew says it MAY come with u17. Now, i'm assuming a basic level of competence on the part of DE staff. Some may not agree, but then why are they playing the game and waiting for updates? Presumably, DE keeps a finger on the pulse of the community. They do have a community coordinator, after all, and that's and important part of the job. So they kinda have to know by now how much we want the excal rework (which is what I was talking about). We've only posted about a bajillion times saying "excal rework. NOW." With about that much tact and courtesy. Being a business that wants to keep customers and make money, they have basically two possibilities here. Since you obviously didn't read them in my previous post, I will repeat them in the (probably vain) hope that you will read more carefully this time.In regard to the Excalibur rework, either:A) U17 is close, and they will be bundled together, in which case we get it soonish-OR-B) U17 is not close, and they release excal as a mini update to appease us while they finish it off. In which case we get it soonish.Either way, excal rework will be relatively soon. NOT YEARS, as was suggested by the post I was originally responding to.Edit: clarity. Friggen auto correct...

what are you even on about? I said we won't see u17 and the excal rework which will be bundled together until a few months from now considering u17 isn't even out yet..we don't get content when they do we get it after they get a update or two later then its pushed to cert. I've been playing since ps4 launch its always been that way. Who said anything about a year or years? go rage somewhere else Edited by (PS4)mindsoulja
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I know the DEs are trying their best, but I have this to say:

Okay, so you fix/stabilize T3 Defense. That's great (not being sarcastic; what about T4 Defense?). Now, what seriously needs to be fixed/stabilized is the survivals.

Yes, there are still some preformance issues. 4 out of 5 times a player's game will crash during a survival (mostly past rotation C).

Plus, the drop tables on survivals are ridiculous. My friends and I have played many survivals and not even once have we gotten Ash Prime Systems and/or Nova Prime Systems. Instead of these items we get mostly Forma and/or other items. Suggesting (for the most part, my opinion) that the drop rate of Forma on rotation C be decreased, and the Ash Prime Systems and/or Nova Prime Systems be increased, because this is ridiculous.

So, recap: Fix the drop tables and fix the crashing problem.

I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just sick and tired of farming for one thing a million times and never getting the thing I want. Again, I apologize if this sounds rude.

my favorite part about t3 and t4 survival outside of getting swarmed by bombards and nullifiers at 30+ mins/like clock work is when it crashes completely or when I rez and fall through the floor or when we finish and a random person gets no exp after the bug where they can't move or change weapons
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Why people are going ape mad is that they brought Ash Prime which you can pay for , unlike exc rework, this is proof that DE feel that they should put more work into the Money side and it's how it works but the rework is important to players that's what de are missing. I'm happy to spent money on this game but a player base wants something give them it because it means more sales, Dark Souls 3 is taking this path, players like myself were like we was berserk type weapons and armour, there giving us it, DE are not doing this and will backfire when it does come out because players will be like why spent money on warframe then there's all theses other games.   

What? Trust me, you wouldn't like to be on this Forums would they've delayed PA on consoles. People would start tossing barrels of salt around.

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Warframe server constantly going down just a heads up fellow tenno went down twice so far.


Server is down

Yeah, Servers died about 1:30 AM EST last night, a few clan mates and I couldn't even log onto this website to report it. Was down for a while, I just went to sleep.

No response or acknowledgement from DE on this?

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