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"omg Juggernaut Op"

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look wise? eh maybe


I was really, really disappointed with the appearance, to be honest.

The people doing the modeling and animations at DE did a phenomenal job, of course, but the Juggernaut just didn't end up feeling "heavy" in the actual game.


Like, this animation--


-- is freaking beautiful. Look at that thing. It looks powerful, it looks heavy, and it looks like it would reduce you to a fine red mist if it even grazed you with its shoulder.


Then you have the actual juggernaut charge ingame, which:

- has no acceleration. It just shoots to maximum speed and comes to a complete halt in an instant. This is why the thing doesn't feel heavy ingame at all.

- is covered with a stupid Slash Dash-looking glowy effect that covers the entire animation. I saw no rhinoceros resemblance from the animation ingame, because I couldn't see the animation AT ALL. If the "crashing into the wall" part of the animation made it into the game, I legitimately could not tell.

does no damage. I just had a behemoth the size of a small commercial airliner slam right into my noggin. That should have dealt maybe a teensy bit more than 100 shield damage.



Come on, DE. Make the thing feel heavy. Let the thing accelerate and decelerate, slow down the charge's maximum speed, remove the blinding magical glow so we can actually appreciate the charge animation, and MAKE THE THING HURT IF IT HITS.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I don't think I've seen a single complaint about the Juggernaut being OP. Maybe a bit bullet spongy (even when aiming exclusively at his weakspots) and I suppose the damage cap is a bit of a letdown for sniping aficionados, but otherwise no real issues with him being unfair or too powerful damage-wise.

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I'm actually not exaggerating. Non-weak spots yielded 55 damage per hit. Weak spots yielded 1k per hit. And yes, if you manage to land only weak spot hits, the fight can be significantly shortened. It's a long fight either way.

Kinda? 500 shots is only the ammo reserve of your average rifle weapon, which at most takes a few minutes of constant fire to burn through, less if it's a fast firing weapon. 9090 is a ton of shots and would take multipl ammo restores and probably 20 minutes to burn through with you average rifle.


You're seeing a difference between a fight that lasts a few minutes (this is long to you?) or 20-30 (which I would agree IS too long for this game).


Most of my runs I killed the Juggernaut in about a minute or so, after my first fight with him (which took about 3 minutes or so) I noted how his damage mechanics worked and chose the best weapon and frame for the job. I wouldn't call that long by any means.

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I was really, really disappointed with the appearance, to be honest.

The people doing the modeling and animations at DE did a phenomenal job, of course, but the Juggernaut just didn't end up feeling "heavy" in the actual game.


Like, this animation--


-- is freaking beautiful. Look at that thing. It looks powerful, it looks heavy, and it looks like it would reduce you to a fine red mist if it even grazed you with its shoulder.


Then you have the actual juggernaut charge ingame, which:

- has no acceleration. It just shoots to maximum speed and comes to a complete halt in an instant. This is why the thing doesn't feel heavy ingame at all.

- is covered with a stupid Slash Dash-looking glowy effect that covers the entire animation. I saw no rhinoceros resemblance from the animation ingame, because I couldn't see the animation AT ALL. If the "crashing into the wall" part of the animation made it into the game, I legitimately could not tell.

does no damage. I just had a behemoth the size of a small commercial airliner slam right into my noggin. That should have dealt maybe a teensy bit more than 100 shield damage.



Come on, DE. Make the thing feel heavy. Let the thing accelerate and decelerate, slow down the charge's maximum speed, remove the blinding magical glow so we can actually appreciate the charge animation, and MAKE THE THING HURT IF IT HITS.

I was really, really disappointed with the appearance, to be honest.

The people doing the modeling and animations at DE did a phenomenal job, of course, but the Juggernaut just didn't end up feeling "heavy" in the actual game.


Like, this animation--


-- is freaking beautiful. Look at that thing. It looks powerful, it looks heavy, and it looks like it would reduce you to a fine red mist if it even grazed you with its shoulder.


Then you have the actual juggernaut charge ingame, which:

- has no acceleration. It just shoots to maximum speed and comes to a complete halt in an instant. This is why the thing doesn't feel heavy ingame at all.

- is covered with a stupid Slash Dash-looking glowy effect that covers the entire animation. I saw no rhinoceros resemblance from the animation ingame, because I couldn't see the animation AT ALL. If the "crashing into the wall" part of the animation made it into the game, I legitimately could not tell.

does no damage. I just had a behemoth the size of a small commercial airliner slam right into my noggin. That should have dealt maybe a teensy bit more than 100 shield damage.



Come on, DE. Make the thing feel heavy. Let the thing accelerate and decelerate, slow down the charge's maximum speed, remove the blinding magical glow so we can actually appreciate the charge animation, and MAKE THE THING HURT IF IT HITS.

+1 to you man this is what I thought when fighting it the first time, you should make a new thread in feedback about this, it would be ashame if DE doesn't change it for the official release

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Kinda? 500 shots is only the ammo reserve of your average rifle weapon, which at most takes a few minutes of constant fire to burn through, less if it's a fast firing weapon. 9090 is a ton of shots and would take multipl ammo restores and probably 20 minutes to burn through with you average rifle.


You're seeing a difference between a fight that lasts a few minutes (this is long to you?) or 20-30 (which I would agree IS too long for this game).


Most of my runs I killed the Juggernaut in about a minute or so, after my first fight with him (which took about 3 minutes or so) I noted how his damage mechanics worked and chose the best weapon and frame for the job. I wouldn't call that long by any means.

Yes, in Warframe, spending several minutes on a non-raid boss is long. For a non-boss mob, which I understand the juggernaut is intended to be, it's unheard of. Even a Manic doesn't take several minutes of continuous effort to kill. Certainly, given the juggernaut's predictable mechanics, the fight is much longer than it is challenging and enjoyable.


And you're comparing weak spot hits to regular hits as if it didn't take longer—due to boss position and phase—to get weak spot hits. I'm sure if I ran the mission a few more times I could get my time down quite a bit. But I got bored fighting him the first time, so why would I?

Edited by motorfirebox
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I don't see an involved special unit fight as being a problem. If anything, it's makes you prioritize and make decisions depending what else is going on in the vicinity. Like the Manic.


Who, I might add, takes as long as he takes to kill. It's mostly a matter of what the situation is when you run across him. Some fights are basically OHKs. Others might take a minute or two. Just depends.


This guy, however, has been presented to us as a Phorid replacer. How he'll appear in a regular game isn't known. Running into him in a corridor could be a real challenge. There'd be no room to manage him like we have in the TA at present. Having to kite him to a area he'd be easier to deal with could be a thing. The only real issue I see is you wouldn't be able to tailor a 'frame/loadout to him and that might complicate things, but again, that's what this is about, no?

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112% Crit chance Paris prime did 66 damage per shot.


It is a sponge


TBH i wish DE would be honest with us for once, all that time wasted on animations when they should have put in a picture of a sponge and not wasted everyones time.


It isn't even a challenge

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I dont actually believe people are having difficulty with this boss? He was just time consuming before i found out about the weak spot, but after i learnt about that he is rediciulously easy to solo.

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He's not difficult, but I agree that it isn't as impressive as I was hoping, and I'd rather it have been more deadly and less of a crap damage capped bullet sponge, especially as it is supposed to become a normal non boss type enemy. I definitely hope the damage cap doesn't stick around after the event, when they get added to general infested missions. Damage caps are boring, and insulting to veteran players with decent gear. What, you polarized your dread how many times? Here's 1000 damage, take it and like it, because we like breaking the rules of our own game in order to artificially prolong an encounter. There's already very little reason to get away from the so called best weapons you see in every T4, so why make it even worse?

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Am I really the only one who had no problems soloing this over and over using various frames. Why have I not seen a comment on the obvious choice of weapons here? No need for bullet sponge at all.



You do know he is a mite harder (ie has more health) to kill in a four-man group, yes?


I'm fairly certain (but I could very well be wrong) most of the complaints were regarding the time he takes to kill in a full group.


In solo, it's pretty quick to down (in my experience anyway) regardless or frame.

Edited by DelialFallen
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Yes, in Warframe, spending several minutes on a non-raid boss is long. For a non-boss mob, which I understand the juggernaut is intended to be, it's unheard of. Even a Manic doesn't take several minutes of continuous effort to kill. Certainly, given the juggernaut's predictable mechanics, the fight is much longer than it is challenging and enjoyable.


And you're comparing weak spot hits to regular hits as if it didn't take longer—due to boss position and phase—to get weak spot hits. I'm sure if I ran the mission a few more times I could get my time down quite a bit. But I got bored fighting him the first time, so why would I?

The problem is that you don't think hes a boss. He is though. Hes the Juggernaut BEHEMOTH. That's the part that signifies him as a boss, if the fact that he was the target of an assassination mission isn't enough for you.


Now the Juggernaut normal mob won't be a boss. He'll be much smaller, but look and behave in the same fashion when he gets added to normal infested missions.


Also, to be fair, Lech Kril, Vay Hek, and Sargus Ruk normal bosses take just as long (a couple minutes). The Alad V fight can even take as long if you don't have a Mesa or Mag. I don't think under 5 minutes is too long for a Warframe boss fight. Under a minute and you have barely any time for interesting mechanics and boss attacks to be a part of the fight. I think between 2-4 minutes is the sweet spot for boss engagement length.


Or do you just want a punching bag that stands in one place so you can one shot him and take his loot? That's not a game imo, that's a slot machine.

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You do know he is a mite harder (ie has more health) to kill in a four-man group, yes?


I'm fairly certain (but I could very well be wrong) most of the complaints were regarding the time he takes to kill in a full group.


In solo, it's pretty quick to down (in my experience anyway) regardless or frame.

So it scales with more players, yes it does, but the tactic is still the same and AoE from something like the torid will handle without much work.

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yeah what about the players that wants to use their weapons of choice and kill this jug, its not hard per se' its just the fact that only viral weapons do the most damage to this enemy while the game is inundated with slash puncture and impact which does basically nothing.


 what you should have done is make another video with a compiliation of weapons from bows to bolt action rifles and time yourself while doing so and you get the ridiculousness of what basically every other player is talking about that doesn't pack a tysis torid acrid embolist>> you get the pic.

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