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Thank You De For The Nullifiers (No, Really)


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I love the fact that their existence wouldn't have been necessary in the first place if DE didn't screw up their own game with the power creep and made passive play so viable as well as skill spamming. Good thing they did though or we wouldn't be able to see these magnificent creatures!

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Wish snipers could get a mod that could burst any bubble in 1 shot or innate partial punch-through for special kind of bubbles.


Shotguns could get damage buff, but also increased damage fallout depending on range, that way shotgunner could have fun slding into the bubble and blast those pesky nullifiers to pieces.

While still being not being too OP.


Shotguns are a long, long way from being OP (or even just P) and already have damage falloff.

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The nullifiers themselves are fine. The mechanics of their bubbles are not.
Let punch-through actually work against their domes, with depth of punch-through dictating how much the damage will be reduced once it penetrates the bubble (i.e. a linear scale where 0.0m = 100% damage reduction and, say, 5.0m (Lanka) = 25% damage reduction). That (barring precise values) would be a balanced solution for powerful single-shot or crit-heavy weapons that are currently worthless against both nullifiers and arctic eximi. And especially against Arctic Eximi Nullifiers.

Edited by Artarrwen
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Yes. It really separates vets from casuals. Invisible Loki get punished for playing that playtime and makes Nova not as God like as some people think lol. I love it but I'm sure I'll see people start yelling "CHEAP TACTICS! BETTER AI DE" ! -_-

Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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The nullifiers themselves are fine. The mechanics of their bubbles are not.

Let punch-through actually work against their domes, with depth of punch-through dictating how much the damage will be reduced once it penetrates the bubble (i.e. a linear scale where 0.0m = 100% damage reduction and, say, 5.0m (Lanka) = 25% damage reduction). That (barring precise values) would be a balanced solution for powerful single-shot or crit-heavy weapons that are currently worthless against both nullifiers and arctic eximi. And especially against Arctic Eximi Nullifiers.

No that's broken so no. What they should do they should let charging weapons like bows opticor a reason to bring into long runs. Letting punch through would u just make soma and boltor even more needed.
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I still find it annoying how they're basically one giant middle finger to slower weapons like shotguns and snipers (as if they weren't niche enough) but as an anti-press4towin enemy I suppose I can't really complain.


But they ruin EVERY high level Corpus stealth run when they appear. Cant they start appearing only when the level is in alert?

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I completely agree that the nullifier shields shouldn't make high damage single-shot type weapons like Vectis, Opticor or all the bows feel like you're throwing wet tissue paper at them. I can't imagine that this is how they were intended to work. It simply makes no sense that I one shot a supposedly strong enemy like the Stalker, but do next to nothing against nullifier shields with the same weapon. A weapon that packs so much damage into a single shot should get rid of the bubble shield in one shot and the nullifier in the next.

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Not a fan.


1st I think that if they are going to have a bubble that stops your powers from getting them they should be directly vulnerable to normal weapons (you can shoot them through the bubble).


2nd Their bubble's coding is terrible. they're already immune to powers so why in the everliving hell is there a per shot damage cap on the bubble shrinking.


3rd Why on top of this would you have a maximum speed that the bubble can decrease at.


4th Why would you give this enemy a sniper rifle that at any reasonably high level is able to one shot squishier frames.


5th Why can this enemy spawn as an Arctic Eximus and have 2 shields.


I mean I'm not talking about what they've added in terms of stopping AFK infinite defence strats or whatever, I'm talking how fun they are to play against which at least for me they definitely aren't. I mean I can't honestly say I'm going to ever be okay with any enemy, in a game that is made cool primarily by the awesome powers you can play with, being immune to let alone making other enemies immune to those powers AND dispelling your self cast powers WHEN NOT EVEN BEING A BOSS. No, just no.


I'm never going to enjoy that moment in a 50 min T4S when I turn a corner only to see 4 gold bubbles in a row and am forced to either stand behind cover like some kind of boring ! non space ninja cover based third person shooter protagonist and waste ammo chipping away at their terribly implemented shields or get 1 shot simultaneously by 4 lankas.


Rant over.

Edited by HalcyonH66
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Before nullifiers and the like, t4s was no different to t1s.

The only difference was that enemies started off a little tougher.

I used to be able to take Tank Mesa and pretty much afk my way to 30 minutes, now I cannot do that

T4 is meant to be hard. Units like nullifiers are the right way to add that difficulty

errrrrr. im gonna say no.


how can you used to have taken your mesa to them.

nullifers existed way befpre mesa dude

so im betting anything no you did not take your mesa to t4 and tank before the nullifers.

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If you have a low fire rate weapon, just get up close and personal with them. Go inside the bubble.

Tell that to a nyx using a paris on a 40wave t4 defense where there are two or three nullifiers at a single choke. Almost guaranteed she will inconvenience the whole team by promptly going down and having to be revived in the middle a very heavy fire zone. Of course, even if she decides to shoot the bubble, it will still be a meaningless endeavor, since the rank 4 rhino beside her who is spraying and praying (no aiming needed) with the soma prime is having MUCH better results.


As I stated in my posts and other have pointed out over and over again, this pushes people to use the already-too-popular weapons makes everything else simply not viable for high lvl gameplay.

Edited by alfaomega04
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If you have a low fire rate weapon, just get up close and personal with them. Go inside the bubble.

The entire point of nullifiers should be, that their shield bubbles pose a threat by themselves as they disable warframe abilities. This should discourage entering the shield bubble under most circumstances, otherwise they become pointless since they have little health and do nearly no damage. Since the game can also lag quite heavily, I've been in situations where warframe abilities have been disabled by the nullifier bubble far bayond the life span of the actual nullifier. Against high level enemies you do not want to enter that bubble, and this is entirely how it should be. The damage cap however isn't and it shouldn't exist.

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I've started to not mind nullifiers so much anymore, they're not so bad. I just slide into their bubble, target them, take them down and then use my CC ability immediately afterward to take care of anything that was walking along with them.

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The grineer seems to have a nullifier drone that's not being implemented outside the raid that moves like jagger. I hate that thing so much.

The infested, I personally think they don't need one for now. At least not until those ancient healers make everything immune to damage when stacked.

With things like Juggernauts coming THEY REALLY DON'T NEED ONE... With tar, and other crazy status effects, and ancients dragging, and energy stealing, things going boom, things slamming into you, things knocking you around, and now a super armored death machine where Torid is the only Lord, and Savior you can pray to. Seeing in the system it looks like there will be other versions of juggernaut not just the behemoth version either. Fear... All I can say is if we fight the behemoth, and suddenly mini juggernauts start popping up along with the rest of hell's convoy were screwed... They really don't need a nullifer. If anything we need a bigger, badder Torid... If the infested keep this train of evolution in their swarms we will all need bigger guns...


As for Grineer... their ok... trust me... they have plenty of things that are absolutely terrifying once they swarm you with the goods.

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Tell that to a nyx using a paris on a 40wave t4 defense where there are two or three nullifiers at a single choke. Almost guaranteed she will inconvenience the whole team by promptly going down and having to be revived in the middle a very heavy fire zone. Of course, even if she decides to shoot the bubble, it will still be a meaningless endeavor, since the rank 4 rhino beside her who is spraying and praying (no aiming needed) with the soma prime is having MUCH better results.


As I stated in my posts and other have pointed out over and over again, this pushes people to use the already-too-popular weapons makes everything else simply not viable for high lvl gameplay.

Well given your scenario I assume the Nyx player knew ahead of time they were doing a long T4S void run.  Nyx would still use Chaos because the enemy outside the bubble can still be affected & will start shooting at the Nullifier.  Then if the Nyx player was smart they would have brought a rapid fire secondary weapon like a Akbolto, Dexfuris, or even Akvastos to help take down the Nullifier bubble at range. 

Also the Nullifier Bubble is considered a Object for damage 2.0.  There is not a cap for its damage.  You can check the Warframe Wiki about object damage.  I found it enlightening.

In my opinion I think the Nullifier is a perfect balance of a counter Warframe power unit.  It has such low health killing them after their bubble is down or going into their bubble is not hard, you just have plan ahead for them.

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