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The New Primary That Is Styled After The Gammacor


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Normally I try to keep an open mind about new weapon designs, but it really does just look like a Gammacor stuck onto a tree branch. I like the design of the Gammacor, but I feel like they didn't bother trying to build off of it so much as attach something to it so it looks bigger. Time will tell, I guess.

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Honestly disappointed with how it looked. Just a stick with a gammacore on it


Looks terrible.... I was expecting them to build upon the model of the gammacor itself, making it more of a 'tube' rifle then the ridiculous model that it has.


I agree it looks horrible. 



Judging by it's model looks like your gonna need a gammacor to build it.

Unlikely because it will likely be syndicate bought. 

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Admittedly was hoping for a larger version of the regular gammacor's 'pringles tube on arm', so am somewhat disappointed with the design choice. Doesn't mean it's bad, just doesn't appeal to me.


Would've required different animations from what they currently have, but eh. Arm cannons.

Edited by White-Glint
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Themed weapons are fine, I love them. But I hate seeing recycled models, and that is literally all this is.


Took the gammacor, stripped it apart and enlarged up a couple pieces. Now its a rifle. I believe they are trying to be efficient, using old assets to make new content, but this thing right here just looks lazy.

Edited by Aoden
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Themed weapons are fine, I love them. But I hate seeing recycled models, and that is literally all this is.


Took the gammacor, stripped it apart and enlarged up a couple pieces. Now its a rifle. I believe they are trying to be efficient, using old assets to make new content, but this thing right here just looks lazy.


To be brutal honest ... those is common practice here. Corpus Ranger jetpacks are resized opticores f.ex. .


Content keeps your consumer base at a certain base level. Quality .. not so if the content pleases. Work/Time/Content/Money/Consumer/Quality are intertwined. We talk about f2p games here respectively though.


Not saying they don´t pay heart blood but nobody can say they couldn´t do better.

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Jeez this thread is harsh , at least think of the artists feelings and how long it took for each intricate design, it looks brilliant, jjust not original.

Anyway who wouldn't want a magic death stick? You people...

Friendly advice/helpful criticism not brutally shooting things Down

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Artist feelings? They are a company releasing stuff to please me the consumer to make me invest more into their product. I see that line clearly.


edit: Just to be clear from my point of view. I think the artist did a great job for the time and the ressources he had available at that time. If he/she would have had more of both the result would be, in my opinion, a total different gun.

Edited by VoidNomade
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I just hope that there's a unique mechanic to this weapon instead of being a copy and paste weapon like the quanta/gammacor. The good news is that its most definatley a status weapon, and i love status weapons. The weapon's "bulb" seems to be like a second firing component, hopefully Im right.

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Half of the time the gammacor parts are arranged in a "+" fashion, the other half in a "x" fashion.


Seeing as the + mode appears to have the gammacor parts floating further away, I'm going to guess this fire mode fires in a phage-like fashion. The x mode probably uses a focused beam. Or, maybe the + mode does the standard Gammacor fire and the x mode is a railgun fire? It'd be nice if it changes mode based on whether you're zoomed in, like the Buzlok. Pure speculation here, so there's a lot to imagine.


It could turn out that all it does is spin around during fire, but then it wouldn't have deep enough mechanics to have DE "still working out how it works" (probably butchered that quote).


EDIT: I might just be imagining this, but it seems that the + mode might have the "handle" portion of the gun closer to the "barrel" portion. That may play a role.


As for its appearance, it seems to fit with the Cephalon aesthetic perfectly. It's a long, winding, slender limb with horizontal lights across its two-shade body. Only part I can't say I love is the Gammacor head, it looks too compact and makes the gun look awkward, but it seems to be an integral part of its design.

Edited by jwapplephobia
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