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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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The suit while textured nicely, its colors are... lacking. If there are effects, I cant see them compared to the armor components.

Would have expected something slightly more extreme not unlike the Vauban phased skin.

Edited by Firetempest
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I appreciate the rework overall. Pleasant to play, nervous and active frame running everywhere. The gameplay is really entertaining and I use all four powers. :)

Also... Finally the armour buff T_T This is such a relieve. Finally Excalibur can breathe and melee all the way.


My suggestions of changes:


Slash Dash:

When launched, the ability consume energy and hit 1 target (default 25 energy). Can target a quite distant enemy (like others 1st powers, maybe not infinite distance though). If no enemy aimed, just a short blink in this direction (or I would be ok with nothing (=> Slash Dash requires a target)).

But we can maintain the key pushed, so that Excalibur continue to slash dash every enemy within short range automatically (less damage than the first hit). It drains energy and the speed of the slashes increase over time (just like Mesa ultimate). The ability cancels itself if we release the key or if no target is within range for X time. Duration affects this canceling delay.


Radial Blind:

I would've prefered an durable ability releasing blinding pulses (1, 2, 3, 4 for rank of the ability) with a delay between them also affected by duration... but the current one is ok. My only concern is the finishers: their are a symptom of a larger problem: the slowness of the animations. Every time a finisher is triggered, I'm like "Noooo". The animation breaks my gameplay and makes me vulnerable, while a single swing with my melee weapon would be more profitable to me (crowd-control/damage). So my problem here is not the ability itself (a finisher is very useful), but the animations are really too slow. It would be ok if it'd be an AoE finisher, but a single target slow motion move is meh :/.


Radial Javelin:

Is ok for me. I'm waiting for the Augmentation which will deal guaranteed Viral Proc. Aka Viral Javelin. :DD


Exalted Blade:

I'd prefer energy waves to deal guaranteed procs AoE than some damage and a chance to proc. Except that, it rocks!

Edit: sorry no. I'm surprised the "life steal" is conditional to the mod and is not a "built-in' feature of the power itself. New players will be deprived of this advantage which would help them a lot! I think it's unfair that us, advanced players, have such an advantage because of the mod. Life Stealing is essential, because Excalibur is not invulnerable like Valkyr. Please include this feature into the power (if necessary, nerf if compared to the maxed mod effect). Affected by power strenght, and increased effect if we channel the Exalted Blade. Lotus, enhance your young Tennowan! :D



To conclude, I think now Excalibur is really more able to help the young Tenno to enter/enjoy the game. He's dynamic, exalting, and more resistant. Thanks for the dose of love! Really appreciated :)


That's all for my first impressions.

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pour slash dash le fait de pouvoir le lancer sans targetter a été conçu pour avoir un super-jump de poche il me semble, de ce coté la il me semble plutot agréable de le faire de temps en temps je serais pas pour enlever la possibilité de le lancer sans avoir de target meme si cest un peu cher pour 25 d'energie (super-jump coutait 5 lui). apres pour l'ulti je trouve aussi que les waves manquent de proc (ou de crit? channeling? ça serait drolement interessant d'ajouter ça)
Apres pour le lifestealing, le mod frappe vitale est censé fonctionner (meme si actuellement pas dutout, il me semble que cest un bug, a surveiller donc)

Edited by cob_metallica
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So, i try it and... i wasn`t right) they make ex more fun, it still fast and - mama mia - more armor! god damn, its now even more awersome. Thanks for DE, thanks for your time and tons of fun for everybody)


and - yes, DE, new ult really cool, okey-okey) nice range, nice dmg. nowit can be melee-only. it still put me own blade iin ult, but... it`s not so bad as i`m think) thx guys

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I don't like how Exalted Blade has an auto-block feature. It ruins the Rage mod's viability on Excalibur and removes player choice.

Let me choose when I want to block.

Actually, Rage works even better with it. Put Life Strike on your melee... and throw Reflection on.


For one thing, it seems to let enough attacks through that you take health damage and proc Rage, but Reflect constantly procs Life Strike for auto-heals... and takes out those Nullifiers with their own sniper shots, as an added bonus.

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I'd actually prefer a buffed super jump to radial javelin.


Radial Javelin seems kinda redundant with all of Excal's other moves. Super jump may not have been a standout move, but I still used it a fair amount. A little extra vertical mobility never hurt.


If not super jump, than something else besides radial javelin.



please stop this.... seriously just stop. people crying over the loss of super jump need to play the new kit more since you ult -> look up -. slash dash? OMFGBBQROLFSTOMP YOU JUST SUPER JUMPED!!! .....honestly 


Putting a casting limits on Radial Jav - SUCKS - DE might as well remove it completely now because it total useless now more than ever before.


If DE is willing to Nurff this ability that hard - I would expect them to nurff coptering speed in parkour 2.0 also since they planing on removing stamina.


As for the rest of excals ability - They are great!


1. the new RJ yes is capped but its also lowered in cost making it better to spam and its not really all that worse.


2. copptering will be obsolete when parkour 2.0 comes out (as in you wont really use it).



for feedback i like everything BUT exalted blade. the damage is WAY low and needs to be buffed. also even though its suppose to share mods and damage of you melee it doesnt since i use jat with it and VERY RARELY do anymore than 350 damage, at times ill get 1000 damage hit and i almost never crit. so exalted blade needs to be looked into and fixed ASAP.

Edited by Noble_One
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skana  prime and normal skana, i suppose


Normal Excal has a completely different sword model from normal Skana for it's EB, during the previews in devstreams they showed the new sword for excal, now that it's launched, normal excal got the new sword, and Excal Prime kept the Skana prime. 


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2. copptering will be obsolete when parkour 2.0 comes out (as in you wont really use it).


lol i doubt it. i wouldn't expect we'd be just sprinting. coptering nerf will be nerfing the ridicilous speeds most likely, caused by speed mods like berserker. in devstream they kept saying "coptering won't go away, could be tweaked a little"

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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please stop this.... seriously just stop. people crying over the loss of super jump need to play the new kit more since you ult -> look up -. slash dash? OMFGBBQROLFSTOMP YOU JUST SUPER JUMPED!!! .....honestly 


It's not the same because you can't use it as a way to get behind enemies and blind them while they look the other nor can it be used to avoid Corrupted Bombard rounds.

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lol i doubt it. i wouldn't expect we'd be just sprinting. coptering nerf will be nerfing the ridicilous speeds most likely, caused by speed mods like berserker. in devstream they kept saying "coptering won't go away, could be tweaked a little"


they have actually stated that coptering will be obsolete when 2.0 comes. the movement that youll be doing with new parkour will allow you to move FASTER than coptering.

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I only have one Thing i would like to clear up.


Exalted Blade:


I love the rework but I would like to know why the wave damage is not effected by power mods but the sword strike is?

I have tested the power a lot and  found that with all 3 power mods equipped it does not change the damage of the wave but only the strike itself.

The wave looks to only take on the damage bonus of base damage mods and nothing else?


If some one from DE can tell me if my testing is correct and or if it is a bug?

Edited by bigfoot1812
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It's not the same because you can't use it as a way to get behind enemies and blind them while they look the other nor can it be used to avoid Corrupted Bombard rounds.


why the hell would SJ to get behind an enemy to blind them?! .... JUST USE BLIND!! if youre using SJ to dodge bombard missiles you need to learn what bob and weave is along with what cover is as well. 

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No matter how I build my Excalibur, Slash Dash just refuses to more than 4 guys at the best of times (most of the times it just targets 1).


What I have seen is that if there around 3 guys neatly spread out Slash Dash does target and hit them but when they are close togheter it either only hits 1 or 2 and when there are more it only hits 1.


So either it's meant to do that or it's targetting system is broken and in need of immediate fixing.


I know there is a feedback megathread but I have a sneaky feeling it'll do about as much good as the Limbo one did as barelly anything.



P.S: Where are the custom Finisher's we were promised?

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We're all aware Excalibur was pretty lackluster a while back, who only saw use for farming runs with a Radial Javelin build, but then Radiant Finish which promoted an actually stimulating way to play which worked for high level content, rather than just pressing 4 on a Maximum Efficiency, Strength and Range build.


Then we introduce an update for Excalibur that makes his overpowered AOE ultimate ability cheaper to use, with no nerf, while adding an obnoxiously overpowered new elite skill that has a virtually unlimited range on it with a fast moving projectile that out-speeds pretty much everything else. Cute.


New Excalibur is so overpowered, it actually spoils my enjoyment of the game, because when im playing it, its boring, because it just encourages mindless "Spam #4 (and now #3!) to win" gameplay, and when other people are playing it, I can't enjoy myself because everything in the room, and next room is already dead, unless I use a stronger Press4ToWin frame like Saryn to out-spam the Excalibur.


Ember or Frost could have made more use of this rework, considering Exalibur already had several endgame-viable builds such as the Radiant Finish builds or (albeit mentally degrading) Radial Javelin builds.


Although DE won't un-suck this frame just because I politely ask, I think ill be avoiding Excalibur and those who play Excalibur from now on. Its a step backwards in the quest to solving the issue of mindless spam gameplay. Until this rework goes out of fashion, and everybody stops running Excalibur, I think ill find myself a dark corner in a solo mission to hide in.

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My suggestion on RJ is to change the: DMG from 1000 to 600 or450 

                                                              Cast time need to be reduced

                                                              And maybe change it so if RJ hit a enemy whit one of the  Javelin  is push 15m(dead or alive) from Excalibur 

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I don't understand how nobody is talking about this.

Radial Blind has now radiant finish by default. Thanks DE, you trolled my syndacate points. I hope this is a bug or not intended (Idk, I'm not a fanboy who follows tweets and such), but I guess it is not, since now the description of radiant finish only says that it increases the damage of finishers.

Really? Wow, what a great augment. Finally! Finishers REALLY needed more damages, because, you know, they're so weak. Even Valkyr doesn't get all her health back after paralysis by not even doing the finisher damage.

Serious talking, it's useless and that augment was just for the lol imo. With finishers you make overkills by default. Why would you need more damages from hit? If you don't oneshot with finishers/almost kill and get your life back with life strike then it's your fault basically. It's your fault of what you're using (yeah, trigger exalted and problems solved).

I would give radiant finisher after the slide attack of exalted instead, since you need to get closer for it to be effective too.

Atm, the only Augment I find actually good MAY be furious javelin... But who would ever make a duration/melee loadout for Excalibur I guess..? Surging dash could be good if only melee counter wasn't so improbably broken. 

Come on guys, serious good augments for once? Those are just good/bad as Rising storm. Why would you need duration on rising storm when you will obviously put things like fleeting for power efficency to spam it more? You put fleeting - duration you add narrow to counter the loss but that makes you loose range witch is another thing that you need.

Edited by RyuGold
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Whatever dude.

His new ultimate isn't very powerful, and having nerfed Radial Javelin two times, making its tracking basically LoS again, making the buff of it "seeking enemies behind cover" pretty worthless, I don't see what your problem is with it.


I'm going to be enjoying him more, simply because of his "bad-ash" factor having gone up a few notches.

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We're all aware Excalibur was pretty lackluster a while back, who only saw use for farming runs with a Radial Javelin build, but then Radiant Finish which promoted an actually stimulating way to play which worked for high level content, rather than just pressing 4 on a Maximum Efficiency, Strength and Range build.


Then we introduce an update for Excalibur that makes his overpowered AOE ultimate ability cheaper to use, with no nerf, while adding an obnoxiously overpowered new elite skill that has a virtually unlimited range on it with a fast moving projectile that out-speeds pretty much everything else. Cute.


New Excalibur is so overpowered, it actually spoils my enjoyment of the game, because when im playing it, its boring, because it just encourages mindless "Spam #4 (and now #3!) to win" gameplay, and when other people are playing it, I can't enjoy myself because everything in the room, and next room is already dead, unless I use a stronger Press4ToWin frame like Saryn to out-spam the Excalibur.


Ember or Frost could have made more use of this rework, considering Exalibur already had several endgame-viable builds such as the Radiant Finish builds or (albeit mentally degrading) Radial Javelin builds.


Although DE won't un-suck this frame just because I politely ask, I think ill be avoiding Excalibur and those who play Excalibur from now on. Its a step backwards in the quest to solving the issue of mindless spam gameplay. Until this rework goes out of fashion, and everybody stops running Excalibur, I think ill find myself a dark corner in a solo mission to hide in.

Vortexed within https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/476499-pc-1690-excalibur-feedback-megathread/


I don't agree, I think his 4 is fun actually. It requires you to DO something, more than 95% of the others ultis. Even if you're not easily killable, you're not immortal. And you do not nuke an entire room in 1 button-push, (except with his 3d until mid level), so your teammates can play. Try to play on fun places, Draco Ceres 4rounds+, T4 Survival/Defense/interception. ;)

But whatever, this is just an opinion. I respect yours ^^

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