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If You Remove Coptering You Might As Well Remove The Entirety Of Melee.


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I for one think that anyone that uses only their melee weapons/think their melee weapons actually do jack need to just stop playing (or just play past wave/round 20 and get their dookage pushed in while only using melee.) I suppose Valk is alright because of the not being able to die but anything else and not using a gun is just stupid.

The numerous players that stay in T4s until level 100+ enemies using only melee disagree.  People need to stop making generalizations about a game they don't understand and declaring them as fact.  Most of the time that something is declared as useless in this game, someone more knowledgeable and more determined has made it work with some, if not ample success.  "Melee sucks."  "Ember is useless."  "I need Boltor Prime, etc. to play T4."  These are all constantly disproven but are treated as fact by the majority.  The problem is made worse by DE not understanding their own game.  Between both parties' ignorance, it's no wonder why the balancing and feedback cycle is so broken in Warframe.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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In Warframe, melees are only useful for movement enhancement only. Period.




So Dex Dakra's main source of high damage is gonna be gone?? What am I supposed to keep it for then?

Slide attacks are still a thing. You just wont be able to clear a map with one zoren swing.

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The numerous players that stay in T4s until level 100+ enemies using only melee disagree.  People need to stop making generalizations about a game they don't understand and declaring them as fact.  Most of the time that something is declared as useless in this game, someone more knowledgeable and more determined has made it work with some, if not ample success.  "Melee sucks."  "Ember is useless."  "I need Boltor Prime, etc. to play T4."  These are all constantly disproven but are treated as fact by the majority.  The problem is made worse by DE not understanding their own game.  Between both parties' ignorance, it's no wonder why the balancing and feedback cycle is so broken in Warframe.  

Truer words have never been spoken.

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The numerous players that stay in T4s until level 100+ enemies using only melee disagree.  People need to stop making generalizations about a game they don't understand and declaring them as fact.  Most of the time that something is declared as useless in this game, someone more knowledgeable and more determined has made it work with some, if not ample success.  "Melee sucks."  "Ember is useless."  "I need Boltor Prime, etc. to play T4."  These are all constantly disproven but are treated as fact by the majority.  The problem is made worse by DE not understanding their own game.  Between both parties' ignorance, it's no wonder why the balancing and feedback cycle is so broken in Warframe.  


Well thanks God there are you telling us paesant how to play, isn't it? What lucky people we are.

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I don't like to join the doomsayers bandwagon, but OP has a point.

Melee weps are useless except for coptering due to their low dps, compared to firearms.

Even for tanky/stealth Frames such as Chroma, Ash, Loki there's no reason to use Melee over Primaries.

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I don't like to join the doomsayers bandwagon, but OP has a point.

Melee weps are useless except for coptering due to their low dps, compared to firearms.

Even for tanky/stealth Frames such as Chroma, Ash, Loki there's no reason to use Melee over Primaries.

This just isn't true though unless by "firearms" you mean "aoe weapons".

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You'll be receiving a complete rework to the goofy clunky S#&$ to make it not goofy and clunky anymore.


Almost all environments are being reworked to better support parkour 2.0. I'm shocked you weren't aware of that, or would think otherwise.


I've seen you around on the forums several times now, and I literally don't think I've ever seen you post a single thing other than hate.

Im shocked that you are so naive) and yes mostly i post about things that i hate while remain silent about those things which are ok pretty common behaviour you know.

Edited by Grom-84
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Or, and stay with me here, encourage you to use melee for what it was intended, actually hitting things.


I find melee more beneficial than guns. Blades don't run out of ammo, deflect bullets, execute enemies, cut through a crowd, and have stances allowing them to be modded at rank 0.

Sure, if you are fighting low level enemies or being carried by your team.

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The number of people who don't know how to melee or dismiss it without even trying are astonishing. 


I blame this mostly on the ridiculous RNG-wall standing between players and the essential mods like rare stance mods and Life Strike. And also people who have never heard about finishers. 

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The numerous players that stay in T4s until level 100+ enemies using only melee disagree.  People need to stop making generalizations about a game they don't understand and declaring them as fact.  Most of the time that something is declared as useless in this game, someone more knowledgeable and more determined has made it work with some, if not ample success.  "Melee sucks."  "Ember is useless."  "I need Boltor Prime, etc. to play T4."  These are all constantly disproven but are treated as fact by the majority.  The problem is made worse by DE not understanding their own game.  Between both parties' ignorance, it's no wonder why the balancing and feedback cycle is so broken in Warframe.  


Facts don't matter as much as opinions. We all know this. Logic means nothing and as long as people have their mindsets unchallenged we will continue to have silliness pervaded throughout. I personally find melee useful for more than just movement in Raid, NM raid and T4 as high as I have gone. (60 min survival, 100 waves Defense)


As for DE not knowing their own game? I bet they know better than many of us might think. We just don't see the whole picture and assume we do. It is amazing how clear a movie scene is when all you focus on is one tiny corner of it, no? Or in this case, the visible game and the code that we can access. Which is literally the surface tip of an iceberg.


Not disagreeing. They do seem kind of schizophrenic on occasion. (not NEARLY as bad as EA or Ubisoft tho...) Just saying we don't know it all.

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My post is still there. Feel free to read it again.


What? You didn't see video of TheFaitKO doing a 25 minute Ceres survival with only Nyx and the Kronen? It was kind of hard to miss.


Here it is again:

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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What were you saying?


I find it ironic that this person isn't actually blocking, which somebody indicated was a benefit of using melee... and that they also throw in a few copters...


Really what this video showcases is Rage+Life Strike combo.

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What? You didn't see video of TheFaitKO doing a 25 minute Ceres survival with only Nyx and the Kronen? It was kind of hard to miss.

They aren't blocking.  They are coptering. Their CC ability is doing most of the work. A gun would have killed those enemies is a fraction of the time. They failed at 25 minutes. They died twice.


Yeah, I saw the video; the video was a joke.

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Well thanks God there are you telling us paesant how to play, isn't it? What lucky people we are.

You misssed the point entirely and instead decided to get antsy.

No one was even remotly implying what you think. 

Its true that most of what is considered usless by the forum majority is in fact not even close.

Not a whole lot of people do understand the game mechanics or have even bothered to try things out enough to determine things like that.

I've lost count of how many times I've gone and used a weapon/frame that is "usless" for "endgame" only to find it performs more then satisfactorily if you know what your doing and understand the games mechanics. 

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You misssed the point entirely and instead decided to get antsy.

No one was even remotly implying what you think. 

Its true that most of what is considered usless by the forum majority is in fact not even close.

Not a whole lot of people do understand the game mechanics or have even bothered to try things out enough to determine things like that.

I've lost count of how many times I've gone and used a weapon/frame that is "usless" for "endgame" only to find it performs more then satisfactorily if you know what your doing and understand the games mechanics. 

Frames that suck for engame content still work, they are just highly inefficient and a worse choice than any other frame.  Sure you could survive with Ember in a t4 survival mission, but you really wouldn't be contributing much of anything. I would much rather you bring Trinity or Nekros and actually be a benefit to the team instead.

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Frames that suck for engame content still work, they are just highly inefficient and a worse choice than any other frame.  Sure you could survive with Ember in a t4 survival mission, but you really wouldn't be contributing much of anything. I would much rather you bring Trinity or Nekros and actually be a benefit to the team instead.

Yea! compare that expirience with... ah i won't name them (cuz i'm afraid of any further nerfs to any frames), but you probably know those which steamrollin on survivials)

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