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U17 With Words From De Steve. Gone:copter-Flying, Stamina, Wallrun!


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People wouldnt have a problem if DE added alternative that would let people move almost as fast, sprinting is just too painfuly slow, removal of stamina wont change it, all frames in general will NEED speed boost. 


You are mistaken about the fact that going fast is bad for new players its oposite its new players who want to go fast to reach level of experianced players and the game itself forces you to that way of thinking since somethings in game are limited by mastery rank like some weapons or reley's, some people didnt have chance to buy weapon they wanted from void trader because their rank wasnt high enough, another example is tactical alerts, around the time I first started playing warframe there was tactial alert but since I just started I had nither gear nor mods to finish it so only options in situation like this for new players is either beg experianced player to take him on the mission and help him survive or quickly farm for as much  gear/mods as you can.

Even other players promote this way of thinking since a LOT of players wont take you to raid if you arent MR 15-19


Like I said before its DE fault that people NEED to go fast:



Experianced players dont have this problem but for new player this game is all about going fast if they want to keep up with best players. This game has just too many things limited by TIME:

-alerts with aura's, potato's

-invasions with potato's

-tactical alert with unique weapons

and so on.


Are honestly, trying to say without copter, you dont have enough time to do: Regular alerts(aura's, cores,weapons) wich usually last 50+mins, special alerts(potatos) wich usually lasts 24h, invasions wich usually lasts days, tactical alerts wich usually lasts days too? get real.

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I never liked coptering.


**puts on fedora and sunglasses, grabs popcorn**

Right there with you, it is now and has always been a bit stupid.


Hmm, now I want U17 even more.

Amen brother.


About time, now maybe theese mountain dew ninjas can actually play the game instead of flying through the levels in under two minutes!

 Can't agree more.


Yeah 'Coptering facilitated prohibitively fast rushing and on that alone it should have been removed a year or more ago.  This has been a long time coming and it's nice to see DE finally changing their position on this.


U17 should be a great update, I'm loving what i'm hearing so far about the changes. I can't wait.

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Are honestly, trying to say without copter, you dont have enough time to do: Regular alerts(aura's, cores,weapons) wich usually last 50+mins, special alerts(potatos) wich usually lasts 24h, invasions wich usually lasts days, tactical alerts wich usually lasts days too? get real.


You are ignoring some important things, for example what if alert is on node/planet player didnt unlocked yet ? he either begs for someone to take them there or during the time remaining(not everyone is lucky enough to be in game when alert starts, some find it when half of it is done or when only few minutes are regaming) must unlock planet/node.


Invasions can take a long time true unless reward is REALLY good(a potato) in this case invasion ends pretty quickly, in this case speed is extremly important, last time I and group people were using  volt speed together with comptering and still after every mission completion was going down 1% after every mission we did even though we did it as fast as it was possible so  if coptering is removed and person finds ivasion at below 10% then they may end up not being able to get the potato.

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You are ignoring some important things, for example what if alert is on node/planet player didnt unlocked yet ? he either begs for someone to take them there or during the time remaining(not everyone is lucky enough to be in game when alert starts, some find it when half of it is done or when only few minutes are regaming) must unlock planet/node.


Invasions can take a long time true unless reward is REALLY good(a potato) in this case invasion ends pretty quickly, in this case speed is extremly important, last time I and group people were using  volt speed together with comptering and still after every mission completion was going down 1% after every mission we did even though we did it as fast as it was possible so  if coptering is removed and person finds ivasion at below 10% then they may end up not being able to get the potato.

First of all, if player havent unlocked node/planet its only said players fault/misfortune, second of all judging by recruit chat nobody and i mean nobody even tries to unlock nodes, they just want leech off others. Everytime, everytime there is alert wich gives something else than just plain creds there is ppl asking taxi to there. Regardless where said alert takes place, ive seen ppl asking taxis for mercury for god's sake. So copter removal would have ZERO impact on this.


As for invasions... The real issue on invasions is their do 5 missions for reward system. You argue "with coptering you could still catch up even when there is little left" is nothing but hollow claim, as most likely everyone else also run it as fast they can I.E copter to victory. If anything copter removal would give better changes to catch up, as then everyone goes at mostly equal phase. Need speed? someone can be volt, might as well be as only goal what you have there is get it over as quickly as you can.

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First of all, if player havent unlocked node/planet its only said players fault/misfortune, second of all judging by recruit chat nobody and i mean nobody even tries to unlock nodes, they just want leech off others. Everytime, everytime there is alert wich gives something else than just plain creds there is ppl asking taxi to there. Regardless where said alert takes place, ive seen ppl asking taxis for mercury for god's sake. So copter removal would have ZERO impact on this.


As for invasions... The real issue on invasions is their do 5 missions for reward system. You argue "with coptering you could still catch up even when there is little left" is nothing but hollow claim, as most likely everyone else also run it as fast they can I.E copter to victory. If anything copter removal would give better changes to catch up, as then everyone goes at mostly equal phase. Need speed? someone can be volt, might as well be as only goal what you have there is get it over as quickly as you can.

Agreed. But my precious coptering! Now I actually have to play the game! OMG! I need to use my feet and everything! How am I supposed to walk or even run around? The only form of movement I know is coptering! #cutforcoptering


Don't even look at the wallrunning improvements. Tenno will be MUCH more mobile with proper parkour skills. But let's ignore that. I actually need some skill for that. We can't have that.

Edited by S3EK3R
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Actually , if these people quit because of coptering you the slow poke will be the one cry'ng since there will be less people to clean up your mission ;)

Or us the "slowpokes" will be capable of enjoying the game without someone here and there coptering and spamming 4 to clear the mission.
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Agreed. But my precious coptering! Now I actually have to play the game! OMG! I need to use my feet and everything! How am I supposed to walk or even run around? The only form of movement I know is coptering! #cutforcoptering


Don't even look at the wallrunning improvements. Tenno will be MUCH more mobile with proper parkour skills. But let's ignore that. I actually need some skill for that. We can't have that.

Skill in warframe? HERESY!

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Well, coptering is out, so, bye.


But seriously, they're being mighty gutsy with parkour 2.0, if they take out coptering and the new parkour systems aren't good enough it'll be that much worst. But I'm hoping that's a good sign.

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Barely use it myself so I won't really feel it's loss but I do feel sorry for the people who will lose an important part of their game.

Not undestanding the attitude of some players here who seem to take delight in other players losing aspects of the game they enjoy though? It's 99% PvE for heks sake, let other people play how they want to play. This sort of attitude nearly always comes back to bite you eventually because sooner or later something you hold special will be replaced with 2 or 3.0.

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Barely use it myself so I won't really feel it's loss but I do feel sorry for the people who will lose an important part of their game.

Not undestanding the attitude of some players here who seem to take delight in other players losing aspects of the game they enjoy though? It's 99% PvE for heks sake, let other people play how they want to play. This sort of attitude nearly always comes back to bite you eventually because sooner or later something you hold special will be replaced with 2 or 3.0.

Right sure. And I want weapons that 1 hit kill level 200 corrupted bombards. Same thing. It's pvp, why not let us do it?


Coptering a bug exploited by players. It's a simple bugfix.

Edited by S3EK3R
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Well, coptering is out, so, bye.


But seriously, they're being mighty gutsy with parkour 2.0, if they take out coptering and the new parkour systems aren't good enough it'll be that much worst. But I'm hoping that's a good sign.


The current parkour isn't that good at all, that is the main purpose of it getting a 2.0. Coptering momentum is a bug and later became a crutch for speed running since parkour wasn't providing that. You got more distance for less stamina with the bug. I think the new changes are going to be very good for the game.

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First of all, if player havent unlocked node/planet its only said players fault/misfortune, second of all judging by recruit chat nobody and i mean nobody even tries to unlock nodes, they just want leech off others. Everytime, everytime there is alert wich gives something else than just plain creds there is ppl asking taxi to there. Regardless where said alert takes place, ive seen ppl asking taxis for mercury for god's sake. So copter removal would have ZERO impact on this.


As for invasions... The real issue on invasions is their do 5 missions for reward system. You argue "with coptering you could still catch up even when there is little left" is nothing but hollow claim, as most likely everyone else also run it as fast they can I.E copter to victory. If anything copter removal would give better changes to catch up, as then everyone goes at mostly equal phase. Need speed? someone can be volt, might as well be as only goal what you have there is get it over as quickly as you can.


So its their one fault for being new players...game shouldnt punish for being new player it should attract new players, I as new players taken some time to unlock all the planets/node why ? not because I didnt want to put effort in game but I felt very bad everytime I dragged down my team with my badly modded frame, yes doing alert at high level would also lead to me dragging down team but draggin down team in ONE mission is much better then dragging down teams through multiple missions, also many mission nodes were without anyone playing them so frequently it was hard to unlock some nodes.


you are forgeting that amount of people playing invasions wouldnt change so speed at which % would be going down wouldnt really change, it would start slower but once large amount of people join in speed at which % goes down would be similar, also teams with speed boosting frames would have big advantage once coptering is removed since so right now chances are pretty equal between people with speed boosting frame and people who just copter but after removal teams with speed boosting frame will have clear advantage that will make a difference if there is only few % left(it can make a difference between getting reward and not getting it) and no not having speed boosting frame(or in the team isnt their fault)

Another big reason why people copter in invasion is because doing SAME  missions five time in a ROW can be painfuly boring.

I said few messages before that there are few issues that DE must take care of before removal of coptering will be good idea, like uselessness of exterminate type missions since they have completly uselee rewards(resources, mods and exp) and only thing good about them is how FAST you can do them(not anymore) and exterminate isnt only type of mission with this type of problem.

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Right sure. And I want weapons that 1 hit kill level 200 corrupted bombards. Same thing. It's pvp, why not let us do it?


Coptering a bug exploited by players. It's a simple bugfix.

Lol that "comparison" is so bad I dont think it even qualifies as a straw man?

Bug or not, coptering was embraced by the community and the devs for around 2 years, I can see how it's a big part of the game for some. It seems poor form to gloat at its demise imo.

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Lol that "comparison" is so bad I dont think it even qualifies as a straw man?

Bug or not, coptering was embraced by the community and the devs for around 2 years, I can see how it's a big part of the game for some. It seems poor form to gloat at its demise imo.

I don't goat about it's demise. I'm just happy that something game-breaking like that got removed.

With coptering in the game DE designed tilesets for nothing. Copter rushers just finished every mission in 1 minute. Complete waste of time designing a tileset. Now it actually matters. But hey, guess what. YOU CAN STILL RUSH. There's a new wallrunning system, a completely new parkour system which is way more fluent and dynamic than the previous one. But these copter-cryers do not want to give it a try because their precious coptering is gone.

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The new wallrun looks more like the hands and feet are super grippy, and Tenno now, "walk," along the wall by spinning themselves.  Which is a good idea, really.  It's a lot faster than if we just walked normally along the walls.


After all, the fastest foot locomotion looks like skipping more than walking.


However, I think a rocket boost* solves most problems.  People can latch onto walls and use them to guarantee a predictable trajectory as they boost.


This also provides a "double jump," to get rid of the reliance on directional melee, so it can be dedicated to actually killing stuff.


Honestly, I don't know how much different what I've stated will be from what the devs have stated, because even if I did boost, I'd probably have the first second so flinging along like they've shown in their build.  It just looks vastly more natural than feet moving super fast.


*By rocket boost, I mean something more like a small ion drive, essentially moving along through a process similar to lightning.  Could be simulated in-game by simply flashing the channeling lights.  Stamina bar would be replaced with a set of bars to represent capacitors, and each boost would take a bar.  Parrying would also take a bar, but it would last a certain amount of time before moving into another bar, like Reflex Guard's period of parrying.

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I don't goat about it's demise. I'm just happy that something game-breaking like that got removed.

With coptering in the game DE designed tilesets for nothing. Copter rushers just finished every mission in 1 minute. Complete waste of time designing a tileset. Now it actually matters. But hey, guess what. YOU CAN STILL RUSH. There's a new wallrunning system, a completely new parkour system which is way more fluent and dynamic than the previous one. But these copter-cryers do not want to give it a try because their precious coptering is gone.


Its interesting that only people who are fine with removal of coptering are people who played warframe for very long time and probably already have everything that there is in game.

coptering is NEEDED for new players if they want to keep up with experianced players, especially with diluted drop table and vaulting of some of prime stuff(frost, latron, reaper).


The thing about wallrunning is that currently no titleset  offers way to use wallrunning for distances similar to copter. So they have to change every titleset drastically, where it would be all about empty spaces since in tight corridors you wouldnt be able to use wallrunning.


I from personal experiance I really like coptering, some time ago after I played warframe for some time I started getting bored with all the grinding and repetitiveness of warframe I actually left game for few days but after I decided to try game again I accidentally found out about coptering and it revitalized by enjoyment from game, I actually enjoy game more then when I first found the game, since that time I play warframe everyday, removal of coptering could end up killing my enjoyment from game if there is no alternative that would let me move as fast.

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The use of a galatine to demonstrate coptering was a poor choice. Everyone knows heavy melee is a poor choice for coptering.


That was on purpose, to show how versatile can be Front Flip + Air attack while coptering is not usable on a lot of weapon.

Switching from coptering to air attacks expanded tremendously the number of melee weapons I was able to use.

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