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Gonna Assume That Most People Don't Know What 'coptering' Is?


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The only issue with it is that it prevents exploration and viewing of the beautiful environments for any substantial amount of time. In time the tilesets all blend together and people eventually fail to notice the beauty in them or even the differences


They can always force players to explore by putting the tilesets in syndicate and players to look for the medallions ;)

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So, what you're saying is you have no proof, you just want to make stuff up then. Last I heard, it was being removed.


And YOU have no proof except what is posted in threads like this. Feel free to quote incorrect and illogical angsty crap with no actual fact or documentation. It would be great experience to become a scientist for some government agencies. No joke, unfortunately.


It is YOUR opinion based on threads like this pitted against MY recollection of what was said by the devs in the devstream. Now I am not perfect, I admit that. But I DID watch the devstream and I DID listen. I heard nothing about REMOVING coptering. I DID hear Steve and Scott joke about 'DOOM' threads like this. Glad they can joke about it. It IS hilarious. That may change. Things DO change. But they didn't say anything about it in THIS devstream.


Every factual (ie not stupidly opinionated) overview of that devstream that has been done -by DE or otherwise- , has had the same basic information. NONE of them say coptering will be REMOVED. Every actual person who bothered to find facts can find corroboration of that on Twitter and elsewhere, but who CARES about that? Facts are stupid! Facts don't get the blood pressure up!


Whatever. Keep raging about this. I don't care.


Like I say, I find this hilarious and want it to continue.



Edited by Kalenath
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Every factual (ie not stupidly opinionated) overview of that devstream that has been done -by DE or otherwise- , has had the same basic information. NONE of them say coptering will be REMOVED.

...except that a tweet by Scott (iirc), who said it's gonna be removed. Probably more, but that's what I remember. So please, educate yourself on sources OUTSIDE the stream. So no, it's not "[my] opinion based on threads like this pitted against [YOUR] recollection of what was said by the devs in the devstream." as you say, it's what I know vs what you DON'T know. So, again, read/watch more than just the devstreams. Devstreams almost never have anything more than soundbites, art/animation reveals, and massive dodging of actual questions/problems.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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And YOU have no proof except what is posted in threads like this. Feel free to quote incorrect and illogical angsty crap with no actual fact or documentation. It would be great experience to become a scientist for some government agencies. No joke, unfortunately.


It is YOUR opinion based on threads like this pitted against MY recollection of what was said by the devs in the devstream. Now I am not perfect, I admit that. But I DID watch the devstream and I DID listen. I heard nothing about REMOVING coptering. I DID hear Steve and Scott joke about 'DOOM' threads like this. Glad they can joke about it. It IS hilarious. That may change. Things DO change. But they didn't say anything about it in THIS devstream.


Every factual (ie not stupidly opinionated) overview of that devstream that has been done -by DE or otherwise- , has had the same basic information. NONE of them say coptering will be REMOVED. Every actual person who bothered to find facts can find corroboration of that on Twitter and elsewhere, but who CARES about that? Facts are stupid! Facts don't get the blood pressure up!


Whatever. Keep raging about this. I don't care.


Like I say, I find this hilarious and want it to continue.




You know that Scott himself said that coptering isn't really a thing anymore in the new stuff? It's on twitter, there is your proof right there. I posted about this earlier in the thread, but I guess you didn't read it. He also said, and this is documented, on twittter, that coptering is not for super man flying. 


It sounds like you are the one raging. Getting angry at people for posting proof of the doom of coptering, writing emotionally and then telling everyone else to "Rage on"? huh? 


You'd know if you checked twitter that Steve has been very clear about the removal of coptering, way more than anyone has been on devstream. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I rest my case. Thank you for proving my point.


By all means, continue.




Wow epic missing the point. 


Because 1) I am for the coptering changes, so I am the opposite of raging. 


2) You just completely ignored the fact that you posted a long rant about their being no evidence of removal, when I pointed out you were wrong, and that there is evidence in this very thread that you ignored, you said I "proved your point". 


I am for the coptering changes, you are missing the point that you ranted without even getting your facts straight first, and then told other people to rage. LOL. 

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Wow epic missing the point. 


Because 1) I am for the coptering changes, so I am the opposite of raging. 


2) You just completely ignored the fact that you posted a long rant about their being no evidence of removal, when I pointed out you were wrong, and that there is evidence in this very thread that you ignored, you said I "proved your point". 


I am for the coptering changes, you are missing the point that you ranted without even getting your facts straight first, and then told other people to rage. LOL. 


But I am having so much fun reading this.


Frankly? Couldn't care less about coptering. Looks silly and makes a person a WONDERFUL target when they screw up but hey, whatever floats their boat. I don't demand they play my way. I couldn't care less if they demand I play their way. I won't.


Fact of the matter is, I read the Twitter again a few minutes ago.


Where did it SAY flat out that coptering was being REMOVED? Hmm? Show me an actual POST by a DE staff member and I  might change my mind. I can do that. I am not a bunch of posters here in General Discussion. (Basically, I know I am not perfect.)  What 'I' read was that it was being CHANGED, not removed. Steve said it was going to be for melee only, not that it was being removed. Scott said the same. So, if I read that right, you target an enemy across the map, copter and hit him.


Um... difference? You still move LONG distances via sliding in the air and slashing with a melee weapon. Oh, wait... you MIGHT have to target an enemy. That might slow you down. My bad. Such a monumental change WOULD qualify as a removal.


Wouldn't it?

Edited by Kalenath
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He also said that it wasn't for super man flying -- which is a pretty strong indicator, about as strong as you can get without him flat out saying it, that you aren't going to be able to use it for super man flying anymore, even if you do target an enemy. 


But hey, maybe I'm wrong. I find it funny too, don't get me wrong. All the people super angry that their exploit based movement system may not longer be viable cracks me up too. But it looks like it really is going to go, that's what I'm saying. I don't think Steve would say that it "isn't really a thing anymore with the new stuff" and that "it isn't for super man flying" if people are still going to be able to use it to fly across a map (again, regardless of whether they target someone).


But we will see. I'm prepared to get out the popcorn when the update finally comes. = D 

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Um... difference? You still move LONG distances via sliding in the air and slashing with a melee weapon. Oh, wait... you MIGHT have to target an enemy. That might slow you down. My bad. Such a monumental change WOULD qualify as a removal.


Wouldn't it?

I think that'd be fine, throw in a skill component (although, not a huge one) in actually targeting an enemy. Not sure how they'd work it in honestly, as it'd be even better for movement, depending on how it works (i.e. long range, near auto targeting would be "broken", but if it was something you had to charge up, it might work).



and best info we have is that coptering is either being removed, or massively toned down (According to scott's twitter, which I'll link): https://twitter.com/sj_sinclair/status/610946501703905280


While reading the conversation further down, the attack itself isn't being removed, the momentum however is being removed/changed so that it won't be the primary mode of travel. WF forum post? No. Next best thing? Yes, seeing as it's incredibly rare to actually get anything from them in a post about upcoming features.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Using coptering for melee isn't a Parkour issue it's a melee and combat system issue

I've never met anyone who feels they absolutely have to rush skip all the things because they can and thus must copter

Many ways to rush without copter

It's not going to remove rushers

I use it creatively in my exploration

All in all its a pace nerf

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  • 5 weeks later...

The front flip will most likely become the new copter. It's just a hair slower, but it will get the job done.


Coptering has saved me many times in battle, I'm sure if I didn't copter I would have died. It's a nice way to get out of firing range. I'm guessing they're trying to separate the need of a weapon for extra mobility from frame mobility. So that mobility is entirely in your control. Basically, a person that doesn't have dakra prime cannot ever move as fast as the other frame. This equalizes the playing field, essentially this will balance the game more.


Also, I want infinite wall climb to come back if stamina is removed. Surely if Megaman can do it, then Tenno can too. There's a real person in real life that can climb farther than Tenno, surely not as fast as they do, but he climbed the tallest building in existence.

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The only issue with it is that it prevents exploration and viewing of the beautiful environments for any substantial amount of time. In time the tilesets all blend together and people eventually fail to notice the beauty in them or even the differences


When you play the same tilesets over and over and over again to try and deal with the RNG to get the nice things you want eventually you don't give a damn about the "beauty" in them.


"Oh look another Grineer engine room"  "Oh look another Corpus locker room, that's the 10'th one I've seen this mission"  or "Oh look the void is still all shiny and blingy"

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