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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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I have completed a few raids just to see what they bring, but I don't like the whole forced co-op idea.

Would be nice to have a solo option.


Another reason is because the rewards aren't worth the effort/time. (effort as in getting a team together that knows how to run it and doesn't disconnect mid game).

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Done the normal Raid.


Need the nightmare emblem HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.


But no-one recruits players who haven't done NM raids before.

How am I going to get experience without experience?!?!?!?!?


tried the NM raid once with a nice bunch of people. Someone stepped off a pad and zapped core.

The end. To my love, my dreams, my brakk barrel.

To everything.

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To further my earlier point, and others here, I don't like it because the actual "difficulty" comes from one-shotting bullet sponges. But then again, how easy is it to avoid or nullify the gunfire with certain meta frames? Loki, Nova, I am looking at you. That's not difficulty. The game is a swarmer game, where the defining trait is to kill as many enemies as possible in the shortest amount of time. Give us bullet sponge that we end up unable to kill and we are not happy, because that is not the game we were playing ten minutes ago.


People will ask for more intellectual challenges and cunning tactics, but I feel that just won't happen either. Why? Same reason as above; that is just not the game's identity. It may happen, sure, but that challenge would probably be completed through exploits and meta builds, rather than the cunning of the actual player.


In the end, we may never get what we want deep down, because I don't think we really know and come down to a consensus if we did know. I'd say making the next raid have solo potential is a small step in the right direction, because, let me tell you, you really have to be on your toes in solo matches.

Edited by R34LM
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I always try to invite a couple of new players every normal raid I do, given that they're interested in learning. Oddly enough, I actually get a decent amount of new players that are MR 14+.

Is there any reason why people don't do raids :o? They're really quite fun, at least the first couple times. Do they just seem complicated or intimidating?


yeah i can related to this cause i just done my first raid yesterday...


granted i did it before but i only got to the second stage! and then people kept failing so people left!


was fun and with double affinity and credit booster it was great :P

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I havent done any yet. Cant really find enough people interested in gathering up and doing one. Its not a matter of difficulty either. So far people, friends, clan mates and allies dont find the rewards all that interesting. At least thats the answer ive gotten a ton of times... I wanna try one just for the experience though, i hear the raid is fun

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I just haven't had time to look at a guide, and don't want to drag the team down without one.

I'm sort of like this. I know the general idea but I don't exactly know everything. I also just don't have the time or interest to do a raid. I've done it once but it was bugged and we ultimately failed it.

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Wow. There are alot of people experiencing bugs .-. 


I think I've bugged out twice in over 20 raids, and both of those times were from someone DC'ing on Stage 2 and the pad counter not resetting. Other than that, it's been all fun and games. 


And I literally play on a potato. 

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MR12 going on 13 closed beta player, my inexperience with raids along with fairly high latency could make me a liability. Plus I don't feel the credit sink reward is really worth it.

Edited by Aoden
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I am a noob at the game (only MR9), although having been at it over a year. I have not felt compelled to try raids. never enough people, i feel as if I will be a liability, and I hate being yelled at because i dont want to use, or do not have, a particular frame.

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I always try to invite a couple of new players every normal raid I do, given that they're interested in learning. Oddly enough, I actually get a decent amount of new players that are MR 14+.

Is there any reason why people don't do raids :o? They're really quite fun, at least the first couple times. Do they just seem complicated or intimidating?


Raid is a package of many boring game modes, then you have to a kill a boss we all already know perfectly, that is still like a mecachicken of KFC.


And all of that in the sole purpose to gain "eventually" a 1/10th of an item you have to craft for a gigantic price while the bonus is nearly NO EXISTING.



So nope, i never have done it. And there is like 0.5% that i will do it once.


Haha, and about the Nightmare Raid lmao... It is only for furious masochists.



I have a word for the whole raid concept on this game: disappointment (DE could have created a real maze with new ennemies and a real new Boss with real drops... But nope, they just have recycled old things. LAME.)



Sad story

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MR18 and climbing. Tried raid once with clan mates, got to hijack part where we failed, called it off for evening and I haven't toched raids since. It just felt so dull: I was our hard cc guy with Mag. Didn't knew back then augment of Crush sucks poopy, and, after realizing it, had to spam 4 every five (max) seconds. I'm not a big fan of Warframe's meta game.

Edited by Prany
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