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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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What is a Guide to do if they are to be away for a long period of time? such as travelling etc.

Are they to inform someone perhaps?

All guides have to have their own free time - it isn't like they are being paid as it is all voluntary

to quote the OP Q and A:

Q: Where are all the Guides at? I can’t seem to find them in the Relays.

A: We realize Guides, like all our players, have lives outside of Warframe, so they do not have fixed schedules. They are encouraged to act as Guides whenever they are free to do so.

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Well that's no fair! I didn't know when I applied! Though Valkyr is my favourite frame~ Ever since I got her; such a beautiful frame, both aesthetically and in terms of abilities and damage.

Ill take that into consideration good sir/ma'am

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What is a Guide to do if they are to be away for a long period of time? such as travelling etc.

Are they to inform someone perhaps?

We actually did have someone have to step away for a little bit, because they're going to be on a boat in the middle of nowhere for several weeks/months.


It never hurts to inform Danielle (who leads the program) if you're going to be away for an extended period.

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We actually did have someone have to step away for a little bit, because they're going to be on a boat in the middle of nowhere for several weeks/months.


Hey, that was me! ^-^


but to get back to your question Ultro-Warrior:

When your private life/job/business somehow doesn't allow you to do the things you normally would do (in Warframe) the best thing to do is to inform [DE]Danielle and other Guides.

That way everyone can understand the current situation and the Guide can be marked as 'away' in the Guide-List in the first post of this thread.

(People see a Guide is marked as 'away' --> only a few amount.. welll.. not a huge amount of people will try to contact the person)



Private life > Warframe is okay. Nobody in the Guide-program will get mad or will be surprised if a Guide can't be online because of private matters. However, The Guide should make sure to inform other people in the game and in the Gotl-program.


I think that's it^^ (oh: the boat was pretty cool, but now its gone.... the 'in the middle of nowhere'-part is still...weird from time to time oh well, I digress..it's still nice)


about the open recruitment:

Sorry, but I won't say "good luck" to the people who sent an application. :s

(I think -and hope- that 'luck' won't have a huge impact if it comes to the "who will become a guide"-decision. We won't use a rng or start the platinum-twitch-name-search-thingy or roll a dice...mhhh...maybe we will roll our D20 around...but that's just for fun :3)


Okay okay, I am just kidding, totally need to get a little bit more serious.


What I will say is:

I know there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of people out there that are able to help other people.

I just hope that some of those people might see the same thing in this program that I saw - and still see- when this program started...and that they will apply for this program.

I am sure those people will always try their best to aid not only new players, but the whole Community. Even if they are not a Gotl.


mhh...did I had a point? .. I think I wanted to say something...mhh..oh well.


Soooo to all people who aren't sure wether they should apply for this program or not:

Go try and apply! But don't be sad if you won't make it. Never stop helping other players, always try to make this Community even better!


Now that's all I have to say for now. All the nice people here already said most of the other important things (like always^^), so I don't have to do that again^^

Edited by Fabpsi
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We actually did have someone have to step away for a little bit, because they're going to be on a boat in the middle of nowhere for several weeks/months.


It never hurts to inform Danielle (who leads the program) if you're going to be away for an extended period.


Hey, that was me! ^-^


but to get back to your question Ultro-Warrior:

When your private life/job/business somehow doesn't allow you to do the things you normally would do (in Warframe) the best thing to do is to inform [DE]Danielle and other Guides.

That way everyone can understand the current situation and the Guide can be marked as 'away' in the Guide-List in the first post of this thread.

(People see a Guide is marked as 'away' --> only a few amount.. welll.. not a huge amount of people will try to contact the person)



Private life > Warframe is okay. Nobody in the Guide-program will get mad or will be surprised if a Guide can't be online because of private matters. However, The Guide should make sure to inform other people in the game and in the Gotl-program.


I think that's it^^ (oh: the boat was pretty cool, but now its gone.... the 'in the middle of nowhere'-part is still...weird from time to time oh well, I digress..it's still nice)

I see! that makes sense... must have been quite the journey. thank you again.

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Hey, that was me! ^-^

but to get back to your question Ultro-Warrior:

When your private life/job/business somehow doesn't allow you to do the things you normally would do (in Warframe) the best thing to do is to inform [DE]Danielle and other Guides.

That way everyone can understand the current situation and the Guide can be marked as 'away' in the Guide-List in the first post of this thread.

(People see a Guide is marked as 'away' --> only a few amount.. welll.. not a huge amount of people will try to contact the person)


Private life > Warframe is okay. Nobody in the Guide-program will get mad or will be surprised if a Guide can't be online because of private matters. However, The Guide should make sure to inform other people in the game and in the Gotl-program.

I think that's it^^ (oh: the boat was pretty cool, but now its gone.... the 'in the middle of nowhere'-part is still...weird from time to time oh well, I digress..it's still nice)

about the open recruitment:

Sorry, but I won't say "good luck" to the people who sent an application. :s

(I think -and hope- that 'luck' won't have a huge impact if it comes to the "who will become a guide"-decision. We won't use a rng or start the platinum-twitch-name-search-thingy or roll a dice...mhhh...maybe we will roll our D20 around...but that's just for fun :3)

Okay okay, I am just kidding, totally need to get a little bit more serious.

What I will say is:

I know there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of people out there that are able to help other people.

I just hope that some of those people might see the same thing in this program that I saw - and still see- when this program started...and that they will apply for this program.

I am sure those people will always try their best to aid not only new players, but the whole Community. Even if they are not a Gotl.

mhh...did I had a point? .. I think I wanted to say something...mhh..oh well.

Soooo to all people who aren't sure wether they should apply for this program or not:

Go try and apply! But don't be sad if you won't make it. Never stop helping other players, always try to make this Community even better!

Now that's all I have to say for now. All the nice people here already said most of the other important things (like always^^), so I don't have to do that again^^

Words of encouragement <3
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“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” ― Isaac Asimov


I hope the new guides know how to scrub windows......Looking forward to meeting all of you.

*Hydroid armed with a Serro walks up to a relay window and tempest barrages it, then uses the Serro as a windscreen wiper*

All done

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Ill take that into consideration good sir/ma'am

Valkyr is my most played so there's that

Do you prefer gersemi valkyr over her regular skin? (With bastet of course)

I prefer gersemi but that might be because it's still rather new.

On topic, how do guides communicate with eachother? More importantly, communication between juniors and seniors to report trouble in certain chat channels (if that's a job juniors hold).

Do guides just add eachother as friends, or is there a chat channel similar to a clan they are in?

Edited by Zinthir
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Man reading though what people are saying makes me think I was too serious on the application

This so much

I went off on a lengthy apology/explanation for the two warning posts I have (both being over a year old now), one, being particularly offensive. I do feel bad about it but looking now I don't think it would have been a huge deal, and if anything my note will probably just make me look a little too dramatic.

Also, how important are warning posts in the selection process? I know it's labeled there is no required number, less than 2 being preferred, but is it really considered much if they just have a couple, especially if they've been playing for multiple years and haven't received one recently.

Of course they need to be looked at, as somebody who has 5 warnings in the last couple months is probably trouble, just wondering how seriously warning points are considered.

I'm probably just looking into this whole process too deep though.

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This so much

I went off on a lengthy apology/explanation for the two warning posts I have (both being over a year old now), one, being particularly offensive. I do feel bad about it but looking now I don't think it would have been a huge deal, and if anything my note will probably just make me look a little too dramatic.

Also, how important are warning posts in the selection process? I know it's labeled there is no required number, less than 2 being preferred, but is it really considered much if they just have a couple, especially if they've been playing for multiple years and haven't received one recently.

Of course they need to be looked at, as somebody who has 5 warnings in the last couple months is probably trouble, just wondering how seriously warning points are considered.

I'm probably just looking into this whole process too deep though.

I think I sounds to serious but in some ways it is what I am, I'm really big into rules, to break one is basically a taboo for me(I was the kid that turned red in lass and stopped speak for the class for a warning from a teacher), I do think some parts though made up for it though
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Thanks for your answer, but what do you mean by people trying to troll guides? As I'm sure we all are I'm well versed with trolls, but do you mean people trying to waste your time asking intentionally obvious questions, or outright attacking you for helping others or something of the like.

People will abuse certain camera tricks to make guides nauseous or induce headaches (since we end up typing a lot so we need to stand still). There's time wasters as you've said, who aren't a big deal and I know I personally will "shoot the S#&amp;&#036;" with them when nothing else is going on, but there are also those who like to attack us. Their reasons could be various: don't like the program, didn't get selected initially, don't like you personally, are just really angry at everything, see guides as "representatives of the dogmatic dev worshipping white knights who must be cut down at every opportunity lest this cancerous boot licking spread". that last one was an actual quote. Some one said it to me for realsies.


Honestly as the program has grown it's become less of an issue. There's more awareness in the community as to what we actually do and there is decent internal support for such issues when they come up. There will always be trolls though, and they will test your patience and temperament. 


:) I'm still glad I'm a guide of the lotus though.

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Valkyr is my most played so there's that

Do you prefer gersemi valkyr over her regular skin? (With bastet of course)

I prefer gersemi but that might be because it's still rather new.

On topic, how do guides communicate with eachother? More importantly, communication between juniors and seniors to report trouble in certain chat channels (if that's a job juniors hold).

Do guides just add eachother as friends, or is there a chat channel similar to a clan they are in?


We use super secret l337 speak. One of us will pass down this ancient and hidden knowledge to you if your selected.


Also unrelated to you


Protip #1

Posting a bunch of times in this thread does nothing to help your chances of getting picked.



I wouldnt recommend applying more than once

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We use super secret l337 speak. One of us will pass down this ancient and hidden knowledge to you if your selected.


Also unrelated to you


Protip #1

Posting a bunch of times in this thread does nothing to help your chances of getting picked.



I wouldnt recommend only applying once

But.  Sending in multiple applications is the best way to get myself seen and show the DE's how devoted I am to this game?  


takes deep breath 


How else will they know?!

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But.  Sending in multiple applications is the best way to get myself seen and show the DE's how devoted I am to this game?  


takes deep breath 


How else will they know?!

whoops i meant wouldnt lol thanks Noamuth






1 ninja edit later


Actually i have no idea what your talking about i totally said wouldnt!

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