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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Anyone able to say if invitations for selected players are sent while the application is open or only after the deadline? I'm excited! It's been something I've wanted to join since the program was created, but I much prefer to do things in-game and my lacking forum participation made me feel like I'd be unsuited for it. Got 1500+ hours in WF & rated my game knowledge at a 4; I wouldn't be able to name conclave mods off the top of my head since I don't really play it :x

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Anyone able to say if invitations for selected players are sent while the application is open or only after the deadline? I'm excited! It's been something I've wanted to join since the program was created, but I much prefer to do things in-game and my lacking forum participation made me feel like I'd be unsuited for it. Got 1500+ hours in WF & rated my game knowledge at a 4; I wouldn't be able to name conclave mods off the top of my head since I don't really play it :x

As expressed in my quote:



We can consider the first application timeline to be a test. 

I do not expect to recruit any new Guides before the deadline closes. The program can only handle so many new Guides, we cannot accept them all. Time taken to review all submissions, discuss who we deem to be appropriate recruits, and deciding how much strain we feel can be handled within the current scope of our some 50 Guides is necessary before invitations are sent out.


I'm sure that when all considered applicants receive notice, this thread will be updated to reflect that information.


The actual knowledge is a starting point, but the attitude is always best, as you may notice with questions regarding your thought process, reasoning, and personality.

I don't even know half the Conclave mods, and the half I do know, are probably no longer Conclave mods anyway...

Wikia helps a lot >.>

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As expressed in my quote:




The actual knowledge is a starting point, but the attitude is always best, as you may notice with questions regarding your thought process, reasoning, and personality.

I don't even know half the Conclave mods, and the half I do know, are probably no longer Conclave mods anyway...

Wikia helps a lot >.>

Ah, thank you; I missed that. I feel like I came off as a positive & level headed dude. Gotta curb this anticipation though...

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Welp, I applied, I do not know why.

Do Gotl just stick around the relays or are they also allowed to help players in missions?

from what i have read guides are expected to help new players where able, but by no means does this mean you have to spend all your time in the relays. Hence why it's volunteer work not paid. They can do as they like, there is just more expectations attached than before :)

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Welp, I applied, I do not know why.

Do Gotl just stick around the relays or are they also allowed to help players in missions?

While I believe it is a good experience to see with our own eyes what struggles the players have. How we can help and what can be improved can be a precious information for DE. I think that we should be mainly a bystanders on that missions.

A guide shouldn't do the mission for the player by himself.

Edited by Cracken
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While I believe it is a good experience to see with our own eyes what struggles the players have, wow we can help and what can be improved can be a precious information for DE, i think that we should be mainly a bystanders on that missions. A guide shouldn't do the mission for the player by himself.

So I shouldn't randomly join a mission and click Blessing :c


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My concern is how much GotL is used by players. Just using the chat system or being part of the forums seems enough to either; point the player in the right direction, or tell them directly. Since U16 new players have a starting tutorial which shows them all the basics, and now in U17 they even have a tutorial for parkour. However in both tutorials especially the first one, GotL is not mentioned at all. Instead the player is given a full ship with a news panel pointing to the forums and a chat system. The relays and to a further extent GotL is not shown or talked about. My guess is a new player is probably going to question the sigil or gear more then ask that person for help.

Now yes the relay is a boring place (besides from jumping on people) and GotL has to monitor the relay chat. However it's a public place, when a person stands still it usually means that person doing something else. So again a player would be less likely to ask. Instead they'd go to the chat (or forum) which can either be; region, clan (if they have one), or the relay.

Speaking of relay chat there are all these different instances of the relay and GotL members can only cover so many. Maybe it would be better to send out a message every hour across all instances, or have a panel in the relay saying these GotL members are available (with an explanation of what GotL is). Further more it may be better to change GotL chat text colour or add '(GotL)' to their name in chat.

GotL seems like it needs improvement to be made a viable help system, rather then a recruit drive. GotL uses the relay chat however any new player outside that instance of the relay is left out. Sure increasing the numbers increases the chance to cover more area but people can still be left out especially since they don't need to use the relays that much. So all in all new players; don't know who GotL are, don't know what GotL does, and some may not even see a GotL member. The regular chat system and forum is looking pretty good right now.

We are aware there is currently nothing pointing new players directly to relays or to GOTL,and that many only end up in relays by accident. This is why I and others normally monitor both relay and region chats.

When I'm "on duty" I end up answering tons of new player and often returning player questions. Both inside the relay and in region.

About the only times I've seen full instances in the relay (meaning a second one needs to be created) is on the days baro Ki Teer visits. So multiple relay instances are rarely a problem.

We don't just passively sit and wait for newbies to seek us out all of the time. We also look for them to offer help and let them know about the program. I've met and helped quite a few new players by keeping an eye on trade chat. You can always spot the ones trying to trade for non prime warframes pretty easily.

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Congrats for all new senior guides.

Thank you, and thank you to Strife as well!

This is something official to what I already do everyday. I would enjoy being part of it but, as you can see by my post count I would never be considered for this.

It's very much quality over quantity. I didn't have that many posts (in comparison to many of the others) when I became a Guide, for example.
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About the only times I've seen full instances in the relay (meaning a second one needs to be created) is on the days baro Ki Teer visits. So multiple relay instances are rarely a problem.


I think that depends on the region and Relay you're in, as well as the time of day, because NA-E Larunda is actually quite often full to the point of a second instance, depending on the time. Far, far worse if Baro Ki'Teer is in at the time.

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I know several Guides have said that there's no point in applying if you don't have at least 500 hours clocked in, but is it still worth a shot if I'm a few 10s of hours short from the 500 mark? I didn't realize that it didn't count the time spent in relays or in the orbiter, even though I like to chill in the relay after some intense missions or answer questions in the region chat.


I've been looking forward to becoming a part of this program ever since I learned about it, but I don't want to waste anyone's time if my application is rendered null due to me being a few hours short.


Edit: Never mind, it does count the time in relays. My profile wasn't updating as often as I thought it would. I guess the huge discrepancy between hours logged on Steam and hours logged on the actual game itself came from the time I was sitting in my orbiter chatting with people...

Edited by AmbyDelacroix
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Welp, I applied, I do not know why.

Do Gotl just stick around the relays or are they also allowed to help players in missions?

Once you've become a Guide, your Warframe is installed into the walls of the Relays.  They'll never be able to leave and you'll become Googleframe.

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