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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Man, I really need to pay attention to this thread more.


I hadn't realized they were taking applications (instead of just being outright mysterious in the selection of recruits) until over a week after they were closed.


Sad bubbles is sad. Back to answering questions and writing eulogies for the kicked in NAWEST, I guess.

There will always be another chance.

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Was excited until I saw the 500 hours. I may be a Founder, but I pretty much overplayed this game back then and am just now getting back into it. I've figured most of the new stuff out and love helping people with what I can, but I'm still down at 428 hours, so no official title yet. D:


Bet I can get there prety quick though, I guess. I've already logged 46 hours in the past 2 weeks. Maybe by the time I do there'll be another recruitment wave. :D

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Was excited until I saw the 500 hours. I may be a Founder, but I pretty much overplayed this game back then and am just now getting back into it. I've figured most of the new stuff out and love helping people with what I can, but I'm still down at 428 hours, so no official title yet. D:


Bet I can get there prety quick though, I guess. I've already logged 46 hours in the past 2 weeks. Maybe by the time I do there'll be another recruitment wave. :D


*elitist chuckle* Not enuff!!


Terrible jokes aside, you'll get there, hun, don't worry! I thought for a long time that I would never make the five-hundred hour requirement... I'm currently sitting on a little under 1,800 hours, from looking at my Warframe profile (Steam hours don't count!). Think of it this way; I hadn't yet reached three-hundred hours not six months ago. You'll make it, bud! And good luck to you when the applications open again!

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Sometimes I wonder what the underlying requirements are too... For example, if I compare myself just to people that I know, even my depth of knowledge doesn't feel good enough. Then, when THEY put in an application and get turned down it just makes me feel even less like I'd stand a chance, even though I'd love to help. I also feel like I log too few hours anyway, despite what my total play hours say...


I dunno, perhaps it's just me being pessimistic, but I still feel inadequate xD


Congrats to all who have made it, though, and best of luck! I know it can't be an easy job.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Reapers Of Warframe PS4 clan supports this initiative and i personally help everyone i can. i will continue to follow these guideline andgive back the community that has given me so much joy over the past 14 months. Thank you DE for developing and keep this game so fresh and fun. :-)

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I will help any one whom ask something of me and I have the correct answer for them and If I do not then I will try to point them to some one that can be of help to them. I do not seek any praise nor a sigil  for this it is just a part a of my nature to do so. 

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I have read most of the posts here and have come up with an idea that may be quite useful, Senior Guides have a purple text so why not have Junior Guides have blue text, that way, not only are they marked by a Sigil that can be hard to see, they can be marked in the chat so new players know to look for purple or blue text if they need help. Just a though to throw out there.

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I have read most of the posts here and have come up with an idea that may be quite useful, Senior Guides have a purple text so why not have Junior Guides have blue text, that way, not only are they marked by a Sigil that can be hard to see, they can be marked in the chat so new players know to look for purple or blue text if they need help. Just a though to throw out there.


Blue chat behind or below your Blue name? Dunno. The way the chat color is atm is not worth changing imo.


Please use this thread as it was and still is intended as --MZez-- already said. 

There's a Sub-forum fo everything!

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Also, as a reminder, impersonating DE staff, moderators or guides of the lotus is not an okay thing to do. So doing something like changing your in-game name to "GUIDEOFTHELOTUS" is not a very good idea.


Guides of the lotus are there to help enforce the rules in the chat and provide information to players who have questions. Impersonating them or pretending to be one may confuse players and can result in misinformation being spread.


Impersonation and spreading misinformation in general is not an okay thing to do in this community; it's a dishonest, disrespectful and can damage users' reputations.

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