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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Also, as a reminder, impersonating DE staff, moderators or guides of the lotus is not an okay thing to do. So doing something like changing your in-game name to "GUIDEOFTHELOTUS" is not a very good idea.


Guides of the lotus are there to help enforce the rules in the chat and provide information to players who have questions. Impersonating them or pretending to be one may confuse players and can result in misinformation being spread.


Impersonation and spreading misinformation in general is not an okay thing to do in this community; it's a dishonest, disrespectful and can damage users' reputations.

Yeah but if you don't want people to have this name the trademark it but util then you can't make anyone change there gamertag its what they pay ten dollars for if you wish to trademark that then contact microsoft directly.

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Yeah but if you don't want people to have this name the trademark it but util then you can't make anyone change there gamertag its what they pay ten dollars for if you wish to trademark that then contact microsoft directly.

No, I don't believe DE has the pull to influence that sort of thing directly, but DE does have the ability and liberty to suspend the account in question, or, should the platform allow it, to change the username while it is in-game (ie playing Warframe).


I highly encourage -against- making the decision of using names such as those.

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Yeah but if you don't want people to have this name the trademark it but util then you can't make anyone change there gamertag its what they pay ten dollars for if you wish to trademark that then contact microsoft directly.

"You agree not to post, upload to, transmit, distribute, store, create or otherwise publish through the Website any of the following:  

d.     User Content that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity;" straight from the Terms of Use Agreement

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Ive seen numerous people pretend to be guides of the lotus. A simple support ticket fixes that. Guides are there to help new players, and aren't payed by DE. They're simply people who share their knowledge of Warframe to help guide the new players through the game.

Edited by (PS4)AirJordan73
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That's really unfortunate. Correct , if someone is pretending to be a moderator or GotL the best thing to do would be to create a ticket. Make sure to take a screenshot (F6 in-game) and send it in along with the ticket. 

None of the GoTL will ever ask for any kind of payment or fee to help.


Exactly. Keep in mind that you don't need to be a Guide of the Lotus to lend a hand to Tenno in need. We never at any point want to discourage you from sharing your knowledge and/or assisting in missions. However, impersonating a Guide/Moderator for personal gain is not tolerated. So please refrain from doing so and report all instances in which the community is being harmed. 


Thanks guys! 

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Exactly. Keep in mind that you don't need to be a Guide of the Lotus to lend a hand to Tenno in need. We never at any point want to discourage you from sharing your knowledge and/or assisting in missions. However, impersonating a Guide/Moderator for personal gain is not tolerated. So please refrain from doing so and report all instances in which the community is being harmed. 


Thanks guys! 

No problem if i self-proclaimed myself as an NH ? I mean Newbie Helper.

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No problem if i self-proclaimed myself as an NH ? I mean Newbie Helper.

the title has no connection to DE, so no, it's fine... 

though I don't know about the title "Mentor" from the mentoring program... 


I guess if you don't pretend to have any connection to DE it's fine...

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I would like to be referred to as a GGOTL....and no GG does not stand for good game although warframe most certainly is.

Somehow however,  Goat Guide of the Lotus just has not caught on and I have been saddled with the portion of my gamertag that my son bestowed upon me.....SWAAAAAAAAAAG. 


Most people think I am a "kid" guide due to this fact.  At first I liked going through this second childhood but sadly it has gotten old....just like the scapegoat.

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I would like to be referred to as a GGOTL....and no GG does not stand for good game although warframe most certainly is.
Somehow however,  Goat Guide of the Lotus just has not caught on and I have been saddled with the portion of my gamertag that my son bestowed upon me.....SWAAAAAAAAAAG. 
Most people think I am a "kid" guide due to this fact.  At first I liked going through this second childhood but sadly it has gotten old....just like the scapegoat.



Why not spend a few plat for a name change? It might make things a little easier.

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Exactly. Keep in mind that you don't need to be a Guide of the Lotus to lend a hand to Tenno in need. We never at any point want to discourage you from sharing your knowledge and/or assisting in missions. However, impersonating a Guide/Moderator for personal gain is not tolerated. So please refrain from doing so and report all instances in which the community is being harmed. 


Thanks guys!

Wait so does that mean I'm a criminal since so many players think I'm a GOTL even though I never said I was :P
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I really love when other Warframe players help out; it makes our jobs as Guides so much easier. But it only makes them harder when players try to impersonate us. If you really want to be a Guide, lying about it won't help your case. It's better for you to offer and provide help, and then wait for the GotL recruitment to open again.




If you're that serious about wanting to be a part of us, just do all you can. Except the whole impersonation thing. Don't do that. That'll just get you in trouble.



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I really love when other Warframe players help out; it makes our jobs as Guides so much easier. But it only makes them harder when players try to impersonate us. If you really want to be a Guide, lying about it won't help your case. It's better for you to offer and provide help, and then wait for the GotL recruitment to open again.




If you're that serious about wanting to be a part of us, just do all you can. Except the whole impersonation thing. Don't do that. That'll just get you in trouble.



I enjoy helping out, spend my free time around region to answer questions, offer my help as much as possible while not ignoring my daily quests and tasks. Generally it's easy, but occasionally I do end up sending screenshots to either senior guides or Warframe support for the more severe incidents (PS4 NAE region gets...interesting)

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I enjoy helping out, spend my free time around region to answer questions, offer my help as much as possible while not ignoring my daily quests and tasks. Generally it's easy, but occasionally I do end up sending screenshots to either senior guides or Warframe support for the more severe incidents (PS4 NAE region gets...interesting)

That is a dark, twisted place.  I commend your intestinal fortitude.

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I know a few senior guides and they all ask me how I can actually hang around that chat. I used to be a pro gamer it's nothing I haven't seen, and half the people aren't near as toxic. Granted the XXX Warframe topics do make me sick. Most,y I endure to help others. A Tenno is one who endures after all

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I hope not, then goat must ban me(even though I don't play as much)

Me too! I've had people ask if I was a Guide and others answer that I am before I can say I'm not because they thought I was (I immediately cleared that up though). Funny thing is though...they thought I was because of where I stand, in combination with my answer to "what is this place?" lol


Can't wait for recruitment to open up again—maybe after this next time 'round, I might actually be able to answer yes to that! I doubt it, but maybe!

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