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Speed In Parkour 2.0


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So, from what DE showed in today's devstream, am I the only one feeling that everything looks really too much slow? How is that supposed to replace coptering and directional melee? I understand that stamina is gone, but there's no point in being able to run endlessly if it takes double the time.


I was also pretty disappointed in seeing that the new wall jumps had such short distances, not being able to jump from one side of a not so large hallway to another didn't really looked either fluid or ninja-ish.

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While speed may have been 'nerfed', so to say, I applaud the increase in mobility and precision we are now looking at. Not to mention just how much nicer it all looks already. It's going to be good, guys, don't worry about it.

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What I saw on devstream reminds me of this video:



You're too young to remember when we actually were space ninjas, wallrunning all around and climbing everywhere, but I do. I do and I miss those days. 

Nowadays the only thing new players can do is rush pressing E and Ctrl. It's lame. 


Will parkour 2.0 be more slow? Maybe. But certainly it will be way cooler than it is now. This is a game, not a race and not a job, so enjoy it, learn to do cool things even if it takes time, even if it's not 'efficient' (I hate when people speak about how 'efficient' a way is to run a mission; that's ridiculous). 

Learn to be a space ninja. That's what you are, if you're a real Tenno.

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Yeah, it looked terribly slow.  If they're taking away coptering I really hope they increase sprint speed across the board for all Warframes.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if every frame had +.2 added flat, maybe even more. Rush as a mod just annoys me.

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Too slow. Parkour 2.0 is an alternative to wall runs. It is not an alternative to copter/directional.

Speaking of wall runs, why remove the latched wall run? You can latch into a wall and stay there forever, but you can't run along it?

Edited by RexSol
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You're too young to remember when we actually were space ninjas, wallrunning all around and climbing everywhere, but I do. I do and I miss those days. 

Nowadays the only thing new players can do is rush pressing E and Ctrl. It's lame. 


Will parkour 2.0 be more slow? Maybe. But certainly it will be way cooler than it is now. This is a game, not a race and not a job, so enjoy it, learn to do cool things even if it takes time, even if it's not 'efficient' (I hate when people speak about how 'efficient' a way is to run a mission; that's ridiculous). 

Learn to be a space ninja. That's what you are, if you're a real Tenno.


Why it can't be both efficient and cool? Look at those gifs I properly stolen from Tyrezus' thread:










When they showed these animations last time I really was excited, it felt fluid and really cool. Now? It looks like a slower Parkour 1.0 but with different animations or, just to exaggerate, some kind of weird Super Mario spin-off.


How well spamming the space bar will fit into the actual gameplay, I wonder.

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